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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background & Aims: Melanoma cancer is one of the most common types of skin cancer. In this cancer, skin cells grow uncontrollably and divide rapidly. Cytokines play an important role in regulating immune function. Cytokines also play an important role in the onset and proliferation of various cancers. Cytokines, especially interleukin-8, play an important role in tumor growth. Interleukin-8 also plays a role in angiogenesis, tumor volume growth. On the other hand, the use of medicinal plants for the prevention and treatment of diseases is considered by traditional medicine experts. Various studies have shown that nettle extract is involved in several biological and biochemical activities, which have the potential to treat various disorders that affect the skin, gastrointestinal tract, joints, genitourinary system and benign prostatic hyperplasia. In recent years, endurance exercise has been introduced as a safe intervention in preventing and improving the quality of life of people with cancer. However, the therapeutic aspects of exercise training and the mechanisms of effect of this type of exercise on effective indicators and cancerous tumors, especially melanoma, are still debated and less research has been done to identify the effective mechanisms. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of nettle extract consumption and aerobic exercise on IL-8 and Tumor volume gene expression in mice with melanoma. Methods: In this experimental study, 20 adult male rats with weighing 300 to 350 g were randomly divided into 4 groups, including groups of: control, exercise, extract and exercise + extract. This research, which is the result of a working group, was approved by the code of ethics No. IR. IAU. M. REC. 1399. 008 in the Islamic Azad University, Marvdasht Branch. Humidity of 55 5 5% and light cycle were maintained at 12: 12 with proper ventilation. Animal feed and water were freely available until the end of the protocol. B16F10 cells were purchased from the Pasteur Institute of Iran. These cells were selected because the cell type was the same as the studied mouse species. The cells were cultured in M199 medium and when the cell density reached 80%, they were prepared for injection into mice. Exercise training was performed on a treadmill for six weeks and 5 sessions per week. Mice were trained for 10 to 15 minutes at a speed of 10 meters per minute for 5 days in order to get acquainted with the treadmill for a week. From the second week, the overload phase was performed for three weeks until the end of the fourth week. In the next steps and every day of training, 3 minutes of activity time and one meter per minute were added to the treadmill speed. At the end of the fourth week, the speed of the treadmill reached 28 meters per minute for 60 minutes of activity. One week after induction of melanoma cancer and through implantation of the tumor under the skin. To prepare the extract of nettle, some stems and leaves of nettle were collected and washed in small pieces, then dried in the open air and powdered. Then aqueous extract of nettle was prepared. the experimental group consumed 30 mg / kg / day of nettle ethanol extract orally for 8 weeks. Sampling was performed 48 hours after the last session of endurance activity. RT PCR was used to measure the expression of IL-8gene. Shapiro-Wilk test was used to determine the normality of data distribution and Levin test was used to examine the homogeneity of variance. Also, to investigate the significant changes in each of the research variables, one-way analysis of variance was used between different groups and if a statistically significant difference was observed, Tukey post hoc test in ANOVA program was used to determine the location of intergroup differences. Results: The results of the present study showed that consumption of nettle extract and aerobic exercise significantly reduced the expression of interleukin 8 in the experimental groups compared with the control group (p = 0. 125, p = 0. 278, = 0. 174, respectively. p). IL-8 gene expression decreased in experimental groups compared to control group, But it did not reach a significant level. These results showed that physical exercise reduced the expression of IL8 gene and also these values were reduced in the extract group and the extract and exercise (combined) group, but the relevant values were not significant. The results also showed that tumor volume was significantly reduced among the experimental groups compared to the control group (p = 0. 021, p = 0. 136, p = 0. 047, respectively). The results also showed that tumor volume in the experimental groups was significantly reduced compared to the control group (p = 0. 003). The results of this study showed that exercise and exercise and extract (combined) could cause a significant reduction in tumor volume, but the reduction in the extract group was not significant compared to the control group. Conclusion: The data of the present study show that endurance training combined with nettle extract has an effective role in reducing the expression of cytokine interleukin 8 in mice with melanoma and since the reduction of this cytokine is associated with a decrease in tumor volume. Overall, it can be concluded that endurance training can modulate the levels of angiogenic cytokines within the tumor and also regulate inflammatory cytokines. Also in tumor tissue, cytokines are produced by tumor cells. In mice, treatment with nettle extract is likely to be enhanced due to increased antioxidant mechanisms. The activity of catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) enzymes and glutathione content (GSH) were also increased. One of the prominent symptoms of cancer is resistance to apoptosis, which indicates that the induction of apoptosis in cancer cells is an important anti-cancer mechanism. In addition, patoltin inhibits proliferation by an apoptotic activity in several tumor cell lines. Its role in inhibiting the proliferation of cancer cell lines occurs by activating apoptotic pathways. Nettle extract contains other compounds such as gallic acid, chlorogenic acid and homovanilic acid, all of which are associated with anti-cancer properties.  These activities may also be attributed to the flavonoid content of nettle. According to the results of this study and some similar studies, it can be concluded that physical activity and consumption of nettle extract can play an effective role in controlling the progression of melanoma cancer, reducing tumor volume, prevention and even treatment of melanoma cancer.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background & Aims: Type 2 diabetes is the most common endocrine disease that occurs due to glucose intolerance due to imbalance between reserves and insulin demand.RBP4 is one of these adipocytes whose serum concentrations increase in different models of rats with type 2 diabetes and people with insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes. The aim of this study was the interactive effect of High Intensity Exercise Training (HIIT) and n-chromosomal royal jelly on RBP4 and AMPK gene expression in liver hepatocytes and glucose levels and insulin resistance in type 2 diabetic rats. Intense interval training is usually performed with intensities above 90% of the maximum heart rate and short rest periods and a training duration of less than 20 minutes. Royal Jelly is a yellowish white substance secreted by the submandibular glands of worker bees and by the queen bee is consumed throughout its life and the larvae during the growing period. Due to their anti-oxidant and anti-diabetic, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory effects, various drugs are obtained from Royal Jelly. Evidence from studies shows that the possibility of RBP4 and AMPK gene expression in soleus muscle plays an important role in increasing consumption glucose. Therefore, this article intends to report the interactive effect of HIIT and consumption of n-chromosomal royal jelly on glucose regulatory factors. Methods: The statistical population of the present study consisted of rats. After 20 weeks of high-fat diet, rats became diabetic by intraperitoneal injection of 25 mg STZ per kg body weight. Mice with fasting glucose between 150 and 400 mg / dL were considered to have type 2 diabetes. Mice were treated in 4 groups: 6-head diabetic control, 8-period periodic training, 7-head Royal Jelly, 8-head Periodic Exercise, and 8-head Royal Jelly training group and training protocol and gel-royal gavage. The HIIT protocol consisted of eight weeks of aerobic exercise, five sessions per week with a gradual increase in extreme frequency from 22 to 38 meters per minute and a rest period of 16 to 22 meters per minute for 15 to 34 minutes by running on a treadmill. Running time increased from 16 minutes in the first week to 34 minutes in the eighth week. At the end of the training period and 48 hours after the last training session, the experimental training groups and after 12 hours of fasting, the rats were anesthetized and sacrificed by ether anesthetic. Blood samples were collected from the heart. Glucose was measured using an auto-analyzer. Insulin measured by a special kit of Pars Azmoun Company. The insulin resistance index was calculated using the formula and gene expression was also determined by RT-PCR. To describe the data, descriptive statistics and inferential statistics of one-way analysis of variance and Bonferroni post hoc test were used to compare the differences between groups and two-factor analysis of variance and effect size index were used to compare the effect of each of the independent variables. Significance level it was considered p≤0.05. Results: Mean glucose concentration (mg / dL) in the exercise group compared to the control was significantly reduced (P = 0.005) and in the exercise-royal gel group compared to the royal gel group had no significant difference and had a significant decrease compared to the control in the gel exercise group (P = 0.001). Mean insulin concentration (IUI / ml) in the exercise group was significantly increased compared to the control (P = 0.005) but the royal jelly group had a significant increase compared to the control. In the exercise group, Royal Jelly had a non-significant increase compared to control. The mean insulin resistance index in the exercise group was significantly lower than the control group and Royal jelly (P = 0.044). Data analysis using one-way and two-factor analysis of variance and post hoc test showed that, HIIT and royal jelly resulted in a non-significant decrease in soleus muscle RBP4 gene expression compared to the control group. HIIT and royal jelly increased the expression of AMPK gene in soleus muscle compared to the control group, which was significant in the HIIT group (P = 0.008). Since increasing in glucose consumption muscle tissues, especially in diabetic patients is importance. The findings of the present study revealed that the expression of genes involved in glucose consumption in soleus muscle is affected by HIIT and combined with royal jelly. Eight weeks of HIIT alone, in interaction with n-chromosomal royal jelly. The findings of the present study showed that HIIT and royal jelly reduced a non-significant decrease in soleus muscle RBP4 gene expression compared to the control group of type 2 diabetic rats, so decrease in glucose concentration and increased insulin and significantly reduced the insulin resistance of type 2 diabetic rats fed a high-fat diet and decrease RBP4 gene expression in soleus muscle in the HIIT groups.Various mechanisms have been suggested for the effects of RBP4 on the induction of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Serum RBP4 has been shown to be involved in inducing insulin resistance by stimulating the expression of gluconeogenic enzymes in the liver and impaired insulin signaling in muscle. In muscle tissue, there is a negative correlation between RBP4 and access to glucose and GLUT4 levels in diabetes people. In other words, increasing the concentration of RBP4 reduces the activity of phosphoinositide 3 kinase (PI3-kinase) and subsequently phosphorylates the insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1) and affects the transfer of GLUT4, which in turn It affects the insulin signaling pathway and reduces insulin-dependent glucose uptake into muscle tissue. Researchers have suggested that reducing and inhibiting RBP4 may be effective in reducing the damage caused by diabetes. For example, a recent study confirmed the beneficial effects of fentertinide (an RBP4 inhibitor) in the treatment of mice with a high-fat diet, so that the results of the above study showed that fentertinide inhibits glucose intolerance and insulin resistance in Prevents liver and muscle and improves glucose production in the liver and glucose metabolism in muscle. The results also showed that AMPK gene expression increased in the experimental groups compared to the control, which was significantly increased in the intense periodic training group compared to the control (P = 0.008). AMPK has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity after exercise. In their study, Rimko et al. showed that 8 weeks of aerobic exercise increased the AMPK signaling pathway in the muscle tissue of diabetic rats, which was also effective in improving insulin sensitivity. Increased blood glucose intake, which is affected by exercise, especially HIIT, can counteract the negative effects of RBP4. In the study of Aghaei and et al, Induction of diabetes caused a significant increase in RBP4 expression and after 8 weeks of HIIT exercise, its expression decreased significantly compared to control and AMPK gene expression was significantly increased in HIIT exercise group. Conclusion: HIIT and royal jelly resulted in a non-significant decrease in soleus muscle RBP4 gene expression compared to the control group. HIIT and royal jelly increased the expression of soleus muscle AMPK gene compared to the control group, which was significant in the HIIT group (P = 0.008).

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Background & Aims: Any treatment method, material, symbol, ritual, or word that has an indirect or non-specific effect is called a placebo or sham. A placebo is described as an ineffective substance, such as injecting saline or a sweet pill, or simulating a treatment that may not have a direct effect on a particular variable but can improve the symptoms of a disease. The term "placebo effect" refers to any therapeutic effect due to the use of a placebo agent, although that agent has no specific biological effect (1). Placebo effects and favorable outcomes resulting from the patient's expectation of treatment should be considered a powerful tool for treatment. In addition, the collaboration between therapist and patient creates the basis for placebo effects (4). However, patient expectations and the patient-therapist relationship, as well as the history of previous treatments, can also have adverse effects and impair treatment. Adverse effects, as opposed to placebo effects, are called nocebo effects (6). Placebo needs different mediators to work. The central nervous system (CNS) is the main station and physiological mediator of placebo effects through memory and learning. Commands related to the sensory, motor, automatic, and immune systems are issued from this station. People have certain individual traits that enable them to respond more or less to a specific stimulus (14). Different mechanisms are described for both placebo and nocebo effects. The characteristics of the treatment environment can act as a conditioned stimulus and evoke a therapeutic effect in the absence of the active therapeutic agent. The conditioned response can also be generated as a nocebo effect. For example, nausea can recur when a patient observes an environment where he or she has undergone chemotherapy in the past. Associate learning, which creates a placebo effect, can be achieved through conditioning. While the relative role of conditioning is not clear, conditioning is an important unconscious mechanism, especially for placebo effects on the immune or endocrine system (21). In addition to conditioning, expectation is also influential as a cognitive issue. The patient consciously predicts the outcome of treatment, positively or negatively (15). Expectation is affected by a person's emotional evaluation of the situation, such as fear, anxiety, or expectation of reward. However, the patient's previous experiences or emotional factors can have a positive or negative placebo effect (24). The computational and mindset models are the other psychological mechanisms behind placebo effects. The difference in the amount and accuracy of expectations that affect the strength of placebo effects in the field of pain can be explained by the Bayesian computational model based on a predictive coding framework (27). Mindsets are frameworks that lead people to shape associations or beliefs about situations or experiences (4). Research on the effect of mindsets on stress response has shown that using the physiological capacity of stress responses to improve performance and cognitive capability, instead of negative perceptions of stress, leads to a more adaptive cortisol state. That means a less cortisol for those with a high cortisol response and a high cortisol for those with a lower cortisol response to stress (26). The results of research related to placebo show that it calms down patients, prevents the prescription of unnecessary drugs, and is used as a complementary therapy. The purpose of using a placebo is not necessarily to deceive. Placebo may thus be an effective treatment,not using it can even be unethical (1). Research in the field of placebo has been conducted for various conditions. High placebo response rates have been reported for Parkinson's disease. Numerous studies have been conducted to investigate the neurobiological basis of placebo responses in Parkinson's disease. It has been determined that the improvement in mobility in these patients is due to the release of dopamine and the activation of the entire pathway from the substantia nigra to the striatum. This can be obtained by stimulating the subthalami region and using a placebo. In addition, the extent of the placebo effect depends on the expectation of recovery, which in turn is associated with the release of dopamine (35). Researchers have also reported placebo-induced improvements in patients with multiple sclerosis (37), epilepsy (38), and depression (19). The purpose of a placebo in clinical trials is exactly the opposite of that in clinical conditions. That is, to limit and reduce the placebo effect as much as possible in order to isolate the pure effect of a particular treatment. Research into placebo mechanisms has at least two important implications for clinical trials: one is to design protocols to circumvent the need for placebo groups. The other is to re-evaluate the methodology of clinical trials. In fact, patient expectations are usually uncontrollable. However they have the potential to affect both the placebo group and the active treatment group distinctly. As a result, attempts to isolate the pharmacodynamic effects would be impossible (41). In clinical trial studies, the adverse effects observed in the active treatment group and the placebo group were often influenced by non-specific factors. The rate of adverse effects reported in placebo groups in clinical trial studies can be quantified using a systematic review. Participants in a double-blind randomized clinical trial know that they will receive either an active drug or a placebo and are aware of any adverse effects they may experience. This information is contained in the informed consent form and provided through instructions from the examiner. Informing participants about possible adverse effects they may experience significantly impacts their expectations (14). The patient's belief regarding allocation to an active treatment group or a placebo group may be more effective than the active drug itself. This is the case in surgery for Parkinsonian patients (33). However, patient expectations have not yet been assessed in a clinical trial or included in the analysis. In routine clinical treatments where a known drug is given to patients, the efficacy of the drug is due to a combination of a nonspecific placebo effect and a biologically active effect. In double-blinded placebo-controlled trials, a direct biological effect is assumed to be the difference between the active and placebo groups. However, because the direct biological and nonspecific effects of placebo may not be solely additive, it is not easy to draw conclusions from double-blind placebo-controlled trials (10). Informed consent may alter the effectiveness of a placebo compared to an active agent in a situation where medications are prescribed to patients without providing information related to the study (45). The placebo effect may be very large for non-blinded interventions. This may lead to an efficacy paradox (46). This happens, for example, when a treatment is effective compared to a drug but has little therapeutic effect compared to a placebo. However, all treatments must meet a high standard to demonstrate their advantage of treatment over the control group. This may occur in surgeries in which nonspecific beneficial effects are prominent, but sham surgery is not used as a control. The same is true for other methods in which blinding is not possible, such as in the case of acupuncture, in which nonspecific effects may be part of the treatment (47). While it is very important to have a consistent control group with expectations with an active intervention, designing an ideal control group for specific interventions, such as psychological and behavioral interventions, may be difficult or impossible. Therefore, knowing the effects of placebo and their biological infrastructure, and considering them in clinical trials, helps to better interpret clinical trials. Various methodological factors may confound placebo effect studies when analyzing and interpreting the results of clinical trials. This means that placebo effects do not include methodological factors that reflect improvement, because these factors are not related to the active change of the measured variable. These factors, including the Hawthorne effect, regression to the mean, therapist, and observer bias, can distort the results of placebo studies. Ignoring these factors leads to misinterpretation of the results of studies related to the placebo effect. In designing randomized clinical trials, therefore, having a control group without intervention and perhaps measuring expectancy are vital elements that can help isolate placebo effects from these confounding factors. In conclusion, the placebo and nocebo effects are complex phenomena that encompass the psychological, biological, neurological, and individual dimensions of human physiology and behavior. The concepts and mechanisms of placebo and nocebo effects can be described by different models and frameworks. Understanding the effects of the placebo can help physicians, therapists, and healthcare providers to improve clinical situations and environments for patients by providing positive expectations through conditioning. On the other hand, limiting the placebo effect as much as possible is recommended in designing clinical trials in order to isolate the net effect of a given treatment.

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Background & Aims: Researches show that in every sport, elite athletes have special physiological, neurocognitive and motor characteristics (4-6). Therefore, knowing these characteristics, especially in elite athletes, helps trainers and experts in sports science to identify the right people in line with scientific talent and to optimally design training programs necessary to achieve sports success. (7). soccer is a team sport where players face complex movements such as running with a quick change of direction, with or without the ball, and its people have different characteristics and according to the nature of this sport and the environment in which the game is played, both From the size of the field, playing environment, playing time, playing systems and skills and conflicts in this sport, many factors play a role (8). Therefore, it is natural that it also has special motor needs, knowing them will help researchers to prepare the necessary programs according to the special needs of this sport. In this regard, the results of some studies support the opinion that the difference in the performance of elite soccer athletes is related to their motor characteristics more than any other factor (10, 11). Hoyt et al. (2014) in a study evaluated the motor profile of elite female soccer players in international competitions and the effect of team ranking on the physical demands of the game. A decrease in high-intensity running was reported in the 60- to 75-min and 90-75 min intensity periods compared to the 0- to 15-min period of 22.4% and 26.1%, although maximum game speed distances remained unchanged (12). In another research, it was found that the soccer pass test and soccer shot test are valid and reliable protocols for evaluating the differences in the performance of motor skills of soccer players (15). Identifying and developing effective talent for elite players is a major challenge for National Olympic Committees, youth academies, coaches and budget allocations. However, no research has been done in the field of identifying the special motor characteristics of young elite football players in the country. Therefore, the current research aims to investigate the question of what are the special the motor skills in the elite players of soccer national team in the Iranian men under 23-year? Methods: The statistical population of this descriptive research in the three levels of description, explanation and discovery was formed by 200 elite male soccer players under the age of 23 in Iran. The sampling method was counting and the number of samples was (control, passing in motion, shooting, dribbling and heading) and group motor skills (creating space, combination play, transition from attack to defense, transition from defense to attack and group press) in the elite soccer players was evaluated using standard tests. Results: the results showed that the status of dimensions of control, passing in motion, shooting, dribbling, heading, creating space, combination play, transition from attack to defense, transition from defense to attack were evaluated as favorable and group press was evaluated as unfavorable. The combination play dimension was ranked first with an average of (5.642) and other dimensions with an average value, respectively, control (5.543), shooting (5/388), passing in motion (4.850), transition from attack to defense (4.746), transition from defense to attack (4/659), dribbling (4/571), passing (4/553), group press (4/494) and creating space (4/437). Conclusion: The results of this research showed that the status of dimensions of control, passing in motion, shooting, dribbling, heading, creating space, combined play, transfer from attack to defense, transfer from defense to attack were evaluated as favorable and the situation of group press was evaluated as unfavorable. Technical-tactical skills have been repeatedly investigated and identified as key factors that determine the game performance of young players, these factors are considered the difference between elite and non-elite young players (25-27). The results of the present study provide the possibility of causal interpretations, these data show a possible explanation for the high level of individual motor skills in young elite soccer players. group motor skills have also been examined in some studies. In this regard, transition from defense to attack and transition from attack to defense is increasingly important due to numerous works (29-31). Some studies that have studied attacking mechanisms in soccer confirm that quick attacks or counter-attacks have a higher chance of success (goals scored, shots on goal or reaching the area) than other attacking styles (30,31). In the current study, the elite players obtained the highest scores in the shortest possible time according to previous studies and with the least number of passes in transfers, which shows that the elite players of Omid Iran have high group motor skills. Also, the number of players involved in the transfers was also investigated, and the favorable condition of this group skill was observed among the elite players of the Iranian men's national soccer team under the age of 23. The unfavorable pressing situation of the Omid team players shows that the players are less able to read and react accordingly to the situations of tackling for the ball, blocking and crossing the lines or ensuring the proper marking of the opponents. These strategies can provide the team with more opportunities to regain possession and get the ball back (39). The favorable combined play of Omid team players also shows the training and repetition of this tactic in training. These findings show that the Omid team players have the necessary technique and skill to receive and pass (quality and selection), speed when moving with the ball (dribble), forward pass and motor after sending the pass. The pressure and conditions of the competition are considered as the needs of the combined game. The results of our study show that the dimension of the combined game is in the first place, and the other dimensions are, in order, control, shooting, passing in motion, transfer from attack to defense, transfer from defense to attack, dribbling, passing, group press and creating space are located. One of the limitations of the present study is the small number of samples. Due to the limited sample size of the research, it is recommended to carry out more extensive studies with a larger sample size in order to identify mental skills in athletes of different fields. The results of the current research indicated the high motor performance of the elite players of the Iranian men's national soccer team under the age of 23, so it is recommended that soccer coaches take into consideration the motor skills of young Iranian elite soccer players in this research.

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Background & Aims: According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), pervasive developmental disorders are divided into the categories of autism, RAT, child collapse disorder, and Asperger's (2). Meanwhile, autism disorder is one of the diseases of the group of pervasive developmental disorders, which is characterized by persistent destruction in mutual social interaction, communication delay or deviation, and limited stereotyped communication pattern (3). The characteristics of this disorder, as well as the sometimes difficult and late diagnosis, the appearance of symptoms after a normal child's development, the lack of definitive and effective treatments, and the not very favorable prognosis, can put severe psychological pressure on the family. And the parents of the child should impose (4). Fascination is caused by the balance between the skill required to perform the activity and the challenge caused by the activity, so that if the challenge is more than the skill, anxiety is created, if the challenge is less than the skill, boredom and if both challenge and skill are low, apathy. appears (7). On the other hand, it is important to have the spirit and attitude to help in the work environment, especially for educators of special children such as children on the autism spectrum, because in the educational environments of children with autism, there are different views about the attitude towards seeking help. Helping attitude depends on the perceived benefit and perceived threat of help-seeking. Perceived benefit means that a person sees help-seeking as an effective strategy to promote learning, while perceived threat refers to the threat to a person's self-worth that arises by admitting the need for help (8). In general, there are few studies about the attitude towards the use of the selected approaches in this research, repeating and comparing the effectiveness of the intervention method is of great importance. By repeating this treatment method on the teachers of autistic children, if the previous results are confirmed, additional evidence is provided, and if the previous evidence is not confirmed, it provides new windows for research. Based on the researches, no research has been done in Iran regarding the effectiveness of the therapeutic approach in the educators of autistic children with emphasis on the attitude to help and fascination related to work. Based on this, despite the need to conduct a detailed study and deal with the details of the phenomenon in question, the present study tries to answer the question of whether mindfulness based on spiritual schemas has an effect on the attitude towards help and fascination related to the work of educators of autistic children. Is it effective? Methods: In order to conduct the present semi-experimental research, which was carried out with a pre-test, post-test follow-up design with a control group, among male and female trainers of autistic children in private rehabilitation centers (Golhai Chalus, Nik-Andishan Sari and Mendan Sepid Babol) in Mazandaran, which in In the third quarter of 2019, 30 people were working in these specialized centers (under the cover of welfare organization) and were randomly divided into two experimental and control groups. Then the subjects completed the help-seeking attitude (HAS) questionnaires of Nickel J.S. (1998) and Bakr's passion for work (2008). received for half an hour, and the control group was placed on the waiting list. After the end and 2 months later, all subjects completed the questionnaires again. Finally, descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviation in the form of tables and graphs and Kolmogorov-Smironov statistical tests, multivariate analysis of variance with Bonferroni repeated measures and post hoc were used for data analysis using SPSS version 22 software. Results: As the results of Table 2 show: all tests of the analysis of variance of the repeated measurement of the effect of mindfulness based on spiritual schemas on the attitude towards the help of children's educators are statistically significant (p≤0.01). ). Therefore, it can be said that the effect of mindfulness based on spiritual schemas is effective on the attitude towards helping children's educators. Likewise, the square of the eta indicates that the effect of mindfulness on the attitude towards the help of children's educators is 68%. The results of the Ben Feroni test in Table 3 show that there is a significant difference between the attitude towards help in the post-test (82/53) and pre-test (64/53), as well as between the pre-test and follow-up (83/13) (01 /0 ≥P). However, there was no significant difference in the attitude towards help in the follow-up and post-test stages (P ≤ 0.05). As the results of table (4) show, all tests of variance analysis of repeated measurement of the effect of mindfulness based on spiritual schemas on spiritual sophistication related to the work of children's educators are statistically significant (p ≤0.01). Therefore, it can be said that the effect of mindfulness based on the spiritual schemas of sophistication related to the work of child educators is effective. Also, the square of eta indicates that the effect of mindfulness on children's work-related fascination is 83%. The results of the Ben Feroni test in Table 5 show that there is a significant difference between the fascination related to the work of the trainers in the post-test (63.27) and pre-test (51.00) stages, as well as between the pre-test and the follow-up (61.67). (P ≥ 0.01). However, there was no significant difference in the fascination related to the trainers' work in the follow-up and post-test stages (P ≤ 0.05). As the results of Table 6 show: the effect of the group on the linear combination of the dependent variables (attitude towards help and work-related fascination) is statistically significant (F (10,66) = 32.187, lambda = 0.029 And the significance level of the tests is less than 1% (P≤0.01), so it can be said that there is a significant difference between the post-test scores of the experimental group and the control group in at least one of the dependent variables (attitude towards help and work-related fascination). Also, the parametric square of Eta indicates that 83.00% of the simultaneous changes of the dependent variables are explained by the independent variables. The comparisons planned in Table 7 show that the result of the test shows that the method of mindfulness based on spiritual schemas improves the attitude to help and the fascination related to work in children's educators. has become autistic (P ≥ 0.01). Conclusion: In explaining the results of the present research, it can be said that since the child's speech delay and failure to communicate with others are among the symptoms that worry parents, therefore, in addition to raising parents, it is necessary for educators to play a role in their education and change. Because stereotypic behavior is one of the symptoms of autism, they include patterned movements, expressions and repetitive behaviors such as waving hands, making sounds, turning and shaking the body. In the first years of a child's life, many of the natural children's exploratory games are absent or very little. These children manipulate toys and objects in an unwanted way, and their manipulation does not have much variety, creativity, and lacks symbolic features. Their activities and games, if any, are inflexible, repetitive and monotonous. Based on this, it may cause demotivation and work burnout in the trainers, and it is better to create better internal conditions in the trainers through the use of appropriate strategies. Self-compassion is related to the feeling of loving oneself and caring about others, but it does not mean self-centeredness or preferring one's needs to others (17).

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Background & Aims: Education is the main factor of economic growth in a country, and the curriculum is the heart of any education system. As civilization makes the transition from the industrial era to one of sustainability, educational leaders around the globe ought to implement a learning system that prepares young people for life in a unified society. Every country that has experienced high growth for a long time makes great efforts to educate its nation and reinforce its human capital. In contrast, there is considerable evidence that many developing countries are not doing enough. Education has a legal claim on public funds for at least two obvious reasons. First, the social returns are likely to be greater than the private returns. Second, some families with low incomes and credit constraints may not be able to invest as much in education as they would like, even if a higher income is guaranteed for a diploma or university degree in the case of a successful job search. Therefore, public spending on education is established based on impartial opportunity and efficiency. This paper provides a starting point to explore what skills and concepts students should be studying to lead the future. The curriculum model provides an explicit outline of some of the competencies that will likely be required for whatever world scenario emerges. This study focuses on the key roles of education and its relation to economic development as well as the curriculum as a core part of the entire educational drive of nations. In particular, the aim of the present study was to study the goals and contents of the high school curriculum of Group 7 countries and Iran with a focus on the differences and similarities of cognitive and metacognitive skills, which were compared with Iran in order to reach an appropriate model. Methods: The method used in this study is qualitative, seeking to understand a research phenomenon in its usual environment that leads to a deep understanding of the studied phenomenon. In particular, this research is a documentary analytical research with a comparative approach. The statistical population of the research in the first study, which had a comparative approach, includes all documents, printed and electronic texts regarding the curriculum elements of the selected countries. It includes all articles, websites, studies, and research related to the research topic. In the Delphi method, the presence of experts and experts in the subject is emphasized. Statistical sample: In this research, in the first part, after searching the official portals of the countries and databases, all the documents that contain the content of the curriculum elements of these countries have been found. Data analysis in qualitative research is the process of classifying, describing, and combining data. In this section, after collecting the information and data, the contents were separated into 4 components: goal, content, method, and evaluation for each country. Then it was analyzed based on John Stuart Mill's agreement and difference model. The analysis in the quantitative part includes Kendall's coefficient and confirmatory factor analysis with the help of SPSS22 and Amos Graphics version 23 software. Meanwhile, Maxqda18 software was used in the qualitative part and model extraction. All documents were translated by translators from IACTI (Iranian Certified Translators and Interpreters). It must be acknowledged that the process of translating the documents was complicated and difficult due to the different languages and finding the appropriate equivalent in Persian. 212 participants, including secondary school teachers, university professors, and Ph.D. students in the fields of curriculum and education management helped to confirm and categorize the collected information. In the next step, the Delphi method was used to obtain the opinions of experts and reach a consensus about the studied components. With a 5-point Likert style scale 80% agreement was obtained, which was regarded as attaining a minimum acceptable interrater agreement. Results: This study was motivated by doubts that have been raised about the role of education and human capital in economic development. These doubts come from a variety of vantage points ranging from whether the research has correctly identified the impact of education to whether other institutional aspects of countries might be more important. They also encompass concerns about whether or not we really know how to change educational outcomes, particularly in developing countries. The eight studied countries were divided into two groups for comparison: (a) Group of Seven, and (b) Iran. The objectives and content included in the curricula of these countries were identified, and then similarities and differences between these two groups were analyzed. The results show the importance of both minimal and high-level skills, the complementarity of skills and the quality of economic institutions, and the robustness of the relationship between skills and growth. International comparisons incorporating expanded data on cognitive skills reveal much larger skill deficits in developing countries than generally derived from just school enrollment and attainment. The magnitude of change needed makes clear that closing the economic gap with developed countries will require major structural changes in schooling institutions. Moreover, the results of this research showed that the goals and content of the curriculum of these countries often emphasize the areas of work and employment and are somehow economy-oriented. In Iran, there is not much emphasis on these areas in Iran. Although the principles and teachings of Islam pay attention to work, there is a lack of attention to this issue in the goals and content of the curriculum. It is suggested that there is an emergency need to review the national curriculum in Iran. Taking help from religious foundations in this field, such as paying attention to work and effort in Islam, avoiding laziness, and contentment, paying attention to halal earning and sustenance, etc., is very beneficial and enlightening. Using the fundamentals of Islam only in prohibitions and outward criticisms and only paying attention to prayer and fasting not only makes students evasive but also limits the main mission of religion which enlightens the path of people's lives and can open a way in their social and economic life. Pointing to the fact that the longest verse of the Holy Quran is in the field of economic transactions is one of the examples of the importance of the field of economics in Islam and proof of this matter. The lack of economic attention and cultivating students’ cognitive as well as metacognitive is felt in terms of preparing people for the future, after graduating from secondary education. It seems that it is better for the planners to update and modify the secondary school curriculum in line with economic development and changes in psychological knowledge.

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Background & Aims: Aging is a process of deterioration over time. On the other hand, the prevalence of heart diseases has increased with the increase in life expectancy. Important genes that play a role in the aging process are related to telomerase activity, which plays an important role in heart health. are considered a strong stimulant for the telomere system. Also, coenzyme Q10 is a fat-soluble vitamin, which improves cardiovascular function. The general purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of six weeks of aerobic training along with Q10 supplementation on TRF1 and TRF2 gene expression. Heart tissue was from aged male Wistar rats. Methods: The current study was a developmental study and its method was an experimental one. The statistical population of the current study was 17 old Wistar male mice aged 88 to 96 weeks with an average weight of 404 grams from Razi Vaccine and Serum Research Company. This research was conducted in the physiology laboratory of Shahid Rajaei Tarbiat University. All mice had the same environmental conditions in terms of air temperature (25±2) degrees Celsius, relative humidity (55±5) and day-night cycle (12-12 hours) of light and darkness. The samples were randomly divided into 5 groups including 3 groups of three (exercise sham-supplement sham-control) and two groups of four (aerobic exercise-aerobic exercise and supplement). Laboratory animals were used and approved by the research ethics committee of the Research Institute of Physical Education and Sports Sciences (Ethics ID: IR.SSRC.REC.1401.051) and conducted in the laboratory of the Faculty of Sports Sciences of Tarbiat University, Shahid Rajaei. This study was conducted with a post-test design for measuring TRF1 and TRF2 and a pre-test-post-test design for measuring Vpeak and lee index. The independent variables of the research included aerobic exercise and Q10 supplement, and the dependent variables included TRF1 gene and TRF2 gene. At the beginning of the study, the animals were familiarized with the environment and trained on a treadmill for two weeks. Finally, after the last familiarization session and after 48 hours of rest, Vpeak [the maximum amount of VO2 )oxygen consumption( during an exercise test is increasing in which all VO2max criteria are not fulfilled (11) and the Lee index of all subjects were measured. The incremental test started with a speed of 5 m/min and a speed equivalent to 5 m/min was added every three minutes. The time to reach fatigue was determined by the mice's inability to run on the treadmill. Based on the maximum speed obtained, the training protocol was designed for six weeks and five sessions per week for the training groups, and then the training protocols were started (1, 2). Vpeak is measured every two weeks to determine training intensity (14). The program of moderate intensity aerobic training (MICT) is as follows: in the first week, it was performed with an intensity of 65% of Vpeak for 15 minutes, and in the sixth week, it reached an intensity of 70% of Vpeak in 30 minutes: the subjects before starting the protocol with an intensity of -40 50% of Vpeak was heated for 5 minutes and cooled down after completing the protocol. The sham group was given sesame oil by gavage to give stress. The aerobic exercise-supplement group was given 20 mg of fat-soluble Q10 supplement per kilogram of body weight combined with 0.5 cc of sesame oil by gavage for 42 days. The bodyweight was given to the aerobic exercise group. The supplement was prepared from its manufacturing company called Nano Kimia Salamat (15, 16). 48 hours after the end of the protocols and the last training session, Vpeak and Lee's index were measured, and also the height and weight of the mice were measured every week. Nasoanal length[cm]] ×1000 was used. 48 hours after the last training session, the samples were anesthetized with a combination of xylazine 5 to 10 mg/kg and ketamine 50 to 100 mg/kg. Then the heart tissue was extracted and washed with PBS and transferred to a negative 80 centigrade freezer and then transferred to the laboratory for tissue analysis using standard kits for gene expression by PCR method (2, 3, 17). Specialized laboratory processes were performed to measure the expression level of TRF1 and TRF2 genes and to measure telomere length using Real time-PCR method. Quantitative real time-PCR was used to measure the gene expression levels using special primers. Amplification of TRF2 and TRF1 genes as well as GAPDH reference gene was done to measure gene expression by real time PCR based on the standard method. To measure the decrease or increase in the expression of TRF1 and TRF2 genes, its expression was compared with the expression of internal control genes. For this purpose, F and R primers and cDNA were added to the master mix and the final volume was prepared for Real time PCR reaction. The primers used were prepared from Cinagen company, made in Iran. (18, 19) Then the real time PCR process was performed using the QIAGEN machine and each reaction was performed in duplicate. After the reaction, the raw data was extracted and the amount was calculated. Expression of genes was done using method 2-ΔΔCt. (20) After collecting the raw data, the Shapiro-Wilk test was used to check the normality of the data distribution. Then, in order to statistically analyze the data and compare between the groups two-way ANOVA test was used, and because the groups were unequal, the Scheffe test was used. Correlated T-test was used to check the changes of stabilizing variables. All statistical calculations were done using SPSS26 software at a significant level of P≤0.05. Excel2013 software was used to draw graphs. Results: Based on the obtained results, there was a significant difference between the groups after six weeks of aerobic training along with Q10 supplementation on TRF1 and TRF2 gene expression. (P≤0.05) Conclusion: In general, the present study showed that aerobic exercise along with Q10 supplementation increases the expression of TRF1 and TRF2 genes in heart tissue. Therefore, according to the above result, it is possible to cautiously recommend aerobic exercise along with Q10 supplementation for the elderly.

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Background & Aims: Social networks are now being created as an admission to search, discuss and share information interactive and immediate with others. The purpose of this study was to model the role of emotional resilience and self-resilience in the tendency of addiction to social networks mediated by psychological well-being. The use of social networks has become a modern natural behavior, but the harmful forms of their use have also received much attention in the last two decades. Social networks have now emerged as a platform for searching, discussing and sharing information interactively and instantly with others. Their popularity, especially among young people, has led to a significant increase in research into the analysis of the consequences of their use. Has been in the psychosocial development of users. Social networks have provided various facilities for users, but their uncontrolled, uninformed and excessive use of them creates dangers for users in families. Social networks are a source of attention in personal, academic and professional work. In the context of academia, they can lead to academic procrastination and undermine students' academic performance. One of the psychological characteristics of students that is affected by the use of social networks is emotional resilience. Previous studies have shown that psychological characteristics such as resilience may predict cell phone addiction and social networking. Resilience, as a complex, dynamic and multidimensional phenomenon, can be thought of as a process, capacity or consequence of positive adaptation and continuous professional commitment and growth in the face of challenging conditions. Emotional resilience should be considered as a person's ability to cope with adversity and overcome failure. Emotional resilience requires a high degree of self-awareness, strong self-regulation, and a host of other characteristics. Factors such as stress, burnout, lack of social support and negative thinking are the enemies of emotional resilience. Another variable that can be associated with social media addiction is self-concealment. In the literature on psychology and counseling, self-concealment is often defined as the tendency to intentionally conceal personal information that one finds disturbing or negative. Self-concealmentis a behavioral tendency in which individuals hide personal information about distress, embarrassment, and negativity from others. One of the most important structures that play a mediating variable in social network addiction is psychological well-being. Psychological well-being is one of the structures studied in positivist psychology. Today, a new perspective is being formed and expanded in health-related sciences in general and in psychology in particular, with the aim of focusing on health. It is drawn from individual life to social interactions. In general, according to the above research records, the dispersion and contradiction of research in the field of social media addiction and the lack of studies in Iran, highlights the need for further implementation and research in this field. In addition, the mobile phones of this technological tool, which are especially popular among the younger generation, have led to lifestyle changes, differentiation of social interaction styles, as well as preparing them to limit their lives in the technological world. This in itself highlights the need for such research. Therefore, the present study aimed to model the role of emotional resilience and self-concealment in the tendency of addiction to social networks mediated by psychological well-being. Methods: The method of the present study is descriptive and correlational and the method of analysis is structural equation modeling. The statistical population of the present study was all students studying at Mohaghegh Ardabili University. Since the PLS method is not sensitive to the sample size, the required sample size was determined using Barclayo et al.'s (1995) theory for the present study (32). However, in order to achieve more generalizable results and less statistical error in the sample size in the present study, considering the probability of sample loss, 200 people were considered. After removing the distorted data, 120 questionnaires were included in the statistical analysis.  Sampling method used Sampling was also available. The questionnaires were designed online and its links were provided to the subjects on social networks (Telegram groups and channels, WhatsApp groups and Instagram pages) so that students who wished to participate in the research could answer the questions. Inclusion criteria were willingness to participate in research and being a student and exit criteria were unwillingness to participate in research. The data collected in this study were analyzed using descriptive statistical tools such as mean and standard deviation and structural equation modeling using SPSS.25 software and pls software. Results: A total of 120 students with a mean age of 28.75 and a standard deviation of 8.71 participated in this study.The results showed that emotional resilience and self-deprecation had a direct and significant effect on social networking addiction, as well as the indirect effect of emotional resilience and self-deprecation with the mediation of psychological well-being (t > 1.96). Conclusion: The results of structural equations showed that emotional resilience has a direct and significant relationship with addiction to social networks. Explaining these results, it can be said that resilience can be generally defined as the ability to adapt to adverse situations in a positive way. Adolescents with lower resilience are more likely to become addicted to social media and in challenging situations instead the use of positive coping strategies tends to lead to negative behaviors such as social media addiction. The results of structural equations showed that self-concealment has a direct and significant relationship with addiction to social networks. Explaining these findings, it can be said that adolescents who have high self-conceit may become addicted to social networks to escape the negative feelings related to self-concealment. The results of structural equations showed that psychological well-being has a direct and significant relationship with addiction to social networks. Explaining these findings, it can be said that according to the negative consequences of addiction to social networks, psychological well-being can prevent adolescents' addiction to social networks. Described over time.The results of structural equations showed that emotional resilience on social media addiction has an indirect and significant relationship with the mediation of psychological well-being. In explaining these findings, it can be said that, as stated earlier, resilience refers to the factors and processes that protect physical development and psychological well-being from the risk of engaging in problematic behaviors and psychological damage. The results of structural equations showed that self-denial on social media addiction is indirectly and significantly related to psychological well-being. Many people who have self-deprecation turn to the Internet to manage and get rid of unwanted self-deprecating feelings such as stress, loneliness, depression and anxiety. They see the Internet as the easiest way out of these feelings, which is the starting point for Internet addiction. Emotional resilience and self-deprecation can show different functions of social networking in students. Therefore, examining the role of psychological well-being mediates provides more accurate information on the impact of these variables for various social network addiction.

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Background & Aims: Pain is divided into two main types, fast and slow. Pain receptors are composed of free nerve endings and use two separate pathways to transmit pain signals to the CNS. Sharp pain signals are produced by mechanical and thermal pain stimuli. These signals are transmitted to the spinal cord by peripheral nerves through Aδ fibers at a speed of 3-15 m/s. On the contrary, slow and chronic pain signals are mainly produced by chemical pain stimuli, but sometimes stable mechanical or thermal stimuli can also produce these signals. These signals are transmitted to the spinal cord by C-type fibers at a speed of 0.5 to 2 m/s (1). The mechanisms of neuropathic pain are not fully known, but the mechanisms proposed in the pathogenesis of this pain include the role of glial cells as supporting cells of the central nervous system, changes in sodium and potassium voltage-dependent channels, afferents adjacent to the neuron. It is damaged. Different neural pathways are affected differently. Therefore, identification of these pathways is important in determining the analgesic and medicinal mechanisms from physiological aspects. Although there are many studies in this field, one of the existing problems is the rate of recovery and return of nerve activity after injury. The results of researchers' research have brought relatively acceptable results, which were not without problems. In the present research, due to the high incidence of peripheral nerve injuries caused by blows and fractures in humans and animals, efforts will be made to find a drug or drug combination to accelerate the healing process of damaged nerves following experimental sciatic nerve injury in the rat animal model. Therefore, the present study will be conducted in order to investigate the analgesic effects of simvastatin and its neurophysiological interaction with the involved systems following experimental sciatic nerve ligation in rats. Methods: This research was used in 2 experimental phases on 85 adult male rats weighing 180-200 grams. These animals were transferred to the laboratory animal breeding and maintenance center of the veterinary school and were kept in standard mouse cages under standard conditions. All animals were evaluated for motor health before surgery, and then all mice were anesthetized by intraperitoneal injection of ketamine hydrochloride (60 mg/kg) and xylazine (10 mg/kg), and after scrubbing and initial leg preparation The animals were placed on their left side and an incision was made in the posterior-external skin of the thigh area of ​​the left leg. The muscles and fascia were gently removed and after exposing the sciatic nerve, the sciatic nerve was compressed for 60 seconds using a micro hemostat. In order to trace, the injury site is marked by suturing the muscle closest to the crush site using non-absorbable silk suture (0-5) and then the muscles are placed together and the subcutaneous tissue and skin are The sequence was stitched using vicryl thread (0-4) and nylon (0-3) in a simple all round and single stitch method. Then formalin test was done and licking time was measured. The animals were divided into 4 groups: group 1: nerve damage without treatment, group 2, 3 and 4 were treated with simvastatin. Mice in group 2 (with a dose of 2 mg/kg), group 3 (with a dose of 4 mg/kg) and group 4 (with a dose of 8 mg/kg) were treated with Sivastatin. There were 5 mice in each group and they were evaluated in two time intervals of 2 and 4 weeks. Results: As seen in Figure 1, the injection of morphine (5 mg/kg) significantly reduced the pain time caused by the formalin test compared to the control group (P<0.05). The level of 4 and 8 mg/kg simvastatin significantly decreased the pain time caused by the formalin test compared to the control group (P<0.05). According to the results of the statistical analysis of repeated measurements of one factor, the summary of the analysis of variance of the changes in the duration of the animal's response to the stimulating effects of formalin affected by the effective dose (8 mg/kg) of simvastatin compared to naloxone during the acute and chronic phases is presented in Figure 2. Naloxone injection (2 mg/kg) had no effect on pain time caused by formalin test compared to the control group (P>0.05). The level of 8 mg/kg simvastatin significantly decreased the pain time caused by the formalin test compared to the control group (P<0.05). The combined injection of naloxone plus simvastatin significantly reduced the analgesic effects of simvastatin compared to the simvastatin alone group (P<0.05). According to the results of the statistical analysis of the repeated measurements of one factor, the summary of the analysis of variance of the changes in the duration of the animal's response to the stimulating effects of formalin affected by the effective dose (8 mg/kg) of simvastatin compared to speroheptadine during the acute and chronic phases is presented in Figure 3. According to the results of the statistical analysis of the repeated measurements of one factor, the summary of the analysis of variance of the changes in the duration of the animal's response to the stimulating effects of formalin affected by the effective dose (8 mg/kg) of simvastatin compared to cimetidine during the acute and chronic phases is presented in graph No. 4 . Conclusion: The aim of this study is the analgesic effects of simvastatin following experimental sciatic nerve ligation in rats. According to the obtained results, it was determined that the analgesic effects of simvastatin are dose-dependent and the findings of this test show that the effective dose (8 mg/kg) of simvastatin alone has been able to create a significant effect in reducing the painful effects of formalin in animals. It has also caused a significant decrease in the response time to formalin pain stimulus in animals. Antagonists naloxone, cyproheptadine and cimetidine were able to inhibit the analgesic effects in acute and chronic phase. Simvastatin activates the PI3K/AKt pathway and increases neurogenesis through BDNF and (Vascular endothelial growth factor) (12). Simvastatin increases the phosphorylation and expression of BDNF and VEGF gene in (Dentate gyrus) DG. As a result, cell proliferation increases and differentiation occurs in the DG area and brain recovery increases (14). Therefore, simvastatin may cause gene expression of growth factors, production of protein kinases, and subsequent induction of neurogenesis in the DG of the hippocampus, increasing dendritic branches through the activation of AKt through the signaling pathway (15). The effects of simvastatin on ischemia-reperfusion injury of the sciatic nerve in adult rats, as a result, administration of simvastatin before ischemia shows protective properties in nerve re-injury and improves blood supply again (16).

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Background & Aims: Liver cancer is one of the deadliest cancers and the most common cancers worldwide. Nanoparticles due to their wide applications in diagnostics, imaging and drug delivery, have attracted significant attentions (6). Upon a previous studies, the green-route mediated production of metal nanoparticles inhibits the progression of cancer cell lines (9, 10). Inprevios study the inhibition of the breast cancer cells were conducted by silver chloride nanoparticles synthesized by Onopordum acanthium L. extract through inducing apoptosis pathway (11). Lnc RNA GAS5 is a tumor suppressor, it’s an expression in some malignant tumors decrease. In liver Cancer Cells (HCC) The GAS5 gene Expression is reduced, which identifies the poor prognosis of this gene (5). However, a limited number of reports have been investigated on the cytotoxic effect of silver chloride nanoparticles on cancer cells, so in this study, we aimed to investigate it. In our study, we investigated the silver chloride nanoparticles synthesized by O. acanthium L. extract, as well as its anticancer effects on liver cancer and normal cell lines. The aim of this study was investigating the cytotoxicity effect of silver chloride nanoparticles and evaluation of LncRNA GAS 5 gene expression in liver cancer cells. Methods: Brifly, 100 mL of a solution of 1 mM silver nitrate was prepared in distilled water. Then, 5 mL of solution of O. acanthium L. extract (4 mg/mL) and KCl salt (1 mM) were drop wise added to the stirred silver nitrate solution. Subsequentely, the resulted solution was stirred at room temperature for 24 hours. This solution was then centrifuged at 13,000 rpm for 10 minutes; the supernatant was discarded and then centrifuged again with distilled water (11). In this study, HepG2 and HEK293 cells were obtained from the Pasteur Institute Cell Bank of Tehran and treated with silver chloride nanoparticles after 24 hours. Cell viability percentage of nanoparticles were determined by MTT (3-(4, 5-Dimethyltetrazollium Bromide) assay toward HepG2 and HEK293 cells. The HepG2 and HEK293 cell lines were cultured in Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s Medium (DMEM) (Gibco, Scotland) medium with 10% FBS serum and 1% streptomycin antibiotic (Gibco, Scotland). The cells were then stored at 37 ° C with 5% CO2 in a humidified cell culture. To evaluate the in vitro cell viability, the colorimetric MTT method was assessed for investigating the appropriate lethal dose of silver chloride nanoparticles. Afterward, they were treated with silver chloride nanoparticles in various concentrations (0, 3.125, 6.25, 12.5, 25, 50, 100, 200 and 400 mg/mL) for 24 hours. Nanoparticles were added to the cells (1 × 104 cells per well) cultured on 96-well plate, which were incubated an overnight at 37 °C. Thereafter, MTT solution (100 μl of 0.05 mg/well) was added to the plate. Subsequently, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) solvent we added of to each well to solubilize the formazan crystals. Finally, the optical density of the treated and untreated cells was evaluated with the ELISA reader (Eppendorf, Germany) at the wavelength of 570 nm. Finally, the viability of the cells was calculated according to the following formula: percentage of cell viability (%) = OD value of sample / OD value of control × 100. Levels of LncRNA GAS5 gene expression in HepG2 liver cancer cell were quantified using quantitative real-time reverse transcription-PCR (qRT-PCR) technique. To assess the qRT-PCR method, total cellular RNA extraction was carried out using the RNA extraction kit based on to the instructions in the Qiagen kit (Qiagen, Germany). To synthesis of transcriptional complementary DNA (cDNA), PrimeScriptTM RT Kit (Takara, Japan) was carried out (12). GAS5 and GAPDH primers were then conducted using NCBI primer blast in this study (Table 1). Subsequently, qRT-PCR method was evaluated by 100 ng of cDNA, SYBER Green PCR Master Mix (2X), followed by 2mM each of reverse and forward primers in final volume to 20 mL with nuclease free water. Also, the data was investigated by ABI StepOne using the Applied Biosystems qRT-PCR (ABI 7300 system, Applied Biosystems). Statistical significance between treatment and untreated groups were evaluated by One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with SPSS software version 22 and the Tukey post hoc. Data were expressed as mean ± the standard deviation of three replicates from three independent experiments. and P ˂0.05 was considered significance level. Results: The results showed that silver chloride nanoparticles decrease significantly the cell viability of cancerous HepG2 cells as compared to normal HEK293 cell line. In this regard, silver chloride nanoparticles were able to increase cell toxicity in a dose-dependent manner, as shown in Figure 1 and 2. Also, IC50 concentration of silver chloride nanoparticles toward HepG2 and HEK293 cells was 49 and 160 μg/mL, respectively. To conduct the effect of IC50 dose of nanoparticles on cell lines, we investigated HepG2 and HEK293 cells treated with 0, 3.125, 6.25, 12.5, 25, 50, 100, 200 and 400 mg/mL of nanoparticles for overnight using MTT assay. At concentration of 12.5, 25, 50, 100, 200, and 400 µg/mL of silver chloride nanoparticles, the viability of HepG2 was reduced to (79.85±6.44 )%, (63.68±7.05) % ,(46.87 ± 4.7)% , (31.83 ± 4.44)% , (18.63± 6.1) %, and (18.63± 6.1) (P < 0.001), respectively (Figure 1). At concentration of 50, 100, 200, and 400 µg/mL of silver chloride nanoparticles, the viability of HEK293 was reduced to (80.28±6.1 )%, (69.91±6.13) % ,(43.67 ± 7.76)% , and (24.99 ± 4.42)% (P < 0.001), respectively (Figure 2). In order to determine the effect of silver chloride nanoparticles on cancerous cells, alterations in the mRNA expression levels of LncRNA GAS5 gene in HepG2 cells were carried out using qRT-PCR technique followed by the exposure to nanoparticle. According to our study, the results of real time PCR displayed that the expression of LncRNA GAS5 was up-regulated by a 4.6±0.34 (p˂0.001) fold as compared to control gene. Conclusion: In summary, the effect of silver chloride nanoparticles against HepG2 and HEK293 cells showed that these nanoparticles have high cytotoxicity. Also, increase in LncRNA GAS5 gene expression level reveals the triggering apoptosis in HepG2 cells. silver chloride nanoparticles can be considered as a promising strategy for the treatment of liver cancer. Thus, for the liver cancer therapy, further in vivo investigations are required to determine the efficacy of the silver chloride nanoparticles.

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Background & Aims: Controlling inflammatory factors after myocardial infarction (MI), due to the lack of sufficient myocardial blood flow, is one of the factors influencing the recovery of infarction patients. Therefore, it is very necessary to know the causes of MI as one of the main causes of death in worldwide. The disease affects nearly three million people global and kills more than one million people in the United States each year (1) and cardiovascular problems caused by MI are the most common cause of MI (2). Research has shown that adhesion molecules play an important role in the pathogenesis of MI. New markers of intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM) and vascular adhesion molecule (VCAM) have high sensitivity and accuracy in predicting and identifying the risk of heart damage and play an important role in the Prevalence of heart problems (2). It seems that the reduction of inflammatory markers has a positive effect on improving the condition of MI patients (4). Also, finding appropriate training methods and different training intensities has been the focus of researchers in the field of exercise physiology in recent years. There are conflicting studies between endurance training and the expression of ICAM and VCAM genes (5, 6). Also considering that electrical stimulation (ES) is used as a new and effective modality in the treatment of ischemia (8). Therefore, it was used as another intervention in the present study. According to research, it is expected that ES is a rehabilitation method for people who participate in exercise training (10) and also patients with heart failure (HF) (11). However, in other studies, the positive effects of exercise and ES on various aspects of heart health in patients with MI have been noted. For that reason, the researchers of the present study intend to investigate the exercise rehabilitation response with electrical stimulation on serum ICAM and VCAM levels of rats with myocardial infarction. Methods: In this experimental study, 40 Wistar rats (8 weeks old with an average weight of 220 ± 30 g) were randomly divided into 4 infarction groups, infarction-exercise rehabilitation, infarction electrical stimulation and infarction-exercise rehabilitation-electrical stimulation groups were divided. Then, MI was induced using two subcutaneous injections of Isoproterenol (ISO) (150 mg/kg) with an interval of 24 hours in the infarcted groups. This substance is one of the common methods of inducing MI in animal models, especially rats (14). In this study, heart infarction was confirmed based on electrocardiographic changes (ST segment elevation) along with the increase of cardiac enzyme cTnI (344.01 pg/ml). The intervention groups underwent exercise rehabilitation (treadmill at a speed of 20 m/min for 1 hour) and ES (foot shock device for 0.5 mA and 20 minutes) for one session. Groups were anesthetized and killed immediately after the end of the training protocol with a combination of ketamine (75 mg/kg) and xylazine (10 mg/kg). Blood sampling was done directly from the right atrium of the rat. The serum levels of ICAM and VCAM were checked by ELISA method. After confirming the normal distribution of the data using the Shapiro-Wilk test, one-way ANOVA and Tukey's post hoc test were used to analyze the data at a significance level of P<0.05. Results: The results of the analysis of ICAM levels showed a statistically significant difference between MI and MI.ES groups (F=4.4 and P=0.021), MI.EX and MI.ES (F=5.9 and P=0.002). But this difference between MI with MI.EX (F=1.4 and P=0.762), MI with MI.EX.ES (F=1.17, P=0.838), MI.EX with MI.EX. ES (F=2.56, P=0.292) and MI.ES with MI.EX.ES (F=3.26, P=0.124) were not significant. The results of VCAM levels showed a statistically significant difference between MI and MI.ES groups (F=3.9 and P=0.040) and MI and MI.EX.ES groups (F=2.3 and P=0.038). But between the groups, MI with MI.EX (F=1.60 and P=0.659), MI.EX with MI.ES (F=2.4, P=0.343, MI.EX with MI.EX .ES (F=2.4, P=0.331) and MI.ES with MI.EX.ES (F=0.034, P=0.999), this difference was not significant. Conclusion: Deficiency in the function of cell adhesion molecules is one of the main causes of pathological progress in many diseases, including cardiovascular disorders. Therefore, investigating inflammatory pathways and cellular and molecular processes involved in it is very necessary. The cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway consisting of the Vagus nerve and its transporter acetylcholine play an important role in regulating the inflammatory response. When the body is injured, the excitability of the Vagus nerve increases, which causes the release of acetylcholine from peripheral nerve endings. This process can inhibit the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1, TNF-a, IL-6 and IL-17 and lead to the reduction of heart damage. Also, ES can change the function of inflammatory cells at the molecular level, thereby preventing the spread of inflammation by affecting the number of immune cells as a mediator. In general, it seems that according to the results of the present study, it is still not possible to determine with certainty the direction and direction of the effect of acute sports rehabilitation and foot shock electrical stimulation on adhesive molecules, and it needs more study.

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Background & Aims: The concept of empathy has a special place in social psychology, neuroscience, clinical psychology and health professions (1). Contemporary theorists consider empathy as a multidimensional concept that consists of emotional, cognitive and behavioral aspects (3). Having creativity and the ability to solve problems seems to be able to facilitate the process of empathy (9). The ability to solve problems in the real world is a vital part of people's lives. A problem is a situation that people intend to reach from the initial situation to the target situation without having a specific solution (12). It seems that understanding the situation of others and sharing feelings with them can also be a form of a problem, and problem solving capacity can be effective in the process of empathy (16). Studies have shown that problem-solving skills are related to cognitive empathy (17). On the other hand, research results show that people who have a higher working memory updating ability spend a much shorter time solving problems than people who have a weaker working memory updating ability. One way in which working memory aids problem solving is by helping the problem solver resist distraction and limit his search in the problem space (21). On the contrary, there is evidence that shows that excessive concentration and having a higher working memory capacity can harm problem-solving performance (22). The relationship between empathy and working memory is one of the discussed topics in cognitive and social sciences. Working memory is hypothesized to predict empathy (23-24). However, the number of studies that depict the relationship between working memory and empathy is small, and despite the fact that working memory seems to be an important function in information processing, it plays a major role in many other cognitive functions, including problem solving, so It is possible that it has a mediating role in the relationship between problem solving and empathy, so far no research has been done on this issue, and the various effects that working memory can have on problem solving also adds to the complexity of this issue. Therefore, in the present study, the aim was to investigate the mediating role of working memory in the relationship between problem solving and empathy. Methods: In terms of the method of data collection, this research is considered a descriptive (non-experimental) research, and in terms of methodology, it is included in the category of correlational research, and it is of the structural equations type. The statistical population of the current study was all students studying in Zahedan city in the academic year of 1400-1401. Among all students, a sample of 500 people was selected by cluster sampling method. In order to collect data, problem solving questionnaire (PSI), empathy questionnaire and working memory questionnaire (WMQ) were used. Results: The results showed that there is a negative relationship between problem solving and empathy variable, but the direction of the relationship between problem solving and working memory variable is positive. Examining the correlation coefficients shows that the intensity of correlation between problem solving and empathy is equal to-0. 143 and the intensity of correlation between problem solving and working memory is equal to 0. 465 (p<0. 01). The fit indices were in the desired range. The direct path of problem solving to working memory (0. 411) is positive and significant. And the direct path of working memory to cognitive emotional empathy (0. 011) is not significant. The direct path of problem solving to cognitive emotional empathy (-0. 372) is negative and significant. Also, the mediating effect of problem solving on cognitive emotional empathy through working memory is not significant. In the mediation model, the squared multiple correlation for working memory variable is (0. 169) and for cognitive emotional empathy (0. 135). Conclusion: The findings showed that problem solving is related to working memory. This finding is consistent with previous research (20-21). In connection with the explanation of this finding, it can be said that in solving the problem, expert solvers tend to use weak methods in combined forms (31). here it is necessary to use working memory. Working memory includes a central executive that controls and coordinates the performance of two subsystems (phonological cycle and visuospatial storage). The central executive drives the entire system and allocates resources to subsystems. It is also related to cognitive tasks such as mental calculation and problem solving. Visual spatial design or the inner eye stores and processes information in a visual or spatial form. Based on this, problem solving is related to working memory. However, this hypothesis that problem solving has an indirect relationship with empathy through working memory was not confirmed in the present study. In explaining this finding, it can be said that, as previous studies have shown, high working memory can have different effects on problem solving. Working memory does not always positively predict the adaptive dimensions of problem solving, and sometimes working memory can be considered an obstacle to achieve insight. Due to the complexity of cognitive processes, increasing the power of problem solving sometimes leads to ignoring emotions, and leads to a decrease Therefore, problem solving and empathy cannot be related through working memory.

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Background & Aims: At the end of December 2019 in Wuhan, Hubei Province, the corona virus disease spread rapidly throughout China. The beginning of 2020 brought a new challenge to mankind, which was the corona virus or the Covid-19 virus, and it became a global health threat. Corona virus disease is caused by severe acute respiratory disease. The acute syndrome of the corona virus is an epidemic that affects all people and Covid-19 has had a serious impact on thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Research demonstrated that mindfulness-based training can effectively relieve the negative psychological consequences of the outbreak of Covid-19 and help restore well-being, especially for the most vulnerable people. Mindfulness has made people better cope with quarantine conditions and the Covid-19 pandemic. Mindfulness training can direct attention to breathing and keep people away from negative emotions such as anxiety, depression and fear during the corona epidemic. Mindfulness is caused that individual recognize gradually their mind and thinking styles which are come regularly and habitually and also other benefits of mindfulness is to increase their patience, appreciating and awareness of their body.  The purpose of the present research was to investigate the effectiveness if mindfulness therapy on dysfunctional attitudes, of Covid-19. Methods: For the present quasi-experimental study, which was performed with a pre-test-post-test design, among Covid – 19 patients with an age range of 18 to 60 years who were living in Isfahan city in the year 2020. The statistical sample of the current research consisted of 30 people who recovered from corona disease living in Isfahan city in 2020 and among them 30 people who got corona virus were selected through convenience sampling on the purpose based on the entry criteria and were randomly placed in to two experimental and control groups. In each group, there were 15 people, 9 men and 6 women in the experimental group and 5 men and 10 women in the control group. To collect the data Dysfunctional Attitude Scale (Wiseman and Beck, 1987) was used and the Mindfulness Therapy Program Intervention was applied and the treatment protocol used in the present study consisted of eight 120-minute sessions, which have been studied in various studies according to Kabat-Zinn et al.'s (1990) protocol, and the results indicated the effectiveness of mindfulness therapy on ineffective attitudes. Finally, in the current research, in addition to using descriptive indices including frequency, mean and standard deviation, inferential statistics were used to examine hypotheses from univariate covariance analysis using SPSS version 20 software at a significance level of p<0.05 for statistical analysis of data. Results: The results of ANCOVA analysis showed that there was a significant difference between the experimental and control groups in ineffective attitudes (P=0.005), in the post-test stage. Therefore, it can be concluded that the mindfulness treatment program has reduced dysfunctional attitudes in the experimental group compared to the control group. The calculated effect size or eta squared value indicates that 26% of the changes in ineffective attitudes scores were due to the effect of the independent variable (implementation of the mindfulness treatment program). Conclusion: According to the results obtained from the research findings, it can be stated that the hypothesis of the research was confirmed that eight sessions of the treatment of mindfulness has been effective in reducing dysfunctional attitudes of Covid – 19 patients. The current research, like other researches, has limitations, including the method of data collection online and virtual. The limitation of the equal number of demographic information in each group of samples and treatment follow-up can be mentioned as limitations of the research. The age range of 18 to 60 was one of the criteria for entering the research, and the findings of the results cannot be generalized to those under 18 and over 60. In the current research, only the effectiveness of mindfulness has been investigated, so other treatment approaches have not been investigated. Since the present study was conducted using a quasi-experimental study design, it may also be one of the important beginnings for other studies in the future and critical situations. The present study has practical implications for counselors, psychotherapists, educational management and policy makers. In order to confirm or not confirm the long-term effectiveness of the training given in connection with the consequences of Corona, more research should be done by other researchers. It is also suggested that the effectiveness of this treatment approach should be followed up for several months. It is suggested that the effectiveness of mindfulness on other variables such as psychological well-being, quality of life, mental health, spontaneous thoughts, and styles of coping with stress and fear of corona should be done. The results of the research are useful and practical as a non-drug treatment for people in the corona and post-corona period. Therefore, mental health professionals are advised to pay special attention to dysfunctional attitudes and coping strategies and plan to prevent and reduce the complications and risks of dysfunctional attitudes. A variety of face-to-face and online training and treatment programs are recommended by mental health experts to reduce dysfunctional attitudes for healthy people, infected with Corona, and people who have experienced bereavement caused by Corona.  Since there are parts of the country without access to the Internet and mobile phones, and also elderly people may lack the necessary skills to use smartphones, therefore, it is necessary to take appropriate measures along with the observance of health protocols.

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Hanifi Yarazizi Soraya | Ebrahizadeh Moussavian Bibi Sareh | Firouzabadi Mahshid Sadat | Akbari Moslem | Khalili Mansoureh

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Background & Aims: In the last decade, the number of researches focused on the mental health of sexual minorities has increased. In this study, sexual minority refers to people who have problems with their sexual identity. Gender identity means the internal perception of oneself as male or female or bisexual: this concept should not be considered as a binary, Gender identity can cover a spectrum from masculinity to femininity. In addition, a person may not identify himself as a woman or a man. The development of sexual identity in this minority is a complex process, people in this group experience many discriminations, restrictions and hostility in the society. People in this minority are exposed to isolation, violence, sometimes from the family and sometimes from peers, sometimes from the society, they are exposed to many stigmas and they are exposed to annoying behaviors from the society. Transgender people often face various manifestations of discrimination, including violence and harassment, occupational and job discrimination and even discrimination in receiving health care services, therefore, it is not surprising that transgender people experience a high level of psychological distress. Minority stress theory, which is a social theory, states that stress that is rooted in the experience of discrimination and social stigmas can endanger mental well-being, according to this theory, inequality that sexual minority people experience has many unpleasant psychological consequences, one of which is suicide attempt. Research confirms that these people are more likely to commit suicide, have clinical conditions such as depression and anxiety, or tend to use drugs more than normal sex groups. Suicide, suicidal thoughts, suicide planning, self-harm and attempted suicide are among the main issues in public health that can be prevented. Suicide is a complex phenomenon. A phenomenon that is influenced by various personal, social, and environmental factors at different stages of a person's life. Psychiatric disorders, history of abuse in childhood have a significant impact on suicide attempts. The findings show that the possibility of committing suicide among sexual minority people is more than other groups of society. According to the World Health Organization, belonging to a sexual minority group is itself a cause of suicide. Statistics show that people in the sexual minority group are 1. 5 to 2 times more prone to suicide, self-mutilation and depression than other people. Methods: In order to access studies related to the purpose of the study, in domestic databases (SID, ISC, Noormags, Magiran, IranMedex and Irandoc) and international databases (Google-Scholar, Medline, PubMed, Elsevier, ProQuest, Springer) using related keywords., was searched between 2012 and 2022. Finally, after applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 15 studies were finally selected. The following keywords were used to search for articles: a term that refers to trans people (trans-sexual, transgender, gender dissatisfaction, disorder gender identity, trans), terms that examine self-injurious behavior (self-mutilation, self-mutilation, non-suicidal self-mutilation) and to examine suicide from the keywords (suicide, suicide, suicidal thoughts, attempted suicide and mortality) has been used. Transgender terms along with the prepositions "and" and "or" were searched with the words suicide and self-mutilation. The articles used included researches that investigated the prevalence of suicide and self-harming behaviors in the transgender community. In addition, researches that investigated the potential factors that could lead to suicide and self-mutilation in transgender people are included in this research. Among the inclusion criteria, it is possible to mention the selection of only original research studies that were published in English. Also, only studies were selected where the diagnosis of gender phobia was made by a mental health specialist (psychiatrist-clinical psychologist). Published studies were selected only if their journals were double-blind peer review. Also, only studies published after 2012 were selected. Also, the exclusion of other articles such as reviews, case studies, and books, exclusion of studies before 2012, and non-use of an expert in transgender diagnosis were among the most important exclusion criteria. A total of 80 articles on this topic were found and duplicates were removed. The remaining abstracts were reviewed considering the inclusion and exclusion criteria and irrelevant ones were removed. The full text of the articles was reviewed by two authors separately. Finally, 15 studies were found to be eligible for inclusion in the review. Results: In the studies that were reviewed in this research, a high prevalence of self-harming behavior among sexually bored people is confirmed. This behavior has been more in transgender men compared to people of the same gender. This finding can be assumed that the gender they were born with at birth, i. e. the female phenotype, plays a role in the way people face their feelings and resolve them. This finding is in line with researches that have shown that the possibility of self-harming behavior is higher in same-gender women than in transgender women. Despite gender differences, the rate of engaging in self-harming behavior is higher among transgender people than people of the same gender. This issue itself indicates an inconsistent way of coping in transgender people. According to the reviewed researches, this is also the case in suicide. Studies have shown that the rate of suicide attempts, suicidal thoughts and the prevalence of suicide in transgender people even after gender reassignment surgery is higher compared to people of the same gender. Researches that have been reviewed show that the amount of self-harming behavior decreases after the process of gender adjustment. The findings of this research confirm a strong correlation between being transgender and committing suicide and self-mutilation. Most of these people, rather than committing self-harm and suicide with the intention of dying, use it as an incompatible coping method in response to problems, but it exposes them to death. The findings can indicate the vulnerability of transgender people to mental health problems. The increase in the suicide rate in the trans population with increasing age can be related to the lack of social support, feelings of loneliness, being a victim of violence and discrimination. These factors also lead to a decrease in the quality of life of transgender people. Conclusion: From this research review, it can be concluded that transgender people are at a higher risk of committing suicide and self-harmful behavior than people of the same gender. It seems necessary that in the future researches, this issue should be addressed more on how effective treatment measures can be taken to reduce risk behaviors and improve social support in these people. Therefore, mental health professionals who are in contact with these people need the necessary training to prevent suicide. For this reason, it seems that interventions that lead to an increase in social support and teach interpersonal skills to these people can be effective in reducing self-injurious behavior. For example, among trans people, families understand their child's gender identity less and accept the gender adjustment process. For some trans people, the desire to transition can lead to a complete disconnection with the family. On the other hand, the family's non-acceptance can prevent transgender people from exploring their identity. These things can lead to the experience of depression. It seems that therapeutic actions on the family of transgender people can increase the social support that people need. This process itself can lead to the improvement of the mental health of transgender people. Some interventions can also lead transgender people to learn more adaptive ways of coping.

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Rezvani Chamanzamin Faegheh | Mehravar Zahra | Akbari Moslem | Gharibi Tabbar Fatemeh | Ziafati Bagherzadeh Seyyedeh Maryam

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Background & Aims: Suicide is one of the most complex human phenomena, which according to the fifth diagnostic manual of mental disorders (DSM-5), is defined as a behavior in which a person commits suicide with the aim of killing himself, and suicide without the intention of killing himself and usually to get attention and points (1). It is from others, it is distinguished (3). According to the statistics published by the health organization, about 1 million people die each year due to suicide, which is called suicide leading to death. But if we want to consider the statistics related to suicide attempts, usually the statistics of suicide attempts are 20 to 50 times higher than suicides leading to death (6). In justifying this statistic, it can be said that since women commit suicide about 2 to 3 times more than men, suicide leads to death in men 2 to 3 times more than women, so in societies where women commit suicide more, the rate of suicide is Slaughter of pigs can lead to death many times more than suicide (9). People with perfectionist traits have ambitious, vague and unattainable goals. Perfectionism is a motivational component and includes the individual's efforts to achieve the perfect self. These people are very precise and critical (14), so that they cannot accept their faults, mistakes and failures in different aspects. In addition, it has been found that perfectionism is related to a wide range of mental disorders related to suicide, such as obsession (15), anxiety (16), depression (17) and bipolar disorder (18). Therefore, it seems that perfectionism can be related to suicide. Previous studies have also shown that perfectionism has a significant relationship with imposter syndrome and suicidal thoughts, that the higher the level of perfectionism in a person, the more likely that person feels unworthy and has suicidal thoughts (19). Also, it seems that perfectionism is more prevalent in girls than in men, and media and advertisements, by portraying successful and attractive people, have also played an important role in increasing perfectionism among different people, especially young people and teenagers (19). Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationship between perfectionism and suicidal thoughts and behavior among teenagers. Methods: The method of this study is descriptive and according to the implementation method, it is a type of review articles. Review studies are a type of qualitative research that is used to investigate phenomena and identify important categories based on previous research sources. This method is useful when research sources are rich in the field of the phenomenon in question. In such a situation, by using review studies, the underlying categories of the studied phenomenon can be identified, classified and summarized. The research community includes all the articles with the English keywords Perfectionism, perfect, sense of perfection along with suicide, suicide attempt, suicide ideation, self-harm, self-injury in foreign databases Scopus, Springer, Web of Science, Google-Scholar, Science Direct and the keywords of perfectionism, perfectionism, perfectionism, perfectionism and perfectionism along with suicide, suicidal thoughts, attempted suicide, self-harm, self-injury and self-harm in adolescents in SID, Normags, Magiran, Civilica, ISC, Google-Scholar, which was published between 2003 and 2023. In order to select relevant studies, the Prism guide was used for review studies (22). Initially, 241 articles were selected using the above keywords in internal and external search engines. After that, 187 studies were excluded due to non-relevance, 29 due to duplicates in search engines. From the remaining 25 studies, after fully reading the articles and applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 11 more studies were excluded and 14 studies were selected for the final sample selection Results: The results of this study showed that out of 14 studies conducted, 5 studies were conducted in Canada, 3 studies were conducted in America, 2 studies were conducted in Israel and China, South Korea, Hungary, and England each conducted 1 study. Also, only three studies were related to before 2000, 3 studies were between 2000 and 2010, and most of the studies were related to the last decade and 5 studies were related to the last 5 years. Also, out of the 14 selected studies, most of the studies used the Children and Adolescents Perfectionism Questionnaire (CAPS) to measure perfectionism (9 studies out of 14 studies). However, different tools have been used to measure suicidal thoughts and behavior. Among the conducted studies, 5 studies have less than 100 participants, 5 studies have between 100 and 200, three have between 200 and 1000 and only one study has more than 1000 subjects. Conclusion: The results of the research showed that there is a very strong possibility that perfectionism is related to suicidal thoughts and it seems that perfectionism can increase the possibility of suicidal behavior in teenagers by intensifying mental disorders, especially depression, despair, eating and sleeping disorders in teenagers, but not all types of perfectionism seem to be negative. Limited studies have shown that hard-working perfectionist teenagers show very low levels of suicidal thoughts and behavior, so it can be said that perfectionism that is passive and accompanied by procrastination increases the likelihood of suicidal thoughts and behavior. Gives. Therefore, in order to reduce the suicide rate and prevent and treat suicidal people, health professionals should pay more attention to their perfectionism, so that in addition to improving the mental health of adolescents and the possibility of developing their talents, the society also does not lose its dynamic and youthful force. be your own development.

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Background & Aims: Intraoperative ultrasound (IOUS) is a non-invasiveness, affordability, and the possibility of repeated use during surgery without significant time consumption. One of the attractions of this modality is the real-time imaging of the lesion. According to the nature of brain tumors, tissue movement can occur in each step of the surgery (including opening dura and start of resection). Thus, real-time intraoperative ultrasonography significantly helps the surgeon to identify the real-time location of the mass and close structures Methods: Between 2019 and 2022, patients with brain tumors were evaluated. To select the samples, 33 patients with intra-axial brain tumors were initially selected. Then, the decisions of two neurosurgeons were collected regarding the possibility of gross total resection of tumors in these cases. As a result, 4 patients were excluded from the study, and 29 patients were included. In the next step, tumor resection was performed using IOUS. According to the pathology results, 10 patients with pathologies other than glioma were excluded, and 19 patients with glioma lesions were evaluated. The patient was admitted with a brain tumor, and initial imaging was done. During surgery, the ultrasound probe with a sterile cover entered the surgical field before opening the dura. The exact location of the tumor was determined over the dura, and so the dura was opened. With the ultrasound guide, the location of the lesion was determined, and the resection of the lesion began. Then, ultrasound was performed intermittently to determine the tumor area, and surgery continued until the complete resection of the lesion. Within 72 hours after the surgery, an MRI was performed to evaluate the extent of resection. In order to measure the tumor volume, MRI images with the same cut distance were evaluated. Therefore, the tumor area in all MRI imaging slices was added together and multiplied by the slice distance. Then, the amount of resection was calculated by comparing the volume of the tumor before and after surgery. Results: 19 patients were selected to participate in the study. Three patients died after surgery and during hospitalization and were therefore not included in the follow-up, but only in the pre-surgical examinations. The characteristics of the patients are listed in table 1. In this study, there were 7 women and 12 men, whose average age was 46. 5 years (average 40 years for women and 50 years for men). Most of the patients were middle-aged adults. Regarding the alertness and functional status of the patients, the average GCS was 13, and the median GCS of the samples was 14. The minimum GCS was 9, corresponding to a 58-year-old man with recurrent glioblastoma. Also, the median KPS of the patients was 80, the minimum of which was 10 and related to the same patient with glioblastoma recurrence. Regarding the location of the lesions, most of the lesions were observed in the frontal lobe and mostly on the left side. In 32% of patients (6 out of 19 patients), the tumor was located in the eloquent area, and the lesion had an ill margin in 17 out of 19 patients. 3 patients died after surgery and they were excluded from the analysis. In the remaining 16 patients, the average length of surgery was 3 hours, with a minimum of 1. 5 hours and a maximum of 5 hours. The average intraoperative bleeding was 350 cc. Also, in examining the consciousness, the average GCS was 10. 4 in one hour after surgery, 12. 3 in 6 hours after surgery, and 12. 8 in 24 hours after surgery. The average length of hospitalization in 16 patients with glioma who survived was 9. 3 days, with a minimum hospitalization time of 3 days and a maximum of 38 days. In 16 patients of this study, the size and amount of tumor resection were calculated according to the imaging done before and after the surgery. The mean size of the tumor in pre-surgical imaging was 30. 44 cc. The smallest tumor was 3. 5 cc in a 47-year-old woman with complaints of headache and convulsions, whose lesion was located in the right parietal, with glioblastoma pathology. There were no lesions left in imaging after surgery. Also, the largest tumor was 74 cc in a 52-year-old man with a complaint of anxiety. In imaging, a butterfly-type glioma was observed with frontal involvement on both sides (predominantly on the right side). In the post-surgery examination, only 56% of the tumor was resected, which happened due to the proximity of the lesion to the lateral ventricle and preventing the opening of the ventricle. In the post-surgery imaging, the mean tumor size was 4 cc. In evaluating the extent of resection, an average of 90. 5% of the tumor was resected. The largest residual tumor of 32 cc was related to the patient with a butterfly tumor, which was mentioned earlier. Out of 16 patients examined, 11 patients were extubated in the operating room. The reason for non-extubation in 5 other patients was low GCS. Based on the extent of resection, the amount of resection was divided into three categories: gross total resection (GTR) with a tumor removal rate of more than 95%, subtotal resection (STR) with a tumor removal rate between 80 and 95%, and partial resection (PR) with a tumor removal rate of less than 80%. According to this classification, there was only one patient with partial resection in the study. In the comparison between the amount of resection and the complications after surgery, it was observed that resection of GTR is related to the amount of dysphagia experienced by the patient after surgery. It was also observed that the rate of extubation in women is significantly higher than in men. All 6 women in the study were extubated in the operating room, whereas only 5 out of 10 men were extubated during surgery. The study did not find any correlation between complications and the amount of tumor resection or bleeding, nor hospitalization of patients. However, more comprehensive studies are needed for a more detailed investigation. Conclusion: Ultrasound during surgery can be used as a modality in brain tumor surgery because it has efficient results, and its use is easy and cheap. Although ultrasound cannot be considered as a substitute for other modalities during surgery to monitor the patient, its use can be beneficial for the patient. Among the important advantages of using ultrasound during surgery that were observed in the patients of this study, we can mention the possibility of detecting the ventricles in the periphery of the tumor and preventing entry into the ventricle during surgery, which prevents the occurrence of significant complications such as ventriculitis. One of the reasons why complete resection was not performed in some patients was the long interval between preoperative imaging and surgery, which caused some tumor foci to be missed during surgery.

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Background & Aims: Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a devastating chronic form of interstitial lung disease, characterized by an inflammatory infiltrate, deposition of extracellular matrix (ECM) components like collagen, and change in the architectural lung parenchyma. IPF has a poor prognosis and is lethal, with a median survival of 2 to 3 years. The etiology of the disease is obscure, however, several studies indicated that the disease is initiated by inflammation and the release of profibrotic growth factor, namely transforming growth factor β (TGF-β). The definitive treatment for patients has not yet been approved. Although. However, evidence suggests that inflammation plays an essential role in the development and pathogenesis of IPF as a stimulus. However, inflammation is sometimes referred to as a secondary event in fibrosis, partly due to the failure of anti-inflammatory drugs in clinical trials. Therefore, more studies are needed to evaluate the effectiveness of anti-inflammatory therapies. In primary injury or inflammation, TGF-β, a critical cytokine and regulator of fibrosis, promotes inflammation and increases the activity and proliferation of fibroblasts at the site of inflammation, differentiation into myofibroblasts, and production of extracellular matrix, leading to severe pulmonary fibrosis. As a downstream mediator, the connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) is induced by TGF-β and promotes its fibrotic effects, enhancing lung fibrosis through fibroblast proliferation and collagen deposition. Evidence has shown that CTGF expression is increased in fibroblasts of IPF patients. In addition, Endothelin-1 (ET-1) is another downstream mediator of TGF-β fibrogenic responses in fibroblasts, which produces an extracellular matrix and differentiates fibroblasts into myofibroblasts. Also, the expression of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), which in addition to its inflammatory properties, also has fibrogenic properties, is significantly increased in the lungs of IPF patients. This expression is associated with increased fibroblasts and the deposition of extracellular matrix proteins in the interstitial region of the lung. In general, these findings indicate that these factors are reasonable targets for designing treatment strategies or evaluating the effect of proposed drugs in the treatment of IPF. Broad-acting anti-inflammatory molecules, including glucocorticoids like Dexamethasone, were considered potential therapy. Glucocorticoids are anti-inflammatory agents that can reduce pro-inflammatory molecules by suppressing cellular and humoral immunity. Dexamethasone is one of the most potent glucocorticoid drugs, however, despite the various investigations on the inhibition of pulmonary fibrosis, its anti-fibrosis effects are still debated, and there are contradictory findings in this regard. Also, the underlying mechanism of its impact on IPF is not clear. Therefore, in this study, the therapeutic effect of Dexamethasone on pulmonary fibrosis was scrutinized, based on the impact of various players of this scenario, namely the expression of TGF-β, TNF-α, CTGF, ET-1and hydroxyproline. Methods: 6 to 8 week-old male mice were used in this study. All animal care conditions, including temperature, light, and humidity, were observed. Mice aged 8-10 weeks were randomly divided into the following groups, and ten mice were placed in each group. 1.   Control group treated with normal saline (Control)  2.   Bleomycin inoculated group on day one (BLM) 3.   Bleomycin inoculated on day one and dexamethasone-treated for 14 days (BLM+DEXA) The experiments were performed according to the approved guideline from the Faculty Ethics Committee (IR. IUMS. FMD. REC1396. 9511127007). Lung fibrosis was induced intratracheal in anesthetized mice using 50 µL bleomycin (5mg/kg) by a single dose. The intervention with Dexamethasone (1mg/Kg/day) was done by 14 days intraperitoneal injection under sterile conditions. The mice were euthanized on day 21 under deep anesthesia, and their lungs were extracted. For evaluation, architectural changes occurred in the lungs based on bleomycin administration and dexamethasone intervention, the left lungs were fixed in formalin. The right lungs were frozen in liquid nitrogen for RNA extraction, gene expression analysis, ELISA, and hydroxyproline assay and were stored at-80 ºC. After 24 hours of immersion in formalin, paraffin blocks were prepared from the left lungs, and tissue incisions were made and transferred to the slide. After paraffin removal and leaching of slides, pathological examinations were performed using Masson Trichrome staining. The amount of hydroxyproline was measured using a hydroxyproline kit. Quantitative measurement of mRNA from CTGF and ET-1 genes in the lungs of mice was performed using real-time PCR. Data analysis of different groups was performed using Prism software and one-way ANOVA and Tukey multiple comparison test. In order to evaluate the anti-fibrotic effect of Dexamethasone in IPF, the bleomycin-induced mouse model was treated with Dexamethasone. After fibrosis was induced by intratracheal BLM administration, histopathological evaluation and hydroxyproline assay, ELISA for measurement of TGF-β and TNF-α, and RT-PCR were performed to evaluate the expression CTGF and ET-1 genes. Results: Histological examination indicated the deposition of collagen after administration of one dose of Bleomycin, an enzymatic analysis of hydroxyproline showed that administration of a single dose of BLM intratracheally leads to extensive fibrosis in the lungs of C57BL/6 mice on day 21. In comparison, 14 days of intraperitoneal treatment with Dexamethasone reduced the severity of fibrosis. Histological examination of Mason trichrome-stained tissue sections from lungs of control mice (receiving saline intratracheally) showed normal lung structure including no extracellular matrix deposition (based on the absence of blue color in the interstitium) and the alveolar space was distinct. While the lung tissue sections of BLM mice showed histopathological changes, including increased fibrotic areas and increased collagen deposition (based on increased blue color), and decreased alveolar spaces compared to the control group. However, lung tissue sections from dexamethasone-treated mice (BLM+DEXA group) showed only mild fibrosis. Dexamethasone treatment reduced the amount of hydroxyproline compared to the Bleomycin treated group, however, this reduction was not statistically significant (P> 0. 05). Dexamethasone treatment significantly reduced TGF-β levels in the lungs of the BLM + DEXA group compared with the BLM group (P <0. 001). Further, treatment of received Bleomycin (BLM) received mice with Dexamethasone (BLM + DEXA) reduced the amount of TNF-α when compared with Bleomycin received only group nevertheless, this reduction was not statistically significant to mice but statistically significant (P <0. 05). The levels of TNF-α and TGF-β in the lungs of Bleomycin treatment mice (BLM) were higher when compared with Normal saline-treated mice (Control) (P <0. 001). Dexamethasone treatment can induce its effect by inhibiting a prominent signaling pathway, namely TGF-β. Further, Dexamethasone treatment of Bleomycine received mice significantly reduced the expression of CTGF gene (P <0. 001). CTGF expression occurs before the TGF-β cytokine is expressed during the phenomenon of fibrosis. It seems that CTGF is responsible for extracellular accumulation in the fibrosis pathway. In addition, 14 days of treatment of Bleomycin received mice with Dexamethason reduced ET-1 genes in the lungs of the BLM+DEXA group compared with the BLM group (P <0. 001). ET1 gene is responsible for the differentiation of fibroblasts to myofibroblasts. It is known that Dexamethasone can ameliorate fibrosis, however, it is not known how this steroid can induce its effect or whether its impact is based on its role in the inhibition of inflammation Conclusion: Our findings showed that intratracheal inoculation of Bleomycin in mice resulted in extensive accumulation of extracellular matrix in the lungs of C57BL/6 mice. Our study demonstrated that administration of Dexamethasone attenuated Bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis in C57BL/6 mice by reducing hydroxyproline, production of two critical cytokines, the TGF-β and TNF-α, also by reduction of CTGF and ET-1 gene expression. Still, further investigations are required to understand how this compound can reduce fibrosis.

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Background & Aims: Social issues and harms caused by rapid changes in human societies are essential issues that have always occupied the minds of sociologists and thinkers. Children and teenagers are one of the most vulnerable groups in today's society. Working children are all people who are under 18 years of age and are directly or indirectly involved in earning money. The theory of social pathology is more reliable than the theory of social disorganization to explain the problem of children. According to this statement, it can be said that the working children of the poor marginalized classes have not been able to adapt in the face of social changes in Iran. It seems that the increase in working children is due to the adaptation of deprived families from the process of power, wealth, and dignity in an unbalanced society. The mutual influence approach is valuable for understanding specific images about children. In general, the importance of working and street children in the city due to the lack of social abilities and skills to correctly and dynamically face the social environment and their dependence on adults to meet their needs and go through the stages of their growth and development is more than other groups. It should be noted that this social phenomenon is understood as a part of the general structure of society. Today, child labor is more prevalent in developing countries of the world. Millions of children are working at a young age to support themselves and their families. Children work in different forms in factories, mines, farms, and different service sectors. Their work is part-time, full-time, seasonal, or permanent. Child laborers receive their wages in various forms of money, some of them do not receive money for their work, and in return for their work, they receive little housing and food. Institutions such as family, education and religious institutions, government, and mass media under social changes cannot fulfill their obligations towards socialization and normalization of children and adolescents. The purpose of this research was to investigate the factors affecting the expansion of child labor in Sari City. Methods: This survey study was approved by the code of ethics IR. IAU. BABOL. REC. 1399. 142 in the Code of Ethics Commission of the Islamic Azad University of Babol branch. This research is of applied type and descriptive-correlation branch. The statistical population of the research includes all the working children of Sari City and the statistical sample was selected based on Cochran's formula, 200 people. In this research, multi-stage cluster sampling and simple random sampling were used. Results: To analyze the research data, correlation coefficient tests were used with spss24 software. The reliability of the questionnaire was calculated and evaluated using Cronbach's alpha method, based on which the coefficient of the research variables and its dimensions was more than 0. 7. In this research, by using inferential statistics, the relationship between the variables of weak social cohesion, class inequality, inequality of access to public services, weakness of support programs, and breaking of social norms and working children were measured, and the relationship of all variables was confirmed. Conclusion: According to the theoretical issues and theories of the current research and the results obtained from the current research and the previous research that has been done in this field, it can be said that various micro and macro factors are involved in the formation of the phenomenon of working children, including At the macro level, they can be pointed to economic and class inequality, lack of support from organizations and institutions, and marginalization, and at the micro level, they can be the family's cultural poverty, family breakdown (parents' addiction, parents' divorce, parents' death, (they are going to prison) and being physically abused by their parents, which brings with it social harms, including children turning to deviant jobs, delinquency and engaging in risky behaviors. Child labor has an internal contradiction that goes back to the two concepts of play and belonging to the world of adults and play to the world of children. This definition refers to the excessive exploitation of children by rich people in the early period of industrialization. In the past, children participated in food production and services. The results showed that these variables of weak social cohesion, class inequality inequality of access to public services weak support programs, and breaking social norms have a significant relationship with working children.

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Hajjarzadeh Mahsa

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Background & Aims: Cancer chemotherapy is facing many problems such as patients' intolerance or resistance of cancer cells to the used compounds and drugs. In this regard, researchers are continuously trying to design new anti-cancer compounds and use them. Test to find a combination that can overcome these problems. Considering that structures containing Indole rings and toxic Carbazone and Thiazoles have already shown different biological effects. In this article, hybrids of these chemical structures will be designed and their effects will be investigated, maybe new compounds can be obtained to overcome some of the problems in the way of chemotherapy. The purpose of this paper is to synthesize and investigate the anticancer properties of new hybrid compounds of Indole attached to Triazole and thiosemicarbazone pharmacophores using the click method. Derivatives of indole and 3,2,1-triazoles and thiosemicarbazone are of special importance due to various biological properties such as anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-HIV, anti-fungal, and anti-cancer. In this research, new derivatives of 3, 2,1-triazoles attached to 2-aryl-1H-indole-3-substituted system by click reaction between 2-aryl-1-prop-2-ynyl-1H-indole-3-substituted and azide Aromatics were synthesized in the presence of copper(II) acetate and sodium ascorbate catalyst in ethanol solvent. Also, a series of new derivatives of 2-aryl-1H-indole-3-substituted hybridized with thiosemicarbazone and triazole were synthesized in the presence of Paratoluenesulfonic acid catalyst in ethanol solvent, and the cytotoxic activity of these compounds on Hela and MCF cell lines. Compounds with heterocyclic structures, because they exist in many natural products and exhibit different physicochemical properties, also have different biological effects, which has diversified their use in the treatment of various diseases. Cancer chemotherapy is faced with many problems such as patient intolerance or resistance of cancer cells to the used compounds and drugs. In this regard, researchers are constantly trying to design new anti-cancer compounds and test them to find a combination. achieve that can overcome these problems. They are considering that structures containing indole rings and toxic carbazone and thiazoles have already shown different biological effects. In this article, hybrids of these chemical structures will be designed and their effects will be investigated, maybe new compounds can be obtained to overcome some of the problems in chemotherapy. Derivatives of indole and 3,2,1-triazoles and thiosemicarbazone are of special importance due to their various biological properties, including anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-HIV, anti-fungal, and anti-cancer. In this research, new derivatives of 3, 2,1-triazoles attached to 2-aryl-1H-indole-3-substituted system by click reaction between 2-aryl-1-prop-2-ynyl-1H-indole-3-substituted and azide Aromatics were synthesized in the presence of copper(II) acetate and sodium ascorbate catalyst in ethanol solvent. Also, a series of new derivatives of 2-aryl-1H-indole-3-substituted hybridized with thiosemicarbazone and triazole were synthesized in the presence of para toluene sulfonic acid catalyst in ethanol solvent, and the cytotoxic activity of these compounds on Hela and MCF cell lines. 7 was investigated. To solve the problem of cancer from compounds with different pharmacophores such as indole, triazole (due to the presence in many cytotoxic and antimicrobial compounds and the effectiveness of this skeleton), and thiosemicarbazone and connecting these three pharmacophores to find new compounds that have possible cytotoxicity were used. Methods: Derivatives of Indole and 3,2,1-triazoles and thiosemicarbazone are of special importance due to various biological properties such as anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-HIV, anti-fungal, and anti-cancer. In this paper, the click reaction was used for the synthesis of compounds. The click reactions were performed under mild conditions in the presence of cheap solvent and in a short time, and the product with high efficiency and purity (lowest amount of side products) is obtained. Click reaction of new derivatives of 3,2,1-triazoles attached to the 2-aryl-1H-indole-3-substituted system between 2-aryl-1-prop-2-ynyl-1H-indole-3-substituted Decompound Aromatic Azides were synthesized in the presence of copper(II) acetate and sodium ascorbate catalyst in ethanol solvent. Also, a series of new derivatives of 2-aryl-1H-indole-3-substituted hybridized with thiosemicarbazone and Triazole were also synthesized in the presence of Paratoluenesulfonic acid catalyst in ethanol solvent, and the structure of all the synthesized compounds was analyzed by IR, H-NMR1 and 13 C-NMR were confirmed. Results: In order to solve the problem of cancer from compounds with different Pharmacophores such as Indole, Triazole (due to the presence in many cytotoxic and antimicrobial compounds and the effectiveness of this skeleton), and thiosemicarbazone and connecting these three pharmacophores to each other It was used to find new compounds that have possible cytotoxicity. The cytotoxic activity of these compounds on Hela and MCF-7 cell lines was evaluated by the MTT method. Conclusion: The results showed that the investigated compounds had a significant cytotoxic effect on the Hela cell line only at the highest concentration (1000 µM) and had no effect at other concentrations and in some cases, including the effect on the MCF line. It seems that the compounds even increased cell growth. This increase in growth is likely to be due to the structural similarity of some compounds with phenolic structures, which has been shown in previous studies that phenolic groups act similar to estrogenic compounds and therefore can mimic growth. According to the results, these compounds can be considered as non-toxic agents for other therapeutic applications.

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Background & Aims: Adolescents are among the vulnerable groups against suicide, many of them have dysfunctional attitudes, cognitive errors, and inconsistent moral problems. Therefore, it is important to know the antecedents of this problem. The present study aimed to investigate the structural model of suicide prevention based on cognitive distortion and perceived social support with the mediation of moral identity in adolescents. Methods: The current research is a theoretical research and its design was descriptive-correlation and structural equation modeling. The statistical population of the research included all ninth grade female students of Takestan city with an average age of 15 years who study in the schools of Takestan city in the academic year of 1400-1401. The sample size to test the hypotheses was determined by referring to Klein's (2015) strategy for studies that use the structural equation modeling method. That is, the minimum ratio of the sample size for each observed variable is 5 people, the ratio of 10 people for each variable is more suitable and the ratio of 20 people for each variable is considered desirable, Therefore, in the present study, using available sampling method, a sample size of 300 participants was considered. Research tools included: Revised Suicide Questionnaire (SBQ-R), Fleming et al. 's scale of perceived social support (1982), Abdullahzadeh and Salar's Cognitive Distortion Scale (2009) and Aquino and Reed's Moral Identity Questionnaire (2002). Results: The results of the correlation test showed that there is a positive and direct correlation between cognitive distortion and suicidal tendencies, and there is a significant negative relationship between perceived social support and moral identity and suicidal tendencies. The value of the standardized factor load for all questions is more than 0. 4, and considering that all the significance numbers (CR) between the items and the relevant latent variables are more than 1. 96 and their significance level is less than the error level of 0. 05. is, it can be said that the validity of the measurement structures of the relevant variables is confirmed at the significance level of 0. 05. The results of Cronbach's alpha coefficient are also given for all research variables and as it can be seen, the value of Cronbach's alpha coefficient of all variables is more than 0. 7. Also, in the factor analysis model, the chi-square value for the degree of freedom is 1. 309 and less than 3. Also, the root mean square error estimate (RMSEA) is equal to 0. 032 and less than 0. 08. Also, the comparative fit index (CFI), incremental fit index (IFI) and goodness of fit index (GFI) have all been calculated at a suitable level. Therefore, in general and according to the calculated indicators, it is possible to conclude the optimal fit of the model. The value of the critical statistic (CR) between the perceived social support and the cognitive distortion with the tendency to commit suicide has exceeded the borderline limit of 1. 96, and the significance level of the test in this regard is equal to 0. 000 and less than 0. 05. Therefore, it can be stated that the existence of the relationship between perceived social support and the tendency to commit suicide is confirmed with a probability of 95%. Because the coefficient of the standard path between these two variables is positive and equal to-0. 237, it can be said that with an increase of one standard deviation in the perceived social support, we will see a decrease in the tendency to commit suicide by-0. 237 standard deviation. Therefore, there is a significant and inverse relationship between perceived social support and suicidal tendencies. On the other hand, the standard path coefficient between these two variables is positive and equal to 0. 134, and with an increase of one standard deviation in cognitive distortion, we will see an increase in the tendency to commit suicide by 0. 134 standard deviations. Therefore, it can be said that there is a significant and direct relationship between cognitive distortion and suicidal tendency. In order to investigate the mediating role of moral identity between the independent variable (social support) and the dependent variable (suicidal tendency), Baron and Kenny's test showed that in the first stage and primary model, which only considered the relationship between social support and suicidal tendency, this relationship It is significant and its path coefficient is estimated as-0. 381. In the next stage, the mediating variable (moral identity) is entered into the model and is placed between the two variables of social support and suicidal tendency. The path coefficient between these two variables has decreased from-0. 381 to-0. 237 and is statistically significant. Therefore, the role of the moral identity variable is partial mediation and the fifth hypothesis of the research is confirmed with 95% probability and according to the collected data. Also, regarding the mediating role of moral identity in the relationship between cognitive distortion and suicidal tendency in the first stage and the initial model that only considered the relationship between cognitive distortion and suicidal tendency, this relationship was significant and its path coefficient was estimated as 0. 304. In the next stage, the mediating variable (moral identity) is included in the model and is placed between the two variables of cognitive distortion and suicidal tendency. The path coefficient between these two variables has decreased from 0. 304 to 0. 134 and is statistically significant. Therefore, the mediating role of moral identity in the mentioned relationship was confirmed. Conclusion: The results confirmed the significant relationship between perceived social support and suicide tendency on the one hand and cognitive distortion with suicide on the other hand, and moral identity also plays a mediating role in the relationship between these components. Therefore, it is suggested that the training of skills to strengthen social protection and recognize distorted thoughts, along with paying attention to a rich moral identity and in order to prevent issues related to suicide, especially among teenage students, should be considered important by the authorities of schools and the country, and should be on the agenda. They should be placed.

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Background & Aims: Assessing gender differences in early childhood helps us to understand them in later life. Today, many thinkers consider the years before elementary school to be the most fruitful years for teaching and learning and believe that a young child learns at a faster rate than he will be able to later, and his early mental connections and associations are so stable that they do not last in the following years. The growth process of Iranian children is examined by non-Iranian standards, and due to the difference between Iranian standards and the standards of other countries, it will be difficult to judge Iranian children, a mistake in judgment can have irreparable consequences. After the embryonic period, the physical and mental development of children in the ages after birth is very important, Because the most physical and mental changes happen at this age, which, if neglected, will lead to irreparable results, Therefore, paying attention to children's growth is one of the first priorities. Previous research shows significant gender differences in psychomotor development, albeit on a small scale and with significant heterogeneity. Girls develop earlier and have better language skills than boys in most language domains (phonics, vocabulary, and syntax), which may disappear between 3 and 5 years of age. Girls have also been found to exhibit more fine motor skills—that is, activities that require high precision and usually involve manipulating objects. Up to 4 years old or after 6 to 7 years. No clear picture emerges from studies on gender differences in motor skills—that is, activities related to movement and trunk movement—in the preschool period. Assessing sex differences in early childhood helps us understand them later in life. Today, many thinkers consider the years before elementary school to be the most fruitful years for teaching and learning. Preschool children show rapid growth in motor, cognitive, and social-emotional skills, therefore, the assessment of gender differences in early childhood is very important in making decisions. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate gender differences in developmental standards of cognitive, physical-motor, language, and literacy skills, approach to learning, and social-behavioral-emotional. Methods: The present research method is practical in terms of its purpose and in terms of data collection (research design) it is descriptive and non-experimental and the data were collected without any intervention or control. The statistical population includes all 3-4-year-old children in Tehran. The sample of the current research is 50 girls (50%) and 50 boys (50%) and their teachers and parents, which was obtained through cluster and matrix sampling in kindergartens. Twenty children were selected from five geographical regions according to the economic, social, and cultural characteristics of Tehran, including northwest and east, southwest and east, and the center (regions 3, 5, 6, 14, 16). The data collection tool includes scales for measuring the developmental capabilities of cognitive, language, and literacy, approach to learning, physical-motor, social-behavioral-emotional skills of 3 to 4 year old children, which were developed using the standards available in different countries. This scale measures five dimensions of cognitive skills (65 questions), physical-motor skills (25 questions), language and literacy (54 questions), approach to learning (27 questions), and social-behavioral-emotional dimension (24 questions). Information analysis method. In this research, descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation), the Shapiro-Wilk test, one-way analysis of variance test, Cronbach's alpha, and Pearson's correlation coefficient were used. Results: The findings showed that, from a theoretical point of view, this research will contribute to the development of knowledge about children's developmental standards. In terms of measurement tools and methods, this project is the first attempt to create a multidimensional tool that allows measuring the developmental standards of 3 to 4-year-old children, and practically, this research is useful for preparing preschool children in the early stages and evaluating them in the next stage. It will be informative. Conclusion: The results of this study are used by preschool school officials and educational policymakers. Mental skills or cognitive abilities include features such as perception, attention, memory (short-term or working and long-term), motor, language, visual and spatial processing, and executive functions. These cognitive characteristics are different in men and women. In general, women excel in verbal fluency, perceptual speed, accuracy, and fine motor skills, while men excel in spatial, working memory, and math abilities. Male and female brains show anatomical, functional, and biochemical differences throughout life. Many factors are involved in this distinction. Physiological factors, along with social norms, are other factors that cause changes. Men perform better than women on tests of visual-spatial ability and mathematical reasoning, while women perform better on memory and language use. Raising standards in children's writing is a current educational priority, and the apparent resistance of boys to efforts to improve their writing skills has received particular attention. Recent UK figures have reported that 15-19% of girls, after leaving UK primary schools, have achieved the expected standard of writing by the age of 11. This is supported by consistent evidence of female advantage in various national assessments of writing performance. The findings of this research have positive implications for theory, methodology, and practice. Theoretically, this research will help to advance the production of knowledge about children's developmental standards. In terms of measurement tools and methods, this project is the first attempt to create a multidimensional tool that allows measuring the developmental standards of 3-4-year-old children. Practically, this research will be useful and informative for the preparation of preschool children in the early stages and evaluation in the next stage.

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Background & Aims: A healthy organization stabilizes work processes and improves the physical, mental, and social condition of employees, which leads to superior efficiency and performance. On the other hand, the health of the administrative system is one of the main challenges of the administration of public affairs in developing countries, and it has attracted the attention of many public policy experts and researchers. Public issues such as administrative health affect public opinion, public trust, the authority of rulers, and the legitimacy of the system, and in addition to international events, domestic surveys show that the public perception of administrative health in Iran is not very favorable. During the last few years, anti-corruption programs in Iran have mainly focused on reforming public administration and managing public finances, but these programs have not been very effective, and in the opinion of intellectuals and even the general public, administrative corruption In Iran, it has increased more than before. The concept of corruption in the administrative system is the actions of government officials and agents that are carried out with the aim of gaining private interests and harming public interests. It can be said that the cause of all these corruptions is the emergence of situations of conflict of interest. This means that a person or an organization is placed in a position where there is a conflict between personal interests and social interests. If in these situations the choice of a person or organization is towards their own interests, corruption will occur. Therefore, in order to prevent corruption, we must eliminate or reduce the positions of conflict of interest, because we cannot expect all members of the society who are in a position of conflict of interest to take the right action. Although the title of conflict of interest is less common in society, this issue is present in people's life and it is unlikely that one can find an example of corruption where conflict of interest is not its background and introduction. The corruption that we are continuously facing and its repetition have caused destructive economic and social effects. On the other hand, nowadays most healthcare organizations are facing a chaotic environment. Therefore, these organizations have sought to adopt efficient policies to deal with environmental disturbance. The health system faces many demands in the field of financing and coverage of health services, and policymaking in this area has an important impact on the costs and successes or failures of the health system. Adopting effective policies in the field of health can be a way to deal with the challenge in this field. Iran's health system, like other countries, has faced challenges. For example, the health system transformation plan is one of the measures that was specially presented to reduce the expenses paid out of people's pockets, which has also had problems. On the other hand, the concepts of conflict of interest and the health of the administrative system are related to each other, and the vulnerability factor of the concept of administrative health will increase in the context of a conflict of interest situation. Therefore, the main question of the current research is: What is the appropriate model for implementing the health policy of the administrative system with an emphasis on conflict of interest management in Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences? Methods: This research was applied in terms of purpose and descriptive in terms of survey type. Its statistical population was made up of 434 members of the academic staff of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, of which 204 people were selected as a sample using the stratified random sampling method based on Karjesi and Morgan's table. In order to collect data, a researcher-made questionnaire with 55 questions was used. The validity and reliability of the instruments were confirmed. A structural equation test was used to analyze the data. Results: The results showed that, Structural and strategic dimensions play a significant role in the implementation of the health policy of the administrative system with emphasis on conflict of interest management in Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, and the strategic dimension has the most role and the structural dimension has the least role in the implementation of the health policy of the administrative system with Emphasis on conflict of interest management. Also, in the structural dimension, the infrastructure component, and the strategic dimension, the cultural component has the greatest role in implementing the health policy of the administrative system with an emphasis on conflict of interest management. Conclusion: In general, it can be concluded that the concepts of conflict of interest and the health of the administrative system are related to each other and the vulnerability factor of the concept of administrative health will increase in the context of a conflict of interest situation. This finding with the results of strategic dimension researches with the components of culture building, strategic vision, planning, and training respectively play a role in the implementation of the health policy of the administrative system with an emphasis on the management of conflict of interest, which is the component of culture building. has the most important role. The structural dimension with infrastructures, appropriate structure and human resources respectively play a role in the implementation of the health policy of the administrative system with an emphasis on the management of conflict of interest, where the infrastructure component plays the biggest role. In explaining this finding, it can be said, One of the influencing variables on the policy implementation process is the structural variable, which is a self-confirmation of the present research findings. According to the findings of the research, it is suggested that the university officials insure the organization against corruption by employing competent, competent, committed, responsible, and expert managers.

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Background & Aims: Quality of working life is a multidimensional structure containing concepts such as welfare measures and medical services, incentive schemes, job suitability, job security, job design, importance to the role and position of the individual in the organization, providing the basis for growth and development, participation in Decision-making, reduction of job conflicts and ambiguities, training and reward systems. It is impossible for universities to provide effective education and research without having faculty members equipped with knowledge and sufficient motivation. Therefore, as the quality of working life of the academic staff members of the university is strengthened, the functions of the university will be developed, and on the contrary, as their life goes down, the university will be exposed to decline. Therefore, paying attention to the quality of working life of academic staff should be among the highest goals of the university. On the other hand, nowadays, programs for the growth and development of academic members are among the new strategies to maintain and improve the knowledge and performance of lecturers, which have been used by most of the countries during the last few decades in order to improve the scientific ability of the members. To perform their job duties in various fields of education, research and executive-management activities, the academic staff should create a suitable platform for transformation in the educational system. Factors such as the introduction of advanced information and communication technologies, the rapid growth of knowledge and the resulting changes, the need for universities to be accountable to society, the financial constraints of higher education systems, universalization and globalization of higher education, the competition of higher education institutions, etc. All of them have caused universities and higher education systems to think about the continuous growth of their faculty members. The growth of faculty members is an essential and vital part of the success of faculty members as well as the university. Because faculty members are considered as the basic pillar of universities and higher education centers and as the executive arm of universities' triple mission (teaching, research and providing services) and paying attention to them means paying attention to human capital in higher education and in line with It is the fulfillment of this mission. In order to keep faculty members, especially in Farhangian University, who are responsible for training student teachers, considering the growth program as one of the most important university programs. According to the introduction, following the tradition of pedagogy and especially the approach of evaluating professional competence, it has been tried to align with global perspectives, a local model for monitoring, evaluating, issuing certificates and verifying the professional competence of professors (across the field) education) should be presented at the level of the system of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and on the other hand, the basis for measuring the validity of the supervisory tests should be provided. Since there is little information about the role of professional qualifications on the quality of work life and growth of employees, the purpose of this study is to investigate the role of professional qualifications on the quality of work life and mental growth of university faculty members. Methods: The purpose of this research is practical, which was carried out with a mixed approach (qualitative and quantitative) with an exploratory design. In the qualitative section, the statistical population included managers and academic staff members of Farhangian University in the 9th region of the country, who had a doctorate degree and more than 10 years of teaching experience, and 20 people were identified and their opinions were used in the qualitative section. In the quantitative section, the statistical population included 263 faculty members of Farhangian University in 9 regions of the country (Semnan, Mazandaran, and Golestan), and according to the Cochran formula, 156 people were selected as a statistical sample. The researcher-made questionnaire of professional qualifications, quality of work life by Walton (1973) and Balandagi Koroneh et al. (2013) was used to collect the required data. Results:  The results showed that the effect of professional qualifications on the quality of work life and mental development of faculty members of Farhangian University of Region 9 is significant at the level of 0. 99. Conclusion: In general, it can be concluded that the quality of working life and mental development of faculty members refers to a wide range of activities, on which the role of professional qualifications was confirmed. Academic faculty members, as one of the biggest assets of any society and also one of the most important elements of the educational system, play a very sensitive and decisive role in the training of expert human resources, and the result of their efforts is ultimately growth. And it follows the development of every society. They form the main body of any university and are certainly more important than programs, activities and equipment in this system. Therefore, universities need professors who have competence and professional qualifications. Professional competence is actually part and parcel of the performance of university professors and actually reflects the areas of knowledge, attitude and skills of a person and allows him to act more effectively in his profession. The importance of professors' professional qualifications and their tremendous impact on organizational effectiveness has caused universities to try in various ways to improve and provide the necessary conditions for their maximum emergence. In fact, professional competence shows an image of a developed person who has complete preparations in every way to do the job. In this way, competence can be considered as a behavioral dimension that has an effect on the job performance and growth of a person. Based on this, it seems that professional competence is like an umbrella that includes everything that directly or indirectly affects job performance. Researches have shown that professional competence It has a significant impact on the quality of work life of research experts. If the university authorities are not able to attract and maintain competent and motivated human resources, the university will face problems in carrying out serious responsibilities and duties. Since the academic faculty members of the universities play an essential role in the production of science and the expansion of the boundaries of knowledge, therefore, the universities should satisfy their material and spiritual needs and create a suitable working environment for them for educational and research activities.

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Background & Aims: The aim of this research was to develop and validate an educational package, an intervention for pervasive anxiety based on a solution-oriented perspective and to test it clinically on marital intimacy in couples referring to medical centers. Methods: The current research was conducted in two parts, qualitative and quantitative. The first sub-study: Compilation of an interventional, educational package for generalized anxiety based on a solution-oriented approach through 1) review, 2) review of experts' opinions using the Delphi method, and 3) determining the content validity of the designed educational package, and the second sub-study: clinical trial of the educational package., an intervention on meta-anxiety, psychological capital and marital intimacy. The quantitative part of the research was semi-experimental with a pre-test-post-test design with a control group. The treatment package was compiled in 8 sessions of 45 minutes. This package was implemented on 30 couples, at least one of whom had generalized anxiety disorder. Sampling was available in a purposeful way, which was randomly replaced in the two experimental groups (15 couples) and the control group (15 couples). Finally, the information of 27 couples entered the statistical analysis. The research tools were Spitzer et al. 's 7-item generalized anxiety disorder questionnaire (GAD-7), and Bagaroozi couple's need for intimacy questionnaire (MINQ), which were completed by both groups at the beginning and end of the intervention. The collected data were analyzed with SPSS 26 software and the inferential statistics of the multivariate analysis. By analyzing and refining these ideas, removing duplicates and using the same words, the researcher extracts the final list of factors related to the research problem. The research environment included all universities of medical sciences and universities of the Ministry of Science of the country. The researched community included all key informants including experts, experts, specialists in the field of mental health (psychiatrists, psychologists) and. . . The entry criteria of the participants include the desire to participate in the interview, having a doctorate degree/specialization in the field of mental health (psychology/psychiatry), having at least 5 years of teaching, research and treatment experience in the field of mental health in reputable scientific centers and experts in the field. Psychological treatments and especially the solution-oriented approach. To collect the required information based on the purposeful sampling method in the Delphi method, 13 experts and faculty members of the universities of medical sciences and the Ministry of Science of the country and abroad were selected in the fields of psychiatry and psychology. Then the compilation of the final educational-intervention package was done in two stages of the research: compilation of data and compilation of the content of the package based on generalized anxiety and compilation of the executive structure of the treatment package with the focus of generalized anxiety. The prepared educational package was sent to experts (10 experts) in the field of psychology to check its content validity. They were asked to comment on relevance, clarity and simplicity, and essentials. To analyze the data in terms of content validity, two indices of content validity ratio (CVR) and content validity index (CVI) were used. In order to calculate this ratio, the opinions of experts were used in the field of the content of the compiled educational package. The experts were asked to classify each of the techniques and meetings, tasks and work of leaves according to the three-part Likert scale: it is necessary, it is useful but not necessary, it is not necessary. In the implementation phase of the educational package (trial phase), the purpose of this phase was to conduct a clinical trial of the educational intervention package on meta-anxiety and psychological capital and marital intimacy of couples referring to treatment centers, one of which had pervasive anxiety. This was a semi-experimental research with a pre-test-post-test design with a control group. The research community includes all couples who, based on the screening, at least one of them has been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder and have referred to psychiatric offices, clinics, counseling offices and psychological services in Mahabad city from July 1401 to October 1401. According to Cohen's table, the sample size will be 10 people for each group with the test power of 85 and the effect size of 70 and alpha of 0. 05, but to consider the possibility of dropping out, 15 people were determined in each group, and the selection of the research sample is available non-randomly. The inclusion criteria for people to participate in the research in order to compare the people under study and according to the characteristics of the research are: the agreement and willingness of the couple to participate in the research and sign a written consent form, having symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder as diagnosed by a psychiatrist or psychologist of the center and a high score in the anxiety questionnaire Inclusive, in case of drug use, the possibility of keeping the type and amount of drug used constant during the research, being married and having at least one and a maximum of 15 years of cohabitation, not on the verge of divorce, reading and writing literacy at least until the end of middle school, age range 50 20 years, commitment and willingness of the couple to regularly and continuously participate in the meetings, not having addictions and not having a severe mental disorder according to the clinical interview and not receiving other individual and couple counseling and psychological services during the participation in the interventional and educational sessions of the research. Results: The results showed that the pervasive anxiety intervention training package based on the solution-oriented approach had an effect on the rest of the marital intimacy components, except for the spiritual and aesthetic intimacy of the couple's intimacy components. Conclusion: Therefore, it can be concluded that the comprehensive anxiety intervention package based on the solution-oriented approach had an effect on marital intimacy.

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Background & Aims: Due to the spread of the Covid-19 disease, virtual education became popular, which played an important role in the academic level of students. Therefore, the aim of the research was to provide a model of the effect of virtual education during the Corona pandemic on team learning and critical thinking of graduate and assistant students of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences. In the last two years, with the outbreak of the Covid-19 disease, various parts of higher education were affected, especially the education of medical students. With the spread of this disease, the involved countries inevitably changed their current educational methods and took measures in this field. The process of teaching and learning should continue and this view led to the emergence, discovery, and application of a wide range of online teaching-learning methods. Attendance in class is especially important when teaching medical sciences because learners are trained to solve problems, critically analyze, and make therapeutic recommendations, and absenteeism is a concern. Following the formulation of the comprehensive program in the field of education, to plan for the realization of the policies and strategies contained in those operational packages, operational plans, and annual projects are implemented based on them. Following the aim of higher education in the health system and the educational transformation and innovation plan in Iran's universities of medical sciences, twelve educational packages were placed as the basis of educational transformation and development. One of the most important packages of the transformation plan was the virtual education package. For the development of virtual education, 8 steps of training manpower, regulation of laws, encouragement, and motivation, production of electronic content, provision of infrastructure, production and dissemination of knowledge, development of virtualization, and novelty, and innovation were determined as the main strategies. With the emergence of the phenomenon of Covid-19 and its stability with new strains in the context of other effective factors and the forced movement of the education system at different stages towards virtual education as the dominant method and most fields as the only educational method, this question In the minds of the beneficiaries of the education process, especially the executors, it raises the question whether the virtual education methods as previously considered as a goal and ideal, Are they responsive to teaching and learning needs? Many things have been said and written about the problems of classrooms before the contemporary period. Now and in the new conditions, it seems that some of the previous problems have been strengthened. By default, advantages are also considered for virtual education, but of course, the question must also be answered which of these "Educational benefits" can only be accessed through virtual training and cannot be obtained in face-to-face training? It seems that now, despite the new experiences in the field of virtual education, there is an opportunity to move away from the past positive and current negative emotions and perceptions towards this type of education, The real place of virtual education in the cultural context of the country's education system should be determined and operational planning should be done free of unrealistic idealism to improve the quality of education and increase students' participation in this process. Although the corona pandemic caused many problems on all the indicators of society, including the health of the people, it led to the flourishing of some capabilities in the country, among which we can mention the spread and prosperity of virtual education throughout the country. It seems that virtual education has entered a new phase in our country and more attention has been paid to virtual education. On the other hand, those responsible for the matter have become more aware of the importance of distance education and e-learning-based education. Therefore, it is expected that with the development of the necessary infrastructure such as the development of the nationwide Internet network and increasing its speed, the production of interactive educational software, and the use of the experiences gained in this pandemic, we will witness the increasing prosperity of virtual education in the country, and even after the end of the Corona epidemic. Methods: The study method was mixed, in the qualitative part, the statistical population included 18 expert professors, 10 of whom were selected by purposive sampling, and 1665 graduate students and assistants of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences in the department. 312 people were selected using Cochran's formula. In order to collect data, the researcher-made questionnaire of virtual education and critical thinking Ritex (2003) and team learning was used by Bresso et al. (2008). Exploratory factor analysis tests were used to analyze the data. Results: The results showed that the coefficients of the path, the factor load of 0. 708 against 0. 644 are established between virtual training and the variables of team learning and critical thinking, also because the value of t (22. 094) between virtual training and team learning compared to the value of 17. 757 It is outside the range between virtual education and critical thinking (2. 58 and-2. 58), so the effect of virtual education on team learning and critical thinking during the Corona pandemic has become significant. Conclusion: In general, it can be concluded that in order to improve the level of critical thinking and learning, virtual education can be used alongside real education. With the sudden and immediate closure of universities, the corona pandemic has changed the educational and research structure. This critical situation has created many concerns, including the decline in the quality of education and an uncertain future for students. In Iran, in most parts of the world, since the early days of the Corona outbreak, the use of various electronic and virtual education methods as an alternative to face-to-face education has been on the agenda. Today, electronic learning and virtual education are considered new paradigms in teaching and learning mechanisms.

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Background & Aims: Clinical education is one of the critical stages of medical education, which plays a major role in shaping the professional capabilities of learners. Due to the importance of this, practical medical education has undergone significant changes in the last two decades and has gone towards the expansion of clinical skills training centers. The main goal of clinical skills training centers is to simulate a clinical environment so that clinical skills training can be controlled and practiced. Obviously, these centers only complement the real clinical environment and do not replace it in any way. Planning for teaching, training during the clinical encounter, and reflection on the clinical experience. Skills training in the skills center leads to learning the standard "procedure". It becomes "skill performance". Learning clinical skills in the clinical skills training section provides an opportunity for students to practice their clinical skills in a simulated educational situation that is designed and equipped to learn a number of basic skills. Develop through training on mannequins and their attached equipment as part of an organized program. In response to the changes made in the way of education, the clinical skills section provides an opportunity for students of medical sciences to practice their clinical and communication skills in a calm and controlled environment by using a variety of teaching aids, models, and mannequins. to increase The clinical skills learning center provides an opportunity for medical students to practice their clinical and communication skills in a calm and controlled environment by using a variety of teaching aids, models, and mannequins, before entering the increase scientific environment. Based on a survey about the satisfaction of the students with the clinical skills center, 90% believed that the clinical skills center actually creates a link between theoretical content and practical skills. Self-efficacy is defined as a motivational factor that activates, empowers, maintains, and guides behavior towards the goal. Self-efficacy is one of the key variables in Bandura's cognitive-social theory. Self-efficacy beliefs refer to the feeling of self-esteem and self-worth, the feeling of sufficiency and efficiency in dealing with life. Self-efficacy plays a vital role in improving clinical issues such as fearlessness, depression, social skills, and self-expression. Self-efficacy is one of the most important components of achieving success and reconciliation and it is placed in the field of positive psychology. People with high self-efficacy can be more involved in challenging situations. With their curiosity, they can use appropriate solutions to solve their problems and show more perseverance to solve academic problems. From the researcher's point of view, our current universities have not yet been able to effectively introduce their scientific findings, especially in medical sciences, into the field of simulation in educational affairs. Therefore, in order for students to benefit as much as possible from the scientific potentials of the clinical skills training center of the country, it is necessary to follow up the equipment of the clinical skills training centers in a more serious manner, which requires the identification of the factors It is effective on teaching clinical skills in research projects of universities of medical sciences. On the other hand, due to the fact that many ideas of researchers in various fields are left unused on the shelves of libraries and that the energy of these people is wasted on creating knowledge that cannot be properly used in practice, this shortcoming causes students and researchers to be disappointed. The creation of knowledge and in some cases the spread of science is beyond the borders of the country, According to the above, the aim was to study the effect of clinical skills training on academic self-efficacy in students and assistants of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences. Methods: This study was conducted with a mixed approach (qualitative and quantitative). A semi-structured interview was used in the qualitative approach. The statistical population in the qualitative section was 29 professors of medical sciences universities in the first region with a doctorate degree and the academic rank of associate professor or higher, and based on the saturation law, 14 people were determined and selected as a statistical sample. In the quantitative part, 312 people were selected as a statistical sample among the 1665 graduate students and assistants of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences based on Cochran's formula. The research tool included a researcher-made clinical skill training questionnaire and Farman's (2015) self-efficacy questionnaire. Data analysis was done using SPSS21 and PLS software. Results: The results showed that clinical skill training has become significant in self-efficacy at the level of 0. 95. Conclusion: In general, it can be concluded that by focusing on clinical skills training, the self-efficacy level of graduate students and assistants can be improved, therefore it is important to pay attention to clinical skills training. One of the limitations of the present study is the problem of communicating with some professors of the university and determining the time required to conduct the interview, as well as the low interest of some samples to participate in the research process and complete the questionnaires of the quantitative stage of the research, as well as due to the current conditions. The ruler of the society pointed out that due to the epidemic of Covid-19, the process of distributing and collecting questionnaires was accompanied by many time and place restrictions, although the distribution and collection of some questionnaires were in virtual space and online. According to the results, it is suggested that the members of the academic staff and the program coordinators of the higher education system should familiarize themselves with the basics of educational strategies and techniques and how to teach and strengthen them in students in educational courses. Therefore, professors can use methods based on educational technology and cognitive and metacognitive learning strategies to improve the academic progress and self-efficacy of students. Also, the training of practical clinical skills should be given serious attention by the officials of the universities of medical sciences, and sufficient intellectual, human, and material investment should be made in this field.

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Background & Aims: The university as a knowledge-based organization is considered as the main place for developing talent and applying a competency-based approach in work environments. According to common sense, people feel satisfied working under the management of worthy people. In addition, the tenure of quality people in the management position eliminates the sense of competition, jealousy and conflict of subordinates and creates a sense of job satisfaction. The fundamental role of universities in training the specialized workforce has caused different countries, especially developed countries, to undergo fundamental changes and transformations in universities. Therefore, recognizing the special competencies required by university administrators is of particular importance, taking into account the social, political and cultural conditions and requirements of society, as well as the mission and vision outlined in the Ministry of Science and universities. One of the things that can be considered in this field is to put people in appropriate positions with their abilities, experiences and capabilities, and this process has been proposed in the form of a meritocracy system. In order to institutionalize this important issue for selecting competent and reliable managers in the body of the organization who will undoubtedly play an important role in achieving and implementing programs in the set goals requires having a systemic approach in designing and implementing competency-based management processes and sub-processes due to multiplicity. Heterogeneity and multiple decision criteria and their implications are essential, and the systematic approach of all competency processes and their sub-processes must be organized with a cohesive approach to achieve specific goals. Given the new plans and mission of the medical education system in today's complex situation, universities and training centers will not be able to meet their growing responsibilities without effective leadership and management. Therefore, improving and transforming the management system of universities is vital. The phenomenon of paying attention to merits with the centrality of the revolutionary university in the realization of the goals and ideals in different stages include "the victory of the revolution and the establishment of the Islamic system", "formation of the Islamic state", "creation of the Islamic society and country" and "realization of the nation" and the New Islamic Civilization ”, and at each stage has characteristics extracted from the statements and guidelines of the great leaders of the Islamic Revolution. The results of the University at the level of the Islamic Revolution include the two main components of the ability to efficiently carry out the work of the Islamic community and the scientific, intellectual and technological authority. The output of the University at the level of the Islamic Revolution also includes the two main components of "graduates and elites" and "thought, science and technology". From this perspective, and considering that scientific authority is the most important pillar and axis of development, in order to create such a situation, i. e. the rule of scientific attitude over the cultural beliefs of society, investing in human capital through educational, research and educational systems, additional supplements are required. The necessity of the competence of university administrators and academic authority in university education is due to the fact that this phenomenon has positive effects on the position of a university in the short and long term. Today, addressing the issue of management and competence in the medical education system, which is of great importance in the prevention, treatment of diseases, maintenance and promotion of public health is quite obvious. The future of universities and institutes and higher education in the country and their growth and development depends on having competent and effective managers. Methods: The present applied research was conducted in 2022 with a qualitative and quantitative approach. The statistical population in the qualitative section were professors of macro-medical universities in region one among whom 15 people were selected using purposive sampling, and in the quantitative section, managers and deputies of departments, department heads and faculty members of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences summing up to 320 people were selected through Stratified random sampling as the statistical sample. In order to collect data, a researcher-made competency questionnaire with the approach of the Islamic Revolution University and a scientific authority questionnaire were used. Structural equations were used to analyze the data. Results: The results showed that the dimension of "creativity" with an average rank of 6. 53 had the highest rank. The results of confirmatory factor analysis showed that the highest value of path coefficient was related to the teamwork component of the organizational dimension with a value of 0. 936 and the R2 value was equal to 0. 875. Based on the path coefficients, a factor load of 0. 577 was established between the two variables of competence and scientific authority. Conclusion: In general, it can be concluded that competence with the approach of the University of the Islamic Revolution had a significant effect on scientific authority in Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences. Today, the task of the university is not only to produce knowledge, but also to commercialize the knowledge produced, which should start with students and faculty members. In order to commercialize and refer the research done by researchers inside the university, a series of steps need to be taken in order to commercialize the results of these researches. These measures need to have a series of characteristics (competencies) which should be present in faculty members or strive to develop or develop these competencies. Universities should also base their performance evaluation on recruitment, training, promotion, and faculty performance because the integration of human resource subsystems will increase the productivity of the university, the development of faculty members and qualified graduates and become a scientific reference. Among the limitations of the present study, the statistical population which was limited to the professors of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, the geographical scope of the research and the lack of access to the full text of the articles it can be stated. It should be noted that universities should pay attention to their competence and ability in attracting managers, because in order to maintain and create scientific authority, the optimal use of the country's resources is needed for a regular movement from the current situation to the scientific position, in the form of a comprehensive scientific map of the country, so the university should have competent and professional managers. The university should hold training courses for the realization of scientific authority in the field of science and technology in order to improve the specialized abilities and skills of university administrators because scientific authority is an individual, group and long-term effort that is made in accordance with the needs of the individual and society to produce science. Therefore, one of the most important factors driving such a program is the existence of organizational rules and regulations, so it is suggested that universities develop a charter and guidelines for the implementation of such an approach.

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Background & Aims: Always, various causes and factors can be considered in academic progress. One of these factors is academic hope, considering more than 20 years of research in the field of hope, it shows that students are more hopeful in education and life, show better performance than less promising students. The hopeful thought indicates the belief that the path to the goals can be found and motivates the use of that path, and as a result, hope directs people's feelings and well-being and is an essential part of happiness and fulfillment in life. Hopefully, education can prepare the learner for life and having a better and dynamic future and has a close relationship with academic progress. Students who are emotionally and cognitively involved with learning, spend more time and effort on studying and have higher academic progress, cope with their academic needs appropriately, and solve problems. The period of education is over. A detailed examination of the issue of educational progress and the factors affecting it should be the top priority of the education workers of that society. Because improving the academic status of learners is one of the basic goals of contemporary education systems. Academic hope is one of the factors influencing academic progress. Hope is not a feeling, but a dynamic motivational cognitive system that promotes the academic progress of students. Studies have shown that hope is a reliable predictor of academic success and is a basic need for students. In other words, hope is related to more competence in many areas of life, such as education. Hope empowers students to overcome problems by focusing on success, and by increasing this possibility, they achieve their goals. Psychologists consider hope as a feeling of vitality that is experienced when a person expects a better future ahead of their eyes. Hope facilitates crossing important obstacles and deep abysses along the way. Hope gives a person the courage to face difficult situations and find the ability to overcome them. In the theory of hope, it is assumed that the failure to achieve the goals, repeatedly and comprehensively, reduces the thinking of the agent and the passage and as a result, the hope, and this is the first stage of depression. On the other hand, creative thinking skills are important cognitive aspects that are needed for meaningful learning in all disciplines. Creative thinking skills aim to combine ideas, create new ideas, and determine the effectiveness of existing ideas. Considering the importance of the discussion of learning and education in the education system and the relationship between academic progress and thinking in order to direct the effective education of students, the aim of the study was to investigate the mediating role of emotional self-efficacy in the relationship between creative thinking and academic hope. Methods: This research is based on the type of applied goal and is considered among the descriptive research, and the method used in this research was a correlation survey using structural equations. The statistical population of this study included male students of the first and second high schools of Kazeroon city. In this research, a multi-stage cluster sampling method was used. This article was taken from the doctoral thesis and was carried out under the supervision of the ethics committee of the Islamic Azad University of Morovdasht with the code of ethics IR. IAU. M. REC. 1403. 224. The multi-stage cluster sampling method in this research is as follows: Kazeroon City was divided into Kazeroon, Khesht, Kanaratakhteh, Baladeh, and Jareh cities. First, from these 5 cities, the number of secondary schools for boys through education and the number of students in the second and third levels of education were investigated, and then a random sample of those who were eligible and willing to cooperate was selected from each school. The questionnaire was distributed among them. 266 students were selected as samples. In this research, in order to collect data, Peter Hani's standard creative thinking questionnaire was used in the two dimensions of analytical thinking and innovation and creativity thinking, and Sohrabi and Samani's educational hope questionnaire, in the two dimensions of agency and crossings, and the 32-question emotional self-efficacy questionnaire. For data analysis, the approach of variance-based structural equations was used using smartpls4. 0 software. Results: The qualitative results of the reflected research showed that to develop media and information literacy, it is necessary to act in three areas: access, evaluation, and application. For example, to improve the fields of sports science students, responsible and involved institutions should develop internet infrastructure and communication networks. Conclusion: In general, it can be stated that the results of the research show that the development of media and information literacy among sports science students in Mazandaran universities requires focusing on three key areas: access to information, evaluation of information, and application of information. Improving access to reliable information sources is the first step in this direction, which enables students to access up-to-date scientific data.

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Background & Aims: The advancement of technology has been the engine of the development of human society since the beginning of civilization. Over time, economists' concerns have evolved in parallel with the evolution of technology. So far, this evolution has been marked by four major leaps, known as industrial revolutions, triggered by major inventions. These inventions include the steam engine, then electricity, digitization, and the use of information technology, which led to significant advances in information and communication technologies at the end of the 20th century, along with the emergence and mass dissemination of the Internet, which led to the fourth industrial revolution. Today, business and labor markets are dynamic and unpredictable, and organizational technological changes happen quickly. The Internet of Things is one of the new changes and an important issue in these behavioral changes of employees with latest technologies and changes in processes. The current research was conducted to identify the dimensions and indicators of the adaptation model of employees' behavior in the fourth industrial revolution. Methods: In this research, a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods has been used. The statistical population of the research in the qualitative part of this research is 15 people selected from these two expert groups and their opinions are used during the Delphi and AHP hierarchical analysis stages. These people include university professors (scientific experts) and senior managers. The assistants, middle managers, and senior experts of the parent company of Tavanir are (practical experts) who have the expertise (scientific experts) and sufficient experience (practical experts) in the field of the research subject, and their opinions have been used during the Delphi and AHP hierarchical analysis stages. People who have a master's degree or higher in the fields of human resource management or organizational behavior are included in this list. The tool of data collection was a semi-structured interview (Delphi method) and a quantitative researcher questionnaire, whose validity was checked and confirmed by experts and professors. The researcher-made questionnaire has a suitable reliability with Cronbach's alpha test. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to measure the validity of the factor. Also, after checking the validity of the questionnaire questions through confirmatory factor analysis, in order to check the effects between the research variables, the structural equation model was used using SMART PLS software Results: The results obtained are as follows: in the first stage, with a qualitative approach and a content analysis method with a category system (coding), 38 concept codes were obtained, and after categorizing the concept codes, 33 indicators were identified. These 33 indicators were formulated under 6 main components attitude towards behavior, mental norms, usage experience, cognitive processes, behavioral motivation, and Internet of Things. In the second step, a researcher-made questionnaire was prepared with a quantitative approach, and its validity and reliability were evaluated. The results of the exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis of the competencies of the mother company of Tavanir Specialty show that the behavioral compatibility of employees includes 33 indicators and 6 dimensions. The attitude to behavior dimension has 6 components, Then the mental norms also have 5 components, The use experience dimension also has 6 components, The dimension of cognitive processes also has 5 components, The dimension of behavioral motivation also has 6 components, In terms of Internet of Things, 5 components have been identified and determined. The results of data analysis show that most of the experts agree with the 6 dimensions of the behavioral adaptation model of employees including attitude towards behavior, mental norms, usage experience, behavioral motivation, cognitive processes, and Internet of Things, and believe that these 6 dimensions can fully and comprehensively represent The behavioral adaptation model of employees in the fourth industrial revolution with an emphasis on the Internet of Things. The results of exploratory factor analysis in order to investigate and identify the main factors and to discover and reveal special characteristics and relationships between them are presented below. These factors should be able to satisfactorily explain the observed correlations (or covariances) between the observed variables. One of the most common ways to determine the identification of appropriate factors is to use the matrix eigenvalue statistic, which indicates the amount of variance that is determined by a factor from the total variance in the set of primary variables. In other words, the specific value of each factor is the value of the variance of all questions explained by that factor. The higher this value is, the more variance the factor explains. Factors whose eigenvalue is 1 or more are the best factors. An eigenvalue less than one indicates that that factor only accounts for a small amount of the total variance, that is, less than what is estimated by a variable (questionnaire question). The purpose of factor analysis is to explain a large number of variables based on a main structure with fewer elements. For this reason, an eigenvalue less than one is often not taken into consideration and it seems that this factor is caused by error. Conclusion: In general, according to the results of the study, it can be stated that the indicators of the compatibility model of the employees' behavior and the motivation dimension are of high importance. Considering that behavioral motivation was recognized as the most important dimension of the behavioral adaptation model of employees, to improve the behavioral adaptation of employees, it is suggested to identify the expectations of the employees from the changes made and to act in order to fulfill them or provide a logical justification for it. Facilitate work processes for employees to be more accepted. For the acceptance of technology and greater behavioral adaptation of employees with it, it is suggested to explain the capabilities of technology in the field of improving the conditions of performing duties for employees. The work environment should be equipped with technological services and health, and have standards such as proper light. These characteristics make a person solve new challenges and problems with mastery and an appropriate spirit when changes occur. Employees are always very concerned about their jobs and psychological security. In fact, no employee wants economic changes and disturbances to affect his work. In such a situation, the person will have job compatibility. Because he does not want to change his work. As an elite senior manager, you should be able to strengthen the psychological and job security of your employees and guarantee them a bright future. An experienced senior manager assigns job descriptions to employees according to their talents and motivations. In fact, achieving job compatibility depends on paying special attention to people's abilities, attitudes, and, of course, time planning. Certainly, comprehensive satisfaction with the job position makes the self-willed person adapt more to new situations and inevitable changes.

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Background & Aims: One of the most important factors of pathogenicity and multidrug resistance of bacteria is the formation of biofilm. Bacterial biofilm includes communities of microorganisms, extracellular products, and materials in the space between them that are attached to a surface. The thickness of the biofilm can be significant from a single cell layer to a community depending on the adhesive polymeric environment in which it is located. In the 21st century, resistance to antibiotics was considered one of the biggest threats in the world, which is known to be a great danger to the health of humans and animals, and it has been proven to be an effective disaster. Finally, in the last few years, scientists have thought of replacing some organic and natural substances with antibiotics in order to minimize the harm caused by them, until the phenomenon of antibiotic resistance is raised as an important problem in health care This feature spreads antibiotic-resistant microbial pathogens. Bacteria such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Coagulase-negative staphylococcus, Salmonella, Shigella, Enterococcus, and Escherichia coli, which are receiving a lot of attention now and can be said to be the most resistant bacteria. It is compared to antibiotics and leads to the most dangerous infections in humans and animals. Staphylococcus aureus can produce multi-layered biofilm in one layer of glycocalyx. Due to its special structure and the presence of extracellular polymeric substances, biofilm reduces the penetration of antimicrobial agents. It is difficult to treat infections caused by biofilm-forming bacteria, and due to the distinctive properties of biofilms and their role in reducing the penetration of drugs into bacterial cells, biofilm-forming bacteria have high drug resistance and need to be used There are different treatment methods to treat this type of infection. Pseudomonas-aeruginosa is also one of the most important hospital pathogens. One of the treatment problems of this bacterium is its antibiotic resistance to common antibiotic treatments, which is related to biofilm production. One of the most important effects of antibiotics is drug resistance. Antibiotic resistance occurs when bacteria change in a way that reduces or completely eliminates the effect of the drug. This modified bacterium survives and causes new damage to body systems. In the last few years, scientists have been thinking of replacing some organic and natural substances instead of antibiotics in order to minimize the harm caused by them, until the phenomenon of antibiotic resistance has been raised as an important problem in health care. This feature spreads antibiotic-resistant microbial pathogens. Plant secondary metabolites such as essential oils and plant extracts have been investigated for their antimicrobial effect and it has been found that most of the plant essential oils extracted from plants have insecticidal, antifungal, antiparasitic, antibacterial, antiviral, antioxidant and cell killing properties. The active compounds of plant extracts and essential oils are volatile and some of them are hardly soluble in water and are easily oxidized. One of the problems of essential oils is their effectiveness. The method that can be suggested to increase the effectiveness and consumption of essential oils is to convert the essential oil into a nano form or use nanocomposite, nanoparticle, nanocapsule and liposome for further penetration into cells. Some studies show that encapsulated essential oils increase the antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of the compounds and also cause their properties to be preserved for a longer period of time. Due to their antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties, essential oils can be suitable substitutes in food and medicine fields and to deal with bacterial infections and pathogenic bacteria. They can also be an alternative to antibiotics. One of the latest methods to improve the transmission and effect of plant essential oils is the use of nanotechnology and the production of nanoparticle, nanocomposite, nanocapsule and liposome. Europe, Africa and Asia grow. This plant has received much attention in this family due to its aromatic compounds, antioxidant compounds and special biological characteristics. In recent studies, the antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects and activities of rosemary have been investigated. The essential oils obtained from rosemary and peppermint plants were analyzed by GC and GC-MS using the distillation method. Methyl cyclohexanol (35. 90%) and menthone (23. 01%) were the main components of the peppermint plant, camphor (23. 22%), and alpha-pinene (17. 99%) of the rosemary plant, respectively. The particle size of nano-emulsion, nano-composite, nano-capsule, and nano-liposome of both essential oils (rosemary and peppermint) was determined below 100 nm, which was confirmed by scanning electron microscope (FESEM) analysis. The antibacterial activity of Mentha piperita L and Rosmarinus officinalis L against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria was determined using the MIC method. Methods: The samples of rosemary and peppermint plants tested in this research were collected from the growth center of agricultural technology units of Urmia University and were approved by botanical specialists of Urmia University. The collected plants were completely dried in the dark and then the dried plants were powdered by a blender. To prepare essential oil, essential oil was extracted from the Cloninger machine available in the laboratory of Urmia University. Results: Nanocapsules containing rosemary and peppermint essential oils were obtained with particle sizes of 19. 25 and 35. 2, respectively. Nanocomposite containing rosemary and peppermint essential oil was obtained with particle sizes of 27. 14 and 71. 7, respectively. Nanoliposomes containing rosemary and peppermint essential oils were obtained with particle sizes of 19. 1 and 25. 38, respectively. Conclusion: The particle size of all formulations showed a significant difference over time, the particle size of nano emulsions was slightly different compared to nano-capsules, nano-composites, and nanoliposomes, but in general, all samples were stable. If the change in particle size was acceptable after one month. In the test of antimicrobial effects, the effect of essential oil in both free and encapsulated states in lipid carriers against Gram-positive bacteria was higher than Gram-negative bacteria, and the inhibition rate of nanoemulsion and nanoliposome compared to free essential oil in all bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus), Escherichia coli, Moraxella catarrhalis) and Candida albicans fungus was higher. nanoemulsion also had more antimicrobial effects compared to nanoliposomes.

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Salehi Davood | Hoseini Daronkolaei Seyedeh Zahra | Hoseinzadeh Babak

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Background & Aims: Educational neuroscience is an interdisciplinary research field that combines neuroscience, psychology, and education to understand learning and teaching processes better. This science examines how the brain works during learning, memory formation, and interactions between the brain and the educational environment. One of the main goals of educational neuroscience is to discover and understand the neural mechanisms that are the basis of cognitive abilities such as attention, memory, and problem-solving. Using this knowledge, it is possible to design more effective training methods that are in harmony with the way the brain works. During their studies, students face many challenges that can affect their learning and academic performance. Educational neuroscience examines these challenges and their effects on the brain and the learning process to help students study better and be more successful. For example, stress is one of the important factors that can negatively affect cognitive performance. Studies have shown that high stress, especially during exams, can impair memory and reduce students' ability to learn new material. This science teaches us that managing stress and creating a balance between work and rest can help improve academic performance. Management of higher education with the approach of educational neuroscience can have a profound effect on students' cognitive strategies. This approach, based on a deep understanding of how the brain works in the learning process, seeks to create educational and management environments that aim to optimize students' cognitive performance. One of the key indicators in this field is to pay attention to educational methods based on scientific evidence that uses the findings of educational neuroscience to design and improve learning strategies. For example, research shows that active and collaborative learning can enhance neural activities related to memory and critical thinking, so creating more opportunities for this type of learning in classrooms can help improve students' cognitive performance. The use of educational methods based on neuroscience can help to develop and improve students' mental skills. These skills can include memory, concentration, critical thinking, and problem-solving. Considering the importance of metacognition in the learning process, the implementation of higher education management indicators with the approach of educational neuroscience can help improve students' metacognition. This helps to improve their cognitive abilities and thinking which inhibits and accelerates their learning. Considering the process of rapid changes in higher education, this approach helps universities to improve, change, and adapt to the needs of society and the labor market. The use of educational neurosciences in the design and implementation of educational programs can facilitate the optimization of cognitive processes, therefore, in this study, the influence of higher education management indicators with the approach of educational neurosciences on the cognitive strategies of students of Farhangian University of Tehran was carried out. Methods: This research was fundamental-applicative in terms of its purpose, and in terms of the type of data, it was a combination (qualitative-quantitative) of the exploratory type, which was in the qualitative part of the Grand Theory method and the descriptive-correlation part. The statistical population in the qualitative part included academic expert managers (faculty members) and organizational experts, and in the quantitative part, it included all students of Farhangian universities in Tehran. In the qualitative section, 12 out of 25 people were selected according to the principle of saturation and targeted sampling, and in the quantitative section, 370 out of 12,473 people were selected based on the calculation of the sample size in structural equations and stratified random sampling. The data collection tool was a semi-structured interview in the qualitative section a 50-question researcher-made questionnaire of higher education management with an educational neuroscience approach derived from theoretical foundations, research background, and interviews with experts, and a 49-question cognitive strategies questionnaire. The method of data analysis in the qualitative part was theoretical coding (open, central, and selective), and the quantitative part included descriptive and inferential statistics (structural equation modeling and confirmatory factor analysis). Results: The results show the existence of a strong and meaningful relationship between higher education management with the educational neuroscience approach (exogenous latent variable) and cognitive strategies (endogenous latent variables). Path coefficients of 0.531 for cognitive strategies show that higher education management based on educational neuroscience has a positive effect on both types of strategies. Conclusion: The results show that the management of higher education with the approach of educational neuroscience improves basic cognitive processes. This finding can mean that higher education, which is designed and managed based on a scientific understanding of how the brain works, helps students to do better not only in learning information but also in managing and optimizing their learning process. The results of the research emphasize that the management of higher education with the approach of educational neuroscience has a significant effect on the improvement of cognitive strategies. This shows the importance of implementing neuroscience principles in the design and management of education to help improve the quality of learning and develop self-regulation skills. For further improvement, it is suggested to pay more attention to strengthening students' metacognitive skills in educational programs and to design professional development programs for faculty members in a way that helps to improve these skills. Also, examining other factors affecting cognitive strategies can help provide a more comprehensive picture of the effective components of improving educational quality.

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Mafi Farzaneh | Jafari Harandi Mohammad | Hosseini Mirsfi Seyedeh fatemeh

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Background & Aims: In ancient times, man has always believed in the influence of invisible and superhuman forces, and to stay safe from natural and unnatural events and supernatural forces, he has resorted to amulets, beads, and words. After the emergence of Islam, based on Quranic teachings, the human tendency to seek help from unseen forces was guided in the right direction. Another very old and common method of treating diseases is the treatment of patients by reciting holy words, or prayer therapy, which basically has a psychological basis. According to Dinkord, Zoroaster acquired "medicine and natural science" "through Yazidi knowledge and Minoan insight". He gave the people "words through religion to ward off calamities and defeat demons and fairies, to neutralize witchcraft and witchcraft, and to cure diseases" and to cure all "diseases that were beyond the understanding of doctors". This research is to familiarize with the pure Islamic culture regarding the use of amulets and amulets traditions and to examine them in terms of their validity and importance and their effect in healing some physical and mental diseases. Methods: The current article is a type of theoretical research, which is a library and document method, and the research was done by extracting the resources available in libraries, articles, and magazines, as well as by referring to the available dictionary and interpretive and narrative software. He investigated the use of charms and amulets in Shia and Sunni traditions and its effect on healing physical and mental diseases. Results: In ancient cultures, people have resorted to spells, beads, and words to protect themselves from natural and unnatural events and supernatural forces. In ancient culture, various objects, both raw (stone, plant, soil, etc. ) and manufactured (statues, statues, etc. ) were used to ward off evil spirits, demons, and harmful creatures. It is not the amulet that protects, but the Almighty God has given this property to the amulet and He is the protector and protector of all. Of course, we emphasize that charms, like prayers, have their effect depending on the will of Almighty God, and in addition, the effect of prayers and charms depends on various factors. In the case of infectious and dangerous diseases such as influenza, coronavirus, etc., the basic command of Islam is to eat properly and maintain hygiene, especially washing hands and face before eating, while solutions such as prayer, charity, mercy, forgiveness, carrying amulets with your own conditions are also mentioned in order to stay healthy at any time with rational solutions. Let's not neglect the spiritual solutions, because the power of the Almighty God is beyond imagination. Conclusion: In ancient culture, various objects, both raw (stones, plants, soil, etc. ) and manufactured (statues, etc. ) were used to ward off evil spirits, demons, evil and harmful creatures. One of the most important of these remedies is the use of amulets and talismans, which are more or less popular in all societies that believe in the supernatural and are seen in Islamic traditions, including the traditions of the Ahl al-Bayt, peace be upon them. In some hadith books, charms and amulets are collected in one chapter and one row. Comparing the texts of amulets and talismans, no difference can be found. For this reason, amulets and talismans are often used in the same context and with the same meaning in the literature of speakers and people of prayer. Perhaps it can be said that amulets are only things that can be read and written, but in addition to these, amulets also include the use of some objects and writings. Belief in amulets and talismans means belief in the existence of certain works for certain prayers, remembrances, and prayers. Islam is one of the religions that has fought against magic. For the legitimacy and use of amulets, there is both a practical tradition and a verbal tradition from the Prophet of Islam and the infallible imams. Therefore, amulets with the Qur'an, the names of God, remembrances and supplications from the infallible (peace be upon them), and correct themes are permissible, and unknown remembrances and incorrect themes are forbidden. Our belief in prayer and the influence of supernatural beings on the material world around us does not conflict with scientific research and experimental studies, nor does it restrict us. It is in this way that one can be both a scientist and have a rational and logical belief in things like charms and amulets. If this philosophical depth exists, we will not fall into the trap of superstition, nor will we be caught in the trap of arrogant intellectual gestures. Some scholars believe that magic is not true. And what the sorcerer does is illusion, conjecture, and imagination, and some say that magic is real and not just pure imagination. In the beginning, the treatment of wounds and injuries that were done by hand was different from the treatment of diseases with magical practices, because people saw the wounds with their eyes and did not consider evil spirits and demons to be the cause of them. One of the very ancient and common methods of treating diseases was treating patients by reading holy words or prayer therapy, which basically had a psychotherapeutic basis. In the Islamic society of Iran and the world, like the ancient Iranian society, diseases and pains are considered heavenly scourges and caused by abundance. They thought it was a sin, and more or less like mental illnesses, they treated it with holy words, prayers, and rituals, based on the teachings of Islam, praying, supplicating to God, asking for healing from God against calamities, troubles, illnesses, etc. They are strong and effective in warding off evil. Amulets, as stated in their text, are ordered to prevent and protect from various calamities, of course, they should not cause polytheism, because it is not the amulet that protects, but the Almighty God has given this property to the amulet and He is the protector and protector of all. There is a relationship between amulets and talismans and physical and mental diseases. Finally, this relationship is not therapeutic, but it is aimed at creating a sense of trust, self-confidence, and peace of mind.

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Background & Aims: According to the approach that theft is an unforgivable crime at all times and in all countries, which in addition to disrupting the balance of society, also creates insecurity. The prevalence and continuity of this crime prompted researchers and researchers of social affairs to more precisely examine the issues related to this crime, such as the division and classification of types of theft and the analysis of the factors that cause the crime of theft. Therefore, in this research, considering the desired approach and the growth of the theft crime rate in recent years in Golestan province and the necessity of investigating the different causes of its occurrence and achieving strategies to manage and reduce the occurrence of this crime, efforts are made to identify all the factors that cause this crime. Another factor that causes the crime of theft in the society is the negligence, neglect, and ignoring of the warnings of the police forces by the people to protect and take care of their personal property. Unfortunately, the crime of theft, which sometimes leads to assault and murder, will have negative effects on the security of society, including it causes a feeling of personal and financial insecurity, it increases fear and anxiety in the minds, and dissatisfaction among the members of the society. It will also lead to a loss of confidence in the ability of the institutions that maintain order and security, such as the judiciary and the police. The occurrence of such crimes causes a wave of concern among people and officials. According to the contents that have been stated, it is necessary to deal with the desired category to find the roots and deal with it. The existence of economic, social, psychological, emotional, and sometimes cultural problems at simple to very complex levels has caused this crime to occur in society. When the social and economic justice is reduced in society, this crime with all its special complications will spread significantly and in a way, when there is a crime in society, it affects the duties and performance of all social organizations and institutions. Of course, the social damage of this crime has causes and factors that must be recognized and moved towards the elimination of favorable social contexts for people to be infected, so a scientific investigation of the nature and ways and factors of this criminal phenomenon in the society, which includes many factors Among them: social, family, economic factors, etc., and finding the best ways to control and prevent it is a vital matter. Besides, the researches conducted in this field are usually one-dimensional, and only a specific part of the causes of the crime of theft were investigated, but in this research, all indicators of economic and social factors that are influential in the occurrence of the crime of theft have been investigated. To be placed for this purpose, in this research, we are trying to sociologically explain the social and economic causes of theft in Golestan province, so that we can answer the following question: What are the effects of theft on social health in Golestan province?. Methods: The current research method is descriptive and analytical. Also, since the results of this research can be used practically, it is an applied research case study. The statistical population in this research is the prisoners of the crime of theft in the prisons of Golestan province, which are 4000 people. According to Morgan's table and considering the willingness of prisoners to cooperate, a statistical sample of 384 people has been considered. The required information and data have been collected through a researcher-made questionnaire. For data analysis, SPSS 22 software and Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests, univariate regression, and multivariate regression were used. Results: The results showed that all social and economic factors, including income, poverty, family, history of going to prison, group of friends, addiction, residence, employment, level of education, and the amount of previous punishment, which was examined in this research, They had a significant impact on committing the crime of theft or the occurrence of theft in Golestan province. Conclusion: In general, it can be concluded that theft has a negative effect on society's health and social and economic factors are important factors in the spread of theft. According to the results, it can be stated: crime is a social phenomenon that relatively exists in all societies and certain factors and conditions are effective in its occurrence. There is no doubt that the occurrence of crime in urban areas is increasing, and for this reason, the fear and apprehension of the people of society about being a victim of crime have also increased in parallel. The occurrence of crime has unpleasant consequences for both individuals and increases the feeling of mistrust, lack of security, and vulnerability in society. Of course, the consequences of crime are not only limited to the individual level but also have negative consequences at the social level. These negative consequences include the spread of fear, disruption of social order, creating of a sense of financial and life threats in society, increasing chaos in social relations and relationships, weakening the foundations of public order, and strengthening social disorder. Therefore, identifying and analyzing the effective factors in the emergence, formation, and promotion of this crime and finding ways to prevent it in societies is very necessary to increase the quality of life of citizens, because any deficiency in economic, social, family, and An individual causes pressure and dissatisfaction in people, and this pressure leads people to all kinds of deviations, especially economic deviations such as theft. These conditions affect people's lives and cause deviant behaviors to be institutionalized in them. Therefore, researches such as a sociological explanation of the causes of theft can help statesmen and those in power in planning, making policies, and determining social, economic, etc. policies for citizens.

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Background & Aims: Many small hydrotherapy centers cannot compete with larger and more famous centers due to financial and advertising limitations, and on the other hand, today small and medium businesses are considered essential solutions for a country's comprehensive development. The factors involved in their creation are important. Meanwhile, small businesses may not be able to fully identify and respond to the needs of these customers due to limited advertising and resources. Therefore, for their survival and success, small hydrotherapy centers need a coherent and effective marketing strategy that can have the greatest impact on the target community using limited resources. It is important to note that many potential clients of these centers are present in the digital space and search for treatment solutions online or through social media. Therefore, not using digital marketing techniques such as content marketing, search engine optimization, and social media advertising can take away significant opportunities from these centers. In general, this issue requires careful investigation and development of new marketing models that not only help to increase public awareness of these centers, but also strengthen customer loyalty and at the same time enable competition with larger centers. Therefore, this research sought to investigate the presentation of the marketing model of small businesses in the field of sports and wellness (case study: setting up a hydrotherapy center). Methods: In this qualitative study, the data theory approach of the Strauss and Corbin Foundation was used. The statistical population of this study includes marketers and sports professors (15 people), experts in the field of small businesses and top entrepreneurs of the country (15 people), managers of water sports clubs and academies in the country (50 people), and website managers. There were sports centers (15 people) and hydrotherapy centers. Also, the sampling was theoretical. The data collection method was field and the data collection tool was interview. Data analysis was done using an open coding system, axial coding, and selective coding. Results: The results showed that causal conditions include 3 concepts and 13 final codes, background conditions include 7 concepts and 35 final extraction codes, intervening conditions include 8 concepts and 44 final codes, strategies and actions include 6 concepts and 27 final codes, the results also included 5 concepts and 24 final codes extracted from the interview. Regarding the background conditions of the marketing model of small businesses in hydrotherapy sports, the most important final codes included 7 concepts and 35 final codes extracted from the interview, and their concepts include supporting platforms and infrastructures, and weaknesses in entrepreneurial thinking. Managerial support, the insufficient influence of sports in society, social support, expert manpower, entrepreneurial intention, and financial support. In response to the questions that were related to the interfering conditions of the marketing model of small businesses in the field of hydrotherapy sports, the respondents gave explanations, and the most important ones were considered as the final codes of the interfering conditions, which It included 8 concepts (political factors, economic factors, management factors, facilitation factors, support factors, production factors, technological factors, and educational factors) and 44 final codes extracted from the interview. The most important final codes of small business marketing model strategies and measures in the field of hydrotherapy sports, including 6 concepts (program and legal support, structural development, knowledge development, financial development, interaction development, and motivation and entrepreneurship development) and 27 codes The final was extracted from the interview. The results included 5 concepts (economic growth, sustainability of sports, improving the level of sports performance, institutionalization of active lifestyle, and socio-cultural development) and 24 final codes extracted from the interview. Finally, the qualitative model of the study was presented in Figure No. 1, which is the presentation of the marketing model of small businesses in the field of sports and wellness (case of study: setting up a hydrotherapy center). Conclusion: In general, it can be concluded that the success in marketing small businesses in the field of hydrotherapy sports will not only lead to the improvement of the economic conditions of these businesses but also through the promotion of health and sustainability of sports, it will have wide consequences in the society. The results of the analysis of the background conditions of the marketing model of small businesses in the field of hydrotherapy sports show that seven main concepts have been identified as factors determining the success or failure of these types of businesses. Each concept refers to a part of the problems, opportunities, and environmental and structural requirements involved in developing and implementing an effective marketing model. First, supporting infrastructure is one of the important concepts related to the presence or absence of physical facilities and appropriate technologies for providing water treatment services. This concept shows that for success in this field, access to specialized equipment and appropriate technical infrastructure is very important. The lack of these platforms can be one of the main obstacles to the growth and development of small businesses. Besides that, weakness in entrepreneurial thinking and managerial support is recognized as one of the basic challenges. Many small businesses lack an innovative approach and strategic thinking in management and marketing. This makes them unable to compete well in the market and take advantage of the available opportunities. In addition, the lack of management support from upstream institutions or the absence of training and counseling programs also fuels this problem. The insufficient penetration of sports in society is also considered one of the main obstacles to the development of these businesses. This concept refers to the fact that public awareness and desire for sports and physical activities, especially therapeutic sports such as hydrotherapy, is low at the community level. Therefore, small businesses should work on increasing public awareness and changing society's attitude towards the importance of exercise and hydrotherapy. Social support is another factor that can play a key role in the success of these businesses.

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Background & Aims: This research aims to investigate the effect of the causal model of the relationship between the tendency to psychosocial harms and the hope of education in students with a statistical population and statistical sample of about 1050 people in 26 schools, of which 14 were in District 1 and 12 were in District 2. Psychological injuries result from the complex interaction of biological, psychological and socio-cultural factors. In this context, there are different views, including Freud's psychodynamic view, which emphasizes the role of unconscious determinants of behavior, and focuses on unconscious motivations and conflicts in the case of psychological injuries. Another view in this regard is the view of humanism, which believes that psychological damage occurs when people are not able to experience life in the present, and the socio-cultural point of view considers the cause of psychological damage to be factors outside the individual, social damage to any type of individual action with A group is defined as a group that does not fall within the framework of moral principles and general rules of formal and informal collective action of the society where the activists are active, and as a result, it faces legal prohibition or moral and social disgrace. The law of public morality and social order is hidden. Because otherwise, they face prosecution, moral excommunication and social exclusion. which was selected based on the proportional multi-stage cluster random method. Considering the size of 1050 people in the statistical population, the target sample was calculated using Cochran's formula, and its number was determined to be approximately 281 people. Methods: The research tool was the tendency to psycho-social harms with a standardized 60-question questionnaire by Oruji, Marzieh (2015) with a 5-point Likert scale and to collect data related to educational hope from Sohrabi and Samani's educational hope scale. (2011) was used based on Snyder's theory of hope and Omid Shouri and Snyder's questionnaire. In the present study, the educational hope scale of Sohrabi and Samani (2011) based on Snyder's theory of hope and Omid Shouri and Snyder's questionnaire is used to collect data related to educational hope. Omid Shouri prepared the educational hope scale and adapted it for the Iranian society. This scale includes 9 items that are scored based on an 8-point Likert scale (from 1 for completely false to 8 for completely true). The academic hope scale measures the two components of agency and pathways. The sample items of these two components are, respectively, "I have many academic goals", I am looking for different ways to get good grades". Shuri and Snyder (2004) reported favorable concurrent validity as well as Cronbach's alpha reliability of the original instrument with which this instrument has high content consistency. In Iran, Sohrabi and Samani (2011) also extracted the factor structure of this instrument using the factor analysis method. Also, by calculating the correlation of hope scale with similar tools, its concurrent validity was confirmed. In addition, in the mentioned study, Cronbach's alpha higher than 0.70 for both dimensions indicated the good reliability of the tool. In the research of Sohrabi and Samani (2011) using confirmatory factor analysis method and calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficient, the psychometric properties of academic hope scale were investigated. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis indicate the presence of two factors of passage and agency for this questionnaire, so the factor structure of the academic hope scale was confirmed. In the transit factor, the range of factor loadings of the transit factor items was between 0.63 and 0.72 and the agency items were between 0.63 and 0.73. Results: the causal model of the relationship between the tendency to psychosocial injuries has an effect on the hope of education of the second year high school students of Sanandaj city; And it can be analyzed in this way that the F value of the effect of the independent variable in the fourth row of the table (204.3127) is significant, that is, after removing the effect of the pre-test, there is a significant difference between the average scores of the students' expectation of learning in the two groups in the post-test of the predicted educational program. Based on the mentioned model, there is; Therefore, the null hypothesis of the non-significance of the difference in the average of the two groups in the post-test after removing the possible effect of the pre-test is rejected. Conclusion: In explaining the above findings, it can be said that mental health is "finding individuality" and the first condition of individuality is to be aware of the aspects of the self that are sometimes neglected, and the level of psychological toughness and the type of excitement can determine the type of relationship with the school. Communication with the school, which includes communication with school parents (principal, assistants and other personnel), teachers and classmates can be the main form and a specific predictor of the tendency to social harm. In other words, if a person has high psychological toughness, or in other words, the level of commitment, control, and struggle of a person, as the main components of psychological toughness and the type of positive emotion, can have positive tendencies towards the school, school staff and parents. creates and practically creates a range of student's interests to the school, which determines the form and type of relationship with the school, and this can lower the tendency to social and psychological harm in the individual, and the reverse of this characteristic Based on the obtained model, it can create a positive result in the tendency to psychological and social harms.It can be said that the causal model of the relationship between the tendency to psychosocial injuries and the hope of education of the second year high school students of Sanandaj city is effective.

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Background & Aims: New and innovative ideas are breathed into the organization's body like a spirit and saved from non-existence and destruction. The emergence of knowledge innovation not only enables organizations to gain a competitive advantage over competitors but also provides a useful tool for improving organizational performance. Knowledge is a major source of organizational innovation and productivity, and it is extremely important. This is why knowledge management is often known as the main source and reference of innovation and is considered one of the basic requirements of the innovation process in the organization. New knowledge allows the organization to improve its performance, develop its capabilities, and use the available resources more appropriately. Theoretically, knowledge management is a process during which the organization produces wealth from its knowledge or intellectual capital. Knowledge management means the creative, effective, and efficient use of all the knowledge and information available to the organization for the benefit of the customer and thus improving the organization. Knowledge management is the use of individual and collective experience and knowledge through the process of knowledge production, knowledge sharing, and its application with the help of technology itoachieve the organization's goals. Knowledge management includes theories, processes, technologies, and models that support the support, development, and exploitation of knowledge assets. In fact, intellectual capital includes all employees, organizational knowledge, and abilities to create added value and causes continuous competitive benefits. Intellectual capital is an intangible asset that is considered a competitive advantage for organizations and can increase the company's market share through knowledge and information. Intellectual capital is defined as intellectual action and something beyond the concept of pure thinking. The economy of the past depended on the use of natural resources, equipment, and capital to create value, while today's economy depends on the use of knowledge and information. On the other hand, organizational innovation is a management system that emphasizes the organization's mission looks for exceptional and new opportunities, and determines the success criteria. Innovation success requires hard, focused, and purposeful work. Innovation is a fundamental factor in creating competition at the global level, which leads to organizational growth, includes future success, and is like an engine that allows organizations to enjoy continuous efficiency in the global economy. Different definitions of innovation have been given by different authors. These studies are placed in the three fields of innovation outputs, inputs, and far end. The studies that have been carried out in these companies so far have been focused on identifying the implementation factors effective factors or key success factors in the knowledge management system, while the current research deals with this issue and answers these questions. - What effect does knowledge management have on the organizational performance and innovation of software development companies? What effect does intellectual capital have on the organizational performance of software development companies? In this research, by examining previous research and existing scientific documents and using the opinions of subject matter experts, the researcher also answers the question of what mediating variables affect these relationships. A suitable model will be presented to show the relationships of these variables. Methods: The present study is a meta-combination type that was approved by the code of ethics IR.IAU.SARI.REC.1403.202 in the Code of Ethics Commission of the Islamic Azad University of Sari Branch. Meta-synthesis is a type of qualitative study that examines the information and findings of other qualitative studies with a related and similar topic. To achieve the goal of the research, the ultracomposition method was used according to Sandlovski and Barso (2007). By applying the qualitative meta-combination and systematic review approach, he analyzed the results and findings of previous researchers, and by performing the seven steps of the Sandlovski and Barroso method, the conceptual model of the factors affecting the organization's performance and organization's innovation has been categorized. Results: Based on three-stage coding, these factors were analyzed and categorized into 6 main categories and 49 core codes. The Kappa method was used to measure the reliability and quality control of the present study. The calculated Kappa coefficient is equal to 0.76, which is at the level of a valid agreement. The results showed that the factors affecting the organization's performance and innovation are: individual factors, organizational factors, technology and smart technology factors, knowledge, dynamism and agility, education, and learning. Conclusion: To answer the research question, the meta-combination method - which is a suitable method to obtain a comprehensive combination of a subject based on the findings of internal and external articles - has been used. After performing the meta-synthesis steps, the conceptual model of the factors affecting the organization's performance and innovation about the role of knowledge management and intellectual capital, consisting of 6 factors and 49 criteria, was obtained: Individual factors: formal and informal relationships, self-learning and personal development, trust, perception, individual feelings and attitudes, communication skills, communication skills, motivation, spirit of cooperation and interaction. Technology and smart technology factors: social software (smart site, messenger, dash management software, information and communication navigation (Internet, software, and hardware according to the type of company), technological infrastructure, web Semantics (virtual discussion, types of sharing in social networks), knowledge management systems, ability to use new technology in massive data analysis, use of artificial intelligence, use of data mining. Knowledge: types of knowledge (specialized knowledge, practical, qualitative, general, and management of all types of knowledge and...)- Knowledge management processes (knowledge planning, knowledge acquisition, knowledge organization, knowledge retrieval, knowledge application, knowledge maintenance, knowledge evaluation, knowledge dimensions (tracking, representation), flow, map, audit, ontology, classification, clustering, etc.). While complying with regulations, and using smart knowledge in decision-making (dynamics).Education and learning: creativity and innovation, oral and experiential education and learning, distance and virtual education, exchange of ideas and educational storytelling, cooperative learning.

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Khanalipour Roodi Maede | Hosseinzadeh Babak | Hosseini Daron Kolai Sayede Zahra

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Background & Aims: Research self-efficacy is an important factor for research success in postgraduate students and follow-up of research implementation. Self-efficacy is people's estimation of their abilities in the field of performing a specific activity, and this belief greatly affects people's work and activity. Research self-efficacy increases optimal performance in various academic fields, especially research. Also, research self-efficacy includes students' confidence and trust in various research activities. This trust and confidence cover a wide range of research activities from library research to the design, implementation, and completion of practical projects. Research self-efficacy is a criterion for predicting scientific research productions. High self-efficacy increases the quality of scientific achievements, and low self-efficacy causes weak scientific achievements. Research self-efficacy subscales will be a useful tool to improve the topics presented by university professors in the classroom. Students' research self-efficacy shows their confidence in their ability to perform various research activities, from library research to designing and completing scientific projects, and it leads to professional pursuit of research. It should be noted that research self-efficacy is an important factor for research success in postgraduate students and the follow-up of research implementation. Accordingly, the ability to perform research is considered one of the important and basic self-efficacy skills for postgraduate students, therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of automatic research on metacognitive skills in students of Farhangian University of Medical Sciences in Babol. Methods: This research is applied in terms of purpose, which was done with a mixed approach (qualitative and quantitative). In the qualitative approach, the Delphi method was used, and in the quantitative approach, the descriptive correlation type method was used. The statistical population was identified in the qualitative department of the professors of Farhangian University of Medical Sciences of Babol, who were experts in the field of the research topic, and 30 of them were identified and based on the saturation law, 10 were determined and selected as a statistical sample. In a small part, the opinions of 4431 students of Farhangian University of Medical Sciences of Babol were used. In this section, based on Cochran's formula, 351 people were selected as a statistical sample using stratified random sampling based on university units. The opinions of the statistical community in the quantitative part of the research were obtained through 2 research self-efficacy questionnaires (made by the researcher) with 66 questions and 8 dimensions, the metacognitive beliefs questionnaire with 30 questions. Structural equations were used to analyze the data. Results: The results showed that the relationship between research self-efficacy and metacognitive beliefs is statistically significant. The very high t-value (6. 708) indicates that the probability of this relationship is very low by chance and it can be said with more confidence that research self-efficacy significantly affects metacognitive beliefs. In other words, increasing the quality and effectiveness of research self-efficacy leads to the improvement of metacognitive beliefs. According to this path coefficient and R2 values, it is not possible to say whether this relationship is meaningful or not. For this, it is necessary to check the values ​​of the t statistic between the components of the variables and between two variables, as mentioned in Table 1 and Chart 2. According to graphs 1 and 2 and the path analysis results in Table 1, between the exogenous dependent variable (research self-efficacy) and the endogenous dependent variable (metacognitive beliefs), based on the path coefficients, there is a factor load of 0. 376, also Because the t-value (6. 708) is outside the range (2. 58 and-2. 58). Because the t-value is outside the critical range (-2. 58 and 2. 58), this means that the relationship between research self-efficacy and metacognitive beliefs is statistically significant. The very high t-value (6. 708) indicates that the probability of this relationship is very low by chance and it can be said with more confidence that research self-efficacy significantly affects metacognitive beliefs. In other words, increasing the quality and effectiveness of research self-efficacy leads to the improvement of metacognitive beliefs. Conclusion: Research self-efficacy may also influence the more effective use of learning strategies. Students with high self-efficacy are usually able to better manage their time, set priorities, and use feedback to improve their research performance. These features are directly related to metacognitive skills and give students a better understanding of their strengths and weaknesses and use them to improve their learning and research. Finally, the results of this study show that strengthening research self-efficacy not only increases students' self-confidence in conducting research activities but also helps improve their metacognitive skills. Universities and educational centers can strengthen these key skills by designing appropriate educational programs and providing practical opportunities for students. These measures can not only increase the quality of student research but also train more responsible and efficient students for the future. The results of this research are consistent with previous studies that show that self-efficacy plays an important role in improving cognitive and metacognitive functions. These findings highlight the importance of strengthening research self-efficacy in educational programs and show that universities should pay special attention to educating students in the field of research skills and increasing their self-confidence in this field. The results of this research showed that research self-efficacy has a positive effect on students' metacognitive skills. These findings indicate that students who have confidence in their abilities to perform research activities use metacognitive skills such as planning, evaluation, and monitoring better and more effectively.

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Background & Aims: Psychological and organizational empowerment of employees is one of the important goals in every organization and society. The need for management in guiding organizations and the importance of appropriate and good leadership in the success of educational organizations to achieve goals is undeniable. In this regard, a lot of research has been done, which shows the importance of the role of managers in guiding educational organizations. Although research in this field has shown the relationship between leadership styles and organizational climate to some extent, it is not always clear how managers should lead in different situations to improve the organizational climate. Effective leadership should provide a way to direct the efforts of all employees to achieve the organization's goals. Without choosing an effective and efficient leadership style on the part of management, the link between individual and organizational goals may be weakened or broken. Therefore, the current research aimed to investigate the effect of organizational climate on knowledge management with the mediating role of psychological and organizational empowerment mechanisms of employees to provide a model in education departments of Mazandaran province. Methods: The combined research method and the research design is also a type of exploratory mixed research design (qualitative-quantitative). The statistical population of the research in the qualitative part includes the selected experts of Mazandaran Education Organization with experience in management and policy making, in order to reach a consensus in the Delphi method. In the quantitative part of the statistical population, there are 1929 employees of education departments in 32 regions and cities of Mazandaran province. The sample size in the qualitative section was determined by considering the saturation law of the number of 20 people. In the qualitative approach, the purposeful sampling method of "samples containing rich information" was used, and the researcher selected those from the range of potential people for observation, who could enrich the required data treasury in the process of collection. In the quantitative part, the sample size was determined to be 320 people according to the statistical population and based on the table of Karjesi and Morgan. A simple random sampling method was used to select the sample. According to the stages of the research, the most suitable method for gathering the required information was interviewing experts (20 experts selected from Mazandaran Education Organization with management and policy-making experience). The reason for choosing this method as an information-gathering method is to increase the accuracy and reliability of the final research model. In the quantitative part, according to the objectives of the research and its nature, the most suitable method to collect the required information, to determine the final model of the research, is to use the completion of closed questionnaires among the selected samples from among the members of the target community. The reason for choosing this method as an information-gathering method was the necessity of the research goal and the need to obtain valid information. The measuring tool in the quantitative section includes a researcher-made questionnaire, the questions of which were taken from the data obtained from the interview. To analyze the data, the structural equation modeling method of SPSS and LISREL software was used. Results: The findings showed that organizational climate has a significant effect on knowledge management with the mediating role of psychological and organizational empowering mechanisms of employees. Also, the results showed that 74% of knowledge management is dependent on the dimensions and components of the organizational atmosphere with the mediating role of the psychological and organizational empowerment mechanisms of the employees. In other words, the elements and components of the organizational atmosphere with the mediating role of the psychological and organizational empowerment mechanisms of employees are 74% effective in knowledge management. In Table 2, the effect of organizational climate on knowledge management with the mediating role of psychological and organizational empowering mechanisms of employees is shown through the estimation of standard path coefficients (t value) along with the factor loading of each of the variables, and as it is known, all the loadings A factor has a favorable condition and has the ability to measure dimensions. The results of Table 2 show that based on the results of the structural model, the organizational climate variable on knowledge management with the mediating role of the organizational empowerment mechanisms of employees has a significant path coefficient of 0. 72. Which has a t value of 13. 29 (according to the rule of one percent error in rejecting the null hypothesis for values ​​above 1. 96 in each model parameter), above 1. 96 was calculated. Considering the significance and positivity of these coefficients, it can be stated that the organizational climate has a positive and significant effect on knowledge management with the mediating role of psychological and organizational empowering mechanisms of employees. Conclusion: Results showed that Mazandaran province's education department should act step by step and gradually according to a road map and long-term strategic plan and in order to implement it, developing a letter Operation is necessary. Investigating the effect of organizational climate on knowledge management with the mediating role of psychological and organizational empowerment mechanisms of employees in the current research shows that the variable "organizational climate" has six dimensions: 1. care and attention, 2. rules and regulations, 3. criteria, 4. instrumental, 5. efficiency, 6. independent. The variable "knowledge management" has three dimensions: 1. Knowledge creation, 2. Knowledge application, 3. Knowledge preservation. And the variable "psychological and organizational enabler of employees", has four dimensions: 1. Individual characteristics 2. Citizenship skills are 3. decision-making 4. cooperation. Having a paradigmatic approach with a local and regional perspective also helps to realize it. Of course, these variables are not among the linear variables, therefore, in the field of providing a comprehensive model, this issue has been investigated, and the model presented by experts in the field of management, such categories are distantly related, and the model presented by experts in the field Management and training have a direct relationship with the citizenship of the organization, in some cases it is necessary, in other places it may have an indirect effect on the citizenship behavior of the organization due to the variable of leadership. In some cases, in some concepts, these variables may overlap.

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Background & Aims: Today, the maximum utilization of human capital has become inevitable for organizations due to reasons such as the rapid development of various technologies, increasing competition, demand for increased production, and reduced costs. Coaching is aimed at improving a person's self-motivation for effective work. Coaching is an interactive relationship that helps people identify, guide, and achieve their personal and professional goals faster than they are able to do on their own. The coaching process is a process in which a person, in the role of a coach, helps other people, while also investing in the development of their own competencies. Coaching is a powerful tool for leaders and organizations, thanks to which people can grow and develop in different fields. Coaching is a pragmatic approach that focuses on the client and goals. Organizational coaching provides a valuable platform for individual development. Today's organizations are more aware of competitive pressure, and as a result, successful and dynamic organizations are trying to achieve more efficient results by formulating and applying educational and business strategies such as coaching, so the purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of coaching with The approach of the fourth generation universities was on the growth of the academic staff members of the large universities of medical sciences in the first region. Methods: The current research was conducted in 2022 with a qualitative and quantitative approach. The statistical population of 17 people in the qualitative part was selected using the purposeful sampling method. In the quantitative part, the number of 121 people was selected using the stratified random sampling method. In order to collect data, a questionnaire made by a Kuching researcher with the approach of developing fourth-generation universities and the growth questionnaire of academic staff members by Ghoroneh and colleagues were used. Confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation tests were used to analyze the data. Results: Because the value of T-statistic (46. 624) is outside the range (2. 58 and-2. 58), it can be concluded that the effect of coaching on the growth of academic staff members in the University of Medical Sciences is one of development productivity. Fourth-generation universities are positive and meaningful. According to graphs 1 and 2 and the results of path analysis in Table 2, between the exogenous dependent variable (coaching) and the endogenous dependent variable (growth of faculty members), based on the path coefficients, there is a factor loading of 0. 893. Also, because the t-value (46. 624) is outside the range (2. 58 and-2. 58), the effect of coaching on the growth of faculty members is significant at the level of 0. 99. Looking at the t-statistic values of the components of both variables, we find that this relationship is also significant between all the components of the variables. Among the variable components of coaching, the highest value of the t statistic belongs to the "organizational requirements" dimension with a value of 51. 743, and the lowest value is related to the "coach's personality trait" dimension with a value of 16. 082. Among the variable dimensions of faculty members' growth, it should be said that the highest value of t statistic is related to the dimension of educational growth with a value of 45. 324, and the lowest value is related to the dimension of individual growth with a value of 20. 263 and the values of all components are outside the range (58. 58). 2 and 58/2) are located, therefore, it can be concluded that the effect of coaching on the growth of academic staff members in the University of Medical Sciences in the Greater Region is a positive and meaningful development of the fourth generation universities. Conclusion: In general, it can be stated that coaching in educational and research processes can help strengthen the capabilities and professional development of faculty members and prepare them to respond to the changing and complex needs of new-generation universities. These findings can be used as a basis for future policies in universities of medical sciences and other higher education centers. Through coaching, faculty members can continue their professional growth continuously and purposefully and play a role as key elements in the evolution and development of fourth-generation universities. Also, fourth-generation universities seek to train individuals with multifaceted skills and abilities that go beyond conventional teaching and research. Coaching can help create a supportive and constructive atmosphere for faculty members in which they can engage in innovative and entrepreneurial activities with more confidence. The conclusion is that the use of coaching in educational and research processes can help strengthen the capabilities and professional development of faculty members and prepare them to respond to the changing and complex needs of new generation universities. These findings can be used as a basis for future policies in universities of medical sciences and other higher education centers. Coaching not only helps identify weaknesses but also encourages members to find practical solutions to overcome them. One of the reasons why coaching is so successful in developing faculty members is that this process addresses each member's individual issues individually, rather than offering one-size-fits-all solutions. Coaching provides an open and safe space where faculty members can talk honestly about their challenges and opportunities and receive targeted feedback and guidance. Also, coaching helps develop soft skills such as time management, leadership, effective communication, and problem-solving abilities. These skills are essential for success in fourth-generation universities, as these universities emphasize innovation and responsiveness to society's needs.

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