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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Presenting the Organizational Performance Analysis Model in Multi-Wave Conditions of Corona




 Background & Aims: The phenomenon of Unjustified Presence (presenteeism) can be one of the common problems in today's organizations. This phenomenon is defined as the person's ineffective presence at work due to illness or long working hours. During the coronavirus pandemic, this phenomenon has appeared more. Organizations' inattention to the phenomenon of presenteeism can disrupt the organization's performance. Past studies show the fact that the phenomenon of presenteeism has a significant effect on the organization's performance. The purpose of this research is to provide a qualitative model based on data theory to analyze Organizational Performance with an emphasis on unwarranted attendance (presenteeism) in multi-wave conditions of Corona in government organizations. Methods: By using the qualitative method (database method) by conducting semi-structured interviews with 11 experts and faculty members of government organizations. The current research aims to provide a model for analyzing Organizational Performance with an emphasis on presenteeism in multi-wave conditions of Corona in government organizations, so it can be said that this study is in the category of developmental research. The current research is exploratory because it seeks to discover variables, limitations, and relationships in a model. The research strategy used in this study is the use of theory based on data. The main plan for formulating the theory arising from the data in this research is the systematic plan. First, an initial list of potentially qualified people for interview (about 18 people) was selected and coordinated with them through e-mail or in person. Also, at the end of the interview, while sending the edited text of the interview, they were asked to present their suggestions and introduce people who have better and more information with them in this field. Finally, using the saturation rule, 11 people (including 9 faculty members and two organizational experts) were interviewed. The data collection tool in this phase of the research was face-to-face and in-depth interviews that were conducted with open questions between 30 and 45 minutes. Max Kyuda software was used for qualitative data analysis. The interviews are recorded so that by re-implementing, reviewing the conversations, and analyzing, a more detailed examination of the views of the participants can be done. A number of the interviewees did not allow the recording of the interview, so by taking notes from the interview, the items were transferred to the software in text form for coding. After coding the interviews, the information was transferred to Excel for final summarization. In the end, data analysis was done using open, central, and selective coding. Results: The results showed that the main phenomenon of presenteeism is divided into three categories: avoidance, attitudinal, fraudulent, and dramatic, the originators into two categories of organizational and individual factors, the background conditions into three categories of job, organizational, and environmental factors, and the intervenors into five categories of social service factors. , empowering employees, acquiring employment competence, an atmosphere of trust and respect, and organizational justice and reduction strategies, including work-life balance, job pathology, job training needs assessment, remote work management, and increasing communication skills between managers and employees, and the consequences are divided into two categories. Negative and positive were classified. In the discovered categories, two main activities have been carried out. First, the main concepts were extracted from the above codings and then these concepts were classified based on their relationship with similar topics, which is called categorization. The selected title for the categories is mainly chosen by the researcher (by looking at the research literature). Table 4 shows the concepts and open codes of the subset of each concept. In the stage of selective coding and presentation of the qualitative model of the research, after 11 interviews with professors and experts familiar with the phenomenon of presenteeism in order to provide a performance analysis model in the conditions of Covid-19, based on the foundation's data method, it was released. The steps of selective coding are not clearly separated from each other and are done through an interactive process, along with open and axial coding. In a nutshell, the data analysis procedure that leads to the creation of a theoretical model; they include causal conditions, main phenomenon, background, intervening conditions, action/reaction strategies, and consequences; which explain the phenomenon of "presenteeism in multi-wave conditions of Corona in government organizations". Conclusion: The findings showed that the background conditions of presenteeism are classified into three categories occupational, organizational, and environmental factors. In this research, relying on the ideas extracted from the text of the interviews, and reviewing the literature on presenteeism interventionists, they were divided into five categories: social service factors, employee empowerment, employment competency acquisition, trust and respect environment, and organizational justice. As another component of the designed qualitative model, strategies to reduce presenteeism include work-life balance, job pathology, job training needs assessment, remote work management, and increasing communication skills between managers and employees. The findings showed that the consequences of the presenteeism phenomenon are in two categories negative consequences, including burnout, absenteeism, client dissatisfaction, job alienation, depression, health deterioration, and an increase in the organization's costs, and positive outcomes, including a reduction in errors and occupational accidents, a decrease Contamination of the work environment and prevention of disease transmission, increasing performance/productivity, improving health, honoring clients, creating a positive brand image of the organization and creating individual satisfaction. The existing literature has focused mainly on the negative consequences of the reduction of productivity and performance caused by unjustified attendance. The negative consequences of Unjustified Presence for companies and organizations include the need to correct defective products, provide inappropriate services, handle customer complaints, and experience a weak organizational image. According to executives surveyed in the United States; the productivity and cost impacts of companies experiencing presenteeism (as well as absenteeism) have been particularly high in businesses with a high amount of team production, high requirements for on-time product delivery, and substantial difficulties in replacing absent workers.


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