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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background & Aims: With the advancement of technology in the 21st century and the decline of physical activity, obesity has become widespread. In developing countries, the prevalence of obesity is increasing day by day and people at a younger age suffer from obesity. The World Health Organization estimates that there are over one billion overweight adults in the world (body mass index above 27 (kg / m2). Metabolic syndrome is one of the negative consequences of obesity and is a set of metabolic and vascular risk factors that include hyperglycemia, changes in serum lipids, hypertension, hypertension and abdominal obesity. Central obesity and insulin resistance are two key components of metabolic syndrome that increase with age and unhealthy lifestyle (high calorie diet and inactivity). On the other hand, obesity is associated with mild chronic inflammation. In fact, one of the main causes of obesity-related metabolic disorders has been attributed to chronic inflammation. In the past, adipose tissue was believed to be an ineffective tissue and acted only as a store of triglycerides. But it is now well established that adipose tissue secretes a number of biologically active proteins called adipokines, thereby playing a role in energy homeostasis, systemic inflammation, and the regulation of the body's physiological functions, and possibly in disease. The development of metabolic syndrome is key. Reactive protein C (CRP) is a stable marker of systemic inflammation produced in response to inflammatory intercellular cytokines (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-1) (secreted from adipose tissue) in the liver. In fact, with the onset of middle age, some physiological changes occur in people that affect their health. Changes in this period of life increase some inflammatory factors and decrease some factors affecting health. At the same time, some supplements are used today to improve people's health. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of twelve weeks of combined exercise and green tea supplementation on levels of irisin, IL-6 and body composition of overweight middle-aged men. Methods: The method of the present study was quasi-experimental with a pretest-posttest design. For this purpose, 40 overweight middle-aged men according to the inclusion criteria such as: middle-aged men with an age range of 40 to 50 years, middle-aged men with a body mass index between 25 to 30 percent, complete health and no disease of people with any From diseases of blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and atherosclerosis, not using supplements (vitamins and minerals, etc. ) or medication, They were divided into three groups: supplement (12), combination training group-placebo (14) and combination training-supplement (14). Samples with age range (year) 47. 94 ±2. 83, weight (kg) 85. 56 ±9. 49, height (m) 174. 61 ±5. 30, body mass index 27/99 ± 2/08(kg / m2) and fat mass 26/02 ± 2/30%. Also, by observing all ethical criteria before and during the research, criteria such as: no participation of the subject more than three sessions during the training course, consumption of other supplements during the training protocol, simultaneous participation in other sports activities such as exclusion criteria Was taken. The combined exercises group performed combined exercises for twelve weeks and 6 sessions per week for 45 to 60 minutes. Aerobic exercises with an intensity of 60 to 75% of maximum heart rate and resistance exercises with an intensity of 60 to 75% were performed with maximum repetition and the control group did not have any exercises during the training period. They did combination exercises. These exercises were performed in this way on consecutive days. The combined supplementation group receives a 500 mg capsule daily one hour before each exercise session. The placebo-combination combination group also receives one 500 mg placebo capsule one hour before each training session. Subjects in the supplement group did no specific exercise and only performed their daily activities and received a 500 mg capsule daily before each meal. Green tea A bag containing the main polyphenols of green tea is completely powdered and then the capsule cover is filled with this powder. For the placebo group, capsules containing cornstarch powder are prepared that will look like green tea extract capsules. Blood samples were taken 24 hours before the start of training and 48 hours after the last training session. One day before the experiment, data on height, weight, fat percentage and body mass index were measured. After familiarizing the subjects with the implementation of the protocol and the correct method of performing the movements, their maximum repetition was calculated according to Barzisenki's formula in the desired movements and based on the principles of training, the principle of increasing the load was observed. Data were analyzed using repeated measures analysis of variance and Bonferroni post hoc test (P≥0. 05). Results: The results showed that combined exercise and green tea supplementation caused a significant increase in the amount of irzin (P = 0. 001). The results also showed that IL-6 levels decreased significantly after combined training and green tea supplementation (P = 0. 001). Overall, the results showed that resistance training with green tea supplementation decreased interleukin 6 and increased irzin after eight weeks in the combined training groups, training + green tea supplementation and green tea supplementation group compared to the control group. These changes were significant in the control group. Conclusion: In general, the results of the present study indicate that performing combined exercises with the consumption of green tea is essential for the health of middle-aged people and improves their physiological condition. These exercises, along with taking antioxidant supplements such as tea, reduce factors such as interleukin-6, which play an important role in initiating inflammatory processes, and increasing important factors such as irzin can lead to aging and obesity, like some diseases, which is recommended. People should use these exercises with the intensities expressed in the present study and take green tea supplements with the recommended dose.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background & Aims: Diabetes as a chronic disease significantly contributes to the spread of physical injuries, mortality and health costs, especially as a cardiovascular risk factor it plays a significant role in mortality (1). Diabetic cardiomyopathy (DCM) is one of the most common complications in diabetic patients and often occurs independently of coronary artery disease, hypertension, or other cardiovascular disease (3). Studies have also shown that inhibition of cardiomyocyte apoptosis improves heart function in diabetic rats (8). Thus, inhibiting apoptosis is a potential therapeutic strategy for DCM. Continuous activation of the NF-κB signaling pathway causes apoptosis in high-glucose cultured cardiomyocytes (7, 9) and inhibition of this pathway improves cardiac dysfunction in diabetic rats (7). Therefore, targeted inhibition of continuous activation of NF-κB signaling may effectively treat DCM. In recent years, exercise has been used as a non-pharmacological strategy to control diabetes and its complications (11, 12). The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of two types of exercise (continuous and intermittent) on the expression of PP2Ac and NF-κB genes is the heart tissue of diabetic model rats. Methods: In experimental research, 40 male Wistar rats were randomly divided into 5 groups, including 1) healthy control, 2) diabetic control, 3) diabetic + continuous training, 4) diabetic + periodic training, and 5) Saline group. After grouping the mice, streptozotocin (STZ) at a dose of 50 mg / kg body weight was used to make the mice diabetic, which was injected intraperitoneally to ensure that the mice were diabetic from the corner of the eye. Blood samples were taken and the glucose level, which was considered higher than 126 mg / dL, was considered. The rats of the exercise groups performed two types of continuous and intermittent exercise 5 days a week for 8 weeks. In a continuous exercise program, rats start running on a treadmill for 15 minutes at 15 meters per minute for the first week. Then the running time was increased every week by increasing the speed from 1 to 2 meters per minute for 1 to 2 minutes. In the fourth week, the speed reached 20 meters per minute and the running time reached 13 to 14 minutes, and in the eighth week, the running speed reached 28 to 29 meters per minute and the duration was 21 to 22 minutes. On the other hand, the periodic training program consisted of six sets of 2. 5 minutes, with a break of four minutes between each set. It should be noted that periodic exercise was performed for 5 sessions per week. Control mice also spent eight weeks without any training. At the end of the training period, 48 hours after the last training session, with 10 to 12 hours of night fasting, the rats were anesthetized by intraperitoneal injection of a combination of ketamine and xylazine and tissue sampling was performed. Laboratory analysis of PP2Ac and NF-κB gene levels of cardiac tissue was determined using special commercial kits by real-time PCR. Descriptive statistics were used to classify the data obtained from this study. Shapirovilk test was used to determine the normality of data distribution. One-way analysis of variance was used to determine the significance of the difference between the variables and the interaction between them, and if the data were significant, the Tukey post hoc test was used to determine the location of the difference. Findings were evaluated at 95% confidence level (P≤0. 05) Results: Induction of diabetes significantly reduced the expression of PP2Ac gene in rat heart tissue, which periodic and continuous exercise increased the expression of PP2Ac gene in heart tissue of diabetic rats compared to the diabetic control group. There was a significant increase in the expression of NF-κB gene in the heart tissue of rats, which periodic and continuous exercise led to a decrease in the expression of the NF-κB gene in the heart tissue of diabetic rats compared to the diabetic control group. Conclusion: Hyperglycemia is one of the complications of diabetes that activates NF-κB by increasing the formation of ROS and AGE (18). Also, increased levels of interleukins and cytokines such as TNF-α and IL-1β in response to NF-κB activation exacerbate neuropathy and increase pain sensitivity in diabetic neuropathy (15), so the use of factors that can inhibit their production or activation, They may delay or stop the effects of diabetes. Therefore, in this study, increasing the expression of NF-κB gene in the heart tissue of diabetic rats may induce apoptosis and the development of cardiomyopathy. Continuous and intermittent exercise reduced NF-κB gene expression in diabetic heart tissue that may prevent the progression of cardiomyopathy. In line with this study, Taghiabadi et al. (2019) reported a decrease in NF-κB gene expression in the cardiac tissue of rats with hyperglycemia after 8 weeks of aerobic exercise (10). Also, one round of aerobic exercise reduced the expression and activity of NF-κB in skeletal muscle (19) and lung tissue (20) of diabetic rats. The decrease in NF-κB gene expression appears to be due to a decrease in HMGB1, AGEs, and NADPH oxidase following exercise. It has been shown that under the influence of aerobic exercise, the activity of NADPH oxidase enzyme in the heart tissue of diabetic rats (21) and the amount of AGEs in the bloodstream of elderly mice (22) are reduced. On the other hand, the reduction of HMGB1 protein has been confirmed following exercise (10, 23). Studies show that HMGB1 and AGEs activate NF-κB in different tissues of diabetic patients by binding to their receptors through different pathways (24). Cheng et al. Showed that PP2A activity participated in diabetic cardiomyocytes due to anti-apoptotic and anti-inflammatory activity of regular exercise (26). In the present study, regular intermittent and continuous exercise partially compensated for the decrease in PP2A content due to diabetes induction and brought it closer to the PP2Ac level of healthy mice. It is possible that physical activity in this way inhibits NF-κB signaling and prevents the progression of diabetes-induced cardiomyopathy. Due to the induction of diabetes, the expression of NF-κB gene and the expression of PP2Ac gene in heart tissue increased and decreased significantly, respectively. Therefore, it is possible that regular exercise can prevent the development of cardiomyopathy caused by diabetes induction by increasing the PP2Ac gene and inhibiting NF-κB signaling, and has a protective effect on the heart.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background & Aims: In recent years, attention to the mental health of employees and the impact of mental and physical health on employee performance has been considered by organizations, so that many organizations try to identify sources of stress through scientific research. And create tension in the employees' environment so that they can provide the desired job environments for the employees through appropriate solutions and thus increase employee job satisfaction and performance (6). One of the issues that seems to be directly related to the job performance and productivity of the organization is management and leadership. In this regard, various researches have been done and different results have been obtained, including: Zare et al. (2015) showed that there is a direct and significant relationship between original leadership and job performance. The results also indicate the mediating effect of psychological empowerment on the relationship between original leadership and job performance and the relationship between psychological empowerment and job performance was significant (7). Dramami (2012) also showed that there is no significant relationship between leadership style and communication skills of managers with employees' mental health (9). However, among the various management methods, sustainable human resource management is an innovative concept that is still in its infancy and reflects the efforts to link sustainability with human resource management. Sustainable human resource management can be described as the adoption of human resource management practices and strategies that enable them to achieve the organization's financial, environmental and social goals in the long run, while also providing negative feedback and unwanted side effects. Control (5). In light of the above, the researcher seeks to answer the question of whether sustainable human resource management affects the job performance and mental health of forensic staff. Methods: To conduct a descriptive applied research, which was a descriptive study, 338 out of 15 employees working in 31 general forensic medicine departments in 1399 (2800 people) based on Cochran's formula and using simple cluster-random sampling method. Provinces were selected as a sample. To collect data, from the researcher-made questionnaire of sustainable human resource management (1399) including 25 questions and 4 components of selection (questions 1-3), training (questions 4-8), participation (questions 9-12) and staff empowerment (questions 14) 25) Patterson (1989) Job Performance Questionnaire with 15 questions and General Health (GHO) with 28 questions and 4 sub-scales of physical symptoms (questions 1-7), anxiety (questions 14-8), social action (questions) 21-21) and depression (22-28) were used. It should be noted that the validity and reliability of the questionnaires were confirmed in previous studies and in the present study. Kalmogorov-Smirnov test and Pearson correlation coefficient were used to analyze the data using SPSS software version 23. Results: In the present study, it was found that there is a significant positive relationship between sustainable human resource management and its components with employees' job performance. The results of Pearson correlation coefficient test showed that there is a significant positive relationship between sustainable human resource management and its components with mental health and its components in forensic staff. As human resource management scores increase, mental health status also improves. Conclusion: The results showed that sustainable human resource management has an effect on the job performance of the staff of the Forensic Medicine Organization. Explaining the findings of this study, it can be stated that all employees have the right and interest to be aware of the results of their daily performance. This issue has another aspect for the employees of the forensic medicine organization and they are interested in being informed about the opinions of the organization about themselves and on the other hand, the organization has the right to express its opinions about the human resources of the organization. They are counted, expressed and informed (4) so ​​that the more qualified and efficient the labor force is, the greater the progress of that country in the economic and social fields (14). Sustainable human resource management is the ultimate determinant of job performance and in this study, forensic medicine organizations have used performance enhancing measures (selection, participation, empowerment and training) to improve job and organizational performance. Another finding of the present study showed that sustainable human resource management and its dimensions have a significant effect on the mental health of forensic staff. Inconsistent with the findings of the present study, Allameh et al. (2016) investigated the relationship between managers 'leadership styles and mental health of employees in Isfahan health centers and concluded that there is no significant relationship between leadership style and employees' mental health. Transformational, exchange and non-interventionist leadership have no significant relationship with employees' mental health (25). The reason for this discrepancy may be due to the type of leadership style in the two studies. Regarding the findings of the present study, it can be said that mental health is very important in all areas of life, especially in the field of work because it affects the interactions and ultimately the quality of services provided. Since forensic staff are in direct interaction and service to people in the community, so their mental health status plays a key role in people's satisfaction with the organization.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background & Aims: The increasing impact of technology on sports is easily visible. Virtual games have entered and embraced sports activities and competitions. In less than a decade, computer games have become so popular that many parents have expressed concern that children's previous physical activity in organized sports competitions has given way to home computer games, but some research has suggested that such games it can play an important role in improving children's brain and intellectual activity (1, 2). Studies show that computer games can have a negative and positive effect on children's behavioral and cognitive processes (2, 4). In recent years, the occurrence of skeletal abnormalities, including flat feet, has been recognized as the most common postural abnormalities of the lower extremities (5). Flat feet have many side effects, including decreased agility, crossed knees, pain in the inner edge of the foot, pressure on the arteries and nerves of the foot, premature fatigue, back pain, and misalignment of the big toe (6). Also, due to the anatomical structure of the foot and its position in the lowest part of the lower limb movement chain and the relatively small level of support on which the body maintains its balance, the smallest body changes in the level of support affect postural control. Due to the fact that the flatness of the soles of the feet changes the way a person walks, it seems that the balance of these people is different from people with normal feet and the body is out of its normal position in the same proportion. And the damage caused by this disruption of the biomechanical structure of the foot will also increase (8). Factor balance is very effective in performing daily movements as well as successful execution of complex sports movements. A review of research shows that skeletal abnormalities, especially abnormalities in the arch of the foot, can have detrimental effects on postural control. Hertel et al. (2002) presented data showing that subjects with flat feet did not show a significant difference in the speed of displacement of the pressure center compared to those with normal soles (16). Tsai et al. (2006) also reported that people with flat feet had poorer postural control than normal people (17). However, some studies have reported different results. For example, in the study of Kamala et al. (2019) who compared physical skills in children with and without flat feet, they reported that there was no difference in the physical function of the lower limbs. There was no strength, balance and agility in a healthy 14- to 17-year-old male athlete with flat feet (18). On the other hand, regarding the effect of computer games on cognitive and motor processes, it has been reported that if a person uses games that rely mainly on increasing speed, one can expect an increase in motor and visual speed in these people (19, 20). In another study on the effect of computer video games on people's behavior, thoughts, and development, Wang (2017) states that video games have an effect on cognitive and motor performance (21). Review studies have shown that computer games have an effective role in improving postural control and balance in children with cerebral palsy (22, 23). Which shows the effect of computer exercises on improving perceptual function to maintain balance. In the field of balance in children with flat feet and also the effect of activity with game console on static and dynamic balance of boys with flat feet, so far a study to investigate the effect of physical activity with game console on static and dynamic balance of boys 8 to 10 years old with flat feet A flexible leg has not been performed, which justifies the need for the present study. Therefore, the present study aimed to determine the effect of eight weeks of active play with game consoles on the arch of the foot and balance in boys aged 8 to 10 years with flat feet. Methods: In the present quasi-experimental study, 30 patients with flat feet (mean age 9.03 years, mean height 138.43 cm and weight 27.52 kg) were selected from non-profit schools in Takestan city by purposive sampling method and were randomly divided into two groups of control and experimental intervention. In the intervention group, the activity with the game console was performed in 8 weeks and every week for 3 sessions of 50 minutes of Gran Tursimo Sport game by the Logitech G29 game command and manual gear. While no intervention was performed in the control group. The stork balance test (24) was used to measure static balance and the star rotation balance test (25) was used to measure dynamic balance. In order to statistically analyze, repeated measures analysis of variance test was used to investigate the effect of intervention on research variables. Statistical analysis was used with SPSS software version 26 and a significant level (P 05 0.05) was considered. Results: The results showed that no significant difference was observed in the static balance scores of the right and left legs of the subjects. But a significant increase was observed in the dynamic balance index of right and left foot of the subjects (F (1,28) = 21.29 and P = 0.001). The interactive effect of the test and group sessions (F (2,28) = 15.11 and P =0.001) was also significant. Conclusion: The results of the present study showed that participation in eight weeks of active play with game consoles had a significant effect on the dynamic balance and arch of the soles of the feet of boys 8 to 10 years with flat feet; There is no research that specifically examines the effect of exercise with a game console game on the balance of children with flat foot deformities, and this is the first study to be conducted in this regard. However, in similar studies that have examined the effect of different types of computer games on the balance level of different subjects, the benefits of these games have been identified. In a review study evaluating the effect of computer games on balance and posture control in children with cerebral palsy, Pin (2019) reported that this style of play with moderate to large effect size increases postural control and balance in children with cerebral palsy. Has become cerebral palsy (22). Warner et al. (2020) also reported in a review study that the use of virtual reality games plays an effective role in controlling posture and improving balance in children with cerebral palsy (23). In the present study, although a significant improvement in dynamic equilibrium was observed, no significant difference was observed in static equilibrium. Conner et al. (2019) also reported in their study that dynamic, but not static, standing balance performance may improve with normal growth between the ages of 5 and 12 (28). Dynamic balance practicability in the present study is probably due to the lack of change in dynamic balance due to the short duration of the intervention and also the role of growth as an interfering factor on static balance practicability. In the field of improving the dynamic balance of people with flat feet after participating in games with active game consoles, it is clear that physical activity leads to improved perceptual and physical parameters related to balance and also according to the results of the present study to help improve children's foot arch. In total, it can be said that eight weeks of activity with computer games has a beneficial effect on improving dynamic balance in children with flat feet, which can play an effective role in their motor function.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background & Aims: Research on violent behaviors in schools, due to its implications on students’ educational performance, is among the priorities and instructional policies. Bulling in school is known as a global phenomenon and has a serious impact on students’ health. Adolescence is one of the most important and sensitive periods of human life. A personality and neuropsychological questionnaire were designed to assess children and adolescents. Among the variables that can be influenced by psychological and neuropsychological characteristics and consequently in behaviors associated with bullying is empathy. One of the variables related to personality and neuropsychological traits related to bullying is characteristic of temperament – character. The temperament characteristics of children are related to behavioral problems of children. The research questions are presented as follows: 1) How is the presentation of the structural model of the relationship between personality and neuropsychological traits and bullying behavior by mediating role of temperament – character and empathy in the relationship between students? 2) What is the degree of fit of the model? Methods: The method of the present study in terms of applied purpose and in terms of descriptive correlation has been observed. The statistical population consisted of all secondary school students of Esfahan in year 98-99. Sample 301 individuals were selected stratified random sampling. The instrument for collecting data was four standard questionnaires of personality and neuropsychological Coolidge test, -Revised – Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire, -Basic Empathy Scale and temperament – character inventory. The collected data was used for analyzed by structural equation modeling using the partial least squares method (PS).properties personality and neuropsychological Coolidge: it was built by Coolidge in 2002 and has 200 items containing 50 factors and designed to assess children aged 5 - 17.Every skier is based on a 4 - point Likert scale(4) .Basic Empathy Scale: The basic empathy scale was constructed by jolliffe and farrington . The scale evaluates the empathy of the juveniles using 20 materials . The scale is based on a 5- point range of Likert - type and consists of two - scale, namely cognitive empathy and emotional empathy. The subscales of cognitive empathy have 9 materials, and the subscales of emotional empathy has 11 materials.Revised – Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire: The questionnaire is designed for ages 8 to 16. The questionnaire includes 40 materials and two subscales of the victim and bullying. The sacrifices of the victim and bullying are include four - scale (verbal, physical, communication, and cyber - scale). Temperament – character Inventory: this questionnaire is made by Cloninger and Svrakic which includes 125 materials (for the age of 15 years) which is made as yes / no which is made to measure the characteristics and characteristics of personality, or through heredity (Temperament) or through the environment (character). This scale has four dimensions of Temperament (novelty seeking, harm avoidance, inhibitability , reward dependence) and three dimensions of character (self-directiveness, co-operativeness and self-transcedenc). Results: The results show that there is a significant relationship between personality and neuropsychological Coolidge and temperament – character and empathy with the bulling behavior of students and the direct effect of personality and neuropsychological Coolidge test and bulling behavior is significant and positive, indirect effect of of temperament – character and empathy on bulling behavior is significant and negative, also the fitness indices of the model indicate that the proposed model is suitable fitting. The average variance extracted for all the dimensions was higher than 0.5, which demonstrates the appropriate internal validity of the measurement model. In addition, the reliability values of all the dimensions were obtained higher than 0.7, which is acceptable and Cronbach alpha for all the dimensions was higher than 0/7, which is an indication of the internal consistency of the measurement model. to measure the validity of convergent validity and divergent validity were used by the software. According to Fornell and Larcker, the validity criterion of convergent validity is that the mean of the output variance is greater than 0.5. Cronbach 's alpha coefficient and composite reliability coefficient were used , which resulted from the overall reliability of the questionnaire with respect to the higher than 0/7 the reliability of the questionnaire is suitable. An important criterion that is characterized by divergent validity is the relation between the structures with respect to other constructs compared to the structure of the structure, so that the acceptable divergent validity of a model implies that a structure in the model has more interaction with its indicators than with other structures. Concealed variables in the model have more interaction with their indicators than with other structures and divergent validity of the model is good other. The structural model section, unlike the measurement models, is not related to the questions (explicit variables) and the only latent variables associated with the relationships between them are investigated. The values related to the three variables of emotional instability and cyber - bullying and novelty seeking and other variables are moderate and other variables are strong. Also, according to the results of fitting the measure of effect size, the effect of the effect shows strong effect. Overall model fit: this criterion is related to the general part of structural equation modeling, meaning that by this criterion, the researcher can control the overall portion fitting after examining the fitting of the size and structural part of the research model generally, Communalities shows the mean values of each construct. Three values of 0/1, 0.25 and 0.36 were introduced as weak, medium, and strong values for the GOF criterion. The GOF value for the research model is equal to 0/551, which indicates strong fit for the research model. The value of the standardized coefficient between bullying behavior and empathy is -0.55 and statistically significant, so the first hypothesis is confirmed. That is, bullying behavior has a negative and significant effect on empathy behavior as a single variable. Also, the value of the standardized coefficient between bullying behavior and personality and neuropsychological coolidge questionnaire was 0.479, and is statistically significant, so the second hypothesis is confirmed. that is, bullying behavior as a unit variable on personality and neuropsychological Coolidge traits has a positive and significant effect. The value of the standardized coefficient between bullying behavior and temperament and character is -0.507 and is statistically significant. Therefore, the third hypothesis is confirmed. That is, bullying behavior has a negative and significant effect on temperament and character traits as a single variable. Conclusion: The purpose of this study is to present a structural model of the relationship between personality traits and neuropsychological and bullying behavior by mediating role of temperament – character and empathy in secondary school students. in general , the fitness indices of the model showed that the model proposed in this study is a valid model and has a very good fitting .according to the main question of research , how is the structure of the relationship between personality traits and neuropsychological and bullying behavior with role of mediating role of temperament – character and empathy ?the results of the study showed that the behavior of bullying has a direct relationship with students with psychological and neuropsychological characteristics. Also, the results of this study showed that there is an indirect relationship between bullying behavior with students’ empathy and temperament – character. Also, the results of path analysis showed that the dimension of temperament – character and empathy plays a mediator role in relation to personality and neuropsychological traits and bullying behavior of students. Given the effective role of empathy and temperament – character characteristics of the in reducing bulling behaviors in students, it is suggested that the design, formulation and implementation of educational programs in the school will move to create a positive atmosphere in the school. one of the limitations of this study is to use a questionnaire as the only data collection tool and considering the low volume of the sample and limiting the study to other students in the secondary school of Isfahan, they are proposed to study the results of this study in other areas, using another research method and with other means of data collection , and its results are compared with the findings of this study.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background & Aims: Infertility is a disease of the male or female reproductive system defined by the failure to achieve a pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse. Infertility affects millions of people of reproductive age worldwide – and has an impact on their families and communities. Primary infertility refers to couples who have not become pregnant after at least 1 year having sex without using birth control methods. Secondary infertility refers to couples who have been able to get pregnant at least once, but now are unable (1). Worldwide, 48/5million of couples experience fertility problems (2). In Iran, around 20/2 percent are estimated to have difficulty conceiving or staying pregnant (3). Infertility stigma includes the components of personal worthlessness, social withdrawal, public stigma and family stigma, along with secrecy, which distinguishes the infertile person from her environment and considers her an awkward patch. Infertility stigma puts strain on relationships, may lead individuals to hide their diagnoses from friends or family and delay or avoid treatment (5-7). In turn, this could lead to worse prognoses for these patients (8-11)(Kaya and Oskay 2020). The MBAT, mindfulness-based art therapy, as a new intervention method which combines art therapy and psychotherapy. MBAT integrates mindfulness practices and with making art therapeutically. The therapist creates a supportive container which includes: mindfulness teachings, guided meditations, and sensitive exploration of the art images created. Mindfulness-based art therapy takes place in either group or individual sessions. MBAT invites kindness and care and encourages a non-judgmental responses in mindfulness and art-making practices and orientates towards having patience to allow change to occur. Rather than focusing on how we want to be, we open to how we are in this moment, and then change can occur. The benefits of mindfulness-based art therapy include: reduced stress and anxiety, improved mood and self-esteem, more fulfilling personal relationships, deeper insight and ways to develop compassion for yourself and others. Mindfulness practice involves self-exploration and awareness of our minds, bodies, feelings and thoughts. Art making is a way to express ourselves beyond words. It encourages us to be in our present moment experiences, through noticing the sensations we are experiencing. This includes the sensate qualities of using art materials, involving touch, movement and play, which supports presence and awareness (12, 15). Mentalization-based therapy (MBT) is a type of long-term psychotherapy. Mentalization is the ability to think about thinking. Mentalization is a normal capacity that we all use in everyday life. MBT is an integrative treatment approach for borderline and other severe personality disorders. It combines ideas from both psychoanalysis and modern research and is based on the unique human capacity to mentalize, or understand mental states underlying one's own actions as well as those of others. Anthony Bateman and peter Fonagy applied the concept of mentalization to treating people with borderline personality, creating Mentalization-Based Therapy. They believe people with borderline personality (BPD) have a limited ability to mentalize, due either to genetic predisposition or early exposure to neglect. MBT can be an effective intervention for depression and eating disorders but the evidence is currently limited. Professionals supporting mothers of children at risk may benefit from receiving training in the principles of MBT. Mentalization refers to the ability to reflect upon, and to understand one's state of mind,to have insight into what one is feeling, and why. Poor mentalizing of our own thoughts and emotions means that we do not have a good understanding of our own reasons for acting the way we do (16-19). The aim of this research was to study Comparison of the effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Art Therapy and Mentalization-based treatment on infertility stigma of infertile women In Isfahan. Methods: The present study used a pretest-posttest design with 3 groups: 2 experimental groups and 1 control group. Code of ethics was IR. IAU. SHK. REC. 1400. 010. The study population consisted of all woman with primary infertility referring to the forensic medicine organization of isfahan, Iran, in winter and spring 2021. The sample group consisted of 45 individuals selected by the available sampling method. The inclusion criteria included interest in participating in the study. The exclusion criteria included diagnosis without psychological disorders, severe physical diseases and don’t absent more than two sessions. The participants were randomly divided into 3 groups each with 15 members. The experimental groups underwent therapeutic interventions. The first experimental group received (MBAT), mindfulness-based art therapy and the second one received (MBT), Mentalization-based therapy. The experimental group attended in ten sessions MBAT protocol and 20 sessions MBT protocol. Two month after the intervention, three groups were assessed again using the same tool(follow up). The control group received no intervention. The data were collected by (ISS), infertility stigma scale, by Fu et al. (29) The questionnaire was introduced by Rajabi etal. It includes 27 statements. The statements are designed based on 5-Likert spectrum scale (30). The participants filled out the tool before and after the intervention. The data were analyzed by SPSS V. 23. Data were evaluated by ANOVA with repeated measure. Results: The effectiveness of mindfulness-based art therapy and Mentalization-based treatment on components of infertility stigma in woman with primary infertility was examined. In terms of the components of infertility stigma, the findings indicated differences among the mean scores at pretest and posttest stages in all groups. The results of ANOVA with repeated measures supported the effect of both treatments and decrease all of components of infertility stigma, except family stigma. The mindfulness-based art therapy and Mentalization-based treatment had significant effect on infertility stigma. Mentalization-based treatment was more effective than mindfulness-based art therapy. Jalambadani et al. showed that of mindfulness-based art therapy was effective in the quality of life in woman with breast cancer (20). Markin, McCarthy argued that Mentalization-based treatment was effective in pregnancy after loss (25). These findings are consistent with (20-23). Conclusion: Mindfulness-based art therapy, as a new intervention method which combines art therapy and psychotherapy, seems to decrease infertility stigma of infertile women and helps the individual to concentrate on the moment rather than the future so that it increases awareness about one’s body by improving self-supervision. Such intervention leads to a notable decrease in psychological symptoms and higher self-care. On the other hand, people feel less motivated to control their environment, following the unexpected diagnosis of infertility. And also, Mentalization-based treatment decrease infertility stigma of infertile women. It helps to make sense of our thoughts, beliefs, wishes and feelings and to link these to our actions and behaviours. Using MBAT and specially MBT, is recommended in large scale in the population of infertile women. Through learning coping skills in the face of stressful events, people learn to deal with such situations with self-confidence and optimistically.

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Background & Aims: In general Emotions are often analyzed on the basis of basic characteristics such as stimulus events, facial expressions, physical change, phenomenological experience, and functional motivations or inclinations (7). Most studies related to guilt have shown that this feeling has a positive correlation of stability with positive social and interpersonal adjustment of love (9). However, due to the teachability of emotions and the ways of expressing them, parents have a great role in this important matter. The educational measures that parents take in the field of emotional education of their children have been studied with the help of various concepts and models. One of the most important of these concepts is the philosophical philosophy of parents. There are two dimensions of emotional awareness and guidance. Emotional awareness indicates parents' awareness of their own and their children's emotions and their ability to discuss the dimensions of emotions in the family, and guidance refers to a level of parental intervention using tools such as Direct instructions and talking to children are about their emotions, as well as worrying about those emotions, respecting them, and accepting their children's emotional experiences (10). Given that adolescent psychologists consider adolescence as a time of increased emotional instability and peak emotions. Observation-based studies indicate an increase in the expression of negative emotions along with a decrease in the expression of positive emotions during puberty. Also, by studying and understanding the emotions of adolescents, their behavior can be understood,Because emotions are the cause of many human behaviors. Moral emotions that have been considered by psychologists in the last two decades have been considered as a factor for human behavior, and therefore the identification of factors affecting moral emotions can be in adolescence. Be of considerable importance. Methods: To conduct the present descriptive and applied research, which was done by correlation method and in the field, among 10th and 11th grade male and female high school students in Shiraz in the 97-96 academic year using the Cochran's 422 sample volume formula. Secondary school students (240 boys and 182 girls) were selected by cluster random sampling. Of these 422, 206 were tenth grade students and 216 were eleventh grade students. The sampling method was as follows: first, from among the 4 education districts of Shiraz, two schools (one for girls and one for boys) were selected from each district and two classes (one tenth grade and one eleventh grade) were randomly selected from each school. Then, 30-item questionnaires of Farahijani's perspective on the parents of Evelyn Koo (2000) (10), self-conscious questionnaire, and 16 question-based scenario-based questions of Nanji et al. (1992) were distributed and collected among the sample. It should be noted that the distorted questionnaires were discarded and the rest were analyzed (8). Finally, descriptive statistics, Kalmogorov-Smirnov test and Pearson correlation coefficient were used to analyze the data using SPSS software. Results: The results showed that there is no correlation between research variables (Table 1). According to Table 2, a significant difference was observed between adolescent girls and boys in the guilt variable. Thus, girls's guilt score is significantly higher than boys's guilt score. The results showed that the dimension of emotional guidance is a positive and significant predictor of guilt. But he could not directly predict the feeling of shame. Also, the dimension of emotional awareness was not a direct predictor of adolescents' moral emotions (Table 3). Conclusion: The results showed that the component of mother's emotional awareness, which indicates the mother's awareness of her and their children's emotions and their ability to discuss the dimensions of emotions in the family, has nothing to do with children's shame and guilt. To justify this finding, it can be said that in Iranian families, discussion about emotions is less common than guidance, and parents spend more time setting boundaries and frameworks for their children. For this reason, this dimension has not been able to predict the emotions of shame and sin. The emotional awareness dimension was not a direct predictor of adolescents' moral emotions. Unfortunately, little attention has been paid to how parents are taught to improve their children's moral qualities. Factors such as marital discord, parental trauma, and poor socioeconomic conditions prevent parents from understanding and using these skills. Some behaviors of parents with their spouse or children not only do not promote moral development, but also create serious obstacles to it. Therefore, in some families, attention to the promotion of moral transformation begins with a change in destructive behavior in the family (13). It may also be argued that in Iranian families, the discussion of emotions is less common than that of guidance, and that parents spend more time setting boundaries and frameworks for their children. For this reason, this dimension has not been able to predict the moral emotions of adolescents (13). In the present study, according to the means, it is observed that the average score of guilt of girls is significantly higher than the score of guilt of boys. This finding is in line with the findings of Baker et al. (2011) entitled "Study of the relationship between spirituality and feelings of shame and guilt in students" (7), the findings of the study of Etemad et al. (2013) entitled 9) and the findings of the research of Abbasi et al. To explain this hypothesis, it can be said that because girls are less likely than boys to commit wrongdoing and have traditionally been trained to practically be barred from doing many things, as soon as they do anything that is the slightest contradiction. With the principles and values ​​of family and society, the feeling of guilt increases in them and they feel remorse.

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Background & Aims: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental deficit that affects social interaction, communication, and the appearance of stereotyped and limited behaviors. The American Psychological Association recommends that autism is a feature of autism spectrum disorder(1). It is a type of brain disorder that makes it difficult for a child to properly process inform ation, weakens or disables it in three language acquisition domains, hinders verbal and nonverbal communication, and makes it difficult for them to comprehend social settings (2). According to recent data, 68 of every 100 children born in the United States have ASD (3). It is anticipated that more than 30, 000 Iranians under the age of 19 suffer from autism spectrum disorders (4). Early diagnosis and interventions are crucial for children with an autism spectrum disorder. Therefore, it is important to prioritize creating and developing effective instruments for both screening (diagnostic) and rehabilitation (5). Assistive technology is an educational strategy and learning process in the field of special educational needs (6). In recent years, significant advances have been made in new technological research (7). Despite the prevalence of autism spectrum disorders among children and international efforts to create and introduce new auxiliary tools in detecting and rehabilitating these people, research in Iran has introduced, reviewed, and compared these tools in aggregate form. The current article is a systematic review of new technologies in the rehabilitation of children with ASD in Iran. Methods: The present systematic review was designed and conducted in the year 2022 to investigate research related to the variables of applying assistive technologies in an autism spectrum disorder. The present study was an analytical systematic review, and the research method adopted the model of Prisma systematic review studies (13, 14). The statistical population of the present study included scientific research articles published in domestic (scientific research) magazines in Persian from 2011 to 2022 in the field of assistive, educational, and learning technologies, which were also carried out in Iran. It should be noted that based on the survey, no research was conducted in Iran before 2011. More precisely, these keywords include the words autism or ASD along with one of the words technology, digital, computer, media, virtual reality, video, software, animation, robot, neurofeedback, application, mobile, social networks, system, virtual, and online. All articles related to the purpose of the research were chosen from the Persian databases of scientific research journals in the field of psychology and educational sciences, such as Ensani, Noormags, SID, Magiran, and Google Scholar. Results: The effectiveness of new technologies for children with autism spectrum disorders can be used for diagnosis, screening, empowerment, and rehabilitation according to the findings of many studies. The use of technology-based approaches generally has a positive impact and aids in the treatment, education, and improvement of social interactions, education, and other areas in people with autism. However, evaluating these methods and estimating the magnitude of their impact are crucial issues that can yield significant and informative results and provide the opportunity to plan and implement improvements. Only internal studies were considered to determine the work done and the gaps that still need to be filled. The preliminary results indicate that using these technologies has great potential to assist teachers and parents in intervening more effectively in the early stages. However, given the subjects discussed, there are still issues that professionals should consider when designing and utilizing these technologies. In this research, only domestic studies have been considered to determine the measures taken and the existing gaps for future research, and the initial findings show that the use of these technologies has great potential to help teachers and parents intervene more effectively in the early stages. According to the reviewed studies, only 56% of the studies used domestically manufactured technologies, and the rest of the technologies were related to non-domestic programs. Then future studies can focus on the design and construction of native programs in the Persian language. Another important point to consider in future research is the issue of which time protocol these technologies were used in the interventions and whether this issue can be related to the desired effect of these technologies according to the reviewed research on this technology. were used for an average of 16 to 16 sessions and 48-minute sessions for the audience. Also, in future review research, it is possible to include a larger number of influential components, including different age groups of subjects (the focus of this study is on the age group of 1 to 16 years with an average of 8. 5 years), more different types of assistive technology, wider types of target skills, considering different research designs, and by examining a larger and more diverse community, especially by including the results of articles from abroad to clarify the generalizability of the findings, he achieved more accurate and comprehensive results. Conclusion: The effectiveness of new technologies for children with autism spectrum disorders can be used for diagnosis, screening, empowerment, and rehabilitation according to the findings of many studies. The use of technology-based approaches generally has a positive impact and aids in the treatment, education, and improvement of social interactions, education, and other areas in people with autism. However, evaluating these methods and estimating the magnitude of their impact are crucial issues that can yield significant and informative results and provide the opportunity to plan and implement improvements. Only internal studies were considered to determine the work done and the gaps that still need to be filled. The preliminary results indicate that using these technologies has great potential to assist teachers and parents in intervening more effectively in the early stages. However, given the subjects discussed, there are still issues that professionals should consider when designing and utilizing these technologies. In this research, only domestic studies have been considered to determine the measures taken and the existing gaps for future research, and the initial findings show that the use of these technologies has great potential to help teachers and parents intervene more effectively in the early stages. According to the reviewed studies, only 56% of the studies used domestically manufactured technologies, and the rest of the technologies were related to non-domestic programs. Then future studies can focus on the design and construction of native programs in the Persian language. Another important point to consider in future research is the issue of which time protocol these technologies were used in the interventions and whether this issue can be related to the desired effect of these technologies according to the reviewed research on this technology. were used for an average of 16 to 16 sessions and 48-minute sessions for the audience. Also, in future review research, it is possible to include a larger number of influential components, including different age groups of subjects (the focus of this study is on the age group of 1 to 16 years with an average of 8. 5 years), more different types of assistive technology, wider types of target skills, considering different research designs, and by examining a larger and more diverse community, especially by including the results of articles from abroad to clarify the generalizability of the findings, he achieved more accurate and comprehensive results.

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Background & Aims: Positive psychology considers mental health to be equivalent to positive psychological function and conceptualized it in the form of the term psychological well-being. From this point of view, psychological well-being means optimal psychological functioning. Well-being does not mean getting pleasure, but it is an effort to transcend and improve in the realization of one's talents and abilities. This means that psychological well-being should be considered as happiness that is obtained through facing life's challenges, problems, and needs, not happiness that is obtained through having fun and not having any conflicts and conflicts, and not by having a uniform life without a change that has been achieved. Based on this, psychological well-being includes striving for perfection and realizing one's real potential forces. Well-being is a comprehensive process that spans the lifespan. Basic psychological needs are another variable that has a significant impact on psychological well-being. As a living being, a person has a series of basic needs, which become more complicated with the mind and the environment. These needs include the need for autonomy, the need for competence, and the need for relatedness. The need for competence means a person's ability to do the task and to what extent the person can achieve his goals and feels useful in achieving his goals, and the need for communication means a relationship with those who are important to the person and Or they support him and he feels connected with them. Satisfying these three basic needs is necessary for the progress and promotion of human beings, on the other hand when a person fails to meet these needs, incompatibility is formed, as stated by the science of psychopathology. Resilience is another variable that is related to psychological well-being. A person's successful coping with stressful factors and difficult situations is called resilience. Resilience is not just passive resistance against injuries or threatening conditions, a resilient person is an active participant and builder of his environment. Resilience is a person's ability to establish biological-psychological and spiritual balance in the face of dangerous conditions and a kind of self-restoration, which is associated with positive emotional, emotional, and cognitive consequences. It can be said that keeping in mind that the psychological well-being of the employees of the organizations is of special importance and improving the level of psychological well-being of the employees helps to improve the level of public health in society and on the other hand identifying the factors It is important and effective in increasing psychological well-being, and since it is based on the research done in previous researches, research is carried out at the same time to investigate the effect of mindfulness, basic psychological needs, and resilience. It was not found that the research has focused on psychological well-being, so the present study investigated the effect of these factors on psychological well-being. Methods: This descriptive study was a survey type and its statistical population included all the employees of the National Bank of Alborz province in the year 1400 number of 761 people and with the method of multi-stage cluster-random sampling using the Plant formula. 327 people were selected. The validity of each item was confirmed by the professors and experts through the content validity method, and the reliability of the questionnaire was also confirmed through Cronbach's alpha. The structural equation method was used to analyze the data using spss23 and LISREL statistical software and to test the hypotheses. Results: The research findings indicate that the coefficient of the indirect path of resilience and psychological need and mindfulness at the level of 0.01 has a significant effect on the psychological well-being model. According to the acceptable cut-off points, the fit for each of the questionnaires of psychological well-being, mindfulness, resilience, and psychological needs is optimally estimated. Conclusion: The results of the research showed that mindfulness, basic psychological needs, and resilience predict psychological well-being as indicators and meaningfully. In general, it can be said that the results of the research indicate that mindfulness, basic psychological needs, and resilience predict psychological well-being as indicators and significance. This means that the training of mindfulness, basic psychological needs, and resilience in the form of in-service courses and along with performing defined activities creates or increases skills that these skills are in the aspect of They affect psychological well-being. With the results of this research in mind, it can be said that if the bank provides a suitable environment for increasing mental awareness, basic psychological needs, and resilience in employees, the level of psychological well-being will also increase in employees. The limitations of this research are as follows: the information of this research was collected through self-report (questionnaires) and this issue may affect the validity of the findings, so be careful with organizations and banks. Others should be generalized. Also, because the present research was carried out with caution during the corona epidemic and the stress and difficult working conditions of employees and adverse psychological conditions, its results should be available to others. The suggestions that can be made with the results of the research in mind are: with the help of training to the employees and also by providing past experiences and knowledge to increase the resilience among the employees because this causes psychological well-being. The number of employees will increase, and this will make the employees not lose their decision-making power in critical moments because one of the characteristics of the National Bank is that it does not give the employees the power to make decisions, and it has caused some From time to time, employees have to take orders from their superiors for any simple matter, for this reason, it is recommended that this issue be included in the bank's human resources strategies. Finally, bearing in mind that in the current study, the effect of mindfulness, basic psychological needs, and resilience on the psychological well-being of bank employees has been examined, it is suggested that future researchers investigate the relationship or effect of these variables with Check other variables.

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Background & Aims: school anxiety is a negative emotion that can hinder academic progress. The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating role of academic pressure on oneself and academic self-esteem in the relationship between emotional competence and school anxiety in students with academic problems. Situations play a role in the emergence of anxiety. One of these situations is the school and educational environment which is known as school anxiety. In addition to increasing society's costs, school anxiety causes damage caused by failure in students depression truancy and violence. reduced self-esteem reduced self-efficacy and increased fear of failure. reducing self-confidence and motivation. In addition to the mentioned factors, researches have shown the high prevalence of anxiety, for example: 41% of high school students are suspected of having exam anxiety, and the prevalence of exam anxiety in girls (46. 5) is higher than in boys (35. 7). Another study that was conducted on 2435 English students showed that 16. 4% of this sample had severe anxiety, the share of girls was 22. 5 and the share of boys was 10. 3. In Jordan, the results of a study showed that 42. 1% of students have anxiety. However, it is essential to pay attention to the underlying factors that cause school anxiety in order to effectively deal with it. In this regard, one of the factors that can lead to anxiety is the cognitions or one's thoughts and attitudes. are the basis of emotions and emotions such as anxiety. For example: the presence of thoughts of "being punished" will cause anxiety in the student. But the existence of individual competencies will act as a protective factor against negative emotions for example: emotional and social competencies are among the factors that can act as protectors. Emotional competence refers to the way people deal with interpersonal and intrapersonal emotional information, in fact, emotional competence means: identifying, expressing, understanding, regulating and using one's own or others' emotions. Increasing emotional competence ultimately reduces academic anxiety. Therefore, it can be said that the student's knowledge plays a central role in his academic success and failure. Therefore, a student who has cognitions based on the feeling of pressure on himself or stress in relation to education and the learning environment, can experience a decline in academic performance. The systematic research of Wachiz (2020) showed that academic stress and pressure is more among women than men, and getting rid of negative cognitions is associated with reducing academic stress and pressure. On the other hand, Makow's study (2021) showed that there is an inverse relationship between academic pressure and competence, which means that the higher the competence, the lower the academic pressure. Considering the importance of cognitions, a person's perceptions of his abilities are of great importance in school success and anxiety, this is known as academic self-esteem, and the relationship between academic self-esteem and anxiety and academic success in research Various studies have been shown. based on these studies, there is a two-way relationship between self-esteem and anxiety that can predict each other. According to the theory of self-determination, meeting people's need for competence leads to an increase in mental well-being, emotional adjustment and psychological health. also meeting people's need for competence causes them to pursue more goals, which ultimately leads to academic progress. will be, becomes. Therefore, if people's need for competence is not met, it is likely that the ground for academic failures and failure in achieving goals will be provided, therefore, paying attention to competence is of fundamental importance because it is one of the basic issues of success and achieving goals, hence knowing the relationships And its theoretical foundations are important, however, the relationship between emotional competence and school anxiety is not only a linear and two-way relationship, but there are other variables in between, which according to the theory of self-determination and the existence of a research gap. Methods: This research is developmental in terms of purpose, descriptive-correlation in terms of execution method, and quantitative in terms of data type. The statistical population of the research was all students with academic problems in the second secondary level of Kurdistan province in the academic year of 1400-1401. To select the sample size, taking into account the confidence level of 0. 95 (α=0. 05), the power of the test 0. 80 (β=0. 20), the minimum effect size (R2=0. 05) and with the presence of five predictive variables, the appropriate sample size was calculated by G-power software and the sample size was estimated to be 343 people. The sampling method was purposive. To collect data, the following instruments were used: social-emotional competence questionnaire, school anxiety questionnaire, academic stress questionnaire and self-esteem questionnaire. In order to analyze the data, descriptive statistics indices including: mean, standard deviation, frequency and percentage were used and in inferential statistics, Pearson correlation and structural equations were used using spss and Smart Pls software. Results: The results showed that the coefficient of the indirect path between emotional competence and school anxiety with the mediating role of academic self-esteem and academic pressure on oneself is significant at a level of less than 0. 01%. Conclusion: Since every research has limitations, on this basis, the limitations of the current research include: This research was conducted in Kurdistan province and with the demographic characteristics mentioned in the description of the sample, so in the generalizations of this research, attention should be paid to social-cultural similarities. In order to measure the variables of the research, self-assessment questionnaires were used, the statistical population of the research was teenagers, according to the special characteristics of this period of evolution, this limitation should be included in the generalizations when generalizing the findings of this study to other age groups. Considering that 81% of the sample is made up of women, caution should be taken in generalizing the findings to the male community. In line with these limitations, it is suggested that: the current research be repeated with the statistical population and other age groups, in other cities, using the interview tool, it is also suggested to counselors and psychologists, according to the results of the current research and identifying the influencing variables on teenage students should be the basis for psychotherapy interventions, counseling and training of students with academic problems individually and in groups.

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Background & Aims: Every person has his ideas that affect his behavior and consumption patterns. For example, research shows that 72% of men and 85% of women are not satisfied with their appearance and this factor has caused them to use cosmetics in Europe. Many consumers seek to hide or highlight a part of themselves by purchasing products from cars to cosmetics. Consumers' feelings about themselves are one of the factors that shape their consumption habits. The research conducted on the consumption of fashion clothes by women over 65 years old also shows that the self affects consumption. Self-concept refers to one's beliefs about one's characteristics and how one evaluates these characteristics. A person's overall self-concept may be positive, but there are parts of the self that are evaluated more positively than others. For example, a person may have a better sense of their professional identity than their middle-aged identity. Many adolescent health challenges are directly related to nutrition. Since the field of food, marketing is a very important part of the prevention of obesity in children and adolescents, therefore, more responsible marketing and, in line with that, awareness of how to choose food, especially healthy food, in children and adolescents. It can be effective in improving their nutritional health and using appropriate methods of marketing and advertising. One of the pillars of society's health is providing physical and mental needs through optimal nutrition. Nutrition is one of the factors involved in ensuring health and causing disease so nowadays the connection between nutrition and food choices with the health of people in society is confirmed and emphasized. The role of nutrition in the creation and development of non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and cancer is undeniable, and chronic diseases caused by improper nutrition and lifestyle are the biggest cause of death. Today, the discussion of food patterns and their relationship with diseases is a suitable and new approach in the field of nutritional epidemiology. Paying attention to the food patterns that include the complexities of the meals gives a good picture of the diet and nutritional habits of the people in the society. The household consumption pattern is determined based on the allocation of household expenses among different consumer groups. The consumption pattern is influenced by various factors, among these factors we can mention the cultural, social, psychological, and individual factors of the consumers, and paying attention to these factors can be considered an effective factor in the sale of products. In various researches, food groups known for consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, chicken, and fish were more related to the intake of micronutrients and biological-dietary indicators and the risk of disease in a specific direction. On the other hand, short-term studies have shown that dietary diversity and the type of foods consumed in the diet also affect obesity. People who are fat or think they are fat in some way and do not have a good mental image of their body, mostly turn to weight loss diets and different methods of losing weight and reaching the ideal weight. Therefore, the present study seeks to examine the question of whether it is possible to present a valid model in the selective behavior of healthy food and drink consumption in adolescents. It is not possible to study and examine any of the dimensions of human existence without studying his personality, and to study personality, paying attention to the concept of self, which is considered the core of personality, is an inevitable necessity. The behavior that each person shows in different situations is directly influenced by his self-image. Therefore, a person's self-concept affects all behavioral activities, including consumption behaviors. By increasing knowledge about the attitude of potential customers towards themselves, marketers can challenge this attitude towards the consumption of their products and use it in their advertisements for food products. In other words, by knowing the attitude of current and potential customers towards themselves, marketers can determine the marketing method and design and implement advertisements and other marketing activities in a way that has the greatest impact on customers and effectively persuades them to buy products. To encourage the target. Those whose business is related to providing diets and people's health can use the knowledge of people's attitudes towards themselves as well as the actual, ideal and social attitudes of customers to provide appropriate meal plans effectively. Let customers learn and take steps towards the health of the community. Methods: The research method was applied-developmental in terms of purpose and descriptive survey in terms of nature. The statistical population in the validation section of the behavior pattern of parents of teenagers was considered undetermined due to the size of the population, and the sample size was 384 according to Cochran's formula, and finally, 412 questionnaires were distributed and collected. A questionnaire of 70 types was used to collect data. To analyze the data, the partial least squares method was performed using Smart PLS software. Results: The obtained results confirmed that the uncertainty of decision making and lack of awareness in the field of food consumption as causal conditions had an impact on the central phenomenon including the behavioral pattern. Conclusion: In general, the results showed that the selective behavior pattern of healthy food and drink consumption in teenagers with an emphasis on food marketing has a favorable fit. One of these efforts is to study the behavioral pattern of people and their effect on their consumption patterns, including food consumption patterns. Each person has his own ideas that affect his behavior and consumption patterns. Therefore, marketers can manipulate a person's self-concept to sell their products. The social self has a negative effect on all three food patterns. But it has the most negative impact on the western food pattern. That is, the more positive a person has towards his social self, the less he chooses the western food pattern. The mood has a negative effect on all three food patterns. Therefore, the more a person has a positive attitude towards his morals with others and the way he treats himself, the less he prefers all three models.

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Background & Aims: Colon cancer, being a prevalent and life-threatening illness, has consistently garnered the attention of healthcare centers. According to statistics published by the World Health Organization, 2. 8 million deaths in 2018 were attributed to this disease, making it the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths (1). The diagnosis of cancer is often accompanied by an increased risk of common mental disorders, which may negatively impact treatment, recovery, quality of life, and survival (3). It may also lead to psychological coherence breakdown (4). Antonovsky introduced the concept of a sense of coherence in 1970 (5). Through a sense of coherence, it can be explained why an individual can withstand high-stress levels and remain healthy (7). Additionally, one of the psychological problems in cancer patients is death anxiety (10). According to Hong et al., cancer patients are at a high risk of death anxiety in facing various challenges, with 32% of advanced cancer patients showing death anxiety. Abnormally high levels of death anxiety can lead to psychological disorders and the avoidance of medical care (12). Accordingly, mindfulness is one of the psychological interventions with extensive evidence supporting its effectiveness in improving mental functioning in clinical and non-clinical populations (14). This treatment enables individuals to understand their experiences without judgment and change their relationships with others by accepting their beliefs and emotions (17). The use of group therapy is also a common therapeutic approach to reduce psychological distress and improve physical functioning in chronic patients (21). The goal of the Psychodynamics approach is to bring unconscious levels to consciousness. Dynamic therapists often bridge between reality and imagination, unconscious and conscious, logical and illogical, and thoughts and emotions (22). According to this approach, the presence of others increases the possibility of self-disclosure and provides an opportunity to observe internal problems (23). So far, no systematic study has been conducted in Iran on the impact of two dynamic group psychotherapy interventions on the sense of coherence and death anxiety in patients with colon cancer. Therefore, this research aims to determine whether there exists a difference between the effectiveness of dynamic group psychotherapy and mindfulness-based stress reduction therapy on the sense of coherence and death anxiety in patients with colon cancer. Methods: This quasi-experimental research adopted a pretest-posttest control group design with follow-up. The statistical population included all patients with colon cancer treated at the Poursina-Hakim Treatment Center in Isfahan during the spring of 2022. Among them, 42 were selected using Purposive sampling and assigned randomly to one of three 14-member groups: the mindfulness-based stress reduction group (receiving 8 treatment sessions), the psychodynamic therapy group (receiving 12 treatment sessions), and the control group. The research instruments included the Sense of Coherence (SOC) Scale and the Death Anxiety Scale (DAS). The research data were analyzed using repeated measures ANOVA and the Bonferroni post hoc test in SPSS version 26. Results: The results demonstrated a significant difference in the average scores of the resource between the experimental and control groups in the post-test (F=5. 68, P=0. 007) and follow-up (F=4. 72, P=0. 015) assessments of sense of coherence, as well as in the post-test (F=4. 37, P=0. 020) assessment of death anxiety after eliminating pre-test effects. Additionally, the Bonferroni follow-up test revealed that both interventions effectively and equally increased the sense of coherence in patients, with these positive effects persisting over time (P<0. 05). However, only dynamic group psychotherapy significantly reduced patients' death anxiety (P<0. 05), although this effect did not remain stable over time. Conclusion: To explain the effectiveness of mindfulness-based stress reduction therapy in improving the sense of coherence among cancer patients, it is important to note that mindfulness aims to cultivate non-judgmental awareness of the present moment. This can lead to considerable changes in the lives of patients and their psychological functioning. Developing defense mechanisms, and confronting and accepting physical and psychological challenges resulting from the illness, also contributes to improving psychological well-being and increasing internal coherence (38). Consequently, mindfulness moderates emotions without judgment increases cancer patients’ awareness of their mental and physical experiences, and helps them clearly see and accept their emotions and physical challenges as they occur (40). To elucidate the research findings on the effectiveness of dynamic group psychotherapy on cancer patient's sense of coherence and death anxiety, it's worth noting that the primary aim of group analytical therapy is to promote interaction among group members and enhance their awareness of group dynamics and individual intrapsychic conflicts (23). Group psychotherapy, in fact, encourages patients to access their true emotions by addressing their defense mechanisms, which often involve avoiding genuine emotional experiences and emotional intimacy due to past unsuccessful encounters. Indeed, a group serves as an environment that encourages participants to tap into their coping resources and, through self-disclosure, share their conflicts and stress-related experiences with others. This process helps dismantle emotional resistance and unveil ineffective defense mechanisms. One limitation of this study is its focus on colon cancer patients. Hence, caution should be exercised when generalizing the results to other patients with specific and chronic illnesses. Finally, considering the obtained results, it is recommended to conduct dynamic group psychotherapy sessions and mindfulness-based stress reduction therapy in hospitals, clinics, and medical centers to enhance coherence and psychological well-being and reduce anxiety disorders in cancer patients.

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Background & Aims: Today, education experts believe that technology should not be considered a practical tool in education. They believe that technology as a powerful solution creates differentiation and can be effective. The technology effectively empowers teaching and learning and enables education professionals to create outstanding scientific experiences for students, especially at the secondary level, and to increase the connection between the real world and the classroom through Various resources and tools to strengthen education. Many secondary school students can become learner-oriented through the use of technology and improve their performance. By adding the world of science in the classroom and making the classroom atmosphere exciting, we can increase the power of imagination of the students and even those who do not enjoy the structure and scientific topics, can be fascinated and interested. The use of any type of technology in the classroom will help in differentiated teaching, beyond all these issues, the use of technology in the classroom environment will be very attractive for the secondary level, and it will even motivate students to do better homework, think, and read more accurately. Therefore, the use of technology along with the benefits of traditional education will improve teaching. There is a huge gap between what students learn in schools, compared to how the real world works with technology, education, and communication programs. As a result, the question is raised, what strategies should educators, especially at the secondary level, adopt to use technology in the classroom in a meaningful way? In other words, the correct use of the strengths of both traditional and electronic approaches in blended learning is of particular importance. In many schools, teachers do not take advantage of these resources, students still present their lesson projects on the board or paper sheets, most of the time when they are in class, they listen to their teacher and have no contribution to the teaching and learning method. The classroom environment is dominated by teacher-centeredness. Normally, most of the students feel a kind of boredom and lethargy when they enter the school and attend the classroom, and what they experience in real life outside of the school physically, emotionally, and academically, is often far from It is the school environment. It is essential that educational professionals should move learners towards learner-centeredness and strengthen the connection between the activities of learners in school and outside of school, if this connection is weak or never established students will not be able to enter the future. and achieving the goals of the business world, they have problems. If we don't change our educational system and don't push the students to be learner-centered and don't familiarize them with technological developments and skills and their interests, students won't get acquainted with specialized and academic skills for educational growth and excellence and will go backward. will go This issue is very important especially at the secondary level in the teaching of experimental sciences and mathematics, because these two scientific branches (mathematical and experimental) are the main field of many jobs in today's world. Blended learning combines a systemic approach and a contingency approach to learning. This means that while paying attention to the relationship between all components as a whole, special attention is paid to the conditions of using these tools to achieve the best result. The advantage of blended learning is a means of reducing costs that come from combining e-learning with older methods of education. Conducting the present research can bring comprehensive and interesting results by examining the causal factors affecting blended learning. Therefore, the research question is, what is the causal model of the components of combined learning and its effect on the academic performance of the secondary level? Methods: This research is practical in terms of purpose and a mixed research method has been used. The statistical population of the research included experts in the field of curriculum planning studies, educational technology, philosophy of education, distance education, and blended learning. In this research, the target sample was selected using the purposeful sampling method. The sample size included 15 professors of the relevant field at Payam Noor University, Kerman, who were selected in the form of snowball sampling. Data analysis was done using the Delphi method. Results: The results showed that conceptual elements (organizational dimension, educational philosophy, needs assessment, and goals), analytical elements (audience analysis, content analysis and presentation, analysis of the environment and media used), executive elements (design, producers, learning and teaching and interaction and communication) and supporting elements (supporting factors, management system, evaluation, educational justice, organization and motivation, analysis of learner characteristics, management of education and learning and construction environment and Constructivist) are among the factors that make up blended learning and its effect on academic performance. Conclusion: Based on the obtained results, blended learning can bring all-round changes in the development of knowledge, skill, and attitude of the learner, which requires inclusive activeness in the matter of learning, and improves the academic performance of the learners. In the implementation of this research, like any research, the researcher faced limitations, some of which are mentioned below,Lack of full recognition of education through virtual environments as well as blended learning in Iran,The busy work of some experts, which made the work of gathering information, especially in the Delphi method, difficult and delayed,Existence of security and filtering issues and problems,The high risk of choosing the subject according to the decisions of the higher education authorities of the country regarding the resistance of universities and schools in not using education in a combined manner.

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Background & Aims: Adolescence is one of the most substantial and yet shortest stages of every person's life, which is accompanied by many changes. This period covers 14-19 years and has 3 important parts: physical, mental and social maturity. Psychological well-being has a significant impact on improving the mental health of adolescents. Psychological well-being is the effort to realize one's talents, improve them and reveal one's abilities. It consists of six parts: self-acceptance, purposeful life, mastery of the environment, positive relationships with others, autonomy, and personal growth. The emotional connection between the child and their caregiver has a major impact on the process of psychological well-being. This factor, called attachment, causes the child to seek comfort from the mother, especially in situations where they feel fear and danger. Another factor influencing the psychological well-being and mental health of adolescents is their psychological-spiritual changes. Religion is the deepest source in which human existence is nurtured and all its dimensions – including the unity of man with God – depend on it. Another dominant factor is self-control or self-discipline which is very effective in mental health and well-being. Self-control means the ability to control emotions, behavior, and desires to achieve rewards or avoid some consequences. People who have higher self-control have better achievements in a variety of fields. Self-control is related to a set of positive and desirable achievements, including proper adjustment, better school grades, fewer eating problems, better interpersonal communication, and the emergence of optimal emotional responses. Methods: In terms of the practical purpose and also based on the data collection method, the present study is a descriptive research of the correlation type (using structural equations). The population under study included all the students in the second year of secondary school in Kashan (8, 100 people) who were studying in the academic year of 2021-2022 in the age group of 15 to 18 years. According to the number of variables observed in the current research, a sample size of 550 people was considered. After data collection, 500 questionnaires were analyzed. To sample students, the random cluster method was used. Questionnaires used in the research included the psychological well-being questionnaire (RSPWB), religious orientation questionnaire, attachment style questionnaire, and self-control questionnaire. Results: The indices reported in structural equation analysis (Table 2) show a good fit between the data and the model. As a result, the experimental data collected by the researcher confirmed the theoretical model developed in the literature and shows that the causal model developed to explain the well-being of Kashan students based on attachment styles, and religious orientation with the mediation of self-control is a desirable model. The explained variance of psychological well-being by the linear combination of exogenous and mediating variables is 0. 60. In other words, which shows that the linear combination of attachment styles, religious orientation, and self-control explains 60% of changes in psychological well-being. The linear combination of attachment styles and religious orientation explained 25% of the changes in self-control. Based on the results of Table 3, safe style with (p < 0. 05, β = 0. 10), ambivalent style (p < 0. 01, β =-0. 19), external religious orientation (p < 0. 01, β =-0. 15), and self-control (p < 0. 01, β = 0. 41) had a significant role in predicting students' psychological well-being. All 5 predictor variables had a significant relationship with the mediation of self-control and psychological well-being. All predictor variables had a significant relationship with the self-control variable. Conclusion: The purpose of this research was to investigate the role of attachment style and religious orientation in the psychological well-being of adolescents through self-control. The findings showed that safe style and ambivalent style have a significant relationship with psychological well-being. To interpret the findings, when children receive and perceive appropriate support from their parents, they can deal with problems more optimistically and purposefully can enjoy good personal development, be flexible, optimistic, progressive, and self-regulating, and have more vitality and vitality. Children who have insecure attachments are related to the feeling of fear, and inability to coordinate with situations. The unfavorable result of insecure attachment is significantly far from psychological well-being. People with secure attachment in adulthood can effectively create favorable interpersonal relationships. A person should accept their strengths and weaknesses. As for internal orientation and psychological well-being, researchers show a significant and positive relationship between internal orientation and psychological well-being. In the present study, however, this relationship was not significant, which is contrary to the literature. It can be explained that self-control is the capacity of a person to adjust their behavior according to the conditions and changes of the internal and external environment. In other words, a person can organize their behavior according to their goals, so that people with higher self-control gain better achievements in various fields. Self-control is correlated with a set of positive and desirable achievements, including appropriate adjustment (less psychological damage and higher self-esteem), better educational grades, better interpersonal communication, and the occurrence of optimal emotional responses. Another finding of the present study showed that all 5 predictor variables had a significant relationship with the mediation of self-control and psychological well-being. Some studies have investigated the effect of attachment style and religious orientation on self-control. The findings of the present research show the significant relationship between variables with self-control and ultimately the mediating role of self-control in promoting psychological well-being. It can be explained that self-control is an internal force available to inhibit, reject or change responses that are influenced by moral beliefs, social characteristics, parents' level of religiosity, and an individual's participation in religious activities and traditions. The more parents are careful in choosing to create an attachment between themselves and their children, and the more students have an internal religious orientation, the more self-controlled they will be, and finally, we conclude that they will make fewer mistakes in youth and adulthood.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background & Aims: The discussion of active learning and active learning has a special place in educational discussions today. Learning is a process that ultimately leads to behavior change. Learning means strengthening the ability with the help of experience obtained from the following things. The importance of paying attention to education and learning is at the top of programs and the factor of countries' development. In such a situation, managing, identifying and creating new strategies in teaching and learning is vital. Team learning addresses the issue of collective learning transforms teams and teaches them to mobilize their energy and strength to achieve common goals. Team learning brings multiple results and these results occur at multiple levels. The study of organizational learning as a result of team learning showed that the direct relationship between individual learning and organizational learning was ambiguous, and organizations through the integration of individual learning and the integrated learning process at the team level. It will be obtained. Critical thinking guarantees the progress the social and individual life of every human being, and those who have this skill are successful people of course, if a society has more critical thinkers, that society is also more successful and developed. Critical thinking as a learning tool introduces students to the art of reasoning and logic and prepares them for situations outside the classroom better living and better understanding. All educational institutions, accreditation bodies, students, and employers agree that students need to learn critical thinking skills. Critical thinking is not just a good skill, it is an important necessity. Critical thinking in students can be the basis of strategic thinking, creative thinking, good judgment, and good decision-making. Good critical thinking leads to the right conclusions most of the time. Research also indicates that improving critical thinking ability has an important effect on improving problem-solving ability, expressiveness, creativity, organization, planning, and making appropriate choices in life. Higher education is one of the institutions that are effective in the all-round development of the country, which can provide opportunities for the continuation of learning and the active presence of students in various social, economic, c and cultural fields by creating the basis for the production and deepening of knowledge. One of the goals of higher education is to train students who use different methods of critical thinking to engage in scientific activity, which has a special place in the field of education. In today's world, the ability to process information is valuable, and information becomes valuable when it becomes knowledge and is used in innovation and production. Thus, educating learners as critical thinkers, readers, rs, and writers for the new millennium requires the foundation of educational programs on the model of critical thinking. One of the basic characteristics of a human being is awareness of his behavior and the power of thinking. Man can be self-aware of his behavior and use his thinking power in dealing with various issues. Critical thinking is an essential skill required for wise participation in a democratic society and today's modern world. From this point of view, conducting the present research seems necessary and important, which can greatly help policymakers and decision-makers in the field of education to gain a deeper understanding of the effectiveness of teaching critical thinking skills and team-based learning. grout to improve the problem-solving skills of students,Therefore this study aimed to provide a model of the effect of group-based learning during the corona virus pandemic period on psychological critical thinking in medical sciences universities of the country. Methods: This research is a mixed-survey method. In the qualitative part, the researched population included the president of the university, the directors of the directorate, the presidents and directors of the eight vice-chancellors of the university, and the directorates of the nine affiliated faculties) of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences in the number of approximately 45 people, and in the quantitative part, it included the staff of the University of Medical Sciences and The number of health care services in Mazandaran and affiliated colleges was 2016. In the qualitative part, sampling was done by snowball sampling, and 20 people were selected, in the quantitative part, it was a multi-stage relative stratified sampling with Cochran's formula and there were 323 people. In this research, the method of collecting information was a researcher-made questionnaire, which included two parts including general questions and specialized questions (including 95 items). Delphi technique was used for data analysis in the qualitative part, and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and AMOS software were used in the quantitative part. Results: The results showed that there is a significant relationship between servant leadership style and knowledge sharing and also between servant leadership style variables and social capital. Also, there is a significant relationship between social capital and knowledge sharing. Also, the results showed that the model presented in the research is acceptable and appropriate. Conclusion: In general, the more servant leadership exists in an organization, the more knowledge and social capital will be shared. Also, social capital facilitates people's access to other resources inside and outside the organization increases people's willingness to engage in bilateral interaction, and improves the effectiveness of creating and sharing knowledge. Therefore, a better and smarter decision-making process in an environment with these characteristics determines the success or failure of the organization. In general, it can be concluded from the present research and the research done by other colleagues that the use of team-based learning increases the critical thinking of students in the era of Corona and post-Corona. The results of this research can help teachers make decisions regarding the choice of teaching methods or the integration of these methods with traditional methods according to the situation. Carrying out short-term planning in the university based on research findings to promote team-based learning during the coronavirus pandemic period, critical thinking of the students of Farhangian University of Medical Sciences in Babol and helping the officials and managers of the university to develop long-term strategies for promotion Bartim-based learning is one of the practical implications of this research. Developing plans for the transformation of medical science education is a new stage of the plan for the transformation of the health system. To implement these plans, the educational assistants of the universities must follow the goals of the field of education in the context of team-based learning through interaction with professors, students, and national elites.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background & Aims: Organizational health was used to adapt the organization to its environment, create harmony among the members of the organization, and achieve the long-term goals of the organization. Organizational health is one of the signs of management success in the implementation of tasks. The lack of a long-term strategic approach to human resource management in the citizen company will leave negative effects on the correct planning of the entry, maintenance, and exit processes of employees in the organization, which will cause a decrease in productivity, effectiveness, and failure to fulfill the mission of the organization. Also, human resources strategy is known as the main element of improving the organization's performance and addressing it is necessary to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of human resources management and development activities of organizations. On the other hand, the planners of different societies have always sought to find out the effective factors in moral growth and development in the work environment and its strengthening, or the set of factors related to its decline. The human resource management system in any organization cannot be a static and stable phenomenon due to the dynamism and continuous environmental changes. Strategic management of human resources can help organizations in the direction of competitive advantages. In the framework of strategic human resources management, organizations can make optimal use of opportunities and situations. Human resources strategy is an instruction for the human resources system that is specified in the mission, vision, and priority of the human resources task unit. The purpose of developing and implementing the human resources strategy is to link the policies and methods of human resources with the strategic goals of human resources. The main goal of strategic human resources management is a macro view that allows addressing the basic issues of managers and employees. Human resource strategy is a young science, both in the theoretical and practical fields, and the emergence of the first theory and related models for its formulation goes back less than two decades ago. In our country, the application of alignment models of organizational strategies is less common due to the novelty of the relevant knowledge, the lack of development of strategic discourse and the lack of Persian resources in the field, as well as the lack of attention to the localization of successful and new foreign models and patterns. Attention has been paid. According to the mentioned problem, it should be mentioned that the lack of a strategic and long-term approach to human resources management has also left negative effects on the correct planning of processes, input, maintenance, and output of employees in the organization, which may reduce productivity in the future. and failure to fulfill the goals and mission of the organization. According to the presented materials, the present study aims to review the factors affecting organizational health with the approach of human resources. Methods: The present study is a review study, in which a review of articles published in domestic and foreign journals available in SID, PubMed, Google Scholar, Magiran, Springer, Wiley, Web of Science (ISI), Scopus, Science direct, ProQuest was used in the range of years 2000 to 2022. Articles were searched using the keywords "organizational health, healthy ethics in the organization, human resources strategy" and their English equivalents. The inclusion criteria included descriptive and analytical studies or descriptive or systematic reviews that had at least an abstract in Persian in the period from 2000 to 2022. The exclusion criteria were the articles whose full text was not available in Farsi or English. The result of the initial search of articles was 158 articles, after removing 84 duplicate articles in different databases, 74 articles remained,At the abstract reading stage, 43 were removed due to not meeting the entry criteria, leaving only 31 articles. In the next step, 14 articles were removed from the search circle due to the lack of access to the entire content of the article, and finally, 17 articles were selected in line with the purpose of the study. These 17 articles have been included in the study by having the criteria of word and intercourse with the goals of this article. Results: This review study showed that one of the factors affecting organizational health with the human resources approach is attention to employees from the lowest management levels to the highest levels, as well as the optimal organizational health of employees' physical and mental health. Conclusion: Organizational health is the ability of the organization to maintain survival and adapt to the environment and improve these abilities. Some consider organizational health to be synonymous with mental health in the work environment and consider a healthy administration or organization as an organization that minimizes the level of depression, frustration, dissatisfaction, inactivity, and mental stress of employees. Organizational health is not a new concept that only includes the organization's ability to perform tasks effectively, but also improves the system's abilities for growth, prosperity, and development. In a healthy organization, some managers are literate in every sense and committed and conscientious employees with high morale who love their work and are effective and useful people who become the dynamic of the organization. Some have also defined organizational health as the organization's ability to make correct, proper, and appropriate decisions. In general, it can be concluded that to improve organizational health, the role of human resource development and attention to employees, which revives the process of organizational health, is important and will lead to the empowerment of an organization's forces.

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Background & Aims: One of the major problems of today's societies is chronic diseases that have created many tensions along with the heavy costs that impose on the economies of countries. Among these chronic diseases is cancer, which, by disrupting human life, overshadows the cultural, family, and social dimensions. Breast cancer is a common malignant disease that affects women in many communities. Diagnosis and treatment of this disease have changes in sexual function, negative self-image, communication problems, and the like, and thus has special effects on the well-being of life and mental health. Human society has always valued the beauty of the human body, but this beauty has not been defined in all cultures and throughout history. Body image is partly the result of personal experiences, personality, and various social and cultural factors, including the definition of beauty. A person's feelings about his or her physical appearance in the eyes of others or the cultural ideals in which he or she lives shape his or her body image. It is important to know that a person's perception of their appearance can be different from others' perception of their appearance or social standards. Body image also has a wide range of psychological and physical effects on the individual. Body image is one of the important categories in the formation of individual identity and the concept of "self". People who have a positive body image accept and love their body as it is, and are more resilient to the pressures that are unrealistically available for girls to be slimmer and boys to be more muscular, resulting in less depression. By having a positive body image, a person accepts his body as it is, and this enables him to focus his mind and energy on the growth and expansion of other aspects of his life. The cognitive-behavioral model is introduced by Beck for the first time. Beck's model explains how emotional problems can arise through patterns of negative thoughts, and also shows that such problems can be addressed by altering thought processes. The cognitive-behavioral model combines the role of human behavior in the development and maintenance of such problems. Corrections such as cognitive and cognitive-behavioral are sometimes used interchangeably in different articles. In general, cognitive therapy has educational, cognitive, and behavioral aspects. The educational aspects include explaining cognitive triangles, schemas, and wrong logic to the patient. The therapist should explain to the patient that they are formulating hypotheses together and testing them during treatment. Cognitive therapy requires a complete description of the relationship between depression and thinking, emotions, and behavior, as well as the philosophy of all aspects of therapy. Behavioral aspects of treatment include the use of relaxation training, regular desensitization, self-control training, self-review, role modeling, behavior modification, assertiveness training, role-playing and reverse role-play, homework, exercise, and more. According to the studies, it seems that both therapeutic approaches have been effective on breast cancer separately, and on the other hand, because no research has shown the effectiveness of these two approaches on the body image level in patients, according to the researcher. Has not been studied in breast cancer, so the research question is how to compare the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy and psycho-display on the level of body image in women with breast cancer and which type of treatment is more effective? Methods: This quasi-experimental study was designed with pre-test, post-test, and two-month follow-up with a control group that was approved by the code of ethics with the number IR. IAU. Dubai. REC. 1399. 017 from the Islamic Azad University of Dubai. The researchers also followed the ethical protocols of Helsinki Studies, and the subjects' information remained anonymous, and all of this information will remain secure after the study. The study population was women with breast cancer who were referred to Shohada Tajrish Hospital in Tehran in 2009-2010. The sample of the present study included 45 people (15 people for each group,that is, 15 people in the experimental group 1 and 15 people in the experimental group 2 and 15 people in the control group). In this study, the available sampling method was used,among the patients who were referred to the Cancer Research Center at Shohada Tajrish Hospital and underwent a mastectomy, 45 were selected and again randomly assigned to three groups and 15 experimental (two groups) in each group waiting for treatment. The protocols were psychotherapy (Ghotbi Nejad et al., 2019) and cognitive-behavioral therapy Kharazi et al. (2018) (sixty minutes per session). For data collection, in addition to the demographic information form, including age, the Fisher's body image test was developed by Fisher in 1970 and contains 46 items. A mixed analysis of variance was used to analyze the data. Results: The results showed that the two methods of group therapy, psychoactive and cognitive-behavioral, had a significant effect on body image after the test. There was also a difference between body image scores in the three stages of pre-test, post-test, and follow-up, regardless of group. Conclusion: The results showed that among the methods of cognitive-behavioral therapy and psychotherapy, group cognitive-behavioral therapy was more effective in improving the body image of women with breast cancer. Cognitive-behavioral therapy with components affecting the improvement of body image can enable the ability to effectively cope with challenges and stressful situations, which is one of the most important types of coping, meaningful situations. Achieving this capability is the main goal of the cognitive-behavioral approach because the main premise of this approach is to change the cognition of a person's entire behavioral and emotional system. In this approach, the person removes the control of his psychological system from the domination of subconscious factors such as negative automatic thoughts and consciously and actively determines his mood and behavioral system through direct control of his cognitive system. Therefore, during treatment, more adaptive cognitions based on unconditional self-acceptance and self-esteem and in accordance with logical facts and norms replace distorted and excessive images and thoughts about body image, self-esteem, decreased awareness, and fear of negative evaluations and thoughts and cognitions. They will be negative and ultimately improve the body image, and on the other hand, negative cognitive dimensions are a natural part of the mental system of individuals.

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Background & Aims: Marriage is the prelude to family formation and has always been recognized as the highest social custom to achieve the emotional and security needs of adults. Despite the fact that a satisfactory marriage is considered one of the important factors of the mental health of the society, if marriage and family life create inappropriate conditions and dissatisfaction of the couple to satisfy each other's psychological needs, it leaves negative and sometimes irreparable effects. One of the biggest social problems in the current human society is family conflicts,Therefore, addressing the issue of marital conflict in order to achieve prevention strategies is one of the most important needs of family education. The prevalence of divorce in the country, the increase of marital problems at the beginning of marriage and the existence of few studies in Iran and the world in the field of the effectiveness of the proposed approaches make it necessary to compare these interventions. Also, choosing an effective treatment approach can give therapists and family and couple therapy the right direction. Therefore, this research aims to compare the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) and therapy based on schema mentality in increasing cultural values and conflict resolution styles in working women. The results of this research and the solutions provided can be used in counseling and psychotherapy centers, education and divorce prevention centers, marriage and family centers, spouse selection centers and other similar centers. Methods: In terms of the purpose of this research, it was in the applied research group and in terms of the research design, it was a semi-experimental type of pre-test and post-test with a control group. The statistical population of this research was made up of all women working in Iran Khodro Industrial Group companies in 1400. From this society, 45 women working in the companies of Iran Khodro Industrial Group in 1400 were selected purposefully. First, the 36-question quality of life questionnaire (SF-36) was distributed among working women,Then the women who got a low score from the marital quality questionnaire (the lowest score that any person can get is 26 and the highest score is 130) were identified and randomly divided into three control groups (15 people) and an experiment based on schema mentality (15 people) and acceptance and commitment-based therapy (15 people) were included,The number of sample people was 45 people, each of the groups included 15 people. The criteria for entering the research are female employees working in Iran Khodro Industrial Group companies, having a low quality of life, having minimal literacy and writing, not suffering from acute psychiatric diseases (based on the question about psychiatric records),The criteria for leaving the study were absence of more than two sessions and taking psychiatric pills. The implementation method was to first identify women who are dissatisfied with the quality of their married life, then they answered the research questionnaires (cultural values and conflict resolution styles) and the people who scored high in these questionnaires were used as samples. research were selected. Results: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) has an effect on the conflict resolution styles of working women, so it is suggested that family, marriage and divorce counselors consider the effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Approaches (ACT) and schema mentality therapy In solving marital conflicts, they should use these approaches more in their counseling centers. Conclusion: Treatment based on acceptance and commitment is a more effective method for increasing cultural vales in working women compared to treatment based on schema mentality. Treatment based on acceptance and commitment to cultural values by increasing gender flexibility, respecting the spouse's culture, recognizing differences, changing the cultural framework and expanding the values and expectations and general understanding of other cultures, reduces stress between It is culturally effective. In therapy based on commitment and acceptance, the goal is for people to learn not to judge and accept their inner events, especially the ones they don't want. Treatment based on commitment and acceptance seeks to teach clients how to get rid of the thought content, how not to try to get rid of it, not to stick to their life story, to live in the present instead of the conceptualized past and future, and the result of all These are to identify values and goals and believe in them. In simpler words, in this therapy, couples learn to serve life and values instead of serving thoughts and feelings and change their lifestyle to increase its quality. Due to the lack of emphasis on cognitive reconstruction and change of thoughts, this therapy emphasizes acceptance instead, and since cultural values are an important component in marital relationships, this therapy can improve beliefs and marital relationships in couples. In therapy based on acceptance and commitment, it can create the recognition in the individual that cultural differences are just differences and do not indicate contradictions or indicators of pathology. This issue causes people to avoid stereotypes and change their ethnic thinking. In addition, it causes people to learn about their values, cultural background and worldview. This issue affects their intercultural abilities and skills in their interactions with people of different cultures, it also raises people's cultural awareness and teaches people to express their cultural approaches and views. and increase their cultural tolerance.

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Background & Aims: The spread of new technologies in the field of electronics and computers in the past few decades has led to the emergence of all kinds of electronic and computer devices and programs, including the Internet, mobile phones, satellites, and computer games in the world. It is undeniable that these changes and developments have made human life many times easier, but on the other side of the coin, we cannot ignore the damage caused by these new technologies. Today's students are not like the previous generations, almost all of these students have all or some of these technologies. Regardless of the wide application of these tools, what is widely used today and covers a large part of people's daily activities is the Internet and, accordingly, the virtual space. Internet is an inexhaustible collection of databases that gathers various and diverse individual and collective information of humans and it expands every day. Therefore, the attractiveness of virtual space on the one hand and the ease of activity in this category of communities on the other hand cause the relationship between membership and presence in virtual space and changes in the quality of life of students to be raised as a serious question for researchers in the field of culture and communication., Considering that it is impossible to remove the media especially the virtual space from the digital life of the 12th century, because the amount of students' use of the virtual space was between 2-3 hours a day, but with the pathology of this space in the mentioned areas and providing solutions Practical to deal with it, this tool can be used to achieve the high goals of society,One of the most important practical solutions that has been discussed in this research. Therefore, the current research seeks to answer the question that how are the damages caused by the lifestyle of students affected by cyberspace and the ways to face it in the educational system identified and modeled? Methods: This research is practical in terms of purpose, which was done with a mixed approach (qualitative and quantitative) with an exploratory design. A descriptive survey method was used in the quantitative part. In the qualitative part, the statistical population was formed by interviews with 12 injured students and in the quantitative part, all the students of the Islamic Azad University of Mazandaran Province, in the number of 43 thousand people, in the qualitative part of the purposeful sampling method and Considering the saturation law of 12 people and in the quantitative part based on the Krejci-Morgan table, 351 people were selected as a sample by stratified random sampling method according to gender. In order to collect data, a researcher-made questionnaire on the harm caused by the lifestyle of students affected by cyberspace with 71 questions was used. The formal and content validity of the tool was approved by the experts, and their combined reliability and Cronbach's alpha were calculated above 0. 7, which was approved. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis tests were used to analyze the data. Results: The results showed that,Harms caused by the way of life of students affected by cyberspace have 6 dimensions "emerging and classic social harms, educational-cultural harms, political harms, security harms, psychological harms, physiological harms" in determining the priority of each component of the model related to the harms caused From the way of life of students affected by cyberspace, based on variable standard factor loadings, emerging and classic social harms with a factor load of 0. 87 have the highest priority and psychological harms with a factor load of 0. 62 have the lowest priority in explaining the model. In determining the priority of each of the components of the model related to the ways of dealing with the damage caused by the lifestyle of students affected by cyberspace, based on the standard factor loadings, the optimal governance variable has the highest priority with a factor load of 0. 97 and users with a factor load of 0. 56 have the lowest priority. They have an explanation of the model. Conclusion: In the explanation of the findings, it can be said that one of the biggest social problems that today's societies are suffering from is the weakness of the family foundation. Since the problems of families appear in the form of social anomalies, the family and its health are extremely important. Preparing children to accept social responsibilities is one of the most important and fundamental duties of families. Young people should be able to prepare especially for joint lives and try to adjust their relationships with their surroundings to a conventional and acceptable level. Regardless of the high and increasing statistics that are shown in issues such as increasing the age of marriage, divorce, there are running away from home, prostitution and other family issues, the cooling of emotional connections and dissatisfaction with family life, which have caused major failures and failures in the lives of young people. These indicate deep problems at the family level that must somehow be rooted out and treated. One of the main reasons for the emergence of family problems and basically dissatisfaction with cohabitation is the virtual space, which has been created under the influence of media productions and has caused it to raise the level of expectation and satisfaction from cohabitation, especially among the young generation. Under the influence of this environment, what young people should expect from a joint life is somehow distorted. The pleasure and intimacy that is imprinted in the minds of young people from the programs and contents of the media such as movies and series will not be attainable in normal life to a great extent and this can have harmful consequences for the future of young people. It is suggested to inform and teach how to use cyber space correctly, use the capabilities of visual, audio and written media to institutionalize cyber culture, hold training sessions by cultural centers in order to educate and inform parents about new technologies, especially the internet and virtual social networks, are mentioned. It is suggested that educational classes be held in schools to inform teenagers and young people about the advantages and disadvantages of new technologies and how to use them correctly, encouraging them to participate in social activities and strengthening such behaviors by parents. Strict laws to deal with the criminals of Internet crimes and the implementation of these laws are among the other solutions proposed by the experts in this field.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background & Aims: Cloud computing in universities enables learners to access web-based assignments and services, and professors to manage big data and access flexible learning systems. Cloud computing will also enhance the learning experience by providing data access to learners and faculty at any time and place. On the other hand, the importance and necessity of accepting the use of cloud computing is that this concept provides a variety of essential hardware and software, such as: applications, storage, processing and virtual servers on the web media. Also, understanding the needs of educational centers and understanding the benefits of using cloud computing can help to grow and use this method and identify the obstacles for its implementation. Due to the infancy of this technology in Iran, educational, research and university centers can be a good flagship for providing these services to other institutions and organizations and can help reduce costs and provide better services. On the other hand, due to the wide range of activities of university lecturers, one of the valuable and interesting changes in higher education is to pay attention to the continuous growth of faculty improvement programs. Improving university professors is an essential part of the success of professors as well as the university. One of the ways to improve and develop professors is mentoring approach. Mentoring is a process in which an experienced person guides and supports an inexperienced person through the development of certain competencies in him. The more experienced person is known as the mentor and the less experienced person is known as the mentee. Mentoring is a developmental and goal-oriented relationship in which an experienced and knowledgeable person develops the personal and professional life of an inexperienced and low-aware person. But the common goal of all definitions is that,the primary function of the mentoring relationship is to develop the trainee's learning capacity through the transfer of knowledge, organizational culture, wisdom, and experience. In fact, the role of mentoring is generally divided into two categories: psychosocial functioning and specialized functioning. Mentor’s psychosocial performance is seen as focusing on self-worth and having supportive characteristics such as counseling, acceptance, intimacy, approval, and behavioral patterns. While another division divides this educational approach into formal and informal categories, in informal mentoring, the mentors and mentees choose each other at their own request, but in the formal match, the mentors and mentees are matched by a company, institution and organization. Overall, a mentor is a senior, experienced and productive individual who contributes to the growth of new and inexperienced staff. Many mentoring relationships develop informally, resulting in shared interests and values ​​between the mentor and the mentee. Research has shown that employees who have certain personality traits (for example, need a lot of power and success and emotional stability and the ability to adapt their behavior to the current situation) are more likely to look for a mentor and like to be attractive to the mentor. In mentoring, a mentor encourages a mentee to manage his / her learning in a way that the person relies on acquiring new knowledge, skills and abilities and creating a constant motivation to do so. This is a necessity for medical universities from the lowest level of education (including health workers) to the highest level of education (faculty members and senior managers) in the health system. It is not possible to have a successful staff, manager and faculty member without implementing the teaching-learning process. No employee or manager can be the most successful employee or manager on the first day of his work because he needs to learn a new situation. There is work and this will not happen without the support and guidance of the mentor. The most important benefits of mentoring relationships are psychological benefits and career advancement. Leaders have recognized the many benefits of mentoring, such as personal satisfaction, personal and professional rejuvenation, developing a support base, increasing creativity and professional synergy, reviving loyalty, and identifying individuals for talent development. Today, cloud computing technology has been widely discussed in the field of health and the university, so this study was conducted to review the impact of cloud computing with a psychological approach on higher health education. Methods: This study was a review of articles published in domestic and foreign journals in the databases of SID, PubMed, Google Scholar, Magiran, Springer, Wiley, Web of Science (ISI), Scopus, Science direct, ProQuest from 2000 to 2022. The articles were searched using the keywords of "cloud computing, educational management, mentoring, psychology, educational quality, health system". Inclusion criteria included descriptive and analytical studies or narrative or systematic review that had at least an abstract in Persian and in the period 2000 to 2022. Exclusion criteria included articles whose full text was not available in Persian or English and were excluded from the study. The initial search result for the articles was 158 articles, leaving 84 articles with the removal of 74 duplicate articles in various databases,In the abstract reading stage, 43 were removed due to lack of inclusion criteria and only 44 articles remained. In the next step, 12 articles were removed from the search circle due to lack of access to the entire content of the article, and at the end, 21 articles were selected in line with the purpose of the study. These 21 articles have been included in the study with the criteria and in relation to the objectives of the present article. Results: This review study showed that in order to improve cloud computing, a mentoring solution can be used. This approach from the lowest educational levels to the highest educational levels is the optimal basis in higher health education. Conclusion: In general, you can conclude that in order to improve the quality of clinic education, the role of cloud computing and mentoring, which revives the educational process, cannot be ignored and will lead to the empowerment of health care providers in the health system. Therefore, one of the most important methods in promoting clinical education that has been considered in recent years is cloud computing. Today's concerns about health trust are considered a major concern. No patient, willingly or unwillingly, wants to benefit an inexperienced person in the process of receiving health care. Therefore, cloud computing with educational mentoring approach can be a fundamental way to provide optimal services with the highest regional, national and international standards because it supports the support of students, managers, new staff upon entering the health system who strive to be empowered in the course of their personal and professional life. In this case, no one worries about receiving health services from the lowest level. It will not be up to the highest level of service and the three trusts of mentee, mentor and customer will be established. On the other hand, the importance of the presence of young and fresh forces is also necessary for the organization because the health system needs to inject young forces in order for the survival of the health system to be up-to-date and reliable. Therefore, if the implementation of cloud computing with psychological mentoring in higher health education is established, an optimal strategy in educational quality in all fields and at all levels of health and treatment will occur, and of course the implementation of its standards requires the support and executive power of managers as the head of the health system.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background & Aims: One of the optimization issues is resource allocation. This means that resources should be allocated in different places so that the cost of allocating the problem is reduced. In addition to its theoretical aspect, the issue of resource allocation can be used in various practical issues such as the timing of project resources, the distribution of foodstuffs in city-level supermarkets, the allocation of medical and emergency centers in a city, etc. Collective intelligence algorithms can be used to solve such problems. In the last decade, various collective intelligence algorithms have been used to solve complex problems such as resource allocation. In this article, the PSO algorithm and its improved variants are used. In the PSO algorithm, it refers to each of the components of a particle. To continue moving, each particle uses its previous experience and that of its neighbors. Every particle in space is moving at a speed. At every moment, this movement leads to the change of the current position of each particle in space. In the PSO algorithm, the communication between particles takes place in two parts of the algorithm. One is the personal best fit of each particle and the other is the best global fit. All the particles that are generated at the beginning of the algorithm as the initial population. Then the fit of each particle is calculated and stored as its personal best fit. In the same way, in updating the position of each particle, this value is compared with the fit of the same particle in the new position, if this fit is better than the previous position of the particle, it is stored as the best personal fit of the same particle. If there is a change in the personal best fit, the fit of this solution is compared with the global best fit. Then, the global best fit is updated. Methods: In this article, the particle swarm optimization algorithm is used to solve various allocation problems. To increase the efficiency, the particle swarm optimization algorithm has been improved with the help of local search. To better strengthen the communication between particles, the concept of a complex network has been used. The status of that particle in the complex network is effective for deciding on the choice of particles. The degree criterion is considered for selecting solutions in the complex network. Two groups of optimization problems have been used to evaluate the results. The first group is different standard and theoretical problems from the QAPLib library for solving the quadratic assignment problem. The second group is also a problem with the location of medical and emergency centers, considering the probability of the center's failure according to real-world conditions. In this issue, it is discussed that according to the criteria of location, cost of construction and reconstruction, and the distance of medical and emergency centers from each other in different population spots, urban medical and emergency centers should be established in which population spot. Results: In order to compare and evaluate different proposed approaches for resource allocation, two groups of different problems have been used. The first group of standard problems from the QAPLib library is for quadratic assignment. The second group is solving the problem of locating medical and emergency centers in different population spots of the city. The evaluation results of both groups show the average cost and error percentage of the proposed memetic particle swarm optimization algorithm along with the complex network with degree measure compared to the memetic particle swarm optimization algorithm and the basic particle swarm optimization algorithm. For example, to solve the Tia60 problem, the memetic mesh particle swarm optimization algorithm, the memetic algorithm, and the base algorithm have 4. 55%, 4. 59%, and 8. 15% error percentages, respectively. Conclusion: The results of the implementation of the first to third algorithms for locating medical and emergency centers with 100 repetitions and an initial population size of 50 shows. The memetic degree complex grid particle swarm optimization algorithm has reached the optimal value faster than the standard PSO algorithm and PSO with local search. The third method is more suitable than the first and second method for locating medical and emergency centers. The proposed optimization algorithm of memetic particle swarm with the complex network with degree scale for locating medical and emergency centers has a lower average cost and error percentage than the memetic particle swarm optimization algorithm and basic particle algorithm. One of the problems of optimizing the allocation of resources is the location of medical and emergency centers in urban population spots. This problem has been solved with the help of three different meta-heuristic approaches. To allocate medical and emergency centers, a particle swarm optimization algorithm has been used. Then this algorithm has been converted into a memetic algorithm with the help of the proposed local search. To create a connection between particles, the concept of a complex network has been used. In the third proposed method, in addition to the particle swarm optimization algorithm, along with local search, a complex network with a degree scale is used. To evaluate the results, two groups of problems have been used. The first group has been used to solve various quadratic assignment problems from the QAPLib library. In the second group, the practical problem of locating medical and emergency centers of different population spots in the city is considered. To solve both groups, the proposed memetic complex network particle swarm optimization algorithm has a lower average cost and error percentage than the memetic particle swarm optimization algorithm and the basic particle swarm optimization algorithm. To improve the performance of the proposed algorithms, other metrics can be used in the complex network or he used other local search algorithms such as refrigeration simulation, and forbidden search.

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Background & Aims: Today, there are few countries in the world where the most important and one of the major problems is not the issue of drugs and addiction. The World Health Organization has considered the issue of drugs, including production, transfer, distribution, and consumption, along with three other global issues, i. e. the accumulation of weapons of mass destruction, environmental pollution, poverty, and class divide among the basic issues that affect human life in social dimensions. economic, cultural, and political threats and challenges in the global arena. The phenomenon of addiction in today's world destroyed many families, the deviation of teenagers, the spread of diseases, and many economic losses and even deaths. Addiction has become a widespread problem affecting human society. Therefore, addiction is a serious problem in the world. Today, to solve this problem, special measures have been predicted and in terms of etiology, various hypotheses have been proposed. Therefore, the present study was conducted with the aim of the effect of the reality therapy approach on self-compassion and lifestyle at the end of the treatment and follow-up period in drug users. Methods: The current research was a semi-experimental design of pre-test-post-test type with a control group and follow-up. The statistical population of this research included all addicts who were referred to six addiction treatment clinics in Galugah City in 2022-2023. The sample of the current study included 45 people (15 people for each group,that is, 15 people in the experimental group 1, 15 people in the experimental group 2, and 15 people in the control group) who were used by the available sampling method. To statistically analyze the data, one-way repeated measure variance and ANOVA were used. In the present research, to collect information, after obtaining the permission of the relevant research and after presenting the research objectives, after selecting the sample, explanations were first given to the experimental groups regarding the intervention and they were asked to be actively present in all the meetings. After obtaining consent from the people participating in the study, people were matched into three groups for each group of 15 people,That is, 15 people were divided into experimental group 1, 15 people were divided into experimental group 2, and 15 people were divided into the control group. In this research, the cluster sampling method was used. Then, questionnaires on the meaning of life, self-compassion, fear of death, lifestyle, and craving for consumption were provided to the two experimental and control groups, and the participants were asked to answer the questionnaires. Then the intervention sessions will begin at Nejat addiction treatment clinic in Galugah city. The arrangement of the seats will be semi-circular to facilitate group participation. To implement reality therapy and compassion group therapy, before starting the therapy sessions, a 30-minute explanatory session was held separately for the members of the experimental and control groups, and the general principles, rules, and goals of the group were discussed in general. After the pre-test, therapy sessions were implemented within two months. The reality therapy was conducted in 8 group sessions, each session lasting about 60 minutes, one session per week for 8 weeks. Self-compassion therapy was performed in 8 sessions as a group, each session lasting about 90 minutes. The sessions were held once a week for 8 consecutive weeks. During the meetings, one person was present as a research assistant to distribute the necessary forms for the interventions among the people and help them. After the completion of the intervention sessions, the questionnaires were given to the people again and the people of the control group were contacted and invited to come to the clinic to answer the questionnaires. Finally, two months after the post-test, the questionnaire was completed again for the follow-up phase. Results: The findings showed that reality therapy had a significant effect on self-compassion and lifestyle. Also, there was a difference between the scores of the meaning of life, and self-compassion, in the three stages of pre-test, post-test, and follow-up regardless of the group. Reality therapy was effective in improving the meaning of life, self-compassion, and lifestyle. In the case of exogenous structures, the value of this criterion is zero. The higher the R2 value related to the endogenous structures of a model, the better the fit of the model. Chin (1998). It introduces three values of 0. 19, 0. 33, and 0. 67 or more as the criterion values for weak, medium, and strong R2 values. R2 explained variance: in fact, they show how many percent of the changes in the dependent variable are explained by the independent variables (Moradi, 2015). The important difference between the coefficient of determination and the adjusted coefficient of determination is that the coefficient of determination assumes that each observed independent variable in the model explains the variation in the dependent variable. Therefore, the percentage shown by the coefficient of determination assumes the effect of all independent variables on the dependent variable. If the percentage shown by the adjusted coefficient of determination is only the result of the actual effect of the independent variables of the model on the dependent and not all the independent variables. Another difference is that the appropriateness of the variables for the model cannot be determined by the coefficient of determination, even with a high value, if the estimated value of the adjusted coefficient of determination can be trusted. Conclusion: The results of this research showed that by using reality therapy methods, especially reality therapy, self-compassion and lifestyle can be improved in drug users.

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Background & Aims: Society attaches special importance to giving birth to children and raising them. For this reason, it creates incentives and punishments to regulate this matter; despite this, the importance of birth does not end only at the level of society; at the micro level, i.e. family, having children is of fundamental importance for parents. Although the desire to have children is naturally placed in the human body. One of the issues that has received attention in these years is the reduction of childbearing. The decrease in having children in cities is significant. The purpose of this research was to explain the effects of socioeconomic status on the reduction of childbearing in Iranian society and family. Methods: The present research has been conducted with a combined method. The research has two statistical associations. The statistical population of the qualitative part is the people who visited the health centers of Fars province in 1401, and the statistical population of the quantitative part is all couples between the ages of 20 and 45 in Fars province, the statistical population of the quantitative part is based on Cochran's formula and through cluster sampling. Multi-stages have been selected and the statistical sample of the qualitative section referring to health-treatment centers was also selected using the available sample method. Data collection was done in the quantitative part through questionnaires and in the qualitative part through in-depth interviews. In this research, the thematic analysis method is used to analyze the qualitative interview data, and descriptive statistics and inferential statistics are used to analyze the quantitative data. Considering that two types of data will be used in this research, data analysis will be used at both qualitative and quantitative levels. Quantitative data analysis was done in the questionnaire section using SPSS version 23 software, and in-depth interviews were conducted in the (qualitative) section through content analysis and coding methods. Results: According to the significant value (sig) calculated between the two domains, which is equal to 0.000, and because this number is smaller than 0.05, therefore, there is a relationship between the two variables of socio-economic status and the reduction of childbearing in the society. There is a meaning. Also, according to the intensity of our obtained correlation, which is equal to 0.128, therefore, there is a negative correlation, with a weak intensity and with the opposite direction, between the two variables of economic-social status and the reduction of childbearing in the society; In this way, the more the socio-economic status of the people in the society declines, the decrease in childbearing in the society also increases. Based on this, the second hypothesis of the research is confirmed. The value of dispersion indices of the economic-social status variable is a Mean value: of 20.9025, Standard deviation value: of 3.30003, Variance value: 10.890, and Range of changes value: 19.00. Conclusion: The results show that among people, values and attitudes, gender equality, socio-economic status, religion, attitudes of ethnic groups, dissatisfaction with life, the ambiguity of the future situation, educational changes, and the living experience of families. They have played a role in the act of having children and have reduced the possibility of having children. In the end, even though people are facing various risks and issues, they still have children because of their love and affection for the child and the survival of the generation. However, in the two ways of the dangers of childbearing and interest in children, they adopt the third way: reducing fertility. Traditional values and norms, contrary to the values of individualism, which have been increasing, have experienced a decreasing and decreasing trend and have faded in society, and this issue has caused fertility to be in a transitional and challenging period. Although fertility is the result of the normative and intentional reproductive behavior of people, today's Iranian society has suffered a paradox, because this behavior is promoted and encouraged by the common values and norms of childbearing in the society on the one hand. On the other hand, it is surrounded by the external social system. Is. Today, the spread of modernity and the prevalence of traditionalist approaches are like a double-edged sword, on the one hand, it brings the process of development and evolution of social institutions, and on the other hand, it creates unfortunate consequences, such as a change in the attitude towards childbearing, which has led to the transformation of the family institution. The attitude towards having children in this research is the negative view of the interviewees towards children, who consider having many children not as a source of pleasure and benefit, but as a source of expense. The basis of this assessment is the opinions, beliefs, and accepted values of the person about the consequences of not having children. Of course, attitudes do not individually determine fertility behaviors, but environmental situations and conditions are also effective. In other words, the decrease in childbearing results from systematic convergence and adaptation to the current society's cultural, social, and economic conditions. Several factors can be considered effective in reducing fertility. Elements such as economic disturbances, the high cost of family formation, the increase in the marriage age of young people and as a result the delay in fertility, employment, and education of women, the weakening of family ties, cultural changes, the introduction of modernization elements, etc., according to the findings of the research. present and in line with the macro population policies of the country, which calls for intervention and policy-making to increase fertility above the replacement level, and in order not to repeat trial and error like what was done before to increase the number of births and stop the downward trend of policy fertility were implemented, on this basis, it is suggested that before any policy in this field, the set of indicators and components that determine fertility behavior should be scrutinized and closely monitored by planners.

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Background & Aims: Psychological well-being is also one of the structures worthy of attention in the field of marital relations, reducing conflicts and divorce among couples. With an evolutionary view of human abilities, this model considers psychological well-being to consist of self-acceptance, purposefulness in life, personal growth, having positive relationships with others, mastering the environment, and self-following or autonomy. People with a high sense of well-being mainly experience positive emotions and have a positive evaluation of the events and events around them, while people with a low sense of well-being evaluate the events and their life situation as unfavorable and have mostly negative emotions. They experience anxiety, depression, and anger. Therefore, psychological well-being is the psychological component of quality of life and is defined as people's understanding of their own lives in terms of emotional behaviors psychological functions, and mental health dimensions It includes two parts of cognitive judgment (how people are progressing in their lives) and the level of experience. It is pleasant (all these factors contribute to people's satisfaction with life). People with this characteristic are mostly pleasant, altruistic, and capable of loving others and try to create a warm relationship based on mutual trust with others. The psychological well-being of couples applying for divorce is lower than normal couples. According to what was mentioned and numerous researches, mindfulness is one of the determining and effective structures for the rumination of anger and psychological well-being. Mindfulness leads to better quality of life, enjoyment of life, and reduction of depression and anger, and plays an important role in reducing short-term and long-term symptoms of emotions. The family forms the core of the society in successful marital relationships and marital relationships are satisfactory,Identifying the decisive and effective structures in this component provides the basis for a successful life for couples. On the other hand, couples facing divorce and marital heartbreak due to the increase of marital problems and conflicts between spouses, as well as their psychological problems and the reduction of negative emotions by focusing on the flaws in their relationship and rumination of anger about it, resort to marital violence. This issue makes them more prone to separation and divorce. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to investigate the effectiveness of cognitive therapy based on mindfulness on anger rumination and psychological well-being in couples applying for divorce. Methods: The present study was semi-experimental, of pre-test-post-test type with control group. The statistical population of the current study included all couples who were referred to family intervention and counseling centers in the first quarter of 1401 from the family judicial complexes of Hamadan city due to conflict. Using available sampling method, 30 couples were selected and replaced in two experimental groups (15 people) and control (15 people) using random replacement method. The research tools included anger rumination scale by Sakadolovski et al. (2001), cognitive emotion regulation questionnaire by Garnevsky et al. (2001), Riff's psychological well-being questionnaire. The experimental group was taught communication skills for 8 sessions of 90 minutes in the format of one session per week, using the cognitive therapy method based on mindfulness. While the control group did not receive any training. The criteria for entering the research include,Age range of 20-55 years, obtaining written and informed consent, having minimum literacy, at least 2 years of cohabitation and exclusion criteria also include: being confused and not completing questionnaires, absenting more than two sessions, participating in similar educational courses. Was. Data analysis was done using univariate analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) to measure the effectiveness of mindfulness using SPSS-26 software. Results: The findings showed that the independent variable had a significant effect on anger rumination (F=6. 79) and the significance value was smaller than (0. 001). The comparison of the average scores shows that the cognitive therapy training based on mindfulness is effective in reducing the rumination level of anger of couples applying for divorce in the post-test stage. The effect size of the intervention is also 0. 201. Therefore, it can be said that 0. 20 of the differences between people in the post-test scores of anger rumination were related to the effect of the experimental intervention (cognitive therapy based on mindfulness). Also, in order to investigate the effectiveness of cognitive therapy based on mindfulness on psychological well-being and adjusting the effect of pre-test on post-test, analysis of covariance was used, which showed that the independent variable had a significant effect on the variable of psychological well-being (F=117. 308) and a significant value smaller than (0. 001). The comparison of the average scores shows that cognitive therapy training based on mindfulness has been effective in increasing the psychological well-being of couples applying for divorce in the post-test stage. In fact, 0. 81 of the differences between individuals in psychological well-being post-test scores are related to the effect of mindfulness therapy intervention. Conclusion: In explaining the results, it can be said that the rumination of anger through igniting anger,increases negative emotions and psychological helplessness. In fact, anger rumination motivates people to engage in aggressive behaviors to regulate negative emotions, and couples, following anger rumination, are likely to resort to violence as a coping strategy. Therefore, it seems that couples are exposed to divorce and marital heartbreak due to the increase in marital problems and conflicts between couples, as well as their psychological problems and the reduction of negative emotions by focusing on the flaws in their relationship and ruminating anger about it. They resort to marital violence, and this makes them more prone to separation and divorce. Couples who, in their conflicts and communication problems, constantly imagine angry memories of their spouse's behavior and ruminate on vengeful thoughts, feel that they are emotionally distant from their partner, and this leads to a drop in marital satisfaction. In fact, rumination of anger by increasing the level of arousal and preventing adaptive problem solving, causes if a problem occurs between the couple and the people around them (including children and relatives), it leads to a disruption in these communications by increasing tension,This ultimately leads to a decrease in the mental experience of personal happiness and satisfaction in marital relationships and as a result, couples tend to separate and divorce. It can be said that mindfulness training simultaneously creates a feeling of physical relaxation through relaxing muscle tension and paying deep and focused attention to the senses, objects, and words, as well as emptying the mind of negative thoughts and saturating it with positive thoughts, acceptance, patience,Passing over the result orientation, creating a sense of oneness and unity with existence, floating in the intellectual vacuum and living in the present, gradually filling the gap between intention and action, leading to a decrease in the amount of anger and its projection and physical expression by people in different situations. The overall conclusion showed that the findings showed that cognitive therapy based on mindfulness has a significant effect on anger rumination and psychological well-being. Considering the effectiveness of this approach, it is suggested that the techniques and methods of this approach be used by family and marriage therapists to increase intimacy and also reduce rumination, anger, emotion management.

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Background & Aims: In recent decades, the sports industry, as one of the new industries in the international economy, has played a productive role and has been more influential for macroeconomic investments for every country. Strengthening physical health in the society, economic growth due to its effects on the soul and body of the workforce and creating security are other important dimensions that have caused economic activists to pay more attention to the category of sports. Basically, history expresses human's inner tendencies towards physical activities. There were no organized physical training programs in primitive societies or in ancient culture. But physical activities are an integral part of human daily life. Sports and people's participation in sports activities as a social phenomenon is worthy of investigation and reflection. One of the most important functions of this phenomenon is its important role in creating the health of society. This issue can be clearly seen through the impact of sports on the lives of people who participate in this field. In general, sport is ultimately a reflection of today's society. Through the promotion of sports, sports activities are a tool for the development of communities and peace in different cultures. In this regard, the development of sports is related to increasing participation and promoting the opportunities and benefits of participating in sports activities. Sports development is a holistic approach to helping people start, stay and succeed in their chosen sport. Sports development is defined as the systems, structures and processes that enable people of the society at all levels or specific or regional groups to participate in sports, recreation and entertainment and improve their performance to whatever level they want. Today, the role of education in general and physical education in particular is subject to constant changes. Educational sports aims to put all learners in healthy educational situations by providing the necessary grounds and creating the right environment and opportunities, and by responding to their needs, programs to strengthen the body, in sync with the principles and stages of growth and in harmony with education provide the soul Sports activity is effective on the development of individual and social health, but it has not been determined what the effective factors in this process are prioritized, so the purpose of the study was to determine the role of educational sports in the health of society. Methods: The research method is applied. In this research, there are two groups of statistical population: a) professors and faculty members of the university (physical education field and with doctoral education) whose number is about 30 people and the number of participants in this research was about 12-15 experts. b) Sports professors and coaches at Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran branch, and school, whose number is 81, and due to the low number of participants, all 81 were used to distribute and collect the questionnaire. A researcher-made questionnaire containing 9 items was used to collect data. Results: The results showed that educational sports play a significant role in the health of society, and the sub-criterion of "developing physical literacy" has the highest weight. The sub-criterion of "increasing awareness and familiarity with physical abilities" has the lowest weight. Conclusion: The findings of this research show that educational sports are effective in the health of society and performing correct movements under the supervision of sports experts, reducing the rate of non-communicable diseases in the country, creating movement opportunities for children, teenagers, and students, finding talent in sports, identifying movement weakness and skeletal problems in students. Teaching how to perform sports movements correctly, even for beginners, increasing the mental health of students, the tendency to team building, and increasing the spirit of coordination and unity were among the components of sports on the health of the society, with the sub-criterion of "performing correct movements under the supervision of sports experts" the most weight and the sub-criterion of "practicing" "Theory concepts" had the lowest weight. Universal sport by the Council of Europe's Sports Development Committee is a term meaning providing opportunities for people interested in exercising in their free time to participate in sports activities without any restrictions due to social status. Race and disability are defined. What is inferred from this definition is that all people should benefit from exercising and exercise is the right of everyone. Public and recreational sports refers to physical training activities and sports of members of the society, which are done regularly, by individuals or formal and informal groups, to meet physical and mental needs, to ensure people's health and vitality, and improve their social relations consciously. Parts of this sport can be done irregularly, unorganized, and in various ways. Many countries have shown that increasing the budget for championship sports can lead to an increase in winning medals in the Olympic Games. Nevertheless, despite the increase in competition and the homogeneity of championship sports systems, the optimal strategy for success at the international level is still unknown. Undoubtedly, the lack of an internationally defined system in championship sports has the most profound effect on the macro-level management of sports,because management is the frontline of implementing strategies. In general, it can be concluded that sports education has an important and effective role in the development of the health of the people of the society, so the officials and those involved in the health field should pay attention to the development of educational sports in their big plans—the findings of this research help to gain a better understanding of the development and its influencing factors. Much research has been done on educational sports, but many models have not been proposed based on the country's situation. The existence of long-term and binding policies and programs for the development of physical education in schools, increasing coordination and carrying out structural changes in the education system and universities in such a way that the need for coordination between different units is considered, the need to provide a local model to explain the role of educational sports in the development of the country requires In this research, questions were raised in the form of interviews and questionnaires, and finally, some effective factors were extracted, then a combination of these factors and factors identified from past researches were ranked. According to the results, practical and managerial suggestions have been recommended to the managers as planners in the organization according to each factor. Research on each of the development indicators should be done separately, the factors should be identified and finally, the consequences of each and the factors affecting it should be prioritized and investigated. It is suggested to identify and rank the dos and don'ts and educational goals of the physical education organization and the field of education according to each province. Researchers are suggested to investigate the position and impact of strategic alliances in educational sports and their improvement. Due to the limitations of the research tools (interviews and questionnaires), this research also faced problems such as not having enough time to answer, and not providing personal opinions due to the lack of trust in the questioners. One of the limitations of the current research is that it is cross-sectional, because the research was conducted at a certain time, its results cannot be generalized to all times and known definitively for all conditions. Therefore, it is recommended to conduct longitudinal research.

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Background & Aims: Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women all over the world and at the same time, it is one of the most curable. These two characteristics, i. e. the prevalence and curability of this disease, have caused a large number of patients to be treated, have a long life span, and need support after diagnosis, during, and after treatment. Many women suffer from mental complications such as depression and anxiety after learning about this disease, and performing difficult treatments such as surgery and chemotherapy, each of which has specific side effects, aggravates these mental complications. Fear of cancer recurrence is considered a significant concern for breast cancer survivors. It is acknowledged that there is a connection between the fear of cancer recurrence and the states of anxiety and depression. Fear of recurrence is the fear or worry that the cancer will return or progress in the same organ or in another part of the body. Many patients are afraid of relapse and have to live with uncertainty. Fear of cancer recurrence has a functional impact on the lives of cancer survivors and their families. Fear of relapse is associated with lower quality of life and emotional health, higher mental and physical fatigue, and higher depression and anxiety in cancer survivors. In addition, body image is an important element in the quality of life of cancer patients. Today, due to the high and stable prevalence of cancers especially breast cancer in women, and their relationship with mental and social functioning defects effective and timely prevention and intervention programs for this special group of women. It is very important. In order to reduce stress and damage caused by cancer, both preventive strategies and therapeutic strategies are necessary. But so far, most of the investments have been made in the treatment sector. Since many women have breast cancer, clinical treatments are not able to cover all of them, so planners should invest more in prevention so that fewer women are affected by this traumatic problem. Among the other treatment methods that can be effective in improving the psychological symptoms of people with cancer and have received less attention from researchers, especially in Iran, is cognitive therapy based on mindfulness. This type of psychotherapy is derived from cognitive-behavioral treatments and is considered one of the important components of the third wave of psychological treatment models. Mindfulness is a process of having non-judgmental attention to internal and external events as they arise in the moment. Internal events include thoughts, emotions, perceptions, and bodily sensations, and external events include environmental, situational, and interpersonal experiences, mindfulness means moment-to-moment awareness of existing experiences. Many researchers have investigated the effectiveness of cognitive group therapy based on mindfulness and cognitive-behavioral therapy on psychological disorders resulting from cancer or its consequences. Considering the high prevalence of breast cancer among women and its increasing spread in many countries of the world, including Iran, and the stress that this issue causes people suffering from this disease, it is necessary to identify the factors related to it. Few researches have been conducted on the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy and mindfulness-based therapy on fear of recurrence and body image in patients with breast cancer in Arak, therefore, considering the high prevalence of this disease among women and its adverse effects. The main question of this study is whether cognitive-behavioral therapy and mindfulness-based therapy affect the fear of recurrence and body image in women with breast cancer. Methods: The current research design was a quasi-experimental type of unequal control group with pre-test, post-test, and follow-up, which was approved by the code of ethics IR. IAU. K. REC. 1402. 106 in the Islamic Azad University of Karaj branch. The current research design was a semi-experimental one with pre-test, post-test, and follow-up. The statistical population of the present study was women with breast cancer who were referred to treatment centers, clinics, and hospitals in Karaj city for treatment. The subjects were selected based on the voluntary sampling method in three groups of 15 people, based on the diagnosis and referral of experts according to the entry and exit criteria, which were randomly selected for the physical division of the subjects of each group into three groups. The statistical population of the present study was women with breast cancer who were referred to treatment centers, clinics, and hospitals in Karaj for treatment. Based on the voluntary sampling method, the subjects were matched in three groups: awareness, cognitive-behavioral, and control. To collect data, Kesh et al. 's (1986-1987) self-body multidimensional relationship questionnaire and fear of cancer recurrence were used. The mindfulness and cognitive-behavioral program lasted for 8 sessions and each session lasted for 90 minutes and about two months. To analyze the data, univariate and multivariate analysis of covariance and Ben-Ferroni post hoc test were used. Results: The results showed that cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness-based therapy have an effect on fear of recurrence and body image in women with breast cancer. Also, there is a difference between cognitive behavioral therapy and therapy based on mindfulness of the fear of relapse, and there is no difference between cognitive behavioral therapy and therapy based on mindfulness of body image and disease perception. Conclusion: In general, it can be said that using cognitive-behavioral therapy and mindfulness methods, it is possible to improve the fear of recurrence and the body image of women with breast cancer. The important limitations of the current research include the use of available sampling methods, the unisex nature of the sample, the large number of items in the questionnaires for women with breast cancer, the lack of examination of the type of treatment received, the use of self-reporting tools, and the limitation of the research community to women with breast cancer. did According to the results of the research, the researchers should use random sampling methods for sampling, conduct this research on men (for example, men with lung cancer), divide the questionnaires into two or more parts to reduce bias as a result of fatigue and examine the results by treatment type. Acceptance by women with breast cancer and the use of interviews to collect data are suggested. Another suggestion is to conduct this research on women with breast cancer in other cities and even other vulnerable groups such as women with obesity, women with diabetes, etc.

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Background & Aims: Medical personnel and staff, including nurses, due to encountering a very high and sudden volume of critically ill patients, a sharp increase in working hours, and the illness of themselves or colleagues or their loss of family and community members during the outbreak of the Corona disease, they experienced intense psychological pressure. This high pressure and observing the pain and suffering of others can have a very serious effect on their mental health and functioning. Repeatedly hearing the news about the spread of this disease in Iran and the world is stressful and intensifies fear and worry in this group who are in constant conflict with this disease. In all hospital departments, we come across nurses who were regular, caring, and interested people when they entered the nursing profession, but usually after some time, due to facing a lot of difficulties and occupational stress in the work environment, they have psycho-physical disorders and feel tired and They even want to quit their jobs, this has increased significantly during the outbreak of the Corona virus. Fear and anxiety caused by a possible infection Ares destructive and can lead to mental disorders and stress in the treatment staff. Due to the spread of corona disease, about 95% of nurses are exposed to occupational stress triggers. These stressors can negatively affect their physical and mental health. Nurses work in an environment where they are faced with the care of clients and their complex health needs. They often help clients and their families cope with challenging diagnoses, injuries, or illnesses. Clients' exposure to trauma has had negative consequences such as distress, deep fatigue, and negative emotional consequences such as secondary stress caused by trauma. The term psychosomatic disorder is usually used when a person has physical and physical symptoms that seem to be mainly caused or aggravated by psychological factors. The appearance of psychosomatic disorders requires that psychological factors and physical symptoms be connected and close to each other at the same time. Psychosomatic disorders refer to the existence of a complex and multifaceted relationship and interaction of biological and physiological backgrounds and talents on the one hand and environmental and psychological factors and stressors on the other hand. Therefore, the present study was conducted with the aim of effective short-term psychodynamic therapy and multifaceted therapy based on the Lazarus approach to reduce psychosomatic disorders in female nurses in Tehran. Methods: Research method, statistical population, and sample: the current research is a quasi-experimental controlled study in which it was a pre-test-post-test design with a control group, with the code of ethics IR. BPUMS. REC. 1399. 171 in the university Boushehr Medical Sciences was approved. The statistical population of this study was made up of all the female nurses working in Ibn Sina Hospital in Tehran during the months of January 2018 to August 2019, from which 45 people were selected and randomly divided into experimental (15 people) and control (15 people) groups. The criteria for entering this study were: age range of 30-55 years, no mental illness and history of hospitalization in the psychiatric ward, no history of neurological and mental illness and history of hospitalization, ability to participate in group therapy sessions, willingness to The cooperation and withdrawal criteria for the experimental group were: not attending the intervention sessions for more than two sessions, unwillingness to continue attending the intervention sessions. In the present study, nurses were screened after obtaining permission from the university and obtaining approval from Bo Ali Hospital located in Tehran. After selection, they were selected based on the entry criteria, and then explanations about the research were given to them. After obtaining written consent from them to participate in the research, people were randomly assigned to study groups. All the participants filled out demographic profile questionnaires, psychosomatic disorders questionnaires before the intervention and then immediately after the course. The experimental groups were subjected to the mentioned intervention. According to the objectives of the research, 3 months after the intervention, a meeting was held with the aim of evaluating the effectiveness of the intervention. People in the control group did not receive any treatment intervention. Due to ethical considerations at the end of the research, people in the control group also entered the treatment. All participants completed the questionnaire on psychosomatic disorders in three stages. To analyze the data obtained from the test, variance analysis with repeated measures, Bonferrany and Tukey post hoc tests and the mean test of two dependent groups were used, and SPSS version 21 software was used to analyze the data. Results: There was a significant difference between the three groups in the post-test and follow-up stages, which could indicate the effectiveness of the interventions on the mentioned variables and the stability of the effectiveness in the follow-up stage. The results showed that there is a significant difference between the two experimental groups, and the comparison indicated that the experimental group of multifaceted treatment based on the Lazarus approach was more effective than short-term psychotherapy. Conclusion: The results of this research showed that the two mentioned treatments can be used as psychological interventions to reduce psychosomatic disorders in female nurses, considering the greater effectiveness of the multifaceted treatment based on the Lazarus approach, this treatment should be prioritized. When a person understands the deep sense of peace resulting from psychoanalysis in the depths of his being, he no longer pays attention to environmental stimuli. He will clearly understand that peace, love, and joy are all within him. He will find that all the sufferings and pains and sorrows in the world are because humans have deprived themselves of understanding and using this inner source of peace, love, and happiness. He will understand that the bad and unpleasant feelings that sometimes overwhelm him are due to seeing the world through the wrong windows. When he realizes that his goal is to access deeper resources within himself, and this is not only for himself but for the sake of all the people around him. Then life will find a beautiful and deep meaning for him.

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Background & Aims: Social networks have become a powerful force in shaping aspects of business. Because they have strengthened word-of-mouth marketing and quickly gaining importance in customers' purchasing decisions. With its wide and global influence, social networks have become one of the most important communication and advertising tools and are increasingly used by businesses to interact with audiences and promote products. In the field of medicine and health, this effect is particularly prominent as consumers increasingly use social networks to obtain information about health issues, medical products and services, and to receive advice. Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter give entrepreneurs and businesses in this field an opportunity to reach their audience in a cost-effective and targeted way. Therefore, the current research was conducted with the aim of providing a model of the influence of social network marketing on entrepreneurial opportunities in the field of medical and health products. Methods: The research method was a mixed exploratory (qualitative-quantitative) research design. The statistical population of the research in the qualitative part included the elites and faculty members of the field of entrepreneurship management in the field of policy making in order to reach a consensus in the Delphi method. In the quantitative part, the sample size was determined to be 151 using Cochran's formula, the method of collecting information was the library method, and the measuring tool in the qualitative part was a semi-structured interview, and in the quantitative part, it included a researcher-made questionnaire, whose questions It was taken from the data obtained from the interview. In order to collect research data, a part of the work has been done theoretically, in this part, books, articles, treatises and researches and computer search have been used to find articles and treatises from abroad. Also, the field method has been used in this method to obtain information and data in two quantitative and qualitative stages. In the qualitative phase, according to the stages of conducting the research, the most suitable method for gathering the required information was interviewing experts (17 elites and faculty members of the field of entrepreneurship management in the field of policy making). In the quantitative stage (questionnaire), according to the objectives of the research and its nature, the most suitable method to collect the required information, to determine the final model of the research, was to use the completion of questionnaires among the selected samples from among the members of the target community. The description of reaching the final model was as follows: after selecting the primary dimensions in the initial proposed model with metacombination method, according to the mentioned valid research, a semi-structured questionnaire was designed to apply the opinion of experts. This questionnaire included selected dimensions based on previous research. Results: The findings showed that 75% of entrepreneurial opportunities in internet businesses are related to the dimensions and marketing components of entrepreneurial social networks, which have seven dimensions: 1. Effectiveness, 2. Trust, 3. it depends on accessibility, 4. price, 5. product, 6. variety, 7. promotion. The GFI criterion, which indicates a measure of the relative amount of variances and covariances explained by the model, is above 0. 9 for these models. The value of the second root of the mean square of the residuals, i. e. the difference between the matrix elements observed in the sample group and the elements of the estimated or predicted matrices in this research, shows the appropriate explanation of the covariances. The values ​​of Softened Fit Index (NFI), Non-Softened Fit Index (NNFI), Incremental Fit Index (IFI) and Comparative Fit Index (CFI) also indicate a very good fit of the designed model compared to other possible models. The very powerful index of the second root of the estimation of the variance of the RMSEA approximation error for the path model is below 0. 08, which is an acceptable value. The goodness-of-fit indices of the factor validation model based on the main model are shown in Table 2. Conclusion: The results showed that social media marketing can be effective on entrepreneurial opportunities in the field of medical and health products,therefore, it is important to pay attention to the marketing of social networks in order to increase entrepreneurial opportunities in the field of medical and health products. Social media marketing in the field of medical and health products has created a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs, as these spaces not only enable a wide audience reach, but also provide a platform to establish deeper and faster connections with customers. This direct communication not only leads to greater awareness of customer needs and wants, but also allows entrepreneurs to quickly respond to feedback and optimize their products or services more quickly. On the other hand, using social networks for advertising, unlike traditional methods, is associated with lower costs and allows entrepreneurs to launch effective advertising campaigns even with small budgets. This issue is especially important for start-ups and new businesses in the field of medical and health products. They can gain the trust and attention of the audience by producing attractive and educational content that provides users with useful information about the products and their benefits. Also, one of the prominent features of social networks is the ability of targeted advertising. Entrepreneurs can tailor their ads based on audience demographics (such as age, gender, geographic location), interests, and online behaviors. This precision in ad targeting ensures that products reach the people who need or are most interested in them, which has a direct impact on increasing customer conversion rates and the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. In addition, social networks allow entrepreneurs to quickly introduce their new and innovative products. In the field of medical and health products, innovation is very important and entrepreneurs can use social networks to promote these innovations.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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