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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Analysis of Mysticism and Philosophy in Naseh-ul Din’ s Poems Using Imagery Symbols




image is the crystallization of meanings and worthy thoughts of an ingenious literary person having been designed in a cohesive well-organized frame showing a visual appearance of the experience of his poems. Everyone is well aware of Iranian mystics and philosophers’ interpretative attitude towards universe ( creation ) and the phenomena beyond that and their exploitation of visual language to convey “ what can not be seen “ and the human mind is unable to perceive its unutterable meanings. In this direction, Iranian thinkers have always been unrivalled in various types of literature and pure concepts of mysticism and philosophy, inasmuch as Arabian literature feels beholden to Iranian thinkers in mysticism. Abu Bakr Arjani, famously known as Naseh-ul Din, was one of the famous literary people that had acquired a high-ranking seat in the era of Saljughian and Abbasi regime, because of his mystical knowledge, as well as his literary knowledge. Exploiting imagery symbols such as metaphor, irony, mobility of poems and images, and imagery to convey his mystical and philosophical concepts, Naseh-ul Din tried to teach his addressees mystical ideas, such as pantheism, creation of universe, abstraction and disavowal of divine love and intellectualism. In this paper, mystical philosophical ideas like pantheism, creation of universe, purity of love, disavowal and affirmation have been artistically mentioned. Using rhetorical techniques in portrayal, this paper aims to broaden the horizons about the ideas mentioned earlier, introduce Iranian poet, Naseh-ul Din Arjani, and confirm his role as one of the leading poets in philosophical and mystical ideas, because his poems were cited as reference for rhetorical books. The authors used the analytical descriptive method to analyze the data in the paper.


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    APA: Copy

    Yazdanipour, Razieh, & Shoja Pourian, Valiollah. (2019). Analysis of Mysticism and Philosophy in Naseh-ul Din’ s Poems Using Imagery Symbols. RELIGION & MYSTICISM, 15(58 ), 253-272. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/191447/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Yazdanipour Razieh, Shoja Pourian Valiollah. Analysis of Mysticism and Philosophy in Naseh-ul Din’ s Poems Using Imagery Symbols. RELIGION & MYSTICISM[Internet]. 2019;15(58 ):253-272. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/191447/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Razieh Yazdanipour, and Valiollah Shoja Pourian, “Analysis of Mysticism and Philosophy in Naseh-ul Din’ s Poems Using Imagery Symbols,” RELIGION & MYSTICISM, vol. 15, no. 58 , pp. 253–272, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/191447/en

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