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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Investigating the Effect of Organizational and Psychological Climate on Knowledge Management With the Mediating Role of Employees' Organizational Empowerment Mechanisms to Provide a Model




 Background & Aims: Psychological and Organizational Empowerment of Employees is one of the important goals in every organization and society. The need for management in guiding organizations and the importance of appropriate and good leadership in the success of educational organizations to achieve goals is undeniable. In this regard, a lot of research has been done, which shows the importance of the role of managers in guiding educational organizations. Although research in this field has shown the relationship between leadership styles and organizational climate to some extent, it is not always clear how managers should lead in different situations to improve the organizational climate. Effective leadership should provide a way to direct the efforts of all employees to achieve the organization's goals. Without choosing an effective and efficient leadership style on the part of management, the link between individual and organizational goals may be weakened or broken. Therefore, the current research aimed to investigate the effect of organizational climate on Knowledge Management with the mediating role of psychological and organizational empowerment mechanisms of employees to provide a model in education departments of Mazandaran province. Methods: The combined research method and the research design is also a type of exploratory mixed research design (qualitative-quantitative). The statistical population of the research in the qualitative part includes the selected experts of Mazandaran Education Organization with experience in management and policy making, in order to reach a consensus in the Delphi method. In the quantitative part of the statistical population, there are 1929 employees of education departments in 32 regions and cities of Mazandaran province. The sample size in the qualitative section was determined by considering the saturation law of the number of 20 people. In the qualitative approach, the purposeful sampling method of "samples containing rich information" was used, and the researcher selected those from the range of potential people for observation, who could enrich the required data treasury in the process of collection. In the quantitative part, the sample size was determined to be 320 people according to the statistical population and based on the table of Karjesi and Morgan. A simple random sampling method was used to select the sample. According to the stages of the research, the most suitable method for gathering the required information was interviewing experts (20 experts selected from Mazandaran Education Organization with management and policy-making experience). The reason for choosing this method as an information-gathering method is to increase the accuracy and reliability of the final research model. In the quantitative part, according to the objectives of the research and its nature, the most suitable method to collect the required information, to determine the final model of the research, is to use the completion of closed questionnaires among the selected samples from among the members of the target community. The reason for choosing this method as an information-gathering method was the necessity of the research goal and the need to obtain valid information. The measuring tool in the quantitative section includes a researcher-made questionnaire, the questions of which were taken from the data obtained from the interview. To analyze the data, the structural equation modeling method of SPSS and LISREL software was used. Results: The findings showed that organizational climate has a significant effect on Knowledge Management with the mediating role of psychological and organizational empowering mechanisms of employees. Also, the results showed that 74% of Knowledge Management is dependent on the dimensions and components of the Organizational Atmosphere with the mediating role of the psychological and organizational empowerment mechanisms of the employees. In other words, the elements and components of the Organizational Atmosphere with the mediating role of the psychological and organizational empowerment mechanisms of employees are 74% effective in Knowledge Management. In Table 2, the effect of organizational climate on Knowledge Management with the mediating role of psychological and organizational empowering mechanisms of employees is shown through the estimation of standard path coefficients (t value) along with the factor loading of each of the variables, and as it is known, all the loadings A factor has a favorable condition and has the ability to measure dimensions. The results of Table 2 show that based on the results of the structural model, the organizational climate variable on Knowledge Management with the mediating role of the organizational empowerment mechanisms of employees has a significant path coefficient of 0. 72. Which has a t value of 13. 29 (according to the rule of one percent error in rejecting the null hypothesis for values ​​above 1. 96 in each model parameter), above 1. 96 was calculated. Considering the significance and positivity of these coefficients, it can be stated that the organizational climate has a positive and significant effect on Knowledge Management with the mediating role of psychological and organizational empowering mechanisms of employees. Conclusion: Results showed that Mazandaran province's education department should act step by step and gradually according to a road map and long-term strategic plan and in order to implement it, developing a letter Operation is necessary. Investigating the effect of organizational climate on Knowledge Management with the mediating role of psychological and organizational empowerment mechanisms of employees in the current research shows that the variable "organizational climate" has six dimensions: 1. care and attention, 2. rules and regulations, 3. criteria, 4. instrumental, 5. efficiency, 6. independent. The variable "Knowledge Management" has three dimensions: 1. Knowledge creation, 2. Knowledge application, 3. Knowledge preservation. And the variable "psychological and organizational enabler of employees", has four dimensions: 1. Individual characteristics 2. Citizenship skills are 3. decision-making 4. cooperation. Having a paradigmatic approach with a local and regional perspective also helps to realize it. Of course, these variables are not among the linear variables, therefore, in the field of providing a comprehensive model, this issue has been investigated, and the model presented by experts in the field of management, such categories are distantly related, and the model presented by experts in the field Management and training have a direct relationship with the citizenship of the organization, in some cases it is necessary, in other places it may have an indirect effect on the citizenship behavior of the organization due to the variable of leadership. In some cases, in some concepts, these variables may overlap.


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