Information Journal Paper
CopyMIKAEILI, NILOOFAR, DARYADEL, SEYED JAVAD, SAMADIFARD, HAMID REZA, MORADI KELARDE, SARA, & HEIDARIRAD, HADEES. (2019). Comparing early maladaptive schemas, perseverative thinking, and somatoform dissociation in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder with normal population. CHRONIC DISEASES JOURNAL, 7(2), 66-72. SID.
CopyMIKAEILI NILOOFAR, DARYADEL SEYED JAVAD, SAMADIFARD HAMID REZA, MORADI KELARDE SARA, HEIDARIRAD HADEES. Comparing early maladaptive schemas, perseverative thinking, and somatoform dissociation in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder with normal population. CHRONIC DISEASES JOURNAL[Internet]. 2019;7(2):66-72. Available from:
CopyNILOOFAR MIKAEILI, SEYED JAVAD DARYADEL, HAMID REZA SAMADIFARD, SARA MORADI KELARDE, and HADEES HEIDARIRAD, “Comparing early maladaptive schemas, perseverative thinking, and somatoform dissociation in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder with normal population,” CHRONIC DISEASES JOURNAL, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 66–72, 2019, [Online]. Available: