Information Journal Paper
CopyKHOSRAVI, ABDOLRASOUL, LOTFI, FARHAD, YAZDANKHAH FARD, MOHAMMADREZA, & MIRZAEI, KAMRAN. (2021). Evaluating the Views of Undergraduate Students in the Field of Librarianship and Medical Information of Medical Universities of the Country on the Situation of Students' Virtual Education in 2021. HEALTH INFORMATION MANAGEMENT, 18(4 (80) ), 166-171. SID.
CopyKHOSRAVI ABDOLRASOUL, LOTFI FARHAD, YAZDANKHAH FARD MOHAMMADREZA, MIRZAEI KAMRAN. Evaluating the Views of Undergraduate Students in the Field of Librarianship and Medical Information of Medical Universities of the Country on the Situation of Students' Virtual Education in 2021. HEALTH INFORMATION MANAGEMENT[Internet]. 2021;18(4 (80) ):166-171. Available from:
CopyABDOLRASOUL KHOSRAVI, FARHAD LOTFI, MOHAMMADREZA YAZDANKHAH FARD, and KAMRAN MIRZAEI, “Evaluating the Views of Undergraduate Students in the Field of Librarianship and Medical Information of Medical Universities of the Country on the Situation of Students' Virtual Education in 2021,” HEALTH INFORMATION MANAGEMENT, vol. 18, no. 4 (80) , pp. 166–171, 2021, [Online]. Available: