Discussion about the dictates and consequences of each phenomenon is secondary to the understanding of that phenomenon, and understanding the phenomenon requires selecting an appropriate method. Organization as a complex and of course understandable phenomenon is not an exception and therefore its understanding requires choosing a method commensurate with that. Thus, it could be pointed out that the use of metaphorical cognition method in organizational studies and management is a response to this methodological need, because a metaphor is basically created to show the similarities between two phenomena through concreteness, reduction and conceptual simplification that can make the understanding of complex phenomena easy and accessible. According to this approach, various metaphors have been presented to explain the organization, each representing its provider's philosophical, cultural, sociological, etc. views on the organization. In this thesis we have also attempted to review the religious sources to answer this question, "Can it be claimed that Islam has presented a particular metaphor for managing the organization? " Our primary answer to this question is trust metaphor, hence an attempt to provide sufficient reasons to explain that Islam looks to the organization as a trust and then in the light of Koranic Verses and Infallible Imam's (peace be upon them) sentences we will also try to explain circumstances of trustworthiness and features of trustees and to express the impact of this outlook on managing the organization. These features can be categorized under three key concepts, namely, science, mercy and justice.