Information Journal Paper
CopyFahmi, Achmad, Kuntawi Aji, Yunus, Aprianto, Dirga Rachmad, Wido, Akbar, Asadullah, Asadullah, Roufi, Nurkholis, Indiastuti, Danti Nur, Subianto, Heri, & Turchan, Agus. (2021). The Eff ect of Intrathecal Injection of Dextromethorphan on the Experimental Neuropathic Pain Model. ANESTHESIOLOGY AND PAIN MEDICINE, 11(3), 0-0. SID.
CopyFahmi Achmad, Kuntawi Aji Yunus, Aprianto Dirga Rachmad, Wido Akbar, Asadullah Asadullah, Roufi Nurkholis, Indiastuti Danti Nur, Subianto Heri, Turchan Agus. The Eff ect of Intrathecal Injection of Dextromethorphan on the Experimental Neuropathic Pain Model. ANESTHESIOLOGY AND PAIN MEDICINE[Internet]. 2021;11(3):0-0. Available from:
CopyAchmad Fahmi, Yunus Kuntawi Aji, Dirga Rachmad Aprianto, Akbar Wido, Asadullah Asadullah, Nurkholis Roufi, Danti Nur Indiastuti, Heri Subianto, and Agus Turchan, “The Eff ect of Intrathecal Injection of Dextromethorphan on the Experimental Neuropathic Pain Model,” ANESTHESIOLOGY AND PAIN MEDICINE, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 0–0, 2021, [Online]. Available: