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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Organizational supportive driving factors’ pattern of the turnover tendency (honest behaviors, up to down communication skills and adherence to organizational commitments)




 Background: Studying the structural features of successful organizations is evidence of this claim that complementary Organizational Supportive system is the existence of managerial supportive approaches, desirable styles and patterns of behavior that have a direct impact on individual performance and consequently not to employee Turnover. Meanwhile, the quality of the relationship between operational staff and human resources with senior managers of the organization, is a factor affecting the working quality of employees and consequently the emergence of professional work behaviors by employees in order to accept and align individual aims with organizational goals. On the other hand, many subcultures are formed in sports organizations, according to the nature of work; since these organizations are among the human-centered organizations, having an organizational culture that generates commitment and efficiency of employees will play an important role in acting as a successful entity. In this regard, the results of several surveys analyzing the relationship between supportive behaviors and the existence of justice-oriented patterns with staff Turnover have shown that the emphasis on the significant role of distributive justice and Procedural Justice in the Turnover tendency, stated that the managers’ fair behaviors promote employee participation in achieving organizational goals and is an important adjusting factor in the decision to Turnover or not to Turnover. In this study, the pattern of Turnover tendency in sports and youth administration based on the role of organizational honesty, culture and commitment has been studied based on the conceptual model; and the goal of the study is to create an Organizational Supportive driving factors’ pattern of the Turnover tendency. Methods: The present research is a Sequential-Exploratory Mixed Method Design type and was implemented in two phases, qualitative and quantitative. The statistical samples of the study. based on the minimum statistical sample required in structural equation research, included (n = 115) employees and executives and staff of sports and youth departments Golestan province who were randomly selected for the purpose of the study. In the qualitative phase of the research, through semi-organized interviews with university professors in the field of management and organizational behavior and staff and senior managers of sports and youth departments (n = 15) using the Delphi method to achieve theoretical saturation. In the quantitative part, with confirming the optimal reliability of the questionnaire items was implemented using Cronbach's alpha method, the modified version of Kim (2007) Turnover intention questionnaire, the employee-employer relationship quality questionnaire of Grunig and Huang (2002), the organizational commitment questionnaire of Mayer et al. (1993), as well as a modified version of the Rupp and Cropanzano (2002) Organizational Integrity Questionnaire, which was set as a 5-point Likert scale. Finally, using KMO (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin) test and Bartlett’ s test of sphericity, in order to ensure the structural validity of latent variables and optimal fit of the research conceptual model, LISREL and SPSS software were used at a significance level of 0. 05. Results: According to the results of the study, the quality component of employee-organization relations (β = 0. 78) and managerial honesty (β = 0. 77) had the greatest impact on the Turnover tendency of employees, respectively. But structural analysis of the path regarding the component of quality of employee-organization relations, showed that among the four components: trust level, commitment, satisfaction and control, the occurrence of reciprocal control behaviors with factor load (β = 0. 89), was the main explanatory factor. Also, the output of regression test in predicting Turnover tendency showed that the regression coefficient of the quality component of the employee-organization relationship equal to (β =-0. 63). A significant percentage of variance (R2 = 0. 64), given the number of standard error, is explained by the quality component of the employee-organization relationship. Therefore, according to the significance of ANOVA test, the positive and significant effect of this component on the latent variable was explained (F = 11. 67). Analyzing regression coefficient values (β =-0. 53) and variance error (R2 = 0. 57) of the supervisor honesty component also confirmed its significant effect on the latent variable of the survey (F = 17. 26). Conclusion: The quality of employee-organization relations and the Honesty of The Supervisor had the greatest impact on the Turnover tendency, respectively. Also, fair behavior affected the Turnover tendency. Not to use the abilities of all employees, lack of vision to improve the type and way of payments and inappropriate actions of managers lead to dissatisfaction and eventually Turnover in the organization. Therefore, the adoption and implementation of policies and procedures by senior organizational managers, should be in accordance with motivational (transformational) management methods such as preparing an intimate and professional work environment, justice through fair behavior in the distribution of organizational resources, transparency and clarity of work procedures, equal job promotion opportunities along with participation of all employees in organizational decisions according to their job background, while maintaining the workforce and especially knowledgeable and specialized human resources, preparing the growth and development basis, and minimizing the variables affecting organizational departure and Turnover. Background: Studying the structural features of successful organizations is evidence of this claim that complementary Organizational Supportive system is the existence of managerial supportive approaches, desirable styles and patterns of behavior that have a direct impact on individual performance and consequently not to employee Turnover. Meanwhile, the quality of the relationship between operational staff and human resources with senior managers of the organization, is a factor affecting the working quality of employees and consequently the emergence of professional work behaviors by employees in order to accept and align individual aims with organizational goals. On the other hand, many subcultures are formed in sports organizations, according to the nature of work; since these organizations are among the human-centered organizations, having an organizational culture that generates commitment and efficiency of employees will play an important role in acting as a successful entity. In this regard, the results of several surveys analyzing the relationship between supportive behaviors and the existence of justice-oriented patterns with staff Turnover have shown that the emphasis on the significant role of distributive justice and Procedural Justice in the Turnover tendency, stated that the managers’ fair behaviors promote employee participation in achieving organizational goals and is an important adjusting factor in the decision to Turnover or not to Turnover. In this study, the pattern of Turnover tendency in sports and youth administration based on the role of organizational honesty, culture and commitment has been studied based on the conceptual model; and the goal of the study is to create an Organizational Supportive driving factors’ pattern of the Turnover tendency. Methods: The present research is a Sequential-Exploratory Mixed Method Design type and was implemented in two phases, qualitative and quantitative. The statistical samples of the study. based on the minimum statistical sample required in structural equation research, included (n = 115) employees and executives and staff of sports and youth departments Golestan province who were randomly selected for the purpose of the study. In the qualitative phase of the research, through semi-organized interviews with university professors in the field of management and organizational behavior and staff and senior managers of sports and youth departments (n = 15) using the Delphi method to achieve theoretical saturation. In the quantitative part, with confirming the optimal reliability of the questionnaire items was implemented using Cronbach's alpha method, the modified version of Kim (2007) Turnover intention questionnaire, the employee-employer relationship quality questionnaire of Grunig and Huang (2002), the organizational commitment questionnaire of Mayer et al. (1993), as well as a modified version of the Rupp and Cropanzano (2002) Organizational Integrity Questionnaire, which was set as a 5-point Likert scale. Finally, using KMO (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin) test and Bartlett’ s test of sphericity, in order to ensure the structural validity of latent variables and optimal fit of the research conceptual model, LISREL and SPSS software were used at a significance level of 0. 05. Results: According to the results of the study, the quality component of employee-organization relations (β = 0. 78) and managerial honesty (β = 0. 77) had the greatest impact on the Turnover tendency of employees, respectively. But structural analysis of the path regarding the component of quality of employee-organization relations, showed that among the four components: trust level, commitment, satisfaction and control, the occurrence of reciprocal control behaviors with factor load (β = 0. 89), was the main explanatory factor. Also, the output of regression test in predicting Turnover tendency showed that the regression coefficient of the quality component of the employee-organization relationship equal to (β =-0. 63). A significant percentage of variance (R2 = 0. 64), given the number of standard error, is explained by the quality component of the employee-organization relationship. Therefore, according to the significance of ANOVA test, the positive and significant effect of this component on the latent variable was explained (F = 11. 67). Analyzing regression coefficient values (β =-0. 53) and variance error (R2 = 0. 57) of the supervisor honesty component also confirmed its significant effect on the latent variable of the survey (F = 17. 26). Conclusion: The quality of employee-organization relations and the Honesty of The Supervisor had the greatest impact on the Turnover tendency, respectively. Also, fair behavior affected the Turnover tendency. Not to use the abilities of all employees, lack of vision to improve the type and way of payments and inappropriate actions of managers lead to dissatisfaction and eventually Turnover in the organization. Therefore, the adoption and implementation of policies and procedures by senior organizational managers, should be in accordance with motivational (transformational) management methods such as preparing an intimate and professional work environment, justice through fair behavior in the distribution of organizational resources, transparency and clarity of work procedures, equal job promotion opportunities along with participation of all employees in organizational decisions according to their job background, while maintaining the workforce and especially knowledgeable and specialized human resources, preparing the growth and development basis, and minimizing the variables affecting organizational departure and Turnover.


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    APA: Copy

    Alavi, Seyed Hossein, Ghezelseflou, Hamid Raza, FAKHRI, FARNAZ, & Farajtabar Behrestaq, Saqqa. (2020). Organizational supportive driving factors’ pattern of the turnover tendency (honest behaviors, up to down communication skills and adherence to organizational commitments). RAZI JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES (JOURNAL OF IRAN UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES), 27(8 ), 182-194. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/397475/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Alavi Seyed Hossein, Ghezelseflou Hamid Raza, FAKHRI FARNAZ, Farajtabar Behrestaq Saqqa. Organizational supportive driving factors’ pattern of the turnover tendency (honest behaviors, up to down communication skills and adherence to organizational commitments). RAZI JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES (JOURNAL OF IRAN UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES)[Internet]. 2020;27(8 ):182-194. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/397475/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Seyed Hossein Alavi, Hamid Raza Ghezelseflou, FARNAZ FAKHRI, and Saqqa Farajtabar Behrestaq, “Organizational supportive driving factors’ pattern of the turnover tendency (honest behaviors, up to down communication skills and adherence to organizational commitments),” RAZI JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES (JOURNAL OF IRAN UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES), vol. 27, no. 8 , pp. 182–194, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/397475/en

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