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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources



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Married Students' Attitude Towards Marriage: A Qualitative Study




 Introduction: Attitude is a cognitive phenomenon that has a considerable influence on willingness to get married, age when married and the stability of marriage. Due to the gap in the field of qualitative researches on marriage in the country, this study aimed to explain the attitudes of Married Students towards marriage. Methods: This study was a Qualitative Study using Content Analysis in which data were collected using purposive sampling and in-depth semi-structured individual interviews with 18 Married Students selected from the Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Iran. Data was saturated after conducting 18 interviews. Data analysis was carried out through conventional Content Analysis; after the transcription of recorded interviews on paper and immersion in the data, the initial codes were extracted. To determine the main categories, initial codes were reviewed and classified in several steps. Results: In total, 589 concepts in initial coding, 68 categories in open coding, and 12 classes in axial coding were extracted. The main 12 classes and themes consisted of socio-cultural factors, early expriences and observing incomplete patterns, awreness of and understanding each other, material and spiritual support, realizing the sanctity of marriage, pressures for marriage, interference of parents and intergenerational transmission, economic factors, proper coping strategies, perceived personal development and willingness for marriage. The 12 main classes and themes were recognized as the effective factors on Married Students' attitude toward marriage. Conclusions: In this study, changing attitudes towards marriage was a fundamental factor in encouraging young people to get married, which can be implemented by following a systematic approach (general scheme). Promoting successful models of marriage in the society, moral and material support by parents, teaching coping strategies commensurate with the challenges of marriage, increasing marriage preparation skills, and government support in forming counseling units run by committed and professional and family psychologists and counselors are key items in this scheme.



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    APA: Copy

    KHOJASTEH MEHR, REZA, MOHAMMADI, ALI, & ABBASPOUR, ZABIHOLLAH. (2016). Married Students' Attitude Towards Marriage: A Qualitative Study. IRANIAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC NURSING (IJPN), 4(2 ), 19-28. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/235834/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    KHOJASTEH MEHR REZA, MOHAMMADI ALI, ABBASPOUR ZABIHOLLAH. Married Students' Attitude Towards Marriage: A Qualitative Study. IRANIAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC NURSING (IJPN)[Internet]. 2016;4(2 ):19-28. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/235834/en

    IEEE: Copy

    REZA KHOJASTEH MEHR, ALI MOHAMMADI, and ZABIHOLLAH ABBASPOUR, “Married Students' Attitude Towards Marriage: A Qualitative Study,” IRANIAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC NURSING (IJPN), vol. 4, no. 2 , pp. 19–28, 2016, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/235834/en

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