Information Journal Paper
CopyRajaeian, Eٍ., Peikari, H., & ZAMANI, N.. (2018). Factors Affecting the Intention of Adoption of Health Information Technology in Hospitals Affiliated with Social Security in Isfahan Using the Model of Don Bale et al. QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF NURSING MANAGEMENT, 7(2 ), 49-59. SID.
CopyRajaeian Eٍ., Peikari H., ZAMANI N.. Factors Affecting the Intention of Adoption of Health Information Technology in Hospitals Affiliated with Social Security in Isfahan Using the Model of Don Bale et al. QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF NURSING MANAGEMENT[Internet]. 2018;7(2 ):49-59. Available from:
CopyEٍ. Rajaeian, H. Peikari, and N. ZAMANI, “Factors Affecting the Intention of Adoption of Health Information Technology in Hospitals Affiliated with Social Security in Isfahan Using the Model of Don Bale et al,” QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF NURSING MANAGEMENT, vol. 7, no. 2 , pp. 49–59, 2018, [Online]. Available: