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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Conceptual model of productivity based on organizational culture and employees’ motivation




 Background: organizational culture gives a sense of identity to members of the organization. organizational culture is a set of basic assumptions that people in the organization, in dealing with problems, adapting to the environment and achieving internal unity and coherence, have created, discovered and developed and proved to be useful and valuable and therefore as a correct method of perception., Thinking and feeling are transmitted to new members. In other words, a set of values, guiding beliefs, understandings, and ways of thinking that are shared among members of an organization and sought by new members as the right way to do things and think is called organizational culture. this research has developed to preparation a Productivity model based on organizational culture and employees’ motivation in the department of youth and sport organization in Iran. Methods: This research is applied in terms of purpose. Also, considering that in this study, the researcher sought to investigate the relationship between organizational culture and employee motivation and Productivity, therefore, the research method was descriptive in terms of data collection. The statistical population of the study was the general managers, deputies, heads of groups and responsible experts and experts of the General Departments of Sports and Youth of 31 provinces, which numbered more than 9000 people. Statistical sample 26Study Based on the table-Kersey and Morgan, 269 people were considered and the same number of questionnaires were distributed among the statistical sample. Also, the research sampling method was selected as a cluster. Robbins (2000) organizational culture questionnaire consists of 56 items and the reliability of this questionnaire is 0. 98 and validity is 0. 88. Another research tool of the Employee Motivation Questionnaire, Ojaghi, was developed in 2010 with 30 closed-ended questions and its reliability was reported to be 85% and its validity was 0. 86. Productivity questionnaire has been validated by AGIO (Jamshidi Ghahfarkhi, 2011). This questionnaire has 26 items that the reliability of this questionnaire is 0. 87 and the validity is 0. 88. In this research, descriptive and inferential statistics have been used. Considering that the purpose of this study is to determine the correlation between variables and to estimate the criterion variable from predictor variables; Therefore, according to the results of Pearson correlation coefficient, factor analysis and path analysis, and finally to provide a suitable model, the structural equation modeling (SEM) method using SPSS 21 and LISRL software. Results and findings: The results showed that among 269 statistical samples, 160 (57. 6%) were male and 114 (42. 7%) were female. People with a bachelor's degree with 47. 6% are the most people in the statistical population. On the other hand, people with a doctoral degree with 5. 2 percent have the lowest number of the statistical population, as well as the employment status of officials with 44. 8% have the highest number of the statistical population. The results of inferential statistics of multiple correlation coefficient in Table 1 show that there is a direct and significant relationship between the criterion variable (Productivity) and predictor variables (organizational culture and employee motivation) (p<0. 001 and rp = 0. 80). This indicates that 20% of Productivity changes are related to the above factors and 80% are related to other factors outside the model. organizational culture has a more effect coefficient than employees’ motivation on Productivity and can be concluded that organizational culture has a more important role in explaining Productivity. Results: When Zone seeks organizational culture and moves toward it, management and employees must play a dynamic role in the implementation of human resource activities. According to research results, one of the key preconditions of Productivity is employee motivation, which is largely under the control of organizational managers. This result was obtained in previous research which shows that today the organizational culture has penetrated into all parts of the organization and even the most important human resource has not been deprived of this effect. organizational culture has enabled organizations to have a comprehensive and complete view of their resources, especially human resources. Using this system, it is possible to increase the level of employees' authority and give them complete and necessary information so that they can perform the task or work of the organization in the best way. organizational culture, as a kind of identity, gives members of the organization. Culture creates in individuals obligations beyond personal interests and plays a major role in human resources. Today, creating and expanding changes in human resources through organizational culture is easily done and motivates the employees of an organization. Conclusion: organizational culture has an effective role in institutionalizing employee motivation, increasing commitment, increasing competence and capability, cost efficiency and cohesion, and can lead to maximum organizational Productivity. It should be noted that organizations and companies must move forward step by step, that is, they must go through the practical and communication stages that are part of the organizational culture and consider it according to the type of approach, their point of view and localize it. Proper and accurate.


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    APA: Copy

    Arab Mokhtari, Rohollah, Sharifian, Esmeail, Ghahreman Tabrizi, Kourosh, & MANOCHEHRI NEZHAD, MOHSEN. (2020). Conceptual model of productivity based on organizational culture and employees’ motivation. RAZI JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES (JOURNAL OF IRAN UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES), 27(8 ), 150-157. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/403734/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Arab Mokhtari Rohollah, Sharifian Esmeail, Ghahreman Tabrizi Kourosh, MANOCHEHRI NEZHAD MOHSEN. Conceptual model of productivity based on organizational culture and employees’ motivation. RAZI JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES (JOURNAL OF IRAN UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES)[Internet]. 2020;27(8 ):150-157. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/403734/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Rohollah Arab Mokhtari, Esmeail Sharifian, Kourosh Ghahreman Tabrizi, and MOHSEN MANOCHEHRI NEZHAD, “Conceptual model of productivity based on organizational culture and employees’ motivation,” RAZI JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES (JOURNAL OF IRAN UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES), vol. 27, no. 8 , pp. 150–157, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/403734/en

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