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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and aim: Prisoners are at great risk of hepatitis C infection. The aim of thisstudy is systematic review and meta-analysis of the prevalence of hepatitis C in Iranianprisoners. Material and Method: A meta-analysis was performed on relevant articles indexed during2001-2016 in Persian and English languages in the international scientific databasesincluding Scupos, Science Direct, Medline (PubMed) and Google Scholar and also Iraniandatabases including Magiran and Scientific Information Database (SID). Bibliographies ofthe identified articles were reviewed for additional articles. Heterogeneity of the results of thestudies was checked using I2 index. Data were analyzed using the Comprehensive Metaanalysis(CMA) software. Results: The overall prevalence of Hepatitis C in Iranian prisoners was 18. 6 % (95% Cl12. 4%-27. 1%) during 2001-2016. The highest prevalence of Hepatitis C was recorded inRasht prisoners in 2006, 45. 4% (95% Cl: 40. 9%-50%) and the lowest prevalence of HepatitisC was found in Isfahan in 2012 which was7. 4% (95% Cl: 4. 2%-12. 5%). Conclusion: Considering the high prevalence of hepatitis C in Iranian prisons, it isrecommended that health officials and policy makers pay more attention to prevention andcontrol of Hepatitis C in prisons.

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Background and Aim: In Occupational Health, the workplace environment is classified asone of the detrimental physical factors and based on the hygienic regulations, the individualand environmental monitoring of this factor and subsequently attempting to control it, isnecessary in workplace. Thus, this study aims to investigate how the bakers deal with the heatstress in traditional and modern bakeries of Kermanshah in December, 2016 andJanuary2017. Material and method: In this study, 116 bakers who were working in 63 bakeries werechosen randomly out of 213 traditional and modern bakeries of Kermanshah and the WBGTindex was measured in their waist. The preliminary assessment of the heat stressquestionnaire was utilized to evaluate the abstract effects caused by the heat for all of thebakers working in the bakeries of Kermanshah. Results: The results indicated that the mean of the WBGT indices in modern and traditionalpita bakeries were 25. 63± 2. 79 and 28. 55± 2. 82 respectively, which shows that the meanof the WBGT index in traditional bakeries was more than that of the modern ones(p<0. 05). Also, with regard to the abstract effects caused by working in bakeries, the results showedthat 64. 6%of the participants in both groups suffer from the muscular pain. Conclusion: This study showed that the heat stress index of the WBGT in traditionalbakeries in the winter was significantly more than the standard level; therefore, the baker'shealth in traditional bakeries of Kermanshah is alarming. This study indicated that most ofthe participants suffer from the muscular pain, so it is recommended that other researchersconduct more studies focusing on finding appropriate solutions in order to decrease themusculoskeletal effects of bakers.

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Background and Aim: Mental health is more important than the main part of health-innurses. The aim of this study was to determine the level of mental health and its relation withsome of the underlying variables of nurses working in educational hospitals of Zanjan city-the second half of 95. Material and Method: This quantitative study is a descriptive survey that was conducted in1395. From 640 nurses of educational hospitals in Zanjan, 250 individuals were randomlyselected. Research instruments included mental health and demographic informationquestionnaires. Data analysis was done using spss22 software and descriptive statistics(mean, standard deviation, frequency) and analytical (chi-square) methods. Results: The average score of mental health in this study was 22. 9. There was no significantrelationship between the mental health and age, sex, marital status, job title, work experienceand type of employment. There was a significant relationship between the mental health andthe hospital ward (p<0. 05). Intensive care ward and emergency room nurses as well as thepublic ward nurses have less mental health score than the other wards. Conclusion: Regarding the level of mental health among nurses working in educationalhospitals in Zanjan, it seems that educational programs and interventions to improve mentalhealth in this group are necessary.

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Background and Aim: Marital Infidelity is a shocking problem for couples and families, andis a common phenomenon for marriage, family counselors and therapists. Spouses affectedby infidelity react to this crisis in emotional, physical and mental dimensions. The presentstudy was designed by the aim of determining the effect of forgiveness-based intervention onCouple burnout in women affected by infidelity of spouse. Material and Method: The present study is a Quasi-experimental study with pretest-posttest, control group and random assignment design. The study population consisted of all womenwith the problem of infidelity of spouse referring to Rastin counseling and psychologicalservices clinic in the second half of 2014. The sample consisted of 24 females who wereselected by purposeful non-random sampling method and were assigned into two groups ofexperiment and control by random assignment. In the pre-test and post-test phases, thesubjects completed Couple Burnout Measure of Pines (CBM, 1996). Participants in theexperiment group received forgiveness-based intervention in 8 sessions of 1. 5-hour in groups, while the control group received no intervention. The data were analyzed through one-wayanalysis of covariance (ANCOVA) in SPSSv20. Results: Results indicated that, in the post-test phase, there was a significant differencebetween the experiment group and the control group in terms of couple burnout. In otherwords, the forgiveness-based intervention has significantly reduced couple burnout in womenaffected by infidelity of spouse. Conclusion: The forgiveness-based intervention is effective in reducing Couple burnout inwomen affected by infidelity of spouse. Therefore, counselors and family therapists will findit useful to use this approach as an appropriate interventional option treatment of coupleinfidelity.

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Background and Aim: Abilizol is used in the treatment of schizophrenia and bipolar maniadisorders. This study aimed to find the effect of abilizol on body weight changes and kidneyfactors in adult male rats. Material and Method: In this experimental study, 50 adult male rats from wistar race weredivided into five groups of 10. The control group received no drug and the sham groupreceived distilled water as the drug solvent. The experimental groups received 5, 10 and 15mg/kg of abilizol drug gavage for 28 days. At the end of the experimental period, bodyweight changes were examined and blood samples were taken from all groups. Creatinine andblood urea nitrogen (BUN) were measured. Results: No significant differences were observed in body weight and serum levels ofcreatinine between experimental groups which received different amounts of abilizol drugand the control group. The serum level of BUN in experimental groups which received10, 15mg/kg of abilizol drug showed a significant reduction compared to the control group(p>0. 05). Conclusion: Results showed that abilizol drug decreased blood urea nitrogen.

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Background and Aim: Given the importance of co-authorship and thematic networks indeveloping specialization and improving the quality of scientific works, the aim of this studywas to map and analyze co-authorship and thematic networks in Kurdistan University ofMedical Sciences in Science Citation Database during 2011-2016Material and Method: The study population comprised of scientific productions ofKurdistan University of Medical Sciences, indexed in Web of Science during 2011-2016. HistCite and Microsoft Excel were used to analyze data. CiteSpace and Gephi software werealso used to map and analyze the networks. Results: The number of scientific productions of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciencesin the examined years were 518 documents with a total of 4914 citations. The averagenumber of citations per document was 9 citations and five writers pattern was the dominantpattern of co-authorship in these years. Cooperation index in the examined years was 5. 66%, degree of collaboration was 99. 0% and degree of cooperation was 98%. Researchers’ tendency to create a co-authorship network increased during 2011-2016. Canada had thehighest international cooperation with Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences. In themapped thematic network, environmental, public and professional health had the highestdegree centrality and pharmacy and pharmacology had the highest betweenness centralityamong the topics studied at this university. Conclusion: Given the high level of scientific cooperation and collaboration amongresearchers of Kurdistan University of Medical Sciences, it is recommended to createnecessary grounds for initiating and consolidating international and national cooperations andset up scientific and expert collaborative groups.

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Background and Aim: The relationship between religiosity and academic achievement ofstudents can determine the distance between different aspects of religiosity and scientificdevelopment at university level and assist the authorities in planning to avoid a gap betweenthe scientific and spiritual aspects of the universities. The purpose of this study was toinvestigate the academic achievement and its relationship with religiosity in students ofKurdistan University of Medical Sciences. Material and Method: This cross-sectional and analytical study was carried out on 670students of Kurdistan University of Medical Science in 2015. The data were collected by astandard two-part questionnaire with Cronbach's Alpha of (0. 824) which was used in otherstudies. The first part including demographic characteristics, and the second part was 26questions aboutdifferent aspects of religiosity. The data were analyzed by SPSS 20, U-Mann-Withny and Kruscal Wallis test. Results: More than 90% of the students answered all of the questions and returnedquestionnaires. 301 cases (49. 5%) of them were man and the others were women. The meanscore of the students' religiosity was 88. 52± 15. 74. There was a significant statisticaldifference between the religiosity and academic achievement, but the correlation betweenthem was inversely. The lowest and the highest mean scores were related to the religiousrituals(2. 68± 0. 91) and belief (3. 88± 0. 84), respectively. There was a significant statisticaldifference between religiosity and sex (p<0. 001). Conclusion: The findings of this study showed thatthere is a reverse correlation between thelevel of religiosity and academic achievement of the students. The results of this research canprovide a starting point for further study of the cultural affairs of the university so that bydesigning appropriate programs, including qualitative researches to find the reasons of thisinverse relationship and take the necessary steps to resolve it.

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Background and Aim: Job satisfaction, which is defined as an attitude of how people feelabout their job, is a very important issue in the category of human resource productivity inorganizations. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of emotional intelligence andtime management in predication of job satisfaction among bank employees in Kermanshah inOctober & November 2016. Material and Method: In this descriptive-correlational study, a sample of 120 employeesfrom among all of the bank employees in Kermanshah state in 2015 was selected throughrandom cluster sampling method. The data collection tool consisted of Bradberry &Greaves’ s emotional intelligence, Podsakoff’ s job satisfaction and time managementquestionnaire of Hashemizadeh. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation test and regression. Results: The results showed that there was a significant positive correlation between jobsatisfaction and emotional intelligence (r=0. 682) and between job satisfaction and timemanagement (r=0. 498) at the level of P<0. 001. The results of regression analysis showed thatemotional intelligence and time management predicted respectively 21% and 41% ofvariance of job satisfaction variable (P<0. 001). Conclusion: According to the relationship between the emotional intelligence and timemanagement with job satisfaction, training and increasing emotional intelligence and timemanagement can increase job satisfaction and, consequently, increase productivity in theworkplace.

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