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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


IN FRENCH: Jean Echenoz: Les principales techniques narratives L’ é nigme de l’ ironie postmoderne (IN ENGLISH: The main narrative techniques by Jean Echenoz The enigma of postmodern irony)




 IN FRENCH: Depuis de nombreuses anné es, diffé rentes recherches ont é té consacré es à la narratologie et diffé rents chercheurs se sont penché s sur la problé matique des relations entre le narrateur et le lecteur. Dans notre pré sent travail, nous allons essayer d’ é claircir celle-ci dans l’ oeuvre de l’ auteur contemporain, Jean Echenoz. Nous essayerons de comprendre en quoi il est diffé rent des auteurs de son temps et pourquoi il est postmoderne; il l’ est parce qu’ il vit à une é poque postmoderne ou bien d’ autres é lé ments entrent en jeu pour dé finir son postmodernisme? Pour le connaî tre, nous allons tout d’ abord nous inté resser à la polyphonie, l’ un des é lé ments postmodernes et sa relation é troite avec l’ ironie dans laquelle Jean Echenoz excelle. Nous allons par la suite essayer de dé montrer le tissage intertextuel de ses romans et leur relation é troite avec l’ ironie, ce qui est postmoderne à notre sens et caracté ristique de son oeuvre. À part les noms propres qui constituent des ponts entre les romans, l’ intertextualité permet à l’ auteur de ré é crire des citations. La troisiè me partie de notre travail se proposera d’ é tudier la mé tatextualité ainsi que la mise en abyme. Dans la foulé e, nous allons é voquer le puzzle, un autre procé dé postmoderne qui accompagne la mé tatextualité et la mise en abyme dans son ouvrage. Dans ce cas de figure, le lecteur doit assembler les morceaux afin de faire apparaî tre l’ unité initiale. IN ENGLISH: For many years, various researchers have studied the relationship between the narrator and the reader, and plenty of research has been devoted to narratology. In the present research, we will try to clarify the narratology in the works of contemporary author, Jean Echenoz. We will try to understand how he is different from the authors of his time and why he is postmodernist. Is it because he lives in a postmodernist era or other elements come into play to define his postmodernism? To know it, we will first of all be interested in polyphony, one of the postmodern elements and its close relationship with the irony in which Jean Echenoz excels. We will then try to demonstrate intertextual weaving of his novels and their close relationship with irony, which is postmodern in our sense and characteristic of his books. Apart from the proper names which constitute bridges between novels, intertextuality allows the author to rewrite quotations. The third part of our work will study the metatextuality as well as the story within a story. Immediately after, we will evoke puzzle, another process that accompanies metatextuality and the story within a story. In this case, the reader must assemble the pieces in order to make the initial unit appear.


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    APA: Copy

    HAYATI ASHTIANI, KARIM, & Talebi, sonia. (2019). IN FRENCH: Jean Echenoz: Les principales techniques narratives L’ é nigme de l’ ironie postmoderne (IN ENGLISH: The main narrative techniques by Jean Echenoz The enigma of postmodern irony). REVUE DES ETUDES DE LA LANGUE FRANCAISE, 11(1 (20) ), 17-28. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/223199/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    HAYATI ASHTIANI KARIM, Talebi sonia. IN FRENCH: Jean Echenoz: Les principales techniques narratives L’ é nigme de l’ ironie postmoderne (IN ENGLISH: The main narrative techniques by Jean Echenoz The enigma of postmodern irony). REVUE DES ETUDES DE LA LANGUE FRANCAISE[Internet]. 2019;11(1 (20) ):17-28. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/223199/en

    IEEE: Copy

    KARIM HAYATI ASHTIANI, and sonia Talebi, “IN FRENCH: Jean Echenoz: Les principales techniques narratives L’ é nigme de l’ ironie postmoderne (IN ENGLISH: The main narrative techniques by Jean Echenoz The enigma of postmodern irony),” REVUE DES ETUDES DE LA LANGUE FRANCAISE, vol. 11, no. 1 (20) , pp. 17–28, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/223199/en

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