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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


The Effect of Reality Therapy Approach on Self-Compassion and Lifestyle at the End of the Treatment and Follow-Up Period in Drug Users




 Background & Aims: Today, there are few countries in the world where the most important and one of the major problems is not the issue of drugs and addiction. The World Health Organization has considered the issue of drugs, including production, transfer, distribution, and consumption, along with three other global issues, i. e. the accumulation of weapons of mass destruction, environmental pollution, poverty, and class divide among the basic issues that affect human life in social dimensions. economic, cultural, and political threats and challenges in the global arena. The phenomenon of addiction in today's world destroyed many families, the deviation of teenagers, the spread of diseases, and many economic losses and even deaths. Addiction has become a widespread problem affecting human society. Therefore, addiction is a serious problem in the world. Today, to solve this problem, special measures have been predicted and in terms of etiology, various hypotheses have been proposed. Therefore, the present study was conducted with the aim of the effect of the Reality Therapy approach on Self-Compassion and Lifestyle at the end of the treatment and follow-up period in drug users. Methods: The current research was a semi-experimental design of pre-test-post-test type with a control group and follow-up. The statistical population of this research included all addicts who were referred to six addiction treatment clinics in Galugah City in 2022-2023. The sample of the current study included 45 people (15 people for each group,that is, 15 people in the experimental group 1, 15 people in the experimental group 2, and 15 people in the control group) who were used by the available sampling method. To statistically analyze the data, one-way repeated measure variance and ANOVA were used. In the present research, to collect information, after obtaining the permission of the relevant research and after presenting the research objectives, after selecting the sample, explanations were first given to the experimental groups regarding the intervention and they were asked to be actively present in all the meetings. After obtaining consent from the people participating in the study, people were matched into three groups for each group of 15 people,That is, 15 people were divided into experimental group 1, 15 people were divided into experimental group 2, and 15 people were divided into the control group. In this research, the cluster sampling method was used. Then, questionnaires on the meaning of life, Self-Compassion, fear of death, Lifestyle, and craving for consumption were provided to the two experimental and control groups, and the participants were asked to answer the questionnaires. Then the intervention sessions will begin at Nejat addiction treatment clinic in Galugah city. The arrangement of the seats will be semi-circular to facilitate group participation. To implement Reality Therapy and compassion group therapy, before starting the therapy sessions, a 30-minute explanatory session was held separately for the members of the experimental and control groups, and the general principles, rules, and goals of the group were discussed in general. After the pre-test, therapy sessions were implemented within two months. The Reality Therapy was conducted in 8 group sessions, each session lasting about 60 minutes, one session per week for 8 weeks. Self-Compassion therapy was performed in 8 sessions as a group, each session lasting about 90 minutes. The sessions were held once a week for 8 consecutive weeks. During the meetings, one person was present as a research assistant to distribute the necessary forms for the interventions among the people and help them. After the completion of the intervention sessions, the questionnaires were given to the people again and the people of the control group were contacted and invited to come to the clinic to answer the questionnaires. Finally, two months after the post-test, the questionnaire was completed again for the follow-up phase. Results: The findings showed that Reality Therapy had a significant effect on Self-Compassion and Lifestyle. Also, there was a difference between the scores of the meaning of life, and Self-Compassion, in the three stages of pre-test, post-test, and follow-up regardless of the group. Reality Therapy was effective in improving the meaning of life, Self-Compassion, and Lifestyle. In the case of exogenous structures, the value of this criterion is zero. The higher the R2 value related to the endogenous structures of a model, the better the fit of the model. Chin (1998). It introduces three values of 0. 19, 0. 33, and 0. 67 or more as the criterion values for weak, medium, and strong R2 values. R2 explained variance: in fact, they show how many percent of the changes in the dependent variable are explained by the independent variables (Moradi, 2015). The important difference between the coefficient of determination and the adjusted coefficient of determination is that the coefficient of determination assumes that each observed independent variable in the model explains the variation in the dependent variable. Therefore, the percentage shown by the coefficient of determination assumes the effect of all independent variables on the dependent variable. If the percentage shown by the adjusted coefficient of determination is only the result of the actual effect of the independent variables of the model on the dependent and not all the independent variables. Another difference is that the appropriateness of the variables for the model cannot be determined by the coefficient of determination, even with a high value, if the estimated value of the adjusted coefficient of determination can be trusted. Conclusion: The results of this research showed that by using Reality Therapy methods, especially Reality Therapy, Self-Compassion and Lifestyle can be improved in drug users.


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