Doing works with facility and accuracy needs a natural body position, so diagnosing the skeletal deformities and correcting them is very important and essential. This research was done for studying the rate of skeletal deformities on boy Firoozkuh Technical School and measuring the relation of their physical exercises routine life habits and workshop lessons with such deformity. So 244 students with the average height of 172.6 cm and average weight of 64.57 kg and 16-21 of age were asked to take part in this research. As a sample of statistic, they were divided into two groups; one having workshop lessons and the other one without that.After justifying the groups, they were asked to answer a questionnaire (with questions about their routine life habits and their exercises and sport activities). Next, their height, weight, and deformities were measured with measuring tools (such as measuring tape, scales, checkered screen, mirror frame, caliper, straight edge, etc…). Then by descriptive statistic methods, information and data obtained, classified, and inscribed in tables and graphs. To define the relation between data, kai-square method was used on 95% assuredness level and a=5% and number of significance that SPSS10 software defined it.Consequently, among 244 sample, 89.3% had deformity which 42.6% of them belonged to the first group and 46.7% belonged to the second group.Among different deformities, "genu valgus" with 64.7% and “turn in foot" with 16% had maximum and minimum frequency, respectively. As for the upper part of the body, maximum and minimum of frequency belonged to "scoliosis" and "flat back" with %61.5 and %8.6. Relation between not having workshop lessons and deformity was significant. Relation between body form and "genu valgus" flat and wide sole, and relation between age and scoliosis, "flat back", "hallus valgus" deformities and relation between exercise with "lordosis", "emerged stomach" and "genu valgus" deformities were significant.Relation between height and "neck lordosis", "scoliosis" and "kyphosis" deformities, relation between weight and "genu valgus” and "varus" deformities and relation between dominant hand (i.e.being right or left handed) with down shoulder deformity and relation between types of sleeping pillow and "curved neck" deformity were significant.