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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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 Objective(s): The motto of “Neither East Nor West, But the Islamic Republic” was the principal and most strategic motto in the final decades of the second millennium and continues to be the main strategy of the third millennium. With each day passing by, the significance and the imperative role of this motto in the international arena becomes more and more apparent as it claims neither the civil pattern of the west (liberalism) nor the civil pattern of the east (Marxism) is capable of providing comprehensive, balanced and harmonized answers to the geometry of the true needs of man, society and history. According to this motto, the only school of thought capable of providing answers to the geometry of the true needs of man, society and history in a comprehensive, balanced and harmonized way is the religion of Islam and none other.However, the Islamic Republic within itself is facing various challenges to realize this strategic and crucial motto, which is intertwined with the future of Iran, the Islamic world and the humanity disenchanted with different isms (schools). One of these challenges is the lack of specialized and sub-specialized knowledge among the country’s officials about the most interdisciplinary and most strategic science of the time, namely SOCIAL ENGINEERING.In realizing the motto of “Neither East Nor West, But the Islamic Republic”, we are like someone who has the needed construction materials and equipment and plans to build a skyscraper- one significantly taller than the present skyscrapers in the East and West- on the ruins of an old and dilapidated building (the -2500year-long system of oppressive monarchy). He is, however, unable to make the best use of the materials, equipment and opportunities available to him because he is not familiar with the latest and most advanced principles of construction science (an interdisciplinary science comprising architecture, structure, installations, etc).What is emphasized in this paper is the need for getting familiar with the most interdisciplinary science of the time, namely SOCIAL ENGINEERING, and making use of this science along with the lofty and lustrous teachings of the HOLY QURAN as the most vital and strategic materials for designing and building an allinclusive civil society capable of providing answers to the geometry of the true needs of man, society and history.It is hoped that by putting this science at the service of the Noble Quran, we can take a step towards overcoming the challenges the holy system of the Islamic Republic is facing, a step which can be a model for solving man’s problems and alleviating his pains.Methods: The method used for this research was descriptive-analytical.Conclusion: In order for engineering a Quranic society, two approaches can be adopted: - employing experts of SOCIAL ENGINEERING and its sub-branches along with experts of Quranic sciences and Quran interpretation.- employing experts of SOCIAL ENGINEERING and its sub-branches with Quranic concentration While in the first approach progress can be made towards reaching a Quranic society, there is fundamental problem: explaining the content of the expected Quranic society to experts of SOCIAL ENGINEERING. It is like explaining a picture in your mind to a painter to paint. No mater how skilful the painter is and how carefully you explain, he can not bring what is in your mind on paper exactly.But in the second approach, the experts are more successful in engineering a Quranic society because they are directly familiar with the teachings of the Quran. That requires creation of a science titled SOCIAL ENGINEERING with Quranic concentration.


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    KHAKBAN SOLEIMAN. QURAN KARIM AND SOCIAL ENGINEERING. INTERDISCIPLINARY QURANIC STUDIES[Internet]. 2009;1(3):7-16. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/149375/en

    IEEE: Copy

    SOLEIMAN KHAKBAN, “QURAN KARIM AND SOCIAL ENGINEERING,” INTERDISCIPLINARY QURANIC STUDIES, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 7–16, 2009, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/149375/en

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