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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Religious Reasonableness in Political Religious Reasonableness in Political Thougth of john Rawls




 like some thinkers and philosophers(like Foucault and Wittgenestein) john Rawls have had periods of thought. Gnerally, his life of thought is divided in to two periods; first begins with publication of A Theory of Jvstice(1971) and ends by political Liberalism(1996). The first period is characterized by two features): Anunique centrality of Liberal doctrne and liberalism, and absence of reasonable pluralism. In the other words, only doctrine of liberalism is reasonable, and so reesonableness of non liberal doctrines is denied. The second Period of though began with book of political Liberalism and continued until his death(2001). In genertal, two developments of thought emerged in this phase: First, proposition of reasonable pluralism; it is claimed that there is not only also liberal docrin in the society but different reasonable doctrins are found. Here matters of reasonable pluralism, overlapping Comsen sus, the politically reasonable, Reasonableness of religon (conditionally)werer discussed. Second, he extended the range of reasonobleness and proposed a concept in the name of decancey. He applied this concept to a certain Islamic society under the heading Kazanistan Which to some sxtend is reasonable ad deseving to be tolerated. Therfore religon potentially can result in reas obleness. Generally, in the heart of religious Reasonableness lie elements such as tolartion, deliberation, recognition, intersubje ctivty, dialoug, consensus. Some matters discussed in this article are: 1. What is Reasonableness? 2. What means religious Reasonableness? 3. Why I slam is reason able and how?


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    APA: Copy

    MOHSENI, JAFAR. (2020). Religious Reasonableness in Political Religious Reasonableness in Political Thougth of john Rawls. POLITICS QUARTERLY: JOURNAL OF FACULTY OF LAW AND POLITICAL SCIENCE, 49(4 ), 1141-1154. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/954708/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    MOHSENI JAFAR. Religious Reasonableness in Political Religious Reasonableness in Political Thougth of john Rawls. POLITICS QUARTERLY: JOURNAL OF FACULTY OF LAW AND POLITICAL SCIENCE[Internet]. 2020;49(4 ):1141-1154. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/954708/en

    IEEE: Copy

    JAFAR MOHSENI, “Religious Reasonableness in Political Religious Reasonableness in Political Thougth of john Rawls,” POLITICS QUARTERLY: JOURNAL OF FACULTY OF LAW AND POLITICAL SCIENCE, vol. 49, no. 4 , pp. 1141–1154, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/954708/en

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