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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Relationship between Educational Equity, Academic Burnout and Achievement among Students at Kerman University of Medical Science




 Equality of education can affect Student’ s interest and motivation and even their educational burnout, and it could also help them succeed. The aim of this study was to determine relationship between Educational Equity, Academic Burnout and achievement among Students of Kerman University of Medical Science. This cross-sectionalresearch was a descriptive correlational one. The population of the study wascomposed of all Medical Sciences Students that 303 members were selected by cluster sampling method. Data was gatheredusing Educational Equity questionnaire (consisted of 14 items in 7-point Likert scale), academicburnout questionnaire made up of 15 items in three domains; academic fatigue (5 items), academic inappetence (4 items), and academic failure (6 items) and average of GPA, too. Moreover, its validity was optimal, and Cronbach's alpha coefficient of Educational Equity was 0/86, and for three domains of academicburnout includedacademic fatigue, inappetenc and failure were estimated 0/70, 0/82, 0/75, respectively. In addition, datawas analyzed by using ANOVA andthrough Independent t-test and posthoc tests such as ( Benfrony and Dant) and Pearson correlation coefficient. The reslut showed that the average score of Educational Equity and academicburnout were lower than the mean score. The meanaverage(± SD)of research subjects was 16/37 (1/47). Although the finding indicated a significant difference between Educational Equity and academicburnout (P= 0/02), there was no significant difference between Educational Equity and Educational Achievement (P= 0/72). Accordingly, eudcatinal equity can be one of the chief agents that can effect on academicburnout and education achievement; and it is necessary to establish opportunities for Educational Equity by teachers and faculty members.


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    APA: Copy

    HEIDARZADEH, AAZAM, DEHGHAN, MAHLAGHA, Shahmohamadipour, Parisa, Taheri, Zeinab, & AZIZZADEH FOROUZI, MANSOOREH. (2016). Relationship between Educational Equity, Academic Burnout and Achievement among Students at Kerman University of Medical Science. EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF JUNDISHAPUR, 7(4 ), 298-306. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/228707/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    HEIDARZADEH AAZAM, DEHGHAN MAHLAGHA, Shahmohamadipour Parisa, Taheri Zeinab, AZIZZADEH FOROUZI MANSOOREH. Relationship between Educational Equity, Academic Burnout and Achievement among Students at Kerman University of Medical Science. EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF JUNDISHAPUR[Internet]. 2016;7(4 ):298-306. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/228707/en

    IEEE: Copy

    AAZAM HEIDARZADEH, MAHLAGHA DEHGHAN, Parisa Shahmohamadipour, Zeinab Taheri, and MANSOOREH AZIZZADEH FOROUZI, “Relationship between Educational Equity, Academic Burnout and Achievement among Students at Kerman University of Medical Science,” EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF JUNDISHAPUR, vol. 7, no. 4 , pp. 298–306, 2016, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/228707/en

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