CopyMOHAMMADKHANI, MOHYEDIN, Haghighat, Shaniya, Beidaghi, Fahimeh, & Bagheri Panah, Maryam. (2021). Path Analysis Model of the Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Religious Coping Styles, Spiritual Experiences and Subjective Well-being in Payame Noor University Staff. JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ON RELIGION AND HEALTH, 6(4 ), 18-31. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/414238/en
CopyMOHAMMADKHANI MOHYEDIN, Haghighat Shaniya, Beidaghi Fahimeh, Bagheri Panah Maryam. Path Analysis Model of the Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Religious Coping Styles, Spiritual Experiences and Subjective Well-being in Payame Noor University Staff. JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ON RELIGION AND HEALTH[Internet]. 2021;6(4 ):18-31. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/414238/en
CopyMOHYEDIN MOHAMMADKHANI, Shaniya Haghighat, Fahimeh Beidaghi, and Maryam Bagheri Panah, “Path Analysis Model of the Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Religious Coping Styles, Spiritual Experiences and Subjective Well-being in Payame Noor University Staff,” JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ON RELIGION AND HEALTH, vol. 6, no. 4 , pp. 18–31, 2021, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/414238/en