Information Journal Paper
CopyGHAYEGHRAN, AMIRREZA, Akbarshahi, Maryam, SALEHI, ZIVAR, & DAVOUDI KIAKALAYEH, ALI. (2017). Analysis of apolipoprotein E genetic variation in patients with Alzheimer disease referred to Imam Reza Clinic, Rasht, Iran, in 2015. CURRENT JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY (IRANIAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY), 16(4), 173-177. SID.
CopyGHAYEGHRAN AMIRREZA, Akbarshahi Maryam, SALEHI ZIVAR, DAVOUDI KIAKALAYEH ALI. Analysis of apolipoprotein E genetic variation in patients with Alzheimer disease referred to Imam Reza Clinic, Rasht, Iran, in 2015. CURRENT JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY (IRANIAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY)[Internet]. 2017;16(4):173-177. Available from:
CopyAMIRREZA GHAYEGHRAN, Maryam Akbarshahi, ZIVAR SALEHI, and ALI DAVOUDI KIAKALAYEH, “Analysis of apolipoprotein E genetic variation in patients with Alzheimer disease referred to Imam Reza Clinic, Rasht, Iran, in 2015,” CURRENT JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY (IRANIAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY), vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 173–177, 2017, [Online]. Available: