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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Studying the BBC Persian TV Cultural Policy Approach




 Every media has two goals, the one that officially announces and the second that it pursues but never formally announces but implements. The purpose of this study is to understand the general and cultural meaning of BBC Persian TV programs and what is the purpose of BBC Persian TV Cultural Policy towards Iranian society. Based on the requirements of the data-base theory research methodology for theorizing about a particular social process, the data are collected empirically rather than by reviewing the literature related to the research and identifying the root of their main themes. One of the types of qualitative research methods is the expression of social processes and theory research. This method is used to explain the process of phenomena in their social context and is a way to generalize the results of a particular observation to a more comprehensive theory. In this study, these programs were used as the unit of analysis. In content analysis, the content of each unit of analysis is analyzed separately. After completing the research and considering the questions raised at the beginning of this research and the final table, it can be concluded that the Cultural Policy of BBC Persian TV following the change of Iranian society's cultural background and induction of Western culture as well as the change of the intellectual center of Iranian society's elite to Politicians and cultural, economic, social, and religious politicians are at their disposal. The BBC Persian Cultural Policy The study of the aforementioned research and the analysis of the content of the tables of the programs and their conclusions in the final table show that the Cultural Policy of BBC Persian TV is cultural change, political change and Iranian-Islamic identity change. The consequence of this Cultural Policy is the overthrow of the system (regime change). Policies to deal with the BBC's media policies can be addressed by media practitioners in two dimensions, one general and one executive policy.


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    APA: Copy

    mojahed Mazloomian, Amir, KOWSARI, MASSOUD, & Nejati Hosseini, Sayed Mahmoud. (2019). Studying the BBC Persian TV Cultural Policy Approach. THE SOCIO CULTURAL STRATEGY JOURNAL, 8(31 ), 235-264. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/243606/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    mojahed Mazloomian Amir, KOWSARI MASSOUD, Nejati Hosseini Sayed Mahmoud. Studying the BBC Persian TV Cultural Policy Approach. THE SOCIO CULTURAL STRATEGY JOURNAL[Internet]. 2019;8(31 ):235-264. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/243606/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Amir mojahed Mazloomian, MASSOUD KOWSARI, and Sayed Mahmoud Nejati Hosseini, “Studying the BBC Persian TV Cultural Policy Approach,” THE SOCIO CULTURAL STRATEGY JOURNAL, vol. 8, no. 31 , pp. 235–264, 2019, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/243606/en

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