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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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French title: Etude du Rythme de la Langue Parlé e dans la Traduction d’ Une Pierre Posé e sur une Tombe d’ Al-e Ahmad (English title: Study of the Rhythm of the Spoken Language in Translation of A Stone upon A Grave by Al-e Ahmad)




Une pierre posée sur une tombe (English key word:Al-e Ahmad 
A Stone upon A Grave) 


 French abstract: Traduire les oeuvres de Al-e Ahmad, en recré ant le Rythme de la langue parlé e dans la langue cible est un travail difficile. Ayant utilisé des phrases cadencé es et saccadé es, plein d’ allité ration et de figure de style, il donne un rythme particulier à son é criture. Par une é tude traductologique concentré e sur les ré flexions d’ Henri Meschonnic, nous tentons à dé gager les difficulté s et impasses de la traduction de l’ oeuvre d’ Al-e Ahmad à travers la traduction d’ Une pierre posé e sur une tombe, son oeuvre posthume. Pour arriver à ce but, nous allons é tudier le rythme des phrases de Al-e Ahmad sous trois axes: rythme linguistique, rythme rhé torique et rythme poé tique. Nous allons constater que les problè mes d’ ordre linguistique causé s par la dé viation grammaticale et phonologicale d’ une part et des problè mes d’ ordre culturel, lié s aux contextes traditionnels iraniens d’ autre part sont des obstacles qui rendent difficile le travail du traducteur et l’ ont parfois poussé à utiliser certaines faç ons d’ adaptation causant ainsi une perte importante du rythme langagier de Al-e Ahmad. Etant donné que ce livre n’ est pas encore traduit en franç ais, les parties proposé es sont effectué es par l’ auteur de l’ article. English abstract: Recreating Al-e Ahmad’ s spoken language and ton in translation is a difficult task. His rhythmic and irregular sentences, full of alliteration and figure of speech characterize his writing. Through a translation study focused on the reflections of Henri Meschonnic, we tried to identify the difficulties and impasses of the translation of Al-e Ahmad's literary works by studding the translation of his posthumous book, A Stone upon A Grave. To achieve this goal, we study the pace of Al-e Ahmad's sentences under three axes: linguistic rhythm, rhetorical rhythm and poetic rhythm. We’ ll find that the linguistic problems caused by grammatical and phonological deviation on the one hand, and cultural problems linked to the traditional Iranian context, on the other hand, are obstacles that make the translator's task difficult, pushing him to use certain adaptations which may lead to a significant loss of Al-e Ahmad's language rhythm. Since this book is not yet translated into French, the proposed parties are selected by the author of the article. In this research, we propose to analyze the challenges posed by writer's book, A Stone upon A Grave. In this perspective, we will first categorize the linguistic rhythm of this writer into three axes: linguistic, rhetoric and poetic rhythm, according to Meschonnic's theory on orality and rhythm. We explain the peculiarities of his writing and then by translating few sentences taken from inside this book, we will demonstrate how the colloquial style and spoken language as well as the rhythm of Djalal Al-e Ahmad's writings could be translated into French and what are the obstacles and shortcomings. To begin this research, we asked ourselves the following questions for which we will try to find suitable answers. Here are our questions: 1. What are the peculiarities of Al-e Ahmad's writing? 2. How could the translator convey and make understandable the cultural, religious and syntactic elements of Al-e Ahmad's work in French? How can the translator recreate the rhythmic language of this Iranian writer in French? Despite the difficulties that we have mentioned in this article, such as the linguistic, lexical, phonological, cultural and religious problems linked to the Persian language-culture, the translators of the works of Al-e Ahmad such as Lazard and Kotobi still managed to make the author's bittersweet humor understandable and tried to find a compromise between a translation targeted at the reader and the semantic necessities of remaining as faithful as possible to the author, while recreating, as much as possible, the language rhythm of the text. In this perspective, we point out that the translation influences the cultural evolution of Iranian society by opening it to an unknown world, by enriching its vocabulary-despite the limits and standards to be respected-while facilitating its written or spoken communication. (Damadi, 1994, pp. 57-58). In this sense, this work intends to open new paths for researchers and for those who want to further discover the work of Al-e Ahmad or other writers, in order to make Persian literature translated into French more accessible. To translate Al-e Ahmad's work, the translator must be attentive to the various language levels used by the writer and choose an appropriate style for each of these works, so as not to give the receiver the impression that all these writings have been written in the same way. In translating the Al-e Ahmad's works, one should try to write in a style that will be the dynamic equivalent of the style of each passage from the original. It is absolutely necessary to avoid giving to his works a difficult and sophisticated aspect which is foreign to him. As regards the difficulties relating to the choice of the lexicon and the translation of proverbial expressions, an al-e Ahmadian text and its French translation can never be perfectly superimposable. The translator tends to obtain a translation that is faithful to the original text, but there are still cultural subtleties difficult to translate. Regarding the recreation of rhetorical and poetic rhythms in the target language, we must allude to the difficulties which lead the translator to adopt various strategies. In deconstructing the al-e Ahmadian text, the translator must consider the specificity of his writings, whether it is an autobiography, a short story or an essay. He must analyze the style and rhythm of his language. The translator must consider the socio-cultural context of the text and try to reconstruct it in the linguistic context of his own country. To conclude, this research allowed us to better understand the obstacles in the translation of the rhythm of the spoken language by Al-e Ahmad which are rooted rather in the style of this writer because he tended to use reduplication, to remove elements of sentences, to displace phonemes and to use cultural elements in his writing. This forces the translator to transform the rhythm of the spoken language using semantic substitution or the strategy of explaining the meaning. It should be pointed out that the most important difficulty lies in the fact that there is no French equivalent, sufficiently precise, capable of rendering the true meaning of the word of the original work. As a result, fidelity to the original text may suffer from this situation and possibly lose its neutrality. Today, Al-e Ahmad’ s work and its translation still demand much more in-depth study and professionally developed critiques which will open up more windows to various areas of research.


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    APA: Copy

    SHERKAT MOGHADDAM, Sedigheh. (2021). French title: Etude du Rythme de la Langue Parlé e dans la Traduction d’ Une Pierre Posé e sur une Tombe d’ Al-e Ahmad (English title: Study of the Rhythm of the Spoken Language in Translation of A Stone upon A Grave by Al-e Ahmad). RECHERCHES EN LANGUE ET LITTERATURE FRANCAISES, 15(27 ), 150-165. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/964235/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    SHERKAT MOGHADDAM Sedigheh. French title: Etude du Rythme de la Langue Parlé e dans la Traduction d’ Une Pierre Posé e sur une Tombe d’ Al-e Ahmad (English title: Study of the Rhythm of the Spoken Language in Translation of A Stone upon A Grave by Al-e Ahmad). RECHERCHES EN LANGUE ET LITTERATURE FRANCAISES[Internet]. 2021;15(27 ):150-165. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/964235/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Sedigheh SHERKAT MOGHADDAM, “French title: Etude du Rythme de la Langue Parlé e dans la Traduction d’ Une Pierre Posé e sur une Tombe d’ Al-e Ahmad (English title: Study of the Rhythm of the Spoken Language in Translation of A Stone upon A Grave by Al-e Ahmad),” RECHERCHES EN LANGUE ET LITTERATURE FRANCAISES, vol. 15, no. 27 , pp. 150–165, 2021, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/964235/en

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