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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of group play therapy on improving memory performance and visual learning in primary school children based on neurological approach. Method: The present research is experimental and The design used in this study was pretest-posttest design with control group. The statistical population of the study was all male primary school students in Yazd in The year 1394-95 was formed. 100 of them were selected using multistage cluster sampling method and then were randomly assigned to control and experimental groups. The experimental group received 12 sessions (each session 60 minutes-twice a week), received trained in group play therapy, The control group received no intervention. The instruments used were The Rey– Osterrieth complex figure test (ROCF), Raven's Progressive Matrices and Seife Naraghi Test was used for data analysis Results: The results showed that Memory and visual learning of students in the experimental group compared with the control group significantly improved. the methods of descriptive and inferential statistics (mean and t-test for dependent samples and standard deviation) of degrees of freedom (p <. 05) Conclusions: Therefore it can be concluded that the strategy of group play therapy can improve the perceived performance, attention and visual sequences in male students. Based on the results, Educators are engage in learning disorders, such as teachers, counselors and psychologists suggested that this strategy is to improve the understanding, attention and visual sequences helped of students.

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The concept mapping as learning-teaching strategy has positive effects on cognitive and non-cognitive aspects of learning and it facilitates meaningful learning. The study examined the effect of concept-mapping on mathematical problem-solving performance and self-concept among 5th graders elementary school students. A pretest and posttest control-group quasi-experimental design was employed to evaluate the instructional effectiveness of this strategy. Thirty boys were randomly selected from two elementary schools located in Bostanabad District of Tabriz city, Iran was used as subjects for the study. One classroom of 15 fifth-grade students made up the experimental group, and 15 fifth-grade classrooms students comprised the control group. The experimental group was taught selected topics in math using concept-mapping strategies, while the control group was taught using the traditional lecture method. The Self-Description Questionnaires (SDQ) and mathematical performance test were used for data collection. Data have been analyzed by ANCOVA and T-test. The result of the study showed that the experimental group performed significantly better in mathematical problem solving than the control group. Also, the findings revealed that the concept mapping promotes students’ mathematics self-concept.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of interaction of educational environment experiences with the mediation of epistemological beliefs on the research self-efficacy of graduate students of Chamran University of Ahwaz. The method of this study was correlation of path analysis. The statistical population consisted of all post-graduate students of humanities in Shahid Chamran University of Ahwaz in 1395-96, That total number of them was 368. Of these, 315 people were selected as a research sampleby using stratified random sampling method. To collect the research data Questionnaires of educational-research environment Gravand(1391); Schumer's epistemological beliefs (1390) and research self-efficacy Salehi, (2011) were used. The results showed that the research model is compatible with the data collected from graduate students and the beliefs of epistemology are mediator the relationship between environmental experiences and research self-efficacy of students. Also, there was a direct relationship between the educational-research environment and all components of epistemological beliefs, including the belief in fast Learning. In addition, there was a direct relationship between all components of epistemological beliefs with research self-efficacy Instead of believing the certainty of knowledge, Also, there was a direct relationship between the educational-research environment and the research self-efficacy. In general, epistemological beliefs as an influential mediator can influence the research efficiency of students. Therefore, the central role of epistemological beliefs should be in the focus of interventions and planning associated with increasing the research self-efficacy of students.

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The present research has been carried out with the aim of evaluating Farsi book’ s contents of elementary sixth-grade based upon Gilford’ s creativity factors including memory cognition, convergent and divergent thought, and evaluative judgment. The statistics society of the entire Farsi book’ s contents contains text and test in the academic year 1391-92. The collection tool of this research’ s data is the researcher-made contents analysis form based on Gilford’ s creativity indexes. Its justifiability has been gained by getting professors’ opinions of study planning & educational psychology and tool permanency from integrating and operating definition of Gilford’ s creativity indexes and selecting 0. 20 contents of the above mentioned book through using Cronbach’ s alpha was assessed 0. 85 percent. The survey of the adjustment rate context in text with Gilford’ s creativity indexes showed that cognitive level with an explanation for. 0. 94 of the book’ s contents had the most significance followed by 4. 61, 0. 80, 0. 23 for divergent thought, convergent thought, and evaluative judgment respectively. Concerning self-evaluation adjustment, it is true to say that convergent thought, cognitive memory, and divergent thought have scored 40. 7, 31. 48, and 27. 77 percent respectively. It could be possible to reach this conclusion that in Farsi book’ s contents of elementary sixth-grade, therefore, cognitive memory has received more attention than the high levels of creativity and most attention has also been paid to divergent thought in self-evaluations.

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the purpose of this research was efficacy of hope therapy on procrastination high school students who live in area 1of Qazvin city. the procrastination. the present study using a treatment based on hope tries to solve this problem. The sample of the research includes Fifty eight boys were chosen in clustering among 1815 boys of high school the first and second area of Qazvin. After to answer the Solomon and Rothblums(1984) procrastination questionnaire, marked that twenty four of those involved procrastination in the three domain examinations, homeworks and articles of this questionnaire that led to low performance of students. after the training of hope period in the experiment group that involve 10 students in the 6 session, and comparison with control group with equal number, Data were analyzed by multivariate analysis of covariance and result show that of students to be decreased with creation trainings of hope and selfesteem in students.

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The aim of this research was to study the effectiveness of hardiness training on academic self_efficacy and social acceptance students. The research method was quasi-experiment with pretest-post test and follow up test. The population of this study consisted of all secondary school male students of Parsabad city in 2015-2016 academic years. The research sample included 30 students and who selected cluster random sampling and based on input criteria placed in two groups: experimental and control. The instruments were Crowne-Marlowe social acceptance and Morgan-Jinks academic self-efficacy scale. Experimental group used hardiness training for 10 sessions but the control group did not receive any intervention. After finishing the teaining program, the post-test carried out on both groups. The results of univariate analysis of covariance revealed that social acceptance and academic self-efficacy scores in the experimental group was then further tests and Between the experimental and control groups in terms of social acceptance and self-study there was a significant difference(p<0/001). So, hardiness training on academic self_efficacy and social acceptance students has been effective.

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The aim of this study was to investigate the psychometric properties of Big Five Questionnaire for Children (BFQ-C-SF). The statistical population of this study was all students of the sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth grades of Ardabil city. From this population, 450 students were selected by Multistage cluster sampling and participated in this study. the Greek Big Five Questionnaire for Children (GBFQ-C-SF) (Markos and Kokkinos, 2017) and Juvenile Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (Eysenck and Eysenck, 1975) were used to collect data. For analyzing data, Cronbach’ s alpha, convergent reliability, Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis were used. Result showed this questionnaire has a good validity (Cronbach’ s Alpha for Conscientiousness 0/75, Intellect/Openness 0/87, Agreeableness 0/72, Emotional Instability 0/88 and Energy/Extraversion 0/83). Result of Exploratory factor analysis showed that five factor structure of the questionnaire (Conscientiousness, Intellect/Openness, Agreeableness, Emotional Instability and Energy/Extraversion) could explain 66/77 percent of total variance. Confirmatory factor analysis results shown that this scale has good fitness (CFI=0/96, TLI=0/95, RFI=0/94 and RMSEA=0/057). Therefore, it can be concluded that this questionnaire is an appropriate tool for assessing the five-factor personality model in children and adolescents.

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the aim of this study was to examine the relationship between self-efficacy and spiritual intelligence with responsibility taking in 5 zone of Tehran educational system. A total of 245 employees from among 3245 female students were selected by multi stage cluster sampling and was completed by randomly selected and tested on a voluntary basis and were analyzed. Responsibility taking questionnaire (Gaff), Self-efficacy, King's spiritual intelligence questionnaire (SISIR) were applied as a research instrument. in this regard correlation and step by step regression analysis was employed. The correlation between efficiency and overall score. Findings reveals that increasing self-efficacy score significantly change the responsibility, because this correlation is negative, an increase in self-efficacy score leads to a reduction in responsibility. and an increase in spiritual intelligence score and its subscales The stress has been associated with a decrease in self-efficacy and the components of transcendental consciousness and expanded consciousness mode (the component of spiritual intelligence) were able to predict stress in staff and self-efficacy and transcendental consciousness (of spiritual intelligence components) can to predict responsibility.

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This paper investigated the relationship between social support (types, amount and importance of sources) with subjective well-being and academic achievement of pre-university female students. The research method was a descriptive and correlational (regression). The statistical population was all pre-university female students in Birjand. 220 students were selected randomly from three pre-university centres. Scale of Social Support for Children and Adolescents (CASSS2000, Malecki, Demary, & Ellliot, 2000) and Oxford Happiness Questionnaire (OHI) was used to measure the research variables. The data were analyzed using multiple regression. The research findings showed there was a statistically positive relationship between sources of social support and perceived level of support from parents and classmates with subjective well-being. In addition, only the importance of receiving support from parents related positively to students' subjective well-being. In types of support, only emotional and informational support had a statistically positive relationship with subjective well-being. On the other hand, the research results also showed that there was not a statistically correlation between types and network of social support with academic achievement. The study specifically highlights the role of parental support in subjective well-being.

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