Context and objective: One of the most important police effectiveness and efficiency factors is this organization’s capability in establishing the order, security and reduction of non-safety feeling of citizens in the society. According to the applied studies, a causal relationship exists between the social capital and social security so that by strengthening the social capital may promote the social security.Procedure: The methodology of study is applied-survey that has been performed by Delphi method and by means of seven-point scale of Likert and its objective is localizing the aspects, elements and indices of social capital in the police stations of Tehran. The reliability of the scale was calculated equal to 92% according to the alpha coefficient of Cronbach and its validity was determined by the professors of IRI University of Police. Considering the theoretical fundamentals of this study, the aspects of this model have been limited in three aspects including structural, normative and cognitive aspects of social capital.Findings: According to Delphi method and academic ability of professors of IRI University of Police, the aspects of social capital were indicated. Consequently, 32 indications had appropriate weight mean and factor loading in the police stations of Tehran and 32 indications were eliminated from respective model due to the lack of required factor loading.Conclusion: According to this study, indices such as the employees’ ease to access the organizational managers level, expressing the realities and presenting the performance report by the managers, continuous interaction between managers of Police Organization and employees, employees belief in the qualification and capability of police managers and managers’ material and intellectual support from the police employees efforts had appropriate weight mean and highest factor loading and indices including persuasion of people to the participation in the social decision-making, binding the governmental managers upon their obligations to the society, expressing the realities and presenting the performance report by the governmental managers, honestly communication of governmental managers with the people, establishing the strong and healthy administrative system, stabilizing the moral and human values in the society and behavior together with justice and fairness to the whole people had appropriate weight mean and highest factor loading.