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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Prevalence occupational stress and its association with occupational and personal characteristics in nurses of government hospitals in Borujerd city in 2017




 Introduction: Determining the prevalence of occupational Stress and its relationship with occupational and personal characteristics in Nurses in government hospitals in Borujerd. Methods: This was a descriptive-analytic cross-sectional study that carried out on 150 Nurses. Demographic information questionnaires, Holmes Rae's social adjustment (Stressful life Stress), and Nurses' job Stress standard were completed and the prevalence of occupational Stress levels (low, moderate, severe) and its relationship with personal and occupational characteristics of Nurses were estimated. Results: After applying the exclusion criteria, 56 people (83. 9% of whom were women) were analyzed and 94 were excluded from the final analysis because of severe life Stress. The average age was 35. 1 ± 6. 5 years, 33. 9% had over 15 years of experience, and 96% had a cyclic shift. 58. 9% of Nurses had severe occupational Stress and 12. 5% had low job Stress. Sub-scales of occupational Stress findings by gender showed that the mean score of the problem dimensions in relation to the partner (10. 72 ± 5. 71versus 7. 44 ± 1. 33)(P = 0. 001)Workload(19. 55 ± 8. 58 versus 13. 13 ± 5. 50)and(P = 0. 009) discrimination (6. 40 ± 3. 65 vs. 3. 77 ± 2. 81) (P = 0. 47) Was higher in women than in men. Conclusion: The findings of this study, for the first time in Lorestan province, showed a high prevalence of occupational Stress in more than half of Nurses working in government centers and indicated, high workload, conflict with colleagues and job discrimination in female Nurses are more than men.


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    APA: Copy

    RASHIDI, K., PIRZAD, SH., Korzebor, A., MORADI, R., KALHOR, M., & SAATCHI, M.. (2018). Prevalence occupational stress and its association with occupational and personal characteristics in nurses of government hospitals in Borujerd city in 2017. JOURNAL OF NURSE AND PHYSICIAN WITHIN WAR, 6(19 ), 14-22. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/379829/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    RASHIDI K., PIRZAD SH., Korzebor A., MORADI R., KALHOR M., SAATCHI M.. Prevalence occupational stress and its association with occupational and personal characteristics in nurses of government hospitals in Borujerd city in 2017. JOURNAL OF NURSE AND PHYSICIAN WITHIN WAR[Internet]. 2018;6(19 ):14-22. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/379829/en

    IEEE: Copy

    K. RASHIDI, SH. PIRZAD, A. Korzebor, R. MORADI, M. KALHOR, and M. SAATCHI, “Prevalence occupational stress and its association with occupational and personal characteristics in nurses of government hospitals in Borujerd city in 2017,” JOURNAL OF NURSE AND PHYSICIAN WITHIN WAR, vol. 6, no. 19 , pp. 14–22, 2018, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/379829/en

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