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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Comparison of the Effectiveness of Short-Term Psychodynamic Therapy and Multifaceted Therapy Based on the Lazarus Approach on Psychosomatic Disorders in Female Nurses




 Background & Aims: Medical personnel and staff, including nurses, due to encountering a very high and sudden volume of critically ill patients, a sharp increase in working hours, and the illness of themselves or colleagues or their loss of family and community members during the outbreak of the Corona disease, they experienced intense psychological pressure. This high pressure and observing the pain and suffering of others can have a very serious effect on their mental health and functioning. Repeatedly hearing the news about the spread of this disease in Iran and the world is stressful and intensifies fear and worry in this group who are in constant conflict with this disease. In all hospital departments, we come across nurses who were regular, caring, and interested people when they entered the nursing profession, but usually after some time, due to facing a lot of difficulties and occupational stress in the work environment, they have psycho-physical disorders and feel tired and They even want to quit their jobs, this has increased significantly during the outbreak of the Corona virus. Fear and anxiety caused by a possible infection Ares destructive and can lead to mental disorders and stress in the treatment staff. Due to the spread of corona disease, about 95% of nurses are exposed to occupational stress triggers. These stressors can negatively affect their physical and mental health. Nurses work in an environment where they are faced with the care of clients and their complex health needs. They often help clients and their families cope with challenging diagnoses, injuries, or illnesses. Clients' exposure to trauma has had negative consequences such as distress, deep fatigue, and negative emotional consequences such as secondary stress caused by trauma. The term psychosomatic disorder is usually used when a person has physical and physical symptoms that seem to be mainly caused or aggravated by psychological factors. The appearance of Psychosomatic Disorders requires that psychological factors and physical symptoms be connected and close to each other at the same time. Psychosomatic Disorders refer to the existence of a complex and multifaceted relationship and interaction of biological and physiological backgrounds and talents on the one hand and environmental and psychological factors and stressors on the other hand. Therefore, the present study was conducted with the aim of effective Short-Term Psychodynamic Therapy and Multifaceted Therapy Based on the Lazarus Approach to reduce Psychosomatic Disorders in Female Nurses in Tehran. Methods: Research method, statistical population, and sample: the current research is a quasi-experimental controlled study in which it was a pre-test-post-test design with a control group, with the code of ethics IR. BPUMS. REC. 1399. 171 in the university Boushehr Medical Sciences was approved. The statistical population of this study was made up of all the Female Nurses working in Ibn Sina Hospital in Tehran during the months of January 2018 to August 2019, from which 45 people were selected and randomly divided into experimental (15 people) and control (15 people) groups. The criteria for entering this study were: age range of 30-55 years, no mental illness and history of hospitalization in the psychiatric ward, no history of neurological and mental illness and history of hospitalization, ability to participate in group therapy sessions, willingness to The cooperation and withdrawal criteria for the experimental group were: not attending the intervention sessions for more than two sessions, unwillingness to continue attending the intervention sessions. In the present study, nurses were screened after obtaining permission from the university and obtaining approval from Bo Ali Hospital located in Tehran. After selection, they were selected based on the entry criteria, and then explanations about the research were given to them. After obtaining written consent from them to participate in the research, people were randomly assigned to study groups. All the participants filled out demographic profile questionnaires, Psychosomatic Disorders questionnaires before the intervention and then immediately after the course. The experimental groups were subjected to the mentioned intervention. According to the objectives of the research, 3 months after the intervention, a meeting was held with the aim of evaluating the effectiveness of the intervention. People in the control group did not receive any treatment intervention. Due to ethical considerations at the end of the research, people in the control group also entered the treatment. All participants completed the questionnaire on Psychosomatic Disorders in three stages. To analyze the data obtained from the test, variance analysis with repeated measures, Bonferrany and Tukey post hoc tests and the mean test of two dependent groups were used, and SPSS version 21 software was used to analyze the data. Results: There was a significant difference between the three groups in the post-test and follow-up stages, which could indicate the effectiveness of the interventions on the mentioned variables and the stability of the effectiveness in the follow-up stage. The results showed that there is a significant difference between the two experimental groups, and the comparison indicated that the experimental group of multifaceted treatment based on the Lazarus approach was more effective than short-term psychotherapy. Conclusion: The results of this research showed that the two mentioned treatments can be used as psychological interventions to reduce Psychosomatic Disorders in Female Nurses, considering the greater effectiveness of the multifaceted treatment based on the Lazarus approach, this treatment should be prioritized. When a person understands the deep sense of peace resulting from psychoanalysis in the depths of his being, he no longer pays attention to environmental stimuli. He will clearly understand that peace, love, and joy are all within him. He will find that all the sufferings and pains and sorrows in the world are because humans have deprived themselves of understanding and using this inner source of peace, love, and happiness. He will understand that the bad and unpleasant feelings that sometimes overwhelm him are due to seeing the world through the wrong windows. When he realizes that his goal is to access deeper resources within himself, and this is not only for himself but for the sake of all the people around him. Then life will find a beautiful and deep meaning for him.


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