Background: In today's world, stress seems to be increasing all the time. Pregnant women are vulnerable to stress and its effects on health. Therefore, they should learn how to manage it efficiently.Purpose: The purpose of this descriptive study was to assess stress and its management strategies in primigravidas referring to educational hospitals of Shaheed Beheshti Medical University in 2002.Methods: 150 primigravidas between 18 and 35 were selected. They were at least at 20th week of a normal pregnancy with no complication. Different tools were used for data collection including a demographic questionnaire, general stressor scale by Holmes & Rahe, specific stressor scales in pregnancy designed by researchers, and coping strategies inventory for stress management by Billing and Moss.Results: Findings showed that mean scores of general, specific and mean stressors were 36.32 (SD=20.39), 59.60 (SD=18.59) and 51.79 (SD=15.75) respectively. The most common coping strategies were positive cognitive appraisal and emotional control, focused social support, problem solving method and somaticizing. There was a positive correlation between the total stress score and all coping strategies (P<0.05).A positive correlation was also found between the total score and emotional control, focused social support as well as somaticizing (P<0.05). There was no correlation between general stress and cognitive appraisal method, and also between specific stress score and problem solving method.Conclusion: With respect to higher scores of specific stressors than general stressors, they can have great influences on primigravidas. These can be effectively managed by applying appropriate techniques.