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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources



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Comparison Brain/Behavioral Systems and Emotion Regulation Difficulties in Students with and Without Social Anxiety Disorder Clinical Syndromes




 Introduction: The aim of this study was to compare of Brain/Behavioral Systems and emotional regulation difficulties in individuals with and without Social Anxiety disorder and their relationship with each other. Materials and Methods: Current study was a causal – comparative study that its statistical population was the bachelor and master Ardabil’ s university students in 1394-95. The sample of this study was 95 students with Social Anxiety disorders clinical Syndromes and 95 normal students. To collect data, we used carver and whites Activation system/Behavioral inhibition scale (BAS/BIS), difficulties in emotion regulation (DERS), and social inventory (SPIN). Results: people with the Social Anxiety disorders clinical Syndromes in the behavioral Inhibition System (P < 0/001), and normal people in the drive (P < 0/023) and reward responsiveness (P < 0/001) scales had upper scores; but there was no significant difference between groups in the, Behavioral Activation System and fun seeking scales (P > 0/05). Also in the Emotion Regulation Difficulties (ERD) and its all components, except of the lack of emotional awareness, the group with the Social Anxiety disorder earned more scores than the normal group (P < 0/001). In the people with the social anxiety, the Behavioral Inhibition System and drive scales had a positive relationship with the physiological symptoms of the Social Anxiety disorder (P < 0/01), and also behavioral Inhibition System with the Emotion Regulation Difficulties (P < 0/01); and the Behavioral Activation System had a negative relationship with the fear and avoidance and the total score of the social anxiety (P < 0/01). Conclusion: Brain/behavior systems and Emotion Regulation Difficulties in the pathology of Social Anxiety disorder are an important component that we can use them to more identify personality, emotional and motivational propertys involved in the Social Anxiety disorder, and also that’ s treatment.



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    MAJDY, HADI, ATADOKHT, AKBAR, HAZRATI, SHIVA, & SOBHI GHARAMALEKI, NASER. (2019). Comparison Brain/Behavioral Systems and Emotion Regulation Difficulties in Students with and Without Social Anxiety Disorder Clinical Syndromes. CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY & PERSONALITY (DANESHVAR RAFTAR), 17(1 (32) ), 165-174. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/208789/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    MAJDY HADI, ATADOKHT AKBAR, HAZRATI SHIVA, SOBHI GHARAMALEKI NASER. Comparison Brain/Behavioral Systems and Emotion Regulation Difficulties in Students with and Without Social Anxiety Disorder Clinical Syndromes. CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY & PERSONALITY (DANESHVAR RAFTAR)[Internet]. 2019;17(1 (32) ):165-174. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/208789/en

    IEEE: Copy

    HADI MAJDY, AKBAR ATADOKHT, SHIVA HAZRATI, and NASER SOBHI GHARAMALEKI, “Comparison Brain/Behavioral Systems and Emotion Regulation Difficulties in Students with and Without Social Anxiety Disorder Clinical Syndromes,” CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY & PERSONALITY (DANESHVAR RAFTAR), vol. 17, no. 1 (32) , pp. 165–174, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/208789/en

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