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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objective: Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is themost prevalent liver disease in the world. Life style modificationparticularly physical activity is the most important treatmentstrategy. The purpose of the present study was to examine effect ofresistance training and high intensity interval training on fatty liverbiochemical indices, insulin resistance and liver fat. Subjects and Methods: A total 22 with nonalcoholic fatty livermen enrolled and randomized to resistance training or highintensity interval training. The resistance training group performedsix multi joint exercises at 65-70 % 1RM. Interval training groupperformed 6-12 × 60 s intervals at 80-85 % HRmax, each intervalseparated with 2 min active rest. Both training groups performedtraining three times per week. The plasma concentration of liveramino transferase enzymes, lipid profile, insulin resistance indexand liver fat measured pre-and 72-h after the last training session. The paired sample T test and independent sample T test used foranalysis of changes within group and between group differences, respectively. Results: The plasma ALT concentration significantly decreased inresistance (P= 0. 046) and interval (P= 0. 011) training groups. Thefasting insulin and insulin resistance index in both groups (P≤ 0. 001). The liver fat decreased in both groups. The lipid profilesignificantly improved in both groups. No significant differencesobserved between groups in any parameter. Conclusion: It seems that both resistance and interval training areappropriate training strategy for non-alcoholic fatty liver patent andcan improve plasma ALT, lipid profile, insulin resistance and liverfat.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objective: Stuttering is a disorder in fluencyof speech and is affected by different factors. According toeffects of linguistic, cultural and social factors on severity ofstuttering, by identifying the situations and conditions thatinfluenced the stutterers more than others, we can identifyeffects of situations, control, and use them in generalizationstage of treatment. The aim of the present research wasexploring of the relationship between anxiety-causing specialspeech situations and severity of stuttering by SubjectiveScreening of Stuttering (SSS) in 12-35 y old persons. Subjects and Method: The present research was a crosssectionalstudy involving 30 subjects aged 12-35 year who werereferred to the speech therapy clinics in Isfahan. The severity ofstuttering was assessed by the percentage of stuttered syllablesand situations of anxiety were investigated by SSS. Result: The overall results of the present study showed that thedifferences between the severities of stuttering in 3 situations ofSubjective Screening of Stuttering, were not significant, but inthe dual comparison between the situations, significantdifferences between the severity of stuttering in speaking withclose friend and empower person were significant. Conclusion: According to the results of current study, speakingwith empower person was more difficult than the othersituations and can influence the severity of stuttering, avoidanceand control of speech.

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Background and Objective: Recently, most digital imagingsystems provide the option of image post-processing with differenttechniques. Thus, the aim of present study was to compare themeasurement of distance from CEJ to alveolar crest on original &inverted digital radiograph. Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, 29 extractedanterior and posterior teeth on Ahvaz dental clinics were gatheredand were placed on 10 ovine mandibles. Distance between CEJ toalveolar crest were measured by caliper. Digital radiograph(parallel technique) were exposed on Digora Optime system. Fiftyeight points of proximal surfaces for measuring the CEJ to alveolarcrest were marked up. The unfiltered and filtered (inverted filter)images were evaluated by two observers. Data was statisticallyanalyzed using SPSS software and repeated measurement test. Results: Mean for registered data for gold standard (measured bycaliper) was 5. 5501 and for registered data for first observer onfiltered and unfiltered images were 5. 0025 and 5. 1379 respectively. This means for the same parameters by a second observer werecalculated as 5. 1483 and 5. 0103 respectively. There was nosignificant difference between original radiograph and the filteredradiograph. Conclusion: According to the results of the present study there isno significant difference in digital radiograph comparing with andwithout inverted filter to the gold standard. Thus, there is nopriority on using any of the original and inverted digitalradiography.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objective: Different microorganisms can causeurinary tract infections, but Enterobacteriaceae family, likeEscherichia coli and Klebsiella, are the most causative agents ofurinary tract infections. So, in this study drug susceptibility testingof Klebsiella pneumonia and Escherichia coli (E. coli) was done tofive common antibiotics. Subjects and Method: This cross – sectional study was done on100 samples (50 samples of Klebsiella, 50 samples of E. coli)isolated from patients with urinary infections (81 female, 19 male)with mean range 43. 3± 18. 15 y on which biochemical separatingtests and Gram staining was done for accurate identification ofthese strains. Antibiotic susceptibility test was done by diskdiffusion (Kirby Bauer) and microdilution method in accordancewith CLSI M7 guideline. Obtained data were analyzed by SPSSsoftware 17 and values of P<0. 05 were considered significant. Results: From 50 strains of E. coli, 45 strains to imipenem, 38strains to ceftriaxone and ciprofloxacin, 18 strains to coamoxiclauvand 19 strains to co-trimoxazole were susceptible butfrom 50 strains of Klebsiella, 45 strains were susceptible toimipenem, 35 strains to ceftriaxone, 37 strains to ciprofloxacin, 20strains to co-amoxiclauv and 21 strains to co-trimoxazole. Conclusion: The type of method used in antibiotic susceptibilitytesting has no effect on results but spontaneous and irregular use ofantibiotics should be controlled.

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View 963

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Background and Objective: Physical activity and someantioxidants, such as vitamin C, can affect the immune system. This The current research attempts to determine the immune systemreaction following consumption of vitamin C after an aerobicphysical activity. Subjects and Methods: In the present experimental work, 24females aged 32 y were selected by random sampling and dividedinto two 12-subjects groups, first group (vitamin C) and the secondgroup (placebo). In the pre-test, the serum baseline measurementsfor IgG and IgA were made for both groups. Then, 500 mg ofvitamin C was given to the experimental group once daily for 5days. After five days, blood samples were taken from both groups. Finally, on the 6th day immediately blood sampling was performedafter aerobic physical exercise (Bruce test). And then was taken tothe lab by immunological examination after analyzing the data, therequired information was collected. Results: The results showed that after aerobic activity level of IgGand IgA were significantly higher (P <0. 05), while plasma cortisollevels were significantly lower (P <0. 05) in the vitamin C groupcompared to the placebo group. Conclusion: The consumption of vitamin C following aerobicexercise has an effect on the levels of A and G immunoglobulin’ sand serum cortisol levels, and the repressive effects of the exerciseinducedimmune system are somewhat reduced.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 899

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Background and Objective: The impacted tooth is trappedtooth by an obstruction on the budding path. The existence ofimpacted mandibular third molar leads to increase of in thecaries in the distal neck of second molar due to the contact ofthird molar. Subjects and Methods: This study was analytical crosssectionalstudy conducted from May 2014 to March 2015among 50 patients with mandibular third molar impaction. Panoramic X-rays and Bitewing radiograph was taken todetermine the impaction types and the presence or absence ofthe second molar caries. Chi-square test was used to investigatethe relationship between the mandibular third molar impactionand mandibular second molar distal surface caries. Data wereanalysis by SPSS software version 18. P<0. 05 was consideredas significant level. Results: The most common type of dental impaction was themesioangular (34%). Distoangular and horizontal was (24%)while the vertical impaction was (18%). The degree ofimpaction in class II (80%) and for class III (20%) wererecorded. According to the classification of Pell and Gregory, classes B was classified as the most prevalent impaction, andclass A was the lowest. The prevalence of caries was reported in52% cases. 38. 48% cases of caries belonged to mesioangularimpaction form which was significantly higher than other types(P<0. 05). Conclusion: Our study showed that the angle of impaction(mesioangular and horizontal) and the class II had significantcorrelation with caries.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 970

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Background and Objective: Tooth whitening has become apopular treatment in esthtic dentistry. The aim of this in vitrostudy was to compare 4 different methods of bleachingincluding home bleaching, in-office bleaching, combination ofthese techniques and laser on the amount of color change in thenatural teeth. Materials and Methods: A total of 50 intact human premolersteeth of matched size were prepared and divided into 5 groupsof 10 teeth. Group 1: home bleaching using 15% carbamideperoxide (CP); Group 2: In-office bleaching using 40%hydrogen peroxide; Group 3: combination of first and secondmethods; Group4: 40% hydrogen peroxide combined with 2sections of 30 s of diode laser; Group 5: control (withouttreatment). Tooth color measurements were performedaccording to the CIELab system using spectrophotometerbefore treatment procedure and 1 week after. Results: Comparing the different treatments showed that homebleaching and combination methods were significantly moreeffective (P<0. 05), and the mean total Δ E was 9. 80± 2. 02 and9. 94± 1. 96 respectively. This value for in-office bleachingtreatment was 5. 35± 0. 72. There was no significant difference inΔ E value between laser (4. 14± 1. 82) and control (3. 03± 1. 41)groups by the end of treatment (P>0. 05). Conclusion: The results suggested that the use of diode laser innot a suitable bleaching technique and did not improve the colorchanges. In addition, in-office bleaching did not provideeffective tooth whitening. However, home bleaching andcombination methods are more effective bleaching techniques.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1055

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Background and Objective: Preeclampsia is a multiple systemdisorder characterized by blood pressure and protein deficiencyin the second half of pregnancy. Several factors, such as geneticand environmental factors, are involved in the onset of thisdisorder. Considering the results from a survey conducted andthe possibility of increased risk of thyroid disorders in motherswith preeclampsia, this study evaluated the level of thyroiddysfunction in patients with preeclampsia. Subjects and Methods: This study was a cross-sectional studywhich was conducted on 79 pregnant women with preeclampsiaand 79 healthy pregnant women admitted to ImamKhomeini Hospital, Ahvaz. Sampling was performed using asequential non-probability sampling method. At the end of thestudy, data were analyzed using descriptive statistics (mean andpercentage) and analytical statistics (independent T-test) or itsnonparametric equivalent methods. Results: The mean age of the patient group was 28. 4 ± 6. 5 yand in the healthy group was 29. 3 ± 6 y. The mean of gestationalage in the patient group was 258. 8 ± 22. 3 y and 254. 5 ± 22. 7 yin the healthy group. Analysis shows that there was nosignificant difference between the levels of thyroid hormones inboth groups. Statistical analysis showed patients with normalpregnancy and pre-eclampsia had significantly higher anti-TPOthan healthy group (P<0. 001). Conclusion: According to these results, the incidence ofpreeclampsia can exacerbate the level of thyroid disorders, butthis does not seem to be statistically significant. Therefore, mothers who are at risk for preeclampsia should be monitoredfor thyroid function and should be treated appropriately ifnecessary, to prevent the exacerbation of this dangerouscondition.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Virus-like particles (VLPs) are a group of subunit vaccines, which due to a stronger protective immunogenicity, aredistinguished from soluble recombinant antigens. Like nativeviruses, virus-like particles can be both enveloped and nonenveloped. They are formed from the expression of one or moreviral structural proteins in a heterologous system. Depending onthe complexity of the VLP, the proteins can be produced inprokaryotic or eukaryotic expression systems, or in certaincases, they can be manufactured and assembled in the cell-freeconditions. Virus-like particles can be produced in a range ofcell culture systems, including mammalian cell lines, insectcells, yeast, plant cells and cell-free conditions. To date, a widerange of VLP-based vaccine candidates against viral, bacterial, parasitic, and fungal pathogens, as well as non-infectiousdiseases, have been produced in various expression systems. Some of VLPs have entered clinical development and few ofthem have licensed and commercialized.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objective: Although cleft palate is the mostcommon cause of velopharyngeal dysfunction (VPD), otherdisorders can also cause hypernasality and/or nasal emission. Velopharyngeal incompetence (VPI) is one of the VPD. VPI isusually associated with a cleft palate but it can occur without a cleftpalate. Congenital myopathy (CM) is a muscular disorder thatrecognizes early onset of the disease, muscle weakness, hypotoniaand delayed motor development. Yet do not specify the effect ofVPI due to CM, on speech. The purpose of this paper was todescribe a case of VPI as one of the main clinical manifestations ina patient with a congenital myopathy. Case presentation: The patient was a four years old female. Therewas no family history of cleft palate or lip. The only complaint ofthe family was unclear speech and her hypernasality. Afterperceptual assessment and diagnosis of severe hypernasality, endoscopy was performed. Endoscopy showed that in the absenceof structural abnormalities, soft palate and pharynx walls weremoveless. there was a medium gap too. Discussion: Patient speech errors in high-pressure consonants, were severe hypernasality, posterior-nasal fricative and nasalemission. These errors are special features of cleft palate, but indevice evaluation, she had no obvious or even submucosal cleftpalate. With reference to the neurologist, specify the VPIsymptoms, resulting from congenital myopathy. The reportemphasizes the need to suspect to a neuromuscular disease when aVPI is diagnosed and there is no evidence of an upper abdominalulcer and abdominal endoscopic cleft.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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