Purpose: In diverse moral systems content is laudable, and each one promotes moral characteristics according to their particular foundations. The growth of power factors, wealth, and consumerism in the modern age has accelerated luxurious life, making it pressing to look at contentment again and depict its major characteristics. This study aimed to propose a theory of contentment based on Nahj al-Balagha and understand the model of contentment Materials and Methods: The study methode is the Grounded. It was endeavored to investigate the concept of contentment from a new angle by looking at the influential causes and factors and relevant strategies Finding: Finding: Components like avoiding sins, modesty toward the creator, sufficiency, eschatology, avoiding carnal desires, and adopting a spirit of contentment were considered the causal factors of contentment in Nahj al-Balagha, while avoiding luxuries, well-being, subsistence, good deeds, taking pious people as role models, piety, abstinence, and assisting others were regarded as facilitating factors. Prudence, generosity, continence, and moderation were seen as contentment strategies, dissatisfaction with life, meanness, extravagance, going to extremes, greed, and misery were called intervening factors, and protecting religion, selfsufficiency, calmness, prosperity, and fighting poverty were the outcomes of acting according to contentment in Nahj al-Balagh. The pivotal component of the present investigation was “, being content”, , which included the above items. Conclusion: According to Imam Ali (PBUH), contentment is the representation of the “, Good Life”,described in the Holy Qur’, an for its transcendental effects. that includes all the good human qualities, including contentment, honor, dignity, and patience, and it is mentioned in the Quran.