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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources



Information Journal Paper


Effect of Core Stability Training on the Endurance and Strength of Core in Basketball Players with Trunk Dysfunction


 Mohammad Ali Nasab Firouzjah Ebrahim | DANESHMANDI HASSAN | NORASTEH ALI ASGHAR | Issue Writer Certificate 




 Background: Core stability is predominantly provided by the dynamic function of musculature. Although poor core stability ultimately leads to injury, a proper training can reduce injury. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of core stability training on the endurance and strength of core muscles among basketball players with trunk dysfunction. Methods: The present research was a semi-experimental study. 28 basketball players with trunk dysfunction were voluntarily participated in this study, who were then divided into two groups randomly as experimental (n=14) and control (n=14) groups. At the onset of the study, core strength and endurance were measured using some field-based tests. Dynamometer was utilized for strength and the Sorensen, trunk flexion, right and left bridge, and Prone Bridge were used for endurance measurements as pre-test. Experimental group performed the exercise training in terms of the protocol, three days per week, for a 6week period. By the end of the sixth week, the subjects performed the same core tests as post-test. Results: Some significant differences were observed in Sorensen (P=0. 003), trunk flexion (P=0. 001), prone bridge (P=0. 001), right bridge (P=0. 001), left bridge (P=0. 001), total score of endurance (P=0. 001), hip abduction strength (P=0. 001), hip external rotation strength (P=0. 001), trunk extension strength (P=0. 001), and trunk flexion strength (P=0. 001) between these two groups. Conclusion: According to the results, it can be concluded that six weeks of core stability training improved core muscle strength and endurance, which are known as two components that being weak in people with trunk dysfunction. Overall, strength and conditioning coaches and basketball players with trunk dysfunction can incorporate the present study’ s core training as a viable strategy to induce a significant improvement in the core suggesting a better trunk function.




APA: Copy

Mohammad Ali Nasab Firouzjah, Ebrahim, DANESHMANDI, HASSAN, & NORASTEH, ALI ASGHAR. (2020). Effect of Core Stability Training on the Endurance and Strength of Core in Basketball Players with Trunk Dysfunction. JOURNALS OF REHABILITATION SCIENCES AND RESEARCH, 7(2), 80-86. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/772900/en

Vancouver: Copy

Mohammad Ali Nasab Firouzjah Ebrahim, DANESHMANDI HASSAN, NORASTEH ALI ASGHAR. Effect of Core Stability Training on the Endurance and Strength of Core in Basketball Players with Trunk Dysfunction. JOURNALS OF REHABILITATION SCIENCES AND RESEARCH[Internet]. 2020;7(2):80-86. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/772900/en

IEEE: Copy

Ebrahim Mohammad Ali Nasab Firouzjah, HASSAN DANESHMANDI, and ALI ASGHAR NORASTEH, “Effect of Core Stability Training on the Endurance and Strength of Core in Basketball Players with Trunk Dysfunction,” JOURNALS OF REHABILITATION SCIENCES AND RESEARCH, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 80–86, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/772900/en

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