Information Journal Paper
CopyALIYARI SEREJ, ZEYNAB, Ebrahimi, Ayyub, Barazvan, Balal, EBRAHIMI KALAN, ABBAS, Hajiasgharzadeh, Khalil, KAZEMI, TOHID, & BARADARAN, BEHZAD. (2020). Recent Advances in Targeting of Breast Cancer Stem Cells Based on Biological Concepts and Drug Delivery System Modification. ADVANCED PHARMACEUTICAL BULLETIN, 10(3), 338-349. SID.
CopyALIYARI SEREJ ZEYNAB, Ebrahimi Ayyub, Barazvan Balal, EBRAHIMI KALAN ABBAS, Hajiasgharzadeh Khalil, KAZEMI TOHID, BARADARAN BEHZAD. Recent Advances in Targeting of Breast Cancer Stem Cells Based on Biological Concepts and Drug Delivery System Modification. ADVANCED PHARMACEUTICAL BULLETIN[Internet]. 2020;10(3):338-349. Available from:
CopyZEYNAB ALIYARI SEREJ, Ayyub Ebrahimi, Balal Barazvan, ABBAS EBRAHIMI KALAN, Khalil Hajiasgharzadeh, TOHID KAZEMI, and BEHZAD BARADARAN, “Recent Advances in Targeting of Breast Cancer Stem Cells Based on Biological Concepts and Drug Delivery System Modification,” ADVANCED PHARMACEUTICAL BULLETIN, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 338–349, 2020, [Online]. Available: