Information Journal Paper
CopyMARKATOS, KONSTANTINOS, Kaseta, Maria Kiriaki, Chronopoulos, Efstathios, Sourlas, Ioannis, LAIOS, KONSTANTINOS, & ANDROUTSOS, GEORGIOS. (2017). Paul of Aegina (ca 625-690 AD), His Work and His Contribution to the Treatment of Spine Disorders: The First Routine Laminectomy in the Recorded History. JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ON HISTORY OF MEDICINE, 6(1 ), 25-32. SID.
CopyMARKATOS KONSTANTINOS, Kaseta Maria Kiriaki, Chronopoulos Efstathios, Sourlas Ioannis, LAIOS KONSTANTINOS, ANDROUTSOS GEORGIOS. Paul of Aegina (ca 625-690 AD), His Work and His Contribution to the Treatment of Spine Disorders: The First Routine Laminectomy in the Recorded History. JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ON HISTORY OF MEDICINE[Internet]. 2017;6(1 ):25-32. Available from:
CopyKONSTANTINOS MARKATOS, Maria Kiriaki Kaseta, Efstathios Chronopoulos, Ioannis Sourlas, KONSTANTINOS LAIOS, and GEORGIOS ANDROUTSOS, “Paul of Aegina (ca 625-690 AD), His Work and His Contribution to the Treatment of Spine Disorders: The First Routine Laminectomy in the Recorded History,” JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ON HISTORY OF MEDICINE, vol. 6, no. 1 , pp. 25–32, 2017, [Online]. Available: