Information Journal Paper
CopyDERAKHSHIDEH, REZVAN, Emamjome, Farhad, Mashhadhi, Zhila, & Yarmohammed Tooski, Maryam. (2023). Explaining the Intergenerational Social Mobility of Women based on the Components of Social Capital (the Level of Access to General skill Resources, the Level of Access to Individual Support Resources, the Level of Access to Entrepreneurship Resources) (Case Study: Women Aged 29 to 49 in Arak City). ISLAMIC LIFE STYLE CENTERED ON HEALTH, 7(supplement ), 63-75. SID.
CopyDERAKHSHIDEH REZVAN, Emamjome Farhad, Mashhadhi Zhila, Yarmohammed Tooski Maryam. Explaining the Intergenerational Social Mobility of Women based on the Components of Social Capital (the Level of Access to General skill Resources, the Level of Access to Individual Support Resources, the Level of Access to Entrepreneurship Resources) (Case Study: Women Aged 29 to 49 in Arak City). ISLAMIC LIFE STYLE CENTERED ON HEALTH[Internet]. 2023;7(supplement ):63-75. Available from:
CopyREZVAN DERAKHSHIDEH, Farhad Emamjome, Zhila Mashhadhi, and Maryam Yarmohammed Tooski, “Explaining the Intergenerational Social Mobility of Women based on the Components of Social Capital (the Level of Access to General skill Resources, the Level of Access to Individual Support Resources, the Level of Access to Entrepreneurship Resources) (Case Study: Women Aged 29 to 49 in Arak City),” ISLAMIC LIFE STYLE CENTERED ON HEALTH, vol. 7, no. supplement , pp. 63–75, 2023, [Online]. Available: