After years of negligence of the world community for the approval of a binding document in favor of disabled people, the "International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Dignity and Justice for All of Us" has been finally adopted on 2006 by the United Nations General Assembly. This Convention has entered into force on May 2008. The present Convention is a combination of two movements: social movement on international human rights and the movement on the rights of people with disabilities. More than half million people are suffering from disabilities world wide, half of which are girls and women who suffer more because of variety forms of discrimination. Most of the female disabled population live in developing countries and enjoy the least facilities. Regarding this problem, the Convention pays special attention to disability from a gender perspective. According to human rights concepts, people with disabilities, specially women and girls are considered as the most vulnerable and unprotected groups. However, this document, like many others, has certain strong and weak points which are, of course, acceptable. All in all, it is essential to promote the culture of protecting disabled people as much as possible.