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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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The Structural Model of Relationship between Personality and Neuropsychological Coolidge Properties and Bulling Behavior with Mediating Role of Temperament – Character Dimensions and Empathy




 Background & Aims: Research on violent behaviors in schools, due to its implications on students’ educational performance, is among the priorities and instructional policies. Bulling in school is known as a global phenomenon and has a serious impact on students’ health. Adolescence is one of the most important and sensitive periods of human life. A Personality and Neuropsychological questionnaire were designed to assess children and adolescents. Among the variables that can be influenced by psychological and Neuropsychological characteristics and consequently in behaviors associated with bullying is Empathy. One of the variables related to Personality and Neuropsychological traits related to bullying is characteristic of Temperament – Character. The temperament characteristics of children are related to behavioral problems of children. The research questions are presented as follows: 1) How is the presentation of the structural model of the relationship between Personality and Neuropsychological traits and bullying behavior by mediating role of Temperament – Character and Empathy in the relationship between students? 2) What is the degree of fit of the model? Methods: The method of the present study in terms of applied purpose and in terms of descriptive correlation has been observed. The statistical population consisted of all secondary school students of Esfahan in year 98-99. Sample 301 individuals were selected stratified random sampling. The instrument for collecting data was four standard questionnaires of Personality and Neuropsychological Coolidge test, -Revised – Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire, -Basic Empathy Scale and Temperament – Character inventory. The collected data was used for analyzed by structural equation modeling using the partial least squares method (PS).properties Personality and Neuropsychological Coolidge: it was built by Coolidge in 2002 and has 200 items containing 50 factors and designed to assess children aged 5 - 17.Every skier is based on a 4 - point Likert scale(4) .Basic Empathy Scale: The basic Empathy scale was constructed by jolliffe and farrington . The scale evaluates the Empathy of the juveniles using 20 materials . The scale is based on a 5- point range of Likert - type and consists of two - scale, namely cognitive Empathy and emotional Empathy. The subscales of cognitive Empathy have 9 materials, and the subscales of emotional Empathy has 11 materials.Revised – Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire: The questionnaire is designed for ages 8 to 16. The questionnaire includes 40 materials and two subscales of the victim and bullying. The sacrifices of the victim and bullying are include four - scale (verbal, physical, communication, and cyber - scale). Temperament – Character Inventory: this questionnaire is made by Cloninger and Svrakic which includes 125 materials (for the age of 15 years) which is made as yes / no which is made to measure the characteristics and characteristics of Personality, or through heredity (Temperament) or through the environment (character). This scale has four dimensions of Temperament (novelty seeking, harm avoidance, inhibitability , reward dependence) and three dimensions of character (self-directiveness, co-operativeness and self-transcedenc). Results: The results show that there is a significant relationship between Personality and Neuropsychological Coolidge and Temperament – Character and Empathy with the Bulling Behavior of students and the direct effect of Personality and Neuropsychological Coolidge test and Bulling Behavior is significant and positive, indirect effect of of Temperament – Character and Empathy on Bulling Behavior is significant and negative, also the fitness indices of the model indicate that the proposed model is suitable fitting. The average variance extracted for all the dimensions was higher than 0.5, which demonstrates the appropriate internal validity of the measurement model. In addition, the reliability values of all the dimensions were obtained higher than 0.7, which is acceptable and Cronbach alpha for all the dimensions was higher than 0/7, which is an indication of the internal consistency of the measurement model. to measure the validity of convergent validity and divergent validity were used by the software. According to Fornell and Larcker, the validity criterion of convergent validity is that the mean of the output variance is greater than 0.5. Cronbach 's alpha coefficient and composite reliability coefficient were used , which resulted from the overall reliability of the questionnaire with respect to the higher than 0/7 the reliability of the questionnaire is suitable. An important criterion that is characterized by divergent validity is the relation between the structures with respect to other constructs compared to the structure of the structure, so that the acceptable divergent validity of a model implies that a structure in the model has more interaction with its indicators than with other structures. Concealed variables in the model have more interaction with their indicators than with other structures and divergent validity of the model is good other. The structural model section, unlike the measurement models, is not related to the questions (explicit variables) and the only latent variables associated with the relationships between them are investigated. The values related to the three variables of emotional instability and cyber - bullying and novelty seeking and other variables are moderate and other variables are strong. Also, according to the results of fitting the measure of effect size, the effect of the effect shows strong effect. Overall model fit: this criterion is related to the general part of structural equation modeling, meaning that by this criterion, the researcher can control the overall portion fitting after examining the fitting of the size and structural part of the research model generally, Communalities shows the mean values of each construct. Three values of 0/1, 0.25 and 0.36 were introduced as weak, medium, and strong values for the GOF criterion. The GOF value for the research model is equal to 0/551, which indicates strong fit for the research model. The value of the standardized coefficient between bullying behavior and Empathy is -0.55 and statistically significant, so the first hypothesis is confirmed. That is, bullying behavior has a negative and significant effect on Empathy behavior as a single variable. Also, the value of the standardized coefficient between bullying behavior and Personality and Neuropsychological coolidge questionnaire was 0.479, and is statistically significant, so the second hypothesis is confirmed. that is, bullying behavior as a unit variable on Personality and Neuropsychological Coolidge traits has a positive and significant effect. The value of the standardized coefficient between bullying behavior and temperament and character is -0.507 and is statistically significant. Therefore, the third hypothesis is confirmed. That is, bullying behavior has a negative and significant effect on temperament and character traits as a single variable. Conclusion: The purpose of this study is to present a structural model of the relationship between Personality traits and Neuropsychological and bullying behavior by mediating role of Temperament – Character and Empathy in secondary school students. in general , the fitness indices of the model showed that the model proposed in this study is a valid model and has a very good fitting .according to the main question of research , how is the structure of the relationship between Personality traits and Neuropsychological and bullying behavior with role of mediating role of Temperament – Character and Empathy ?the results of the study showed that the behavior of bullying has a direct relationship with students with psychological and Neuropsychological characteristics. Also, the results of this study showed that there is an indirect relationship between bullying behavior with students’ Empathy and Temperament – Character. Also, the results of path analysis showed that the dimension of Temperament – Character and Empathy plays a mediator role in relation to Personality and Neuropsychological traits and bullying behavior of students. Given the effective role of Empathy and Temperament – Character characteristics of the in reducing Bulling Behaviors in students, it is suggested that the design, formulation and implementation of educational programs in the school will move to create a positive atmosphere in the school. one of the limitations of this study is to use a questionnaire as the only data collection tool and considering the low volume of the sample and limiting the study to other students in the secondary school of Isfahan, they are proposed to study the results of this study in other areas, using another research method and with other means of data collection , and its results are compared with the findings of this study.


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