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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Investigate the content of Persian books to read sixth grade elementary indices based on subjective factors and creativity in terms of Guildford




 The present research has been carried out with the aim of evaluating Farsi book’ s contents of elementary sixth-grade based upon Gilford’ s creativity factors including memory cognition, convergent and divergent thought, and evaluative judgment. The statistics society of the entire Farsi book’ s contents contains text and test in the academic year 1391-92. The collection tool of this research’ s data is the researcher-made contents analysis form based on Gilford’ s creativity indexes. Its justifiability has been gained by getting professors’ opinions of study planning & educational psychology and tool permanency from integrating and operating definition of Gilford’ s creativity indexes and selecting 0. 20 contents of the above mentioned book through using Cronbach’ s alpha was assessed 0. 85 percent. The survey of the adjustment rate context in text with Gilford’ s creativity indexes showed that cognitive level with an explanation for. 0. 94 of the book’ s contents had the most significance followed by 4. 61, 0. 80, 0. 23 for divergent thought, convergent thought, and evaluative judgment respectively. Concerning self-evaluation adjustment, it is true to say that convergent thought, cognitive memory, and divergent thought have scored 40. 7, 31. 48, and 27. 77 percent respectively. It could be possible to reach this conclusion that in Farsi book’ s contents of elementary sixth-grade, therefore, cognitive memory has received more attention than the high levels of creativity and most attention has also been paid to divergent thought in self-evaluations.


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    APA: Copy

    HASSANI, KAZEM, KOULAEI NEJAD, JAMALOUDIN, FARAMARZI, SAHRA, Abdipoor, Fozieh, & Abdipoor, Farough. (2018). Investigate the content of Persian books to read sixth grade elementary indices based on subjective factors and creativity in terms of Guildford. QUARTERLY EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY, 14(48 ), 57-72. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/112288/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    HASSANI KAZEM, KOULAEI NEJAD JAMALOUDIN, FARAMARZI SAHRA, Abdipoor Fozieh, Abdipoor Farough. Investigate the content of Persian books to read sixth grade elementary indices based on subjective factors and creativity in terms of Guildford. QUARTERLY EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY[Internet]. 2018;14(48 ):57-72. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/112288/en

    IEEE: Copy

    KAZEM HASSANI, JAMALOUDIN KOULAEI NEJAD, SAHRA FARAMARZI, Fozieh Abdipoor, and Farough Abdipoor, “Investigate the content of Persian books to read sixth grade elementary indices based on subjective factors and creativity in terms of Guildford,” QUARTERLY EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY, vol. 14, no. 48 , pp. 57–72, 2018, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/112288/en

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