Conjugated Linoleic Acids (CLAs) are composed of positional and stereo isomers of octadecadienoate (18: 2). They are found in foods derived from ruminants (beef and lamb as well as dairy products from these sources). When a mixture of isomers is fed to experimental animals، chemically induced cancer، tumorogenesis in mammary gland، colon and skin is decreased. Mechanisms of inhibition of carcinogenesis may include reduction of cell proliferation، induction of apoptosis and alterations in the components of the cell cycle. In addition، CLAs modulate markers of immunity and also eicosanoid formation in numerous species as well as lipid metabolism and gene expression. It is likely that CLAs exert inhibitory properties in carcinogenesis via one or more of these pathways. This review will explain recent advances byexploring the putative mechanisms of reduction of carcinogenesis by CLAs.