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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Relationship Between Speech Sound Disorders and Neuropsychological Skills (Language and Attention Skills) in Children Mediated by Parenting Styles and Maternal Depression




 Background and Aims Speech sound disorder (SSD) is a type of communication disorders in children where normal process of speech sound learning is disrupted. Children with SSD have errors in the expression of speech sounds that can make it difficult for others to understand what they say. The present study aims to assess the relationship of neuropsychological skills (Language and Attention skills) with SSD mediated by the Parenting styles (authoritarian, authoritative, and permissive) and maternal depression. Methods This is an analytical, descriptive, correlational study using structural equation modeling (SEM). A total of 117 preschool children agef 4–, 6 years with SSD and their mothers were recruited using a purposive sampling method from among those refereed to speech and Language therapy clinics and kindergartens in Isfahan, Iran. The SSD was screened using the test proposed by Ahmadi et al. Conners’,neuropsychological assessment test, Baumrind’, s Parenting style inventory, and Beck depression inventory were completed by the mothers of children. The data were analyzed in AMOS software using the correlation test, regression analysis, path analysis, and SEM. Results The statistical analysis showed that the correlation of Language skills with SSD was significant (P=0. 019 <0. 05). However, the correlation was not significant when mediated by the Parenting styles (P=0. 665 for authoritarian style,P=0. 306 for authoritative style,P=0. 164 for permissive style) and maternal depression (P=0. 546>0. 05). On the other hand, the correlation of Attention skills with SSD was not significant (P=0. 361 >0. 05), not even after medication by the Parenting styles (P=0. 686 for authoritarian style,P=0. 315 for authoritative style,P=0. 849 for permissive style) and maternal depression (P=0. 393>0. 05). However, in the Attention model, the correlation of permissive Parenting style with SSD was significant (P=0. 026 <0. 05). Conclusion Language skills have a significant direct correlation with SSD in children, indicating that the increase of Language problems in children can increase their errors in making sounds (phonemes). The Attention skills has no significant correlation with SSD even after mediation by the Parenting styles and maternal depression. The permissive Parenting style has a significant negative correlation with SSD.


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    APA: Copy

    Zareie Shamsabadi, Naser, Shahriar Ahmadi, Mansure, GHASISIN, LEILA, & ABEDI, AHMAD. (2022). Relationship Between Speech Sound Disorders and Neuropsychological Skills (Language and Attention Skills) in Children Mediated by Parenting Styles and Maternal Depression. SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF REHABILITATION MEDICINE, 11(1 ), 78-97. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/996936/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Zareie Shamsabadi Naser, Shahriar Ahmadi Mansure, GHASISIN LEILA, ABEDI AHMAD. Relationship Between Speech Sound Disorders and Neuropsychological Skills (Language and Attention Skills) in Children Mediated by Parenting Styles and Maternal Depression. SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF REHABILITATION MEDICINE[Internet]. 2022;11(1 ):78-97. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/996936/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Naser Zareie Shamsabadi, Mansure Shahriar Ahmadi, LEILA GHASISIN, and AHMAD ABEDI, “Relationship Between Speech Sound Disorders and Neuropsychological Skills (Language and Attention Skills) in Children Mediated by Parenting Styles and Maternal Depression,” SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF REHABILITATION MEDICINE, vol. 11, no. 1 , pp. 78–97, 2022, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/996936/en

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