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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Content Analysis of Hedyehaye Asemani Books based on Health Education and Health Promotion Components




 Purpose: In the system of the Islamic Republic of Iran, schools and religious education are given special importance, because the early stages of personality development and development during childhood and adolescence are stabilized and sometimes remain for life, so the purpose of this study is to analyze the content of health components And the promotion of the health of the books of Hedyehaye Asemani of the Elementary school is based on the assumptions of the health system with an emphasis on education. Materials and Methods: This descriptive study uses content analysis. The statistical population of this study was all third, fourth and fifth grade Elementary textbooks for the academic year 2018-2019 (3 volumes). The research tool was Shanon Entropy. The content validity of this research was also confirmed by 12 experts in religious sciences and 8 specialists in Health Education. The content of the project is responsive (text of the books of Hedyehaye Asemani of the third, fourth and fifth grades of Elementary school) and twelve main components and 58 sub-components of education. Health and Health Promotion were examined. Findings: The results of Shannon's entropy content analysis showed that the study of the total of 3 books of Hedyehaye Asemani of the fourth, fifth and sixth Elementary courses of the component of mental health with 443 cases had the highest frequency, and the least amount related to control and Prevention of diseases and disabilities with 1 abundance. And out of a total of 620 frequency components of health components in the fourth, fifth and sixth grade Elementary school gift books, 31 items for physical health, 26 items for nutritional health, 3 items for environmental health, 6 items for environmental health, 24 items for Family health, 10 cases of safety incidents, 47 cases of physical activity, 443 cases of mental health, 17 cases of prevention of high-risk behaviors, 1 case of control and prevention of diseases, 1 case of disability, 11 cases of health Public and school health are mentioned. Conclusion: The findings of abundance show that the highest normal coefficient among the health components in the fourth, fifth and sixth grades of the primary period related to the mental health component with the value (3. 17) and the lowest coefficient of importance to control and prevent Diseases and disabilities are combined with a value of (0. 01).


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    APA: Copy

    AZIMI, MOHAMMAD. (2022). Content Analysis of Hedyehaye Asemani Books based on Health Education and Health Promotion Components. ISLAMIC LIFE STYLE CENTERED ON HEALTH, 6(1 ), 81-91. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/992307/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    AZIMI MOHAMMAD. Content Analysis of Hedyehaye Asemani Books based on Health Education and Health Promotion Components. ISLAMIC LIFE STYLE CENTERED ON HEALTH[Internet]. 2022;6(1 ):81-91. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/992307/en

    IEEE: Copy

    MOHAMMAD AZIMI, “Content Analysis of Hedyehaye Asemani Books based on Health Education and Health Promotion Components,” ISLAMIC LIFE STYLE CENTERED ON HEALTH, vol. 6, no. 1 , pp. 81–91, 2022, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/992307/en

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