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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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This study aimed to evaluate the educational quality of rehabilitati on programmeat Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical sciences from faculty members’ point of view. Being a descriptive and cross-sectional research, the population included all faculty members from departmentsin school of Rehabilitation Sciences. In addition, data was gathered via aresearchmade questionnaire consisting of two sections; the first was about respondents' demographic characteristics, and the second was evaluating dimensions of education quality; it included 8 dimensions (Learning/Value-five items, Instructor Enthusiasm-four items, Organization-three items, Group Interaction-three items, instructor availability-? ? , Individual Rapport-three items, Breadth of Coverage-five items, Examinations/Grading-three items, Assignments/Readings-two items and 28 items thatwere scored by Likert scale. Moreover, the validity of the instrument of data collection was confirmed by using content validity, and to investigate the reliability of the instrument Cronbach's Alpha was run and calculated 0. 80. Descriptive statistics (frequency, mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (ANOVA and independent t Test and Tukey) were performed for data analysis using SPSS 20. The findings eventually showed that 5 estimated dimensions were quite appropriate and 2 other dimensions were considered appropriate, while the dimension of testing and scoring were perceived relatively inappropriate among educational quality dimensions from of faculty members’ viewpoint. In addition, mean scores of viewpoints from faculty members who served less than 5 years and those who served more than 15 years showed a significant difference in comprehensiveness ofeducational materialsdimension (P<0. 006). Hence, it can be concluded that as the majorityof the educations inrehabilitation departmentsarepractical, therefore, performing more practical evaluation methods such as OSCE and DOPS seems necessary.

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Ambulatory education is an integral part of medical education. The present study was carried out to evaluate the state of ambulatory education from the viewpoint of externs and interns students at Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences. In this descriptive crosssectional study, the study sample included medical externs and interns of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences that were selected through census sampling technique in the academic year 2012-2013. The instrument for data collection was a researcher-made questionnaire with acceptable validity and reliability. The obtained data were analyzed by SPSS-16 software using descriptive statistics, Kolmogrov-Smirnov and Mann– Whitney U test. P<0. 05 was considered significant. 65 (50%) externs and 75 (65%) interns participated in the study and 1588 questionnaires were completed via self-administered technique. The results showed that the interns at major wards with an average 34. 73± 4. 71 and the minor wards with average 32. 39± 5. 5 were in an undesirable situation. This difference was statistically significant (P<0. 001). The students perspective on the various aspects of clinical education reflects the situation was undesirable. It seems crucial to pay special attention to medical education programs in order to improve the learning quality in outpatient settings.

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Equality of education can affect student’ s interest and motivation and even their educational burnout, and it could also help them succeed. The aim of this study was to determine relationship between educational equity, academic burnout and achievement among students of Kerman University of Medical Science. This cross-sectionalresearch was a descriptive correlational one. The population of the study wascomposed of all Medical Sciences students that 303 members were selected by cluster sampling method. Data was gatheredusing educational equity questionnaire (consisted of 14 items in 7-point Likert scale), academicburnout questionnaire made up of 15 items in three domains; academic fatigue (5 items), academic inappetence (4 items), and academic failure (6 items) and average of GPA, too. Moreover, its validity was optimal, and Cronbach's alpha coefficient of educational equity was 0/86, and for three domains of academicburnout includedacademic fatigue, inappetenc and failure were estimated 0/70, 0/82, 0/75, respectively. In addition, datawas analyzed by using ANOVA andthrough Independent t-test and posthoc tests such as ( Benfrony and Dant) and Pearson correlation coefficient. The reslut showed that the average score of educational equity and academicburnout were lower than the mean score. The meanaverage(± SD)of research subjects was 16/37 (1/47). Although the finding indicated a significant difference between educational equity and academicburnout (P= 0/02), there was no significant difference between educational equity and educational achievement (P= 0/72). Accordingly, eudcatinal equity can be one of the chief agents that can effect on academicburnout and education achievement; and it is necessary to establish opportunities for educational equity by teachers and faculty members.

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Clinical education is the foundation of medical education. Students are the best source for involvement in education and identification of clinical education problems. The present study was conducted Students’ perception of Neyshabur Faculty of Medical Sciences of effectiveness clinical teaching. In this cross-sectional study with regard to the limitation of Samples. All qualified students (188 student) were selected by census method. For data collection the use of a questionnaire made by Okoronkwo (2013) with Title Students’ perception of effective clinical teaching and teacher behavior (with 23 questions). Validity questionnaire through the content validity and reliability through the test-retest was measured. Data analyzed using SPSS16 software and doing descriptive (Frequency, mean, standard deviation) and inferential statistics (T-Test, Anova, Chi-square). The results showed that Students’ perception was positive (87. 5%) of teaching skills in effective clinical teaching. And mean and standard deviation students’ perception of behavior teacher skills in effective clinical teaching 3. 44± 0. 49 was obtained. The chi-square test, showed is significant differences between Academic year and teaching skills in effective clinical teaching And the Anova test, showed is significant differences between Academic year and Total Average questionnaire behavior teacher skills(P<0/05). The results showed that effectiveness clinical teaching requires a teachers have the Clinical knowledge with expertise in education and create motivation for learning, mutual respect, give confidence which it is essential to be used in the direction to improve the quality of clinical education in medical Sciences universities.

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Health and medicine are among the fields in which the information is substantially dependent on the web and online resources, and students educating in these fields are among the numerous users seeking for the health information on the Internet. Hence, the correct knowledge on the amount of students' interest in online health information can result in planning for proper training to search and evaluate the content of online health information. This research consequently was conducted at Ahvaz Jundishapur University in 2014. The research population was composed of a total 219 female undergraduate students participated in our study; in addition, the present research’ tool was a questionnaire titled “ using the Internet for health information” whose validity and reliability was approved and estimated 0. 89 and 0. 5-0. 9, respectively. According to the results, 75. 6% of students were using the Internet as a source of health information; and majority of them (88. 3%) mentioned that profited by general search engines such as Google to find health information too. Most of the health information searched by students on the Web referred to "way of treatment” of diseases and more than half of them (66. 9%) highly trusted on online health information. According to the findings of this study, it seems necessary to deliver plans to set in train courses to enable students to assess and validate online content of health information.

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Educational negligenceis a dominant and continuingtendency withinlearners for Postponing academic activities that itis associatedwithmood disorders. Hence, the presentstudy was done to explore prevalence ofstudies onacademic negligence and its relationship with mood disorders amongMedical Sciences Students of Kerman. This Cross-sectional study was a descriptive-correlationalresearch. Statistical population of this study was 5285 members that only 338 students were participatedbased on cluster sampling method. Moreover, data collection tool was consistedof two parts; academic negligence and Mood disorders. Validity was subsequently evaluated by the professors and was approved; also Cronbach's alpha coefficient ofstress disorder questionnaires 0/82, anxiety 0/81, and depression 0/83 have been assessedrespectively. Afterwards, data was analyzed throughdescriptive and analytical tests; mean score in three domains of academic negligence fromhighest to lowest order was accounted 2/37(± 0/72) for Lack of planning domain, 2/24 (± 0/66) for Intentional domain, and 2/18 (± 0/67) for Fatigue domain. In addition, most students even didn’ t have any mood disorders or had mild mood disorder. Comparisonof total score and scores ofthree domainsof academic negligence with psychological disorders of students (Stress, Anxiety, and Depression) showed a significantdifference (P< 0/0001). According to theseresults and the relationship between mood disorders and academic negligence, it is recommended to designeducational programthat to promote mental health and also reduce academic negligence.

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The aim of this was to investigate the causal relationship between student instructional stressors and social support with academic burnout, considering mediating role of perceived stress among B. A. students of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz. The statistical population was composed of the students at 5th semester and later of university. The reason of such selection was that academic burnout develops during the time. At first, cluster sampling and then, relative stratified sampling method were used; and finally 493 members were analyzed to measure the study variables such as academic burnout questionnaire (MBI-SS), social support questionnaire of Maleki, Demarai and Eliott (CASSS), student stressors questionnaire of Pooladi Reyshahri, and perceived stress scale of Cohen were utilized. In addition, data analysis was performed by path analysis method. Finally, explanation, constraints and suggestions have been presented, and the results showed fitted perfectly for model.

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The aim of this research was to determine the relationship between motivational orientations and academic self-determination with academic identity. Subjects were selected simple random sampling. The statistic society of this study included of 1699 person medical sciences university students in Ahvaz, those 150 individuals has been chosen by using accidental sampling style. Data has been collected by using questionnaire of goals achievement scales (AGOS), motivational orientations scales and academic self-determination scales (AIS) using regression analysis. In this study the reliability of questionnaire mentioned using coronbachs̕ alpha method is. /72, /67, . /70 and. /81 percent. The spss16 was used to investigate the relationship between variables. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, mastery approach goals, performance approach goals and academic self-determination with academic identity. Meanwhile the result showed that motivational orientations can be identified as a factor to be considered academic self-efficacy. Also the results of regression analysis with simultaneously entry method showed that predicting variables have the ability to explain 50/60 from academic identity.

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Today, with the development of the nursing process, reporting was expanded as a framework of and requirements and the need to provide and evaluated a nursing care and treatment. Nursing reports in record indicate medical treatment, nursing care and reactions of patient to its care. Illegible or incomplete records may block the nursing care and make difficult the detection of important changes in the patient health condition and behavior. However; the purpose of this study was to assess the effects of teacher-centered teaching and problem-based learning methods in incidence of nursing documentation errors in hospitals of Torbat Heydariyeh. This was a quasi-experimental study which was conducted among nurses in Torbat Heydariyeh hospitals during 2014. 93 nurses were classified into 3 groups (n=31), problem-based learning for the first group, teacher training for the second group, and the third group was the control group. Educational content for each group was presented by an instructor in the six 45-minute sessions for six consecutive days. Data collection tool was a questionnaire whose content validity (0. 76) was confirmed by the researchers and reliability coefficient factor (0. 84) was calculated using Cronbach alpha coefficient formula. The questionnaire was completed by nurses before and 2 months after training. Data were analyzed by SPSS software and Friedman, one-way ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis, Mann-Whitney and independent and dependent t-test, Wilcoxon, Pearson and Spearman correlation and chi-square tests. The teacher-centered teaching method, the average error before and after treatment showed a significant statistical difference (P= 0. 000), so, the average error was reduced after the intervention in nurses. Also, in problem based learning, the training of nurses after the intervention had a positive effect and it reduced the average error (P= 0. 000). But, in the control group there was not a significant difference. Also satisfaction of nurses in problem based learning was more than teacher-centered teaching. Based on the results of this study, teacher-centered teaching and problem-based learning methods had a positive effect in both groups, but given the level of satisfaction and interest of nurses, the problem-based learning proposed. This method is more recommended especially, for service training courses and teaching to deal with other types of errors such as medication and therapy errors in nursing.

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The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of motivational beliefs and self-regulation strategies on information behavior among Ph. D. students at Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences (AJUMS). In this study, 184 students were surveyed that ultimately 125 participations were examined. The applied research was causal-comparative in nature andsurvey in terms of data collection; and required data were collected through two standardized questionnaires; Motivational Strategies for Learning and a researcher-made questionnaire about Information Behavior. After confirming the validity by experts, reliability of both questionnaires was determined by Cronbach's alpha, respectively, 0. 79 and vary from 0. 85. Data analysis consequently was performed on structural equation modeling based on partial least squares by using the statistical software SPSS21& PLS. The results showed that proposed model had an acceptable adjustment to the data; as well as motivational beliefs components and self-regulation strategies have affected information behavior among Ph. D. students. Considering the results, a better understanding of the psychological functions affecting information behavior among Ph. D. students is crucially important in developing the educational programs related to information-seeking skills, moreover, in offering solutionsto improve information services and to develop information systems; since the more effective transfer of information to these students can result in much improvement of their academic performance, thereby providing medical services to the community.

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