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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources



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Child and Adolescent Mental Health Care in Iran: Current Status and Future Directions




 Background: The need for mental health care among children and Adolescents in Iran, as in other low and middle income countries (LAMIC) remains mostly unmet. In this paper, we sought to provide an overview of the extent of unmet need and mental health services in Iran. We also aimed to propose approaches to address this gap. Method: We reviewed the published epidemiologic studies of child and Adolescent mental and behavioral health problems in Iran. We also examined the current status of child mental health services and the gaps between current needs and available services based on 􀁓 􀁘 􀁅 􀁏 􀁌 􀁖 􀁋 􀁈 􀁇 􀀃 􀁏 􀁌 􀁗 􀁈 􀁕 􀁄 􀁗 􀁘 􀁕 􀁈 􀀃 􀁗 􀁋 􀁄 􀁗 􀀃 􀁌 􀁑 􀁆 􀁏 􀁘 􀁇 􀁈 􀁇 􀀃 􀁓 􀁄 􀁓 􀁈 􀁕 􀁖 􀀃 􀁓 􀁘 􀁅 􀁏 􀁌 􀁖 􀁋 􀁈 􀁇 􀀃 􀁌 􀁑 􀀃 􀁖 􀁆 􀁌 􀁈 􀁑 􀁗 􀁌 􀂿 􀁆 􀀃 􀁍 􀁒 􀁘 􀁕 􀁑 􀁄 􀁏 􀁖 􀀏 􀀃 􀁄 􀁖 􀀃 􀁚 􀁈 􀁏 􀁏 􀀃 􀁄 􀁖 􀀃 􀁊 􀁒 􀁙 􀁈 􀁕 􀁑 􀁐 􀁈 􀁑 􀁗 􀁄 􀁏 􀀃 􀁄 􀁑 􀁇 􀀃 􀁒 􀁗 􀁋 􀁈 􀁕 􀀃 􀁄 􀁇 􀁐 􀁌 􀁑 􀁌 􀁖 􀁗 􀁕 􀁄 􀁗 􀁌 􀁙 􀁈 􀀃 􀁕 􀁈 􀁓 􀁒 􀁕 􀁗 􀁖 􀀑 􀀃 􀀷 􀁋 􀁈 􀀃 contextual issues relevant to child mental health care were also explored, as well as the possibilities to introduce new or scale up promising services. Results: child and Adolescent mental and behavioral health problems are highly prevalent in Iran. Different studies have estimated that 16. 7% to 36. 4% of children and Adolescents suffer from one or more mental health problems. However, there is a serious scarcity of resources to meet this need. Available services are delivered by independent public organizations (e. g., Ministry of Health, Welfare 􀀲 􀁕 􀁊 􀁄 􀁑 􀁌 􀁝 􀁄 􀁗 􀁌 􀁒 􀁑 􀀏 􀀃 􀁄 􀁑 􀁇 􀀃 􀀰 􀁌 􀁑 􀁌 􀁖 􀁗 􀁕 􀁜 􀀃 􀁒 􀁉 􀀃 􀀨 􀁇 􀁘 􀁆 􀁄 􀁗 􀁌 􀁒 􀁑 􀀌 􀀃 􀁒 􀁕 􀀃 􀁓 􀁕 􀁌 􀁙 􀁄 􀁗 􀁈 􀀃 􀁖 􀁈 􀁆 􀁗 􀁒 􀁕 􀀃 􀁚 􀁌 􀁗 􀁋 􀀃 􀁌 􀁑 􀁈 􀁉 􀂿 􀁆 􀁌 􀁈 􀁑 􀁗 􀀃 􀁆 􀁒 􀁐 􀁐 􀁘 􀁑 􀁌 􀁆 􀁄 􀁗 􀁌 􀁒 􀁑 􀀃 􀁄 􀁑 􀁇 􀀃 􀁆 􀁒 􀁏 􀁏 􀁄 􀁅 􀁒 􀁕 􀁄 􀁗 􀁌 􀁒 􀁑 􀀃 􀁄 􀁐 􀁒 􀁑 􀁊 􀀃 􀁗 􀁋 􀁈 􀁐 􀀃 􀁄 􀁑 􀁇 􀀃 􀁑 􀁒 􀀃 􀁐 􀁄 􀁑 􀁇 􀁄 􀁗 􀁒 􀁕 􀁜 􀀃 􀁑 􀁄 􀁗 􀁌 􀁒 􀁑 􀁄 􀁏 􀀃 􀁐 􀁈 􀁑 􀁗 􀁄 􀁏 􀀃 􀁋 􀁈 􀁄 􀁏 􀁗 􀁋 􀀃 􀁓 􀁒 􀁏 􀁌 􀁆 􀁜 􀀑 􀀃 􀀤 􀁙 􀁄 􀁌 􀁏 􀁄 􀁅 􀁏 􀁈 􀀃 􀁖 􀁓 􀁈 􀁆 􀁌 􀁄 􀁏 􀁌 􀁝 􀁈 􀁇 􀀃 􀁆 􀁋 􀁌 􀁏 􀁇 􀀃 􀁄 􀁑 􀁇 􀀃 􀁄 􀁇 􀁒 􀁏 􀁈 􀁖 􀁆 􀁈 􀁑 􀁗 􀀃 􀁖 􀁈 􀁕 􀁙 􀁌 􀁆 􀁈 􀁖 􀀃 􀁄 􀁕 􀁈 􀀃 􀁐 􀁒 􀁖 􀁗 􀁏 􀁜 􀀃 􀁆 􀁒 􀁑 􀂿 􀁑 􀁈 􀁇 􀀃 􀁗 􀁒 􀀃 􀁖 􀁐 􀁄 􀁏 􀁏 􀀃 􀁌 􀁑 􀁓 􀁄 􀁗 􀁌 􀁈 􀁑 􀁗 􀀃 􀁘 􀁑 􀁌 􀁗 􀁖 􀀃 􀁄 􀁑 􀁇 􀀃 􀁘 􀁑 􀁌 􀁙 􀁈 􀁕 􀁖 􀁌 􀁗 􀁜 􀀃 outpatient facilities in larger cities, and there is a scarce evidence for the effectiveness of the available services. Conclusions: Expansion of primary care’ s role in timely detection and management of child and Adolescent mental health problems, implementation of task-shifting and-sharing initiatives, as well as improved collaboration among responsible governmental and nongovernmental sectors are some of the most promising future venues to improve mental health care for the Iranian youth.



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    APA: Copy

    SHARIFI, VANDAD, Mojtabai, Ramin, SHAHRIVAR, ZAHRA, ALAGHBAND RAD, JAVAD, ZARAFSHAN, HADI, & Wissow, Lawrence. (2016). Child and Adolescent Mental Health Care in Iran: Current Status and Future Directions. ARCHIVES OF IRANIAN MEDICINE, 19(11), 797-804. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/281738/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    SHARIFI VANDAD, Mojtabai Ramin, SHAHRIVAR ZAHRA, ALAGHBAND RAD JAVAD, ZARAFSHAN HADI, Wissow Lawrence. Child and Adolescent Mental Health Care in Iran: Current Status and Future Directions. ARCHIVES OF IRANIAN MEDICINE[Internet]. 2016;19(11):797-804. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/281738/en

    IEEE: Copy

    VANDAD SHARIFI, Ramin Mojtabai, ZAHRA SHAHRIVAR, JAVAD ALAGHBAND RAD, HADI ZARAFSHAN, and Lawrence Wissow, “Child and Adolescent Mental Health Care in Iran: Current Status and Future Directions,” ARCHIVES OF IRANIAN MEDICINE, vol. 19, no. 11, pp. 797–804, 2016, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/281738/en

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