Background: Nanomaterials include components from 10 to 100 nanometer or even smaller in their size that can transport easily through the skin, lung alveoli or placenta. This research evaluated the effects of nano zinc oxide on limb bud development in fetal mice.Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, in vivo technique was used. Experimental goups of pregnant mice on day 11 of pregnancy were injected once intraperitoneally nano zinc oxide in doses of 0.5g/kg, 1g/kg and 1.5g/kg. On day 15 of pregnancy, the fetuses were brought out and the fore limb buds were separated from their bodies. The number of mesenchymal cells, cartilage, atrophy, and muscle, hypertrophy, dividing, degenerated cells, bone and red blood cells were analyzed in three regions from hand including fingers, forearm and arm by morphological, histological and statistical analysis.Results: Experimental fetus received 0.5g/kg nano zinc oxide were aborted. Cell counts in all three regions in experimental group2 (that received 1g/kg) and group3 (received 1.5g/kg of nano zinc oxide) showed significant changes in the number of mentioned cells in experimental goups 2 and 3, compared with control and sham (P<0.05, P<0.01, P< 0.001).Conclusion: Intraperitoneally injection of nano zinc oxide to pregnant mice showed significant effect on fore limb buds development in mice fetus.