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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Presenting a Model to Develop the Relationship between Industry and University in the Units of Tehran, Islamic Azad University




 Background: The purpose of this study was to provide a model to develop the relationship between industry and the university in the units of the Islamic Azad University of Tehran. The research method was qualitative hybrid method by grounded theory and structural equation model by quantitative method. Methods: The research community in the qualitative section consisted of professors, specialists and experts in this field and the quantitative section consisted of all the deans of Tehran Azad University, the deans of the faculties and the heads of the industrial relations centers in the university. The number of samples in the qualitative section that was purposefully selected was 12 professors, specialists and experts and in the quantitative section, 337 professors and experts were selected using the Cochran's formula. The research tools were semi-structured interview and researcher-made questionnaire. Analysis of collected data, in the qualitative part was done by grounded theory method and through coding (open, axial and selective) using MAXQDA software and in the quantitative part by descriptive and inferential methods using SPSS 16 software and Smart PLS. Results: Eight components are involved in explaining the development model of Industry-University Relationship in the units of the Islamic Azad University of Tehran, which are: individual dimension-intellectual component, individual dimension-attitudinal component, individual dimension-skill component, individual dimension-psychological component, individual dimension-demographic component, organizational dimension-legal components, organizational dimension-cultural component, organizational dimension-component managerial, organizational dimension-financial component, organizational dimension-structural component, organizational dimension-policy component, organizational dimension-government component, environmental dimension-industry characteristics component, and finally environmental dimension-infrastructure component. Conclusion: To check the fit of the model, check the X2, R and RS; it was discussed that the presence of low X2 and the ratio of chi-square to the degree of freedom less than three, as well as the coefficient of determination and the adjusted coefficient of determination were calculated; which indicates the proper fit of the model.


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    APA: Copy

    hosseinloo, fereshteh, ZAMANI MOGHADAM, AFSANEH, & sorani yancheshmeh, reza. (2021). Presenting a Model to Develop the Relationship between Industry and University in the Units of Tehran, Islamic Azad University. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL COUNCIL OF I.R.I., 39(2 ), 116-125. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/413080/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    hosseinloo fereshteh, ZAMANI MOGHADAM AFSANEH, sorani yancheshmeh reza. Presenting a Model to Develop the Relationship between Industry and University in the Units of Tehran, Islamic Azad University. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL COUNCIL OF I.R.I.[Internet]. 2021;39(2 ):116-125. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/413080/en

    IEEE: Copy

    fereshteh hosseinloo, AFSANEH ZAMANI MOGHADAM, and reza sorani yancheshmeh, “Presenting a Model to Develop the Relationship between Industry and University in the Units of Tehran, Islamic Azad University,” JOURNAL OF MEDICAL COUNCIL OF I.R.I., vol. 39, no. 2 , pp. 116–125, 2021, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/413080/en

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