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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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The Study of Effective Factors in Introduction of Tabriz Market as a Tourism Brand




 Brands are one of the most valuable and intangible assets. Place branding, proposed the idea of creating a unique feature to differentiate one place from another, to achieve competitive equity. Branding is one of the essential components of tourism programs and tools for development of societies. As a product or service brand in the process of branding and in order to be in the heart and mind of customer and occupy part of his/her heart and mind, tourism places are not excluded from this rule. To be successful in the field of branding, the first step is identifying the factors. Therefore in this research we used structural equation modeling to study the effects of factors in introduction of Tabriz Market as a tourism brand. LISREL and SPSS software are applied in this research. This research is applied and analytic and questionnaires are used for data collection. The statistical society are, the residents of over 15 years old of Tabriz. Cochran method is used for sample size determination and Choronbach alpha has tested the validity and reliability utilizing of the questionnaire. Due to results, coefficient beta of brand identity is equal to 0. 318, for tourism facilities is 0. 311, Destination image is 0. 247 and differentiation is 0. 147. These factors have the maximum to minimum impacts on the brand constructing of Tabriz Market. Brands are one of the most valuable, intangible assets. Place branding, proposed the idea of creating a unique feature to differentiate one place from another place, to achieve competitive equity. Branding is one of the essential components of tourism programs and is one of the important tools for developing of societies. As a product or service branded and passes the process of branding, to be in the heart and mind of customer and occupied part of his heart and mind, tourism places are not excluded from this rule too. To be successful in the field of branding, the first step is identifying the factors. So in this research, effecting of factors in introduction of Tabriz Market as a tourism brand, has been studied. Introduction: Today, tourism is considered more than other industries. In recent year's cities due to rapid changes in technology and changes from the local to the global, in order to create an attractive tourist destination, workplace, place of rich cultural and other reasons have to compete with each another.


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    APA: Copy

    GHANBARI, ABOLFAZL, & Ahmadian, Fereshteh. (2018). The Study of Effective Factors in Introduction of Tabriz Market as a Tourism Brand. URBAN TOURISM, 5(3 ), 1-16. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/383759/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    GHANBARI ABOLFAZL, Ahmadian Fereshteh. The Study of Effective Factors in Introduction of Tabriz Market as a Tourism Brand. URBAN TOURISM[Internet]. 2018;5(3 ):1-16. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/383759/en

    IEEE: Copy

    ABOLFAZL GHANBARI, and Fereshteh Ahmadian, “The Study of Effective Factors in Introduction of Tabriz Market as a Tourism Brand,” URBAN TOURISM, vol. 5, no. 3 , pp. 1–16, 2018, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/383759/en

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