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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Context and objective: Using and applying the modern equipments with the excellent technology is one of the police efficiency indices in any country. On one side, electronic systems such as radar systems have important role in increasing the efficiency, rapidity and accuracy of police groups and on the other side, political issues such as boycotts along with some security topics such as controlling these systems lead the country towards local supply of these equipments. In the meanwhile, the role of companies with high technological capability for supplying these equipments is very important. Quick technology changes and environmental requirements are considered as the traits of police electronic equipments technologies. Hence, the companies for confronting such environment require rearranging and coordinating their organizational capabilities such as technology capability with the new environmental needs and opportunities increasingly and variably. Thus, this paper intends to present an appropriate model for promoting the technology capability in the technology-based companies that supply the police electronic equipments.Methodology: For presenting this model, after formation of a conceptual model, the survey was applied and the data obtained from 78 knowledgebased companies were analyzed and by means of structural equations modeling, the direction and intensity of relationships between structuresresulted in promotion of technology capability in these enterprises was studied. At end, technological capability improvement model in the enterprises supplying the police electronic equipments was presented.Findings and Conclusion: The enterprises with higher dynamic capability that have higher capability in environmental perception and flexibility will have higher technological capability level. Achieving the higher levels of technological capabilities that include an integrated set of capabilities require something more than common technical, engineering and research capability particularly in the active companies in the excellent technology sectors such as police electronic equipments require dynamic capability in order to improve and rearrange itself continuously and improve and reproduce the core competences of enterprise.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Today, one of the important concerns for satisfaction and productivity of employees is establishing the motivation among the organizations’ employees. The organizations’ head managers should know which factors cause motivations in the employees and which factors are most important. The objective of this study is to find the effect of motivational and health factors on the job satisfaction and dissatisfaction by means of two-factor theory of Herzberg.This study has been provided by applied survey method. The data was collected among Esfahan Police employees by means of Dunt et al (1996) questionnaire and was analyzed by means of descriptive statistics and Pierson’s correlation coefficient.Findings of this research indicated a positive and significant association between all of motivational factors and job satisfaction. And out of three health factors, only job nature had no significant relationship to the job dissatisfaction and two other factors had inverse and significant relationship to the job dissatisfaction.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2016

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Context and objective: The objective of this paper is presenting a model for attaining the core competences of IRI Police University by means of resource-based viewpoint that is derived from knowledge resources. The knowledge is the most valuable and strategic resource for the enterprises and core competences are considered as the key elements for achieving the organizational excellence. Thus, familiarizing the quality of relationships between the both factors affecting the organizational growth and excellence is very important. In the extant paper, knowledge management capabilities including infrastructural (technical, structural, cultural and human resources) and process capabilities (creation, sharing, application and knowledge reserving) and three kinds of human, technological and integrated competences have been studied.Methodology: The general approach used in this study is exploratory mixed method. Therefore, atfirst the quantitative data was collected and statistical analyses were applied on this ground. Then, by means of qualitative data, the results of statistical tests were improved and adjusted. As well as, the variables affecting knowledge management processes in achieving the organizational competences were identified and inserted to the model.Findings: Analyzing the quantitative data indicated that knowledge management capabilities have positive and significant on achievement of core competences. Thus, promotion of infrastructural and process capabilities of knowledge management in the respective society causes achieving all kinds of core competences. The results of qualitative data analysis indicate that the organizational culture (as the bed), formal structure, university strategy and excellent management have the most effect on transformation of knowledge resources to core competences.Conclusion: In the event the knowledge management resources available in the IRI Police University are transformed to the knowledge management capabilities that are achieved through optimal combination of infrastructural resources and knowledge management processes, may result in establishment and achievement of core competences. This transformation should be applied considering three levels of structure and strategy (educational departments, faculties and universities) as well as organizational culture.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In general, the crises due to their dynamic nature may be manifested in different forms and encounter the society managers to the challengeable options in the context of decision making. These crises are sorted in a stepped hierarchy which are begun from social crises and ended to security crises after political crises. As some researchers, for deeming some topics as security issues, they have been defined as a threat and create this belief that they may not be managed and obviated by means of common and prevalent political strategies, tools and procedures.Methodology: The process of variables affecting securitizing the social crises in Iran is studied through descriptive-attributional method referring to the written works including books, academic articles and electronic resources and reputable academic websites.Conclusion: The results of various studies indicate that securitizing the social crises in the different societies is not equal and is affected by macro variables such as enforcing political system, security culture and tolerance of governments and in principle is a complex action and up to much extent survey-oriented and resulted from perception of state political and security elites. In this paper, it is attempted to review the crises of two past decades in Iran in order to identify and introduce the traits and variables affecting securitizing the social crises.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Context and objective: Job commitment of an organization’s employee leads to the social capital increase in that organization. In this study, the objective is recognizing the job commitment and its elements, as well as the factors causing such organizational trait.Findings: In this study, the effect of factors causing personal commitment was analyzed in two direct and indirect forms and through affecting the mediator variables. Thefindings showed that organizational factors as well as personality factors increase the job commitment (directly) and affect four job satisfaction, social prestige sensation, organizational spirit, and job motivation variables and through which increase the job commitment factors.Methodology: Survey method has been applied on this study and the samples were selected through cluster sampling method. After choosing the responders, firstly NEO scale including 240 items of high reliability was implemented. The researcher-made scale including three job commitments, mediator factors and organizational factors subscales and 55 items was implemented. The reliability of both scales (standard NEO and researcher-made job commitment scales) was calculated after implementation by means of Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. The results showed that NEO scale has a reliability of 88%.Conclusion: The results showed that although personality factors as well as organizational factors have significant effect on the job commitment of FATEB Police employees, but the share of some personality and organizational factors for expressing the dependent variable (job commitment) variations is more than other factors.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Police have a basic role in restoring law, order and security attimes of crisis. The present study sought to evaluate the I.R. of Iran’s police performance in restoring law, order and security in the aftermath of the earthquake with a special focus on police response and relief aids. Using the survey method and a questionnaire, 501 participants (288 citizens, 163 police officers and 50 government executives) were selected as the sample. They were asked to pass judgments on the performance of police force. Cronbach alpha was used to establish the reliability of the questionnaire. The coefficients of Cronbach alpha response units for the police force, commissariat and the traffic police were 0.9631, 0.9430 and 0.9584, respectively. The results of a single sample, using t-test showed to the respondents that, the performance of response units, the commissariat and the traffic police was higher than average. The results of the ANOVA test showed that the respondent groups had different impressions of the performance of police in restoring law, order, and security in the aftermath of the Bam earthquake. The results of the Tukey (HSD) test showed that there is a significant difference (P<0.01) between evaluation of police officers and executives, and also between evaluation of executives and citizens, about police performance, while there is no significant difference between the evaluation of citizens and police officers. Moreover, the results of the ANOVA test showed that police performance for restoring the order and security in the aftermath of the Bam earthquake in the response units, commissariat and traffic police at the stage of responding and relief aids was higher than average, as the viewpoints of all responders (people, officers, executives and employees). Comparing the evaluation of the people, employees and executives indicate that the maximum score for police performance in restoring the order and security in Bam earthquake was respectively for employees, people and executives.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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