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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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During recent years, several genotypes have been selected from Isfahan land race Kouseh. The performance of safflower selected genotypes was studied in the field conditions, at Agriculture Research Station, Isfahan University of Technology during 2003. The experiment was carried out using a split plot arrangement according to a randomized complete block design with three replications. Planting dates (March 11, April 20, May 22 and June 23) were considered as the main plots and subplots consisted of 20 genotypes of safflower including 19 selections from Kouseh and Arak-2811 genotype. Days from planting to emergence and emergence to stem elongation were reduced as planting was delayed until the fourth planting date. Days from stem elongation to head visible was reduced with delay from the first to the third planting date, and then increased. Days from head visible to 50% flowering was reduced with delay from the first date to the third planting date, but increased in the fourth planting date. Days from 50 percent flowering to physiological maturity was increased with delay in planting. Days from planting to emergence, emergence to stem elongation, stem elongation to head visible and 50 percent flowering to physiological maturity were not influenced by genotypes. Genotype DP7 had the highest and genotype C111 and genotype DP25 had the lowest days from head visible to 50% flowering. The interaction between planting date and genotype in regard to days from stem elongation to head visible was also significant. Seed weight per plant was reduced with delay in planting date. Genotype ISF66 had the highest and genotype Arak-2811 had lowest seed weight per plant. The number of days from emergence to head visible in ISF66, DP5, C128 and Arak-2811 was affected by maximum temperature (Tmax), in genotype DP7 by Tmax2, in genotypes DP17, DP1 and C41100 by Tmin2 and in genotypes DP9, DP25, ISF28, ISF22, and C111 was affected by day length. It seems that development period from emergence to head visible was affected by temperature in the most genotypes. On March 11 planting date, genotypes had the maximum response to temperature and day length and the minimum response was observed in the fourth planting date. The genotype ISF66 had the highest seed yield on March 11 planting date. The result of this study showed that safflower should be planted in late March under condition similar to this experiment for maximum yield production.

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This study was conducted to investigate the effects of thirteen fertilizer treatments (as main factor) on agronomic traits of two local cultivars (as sub factors) of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.), "Mobarakeh" and "Ardestan" in Isfahan by using a randomized complete block design with three replications. The results showed that applying fertilizer treatments of N, P, K, Fe, Zn and Mn had no significant effects on yield components, seed yield and oil yield. However, comparing the control treatment, simultaneous application of all fertilizers significantly reduced days to maturity. Significant interaction between cultivars and fertilizer treatments was observed for seed oil content, as application of N, P, NPK and NPK+Fe+Zn in Mobarakeh and application of N+K in Ardestan reduced seed oil content. However, the other fertilizer treatments had no significant effects on this trait. The Mobarakeh cultivar compared to Ardestan had significantly higher plant height, higher seeds per capsule, lower 1000-seed weight, higher seed yield per plant and per hectare and higher oil yield. Seed yield for Mobarakeh and Ardestan cultivars were 1646 and 1169 kg/ha and their seed oil contents were 52.88% and 53.81%, respectively. The correlation coefficients and regression analysis showed that the variation of seed yield was mostly due to the number of capsules per plant and seeds per capsules, thus these two traits were the most important yield components. Oil yield had a very high correlation coefficient with seed yield (r=0.99**), whereas its correlation with seed oil content was very low (r=-0.10ns). Therefore, it seems that seed yield was the main cause of higher oil yield.

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View 928

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In order to investigate the effect of zinc - chelate on drought tolerance of Azadi cross wheat, a randomized complete block design was conducted as split plot with three replicates in the Kherameh during 1383 - 1384. The main plot was four drought levels (control and drought stress in the stages of flowering, seed milk stage and two phases, together), and sub plot was zinc - chelate rates 0, 5, 10 & 15 kg per hectare. The results showed that zinc application under drought conditions increased spike per square meter significantly at the 5% level. Drought stress decreased 1000 - seed weight. Least of 1000 - grain weight was in two phases of flowering and seed milk stage together (29.78 g). The application of 15kg zinc -chelate fixed 1000 - seed weight. Treatments of drought stress decreased seed yield significantly (14.17% in the proportion of control), but zinc - chelate application increased wheat tolerance to seed yield decrease. Zinc - chelate application prevented from seed number decrease per wheat spike under drought conditions that was caused to tolerance of seed yield and harvest index decrease. The application of 15 kg zinc - chelate increased harvest index in comparison of control amount of 22%.

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View 1015

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Safflower (Carthamus tinctoius L.) is an Iranian native crop that is adapted to different environmental conditions of this country. Sixteen safflower varieties/lines were spring-planted in 6 research stations including Sararood (Kermanshah), Maragheh, Ghamlo (Kordestan), Khodabandeh (Zanjan), Shirvan (North Khorasan)and Khohdasht (Lorestan) with and without drought stress conditions each in a RCBD with 3 replications. Some drought resistante indices including Mean of Productivity (MP), Geometric Mean of Productivity (GMP), Tolerance (TOL), Stress Tolerance Index (STI), Stress Susceptibility Index (SSI) for seed yield and genotypes Cell Membrane Stability (CMS) were calculated. Results showed that STI was the most appropriate index to identify drough resistant genotypes. Estimation of STI from mean of all stations revealed that Gila, CW-4440 and PI-537598 with high STI showed high seed yield in both stress and non-stress conditions. Caculation of STI standard deviation for these genotypes showed that Gila had less STI stability over the locations than other two genotypes so, CW-4440 and PI-537598 are more stable in drought stress resistance. Analysis of variance for cell membrane stability (CMS) of genotypes showed the significant differences in 1% level of probability between genotypes. S-541 had the highest and Kino-76 had the lowest CMS. There were significant and strong correlations between STI, MP and GMP with CMS namely, genotypes with more stable membrane having more drought resistance in field condition. So, cell membrance stability can be a useful and fast method to screen germplasm and identify drought resistant genotypes. Cluster analysis based on STI, MP, GMP, CMS and seed yield in both stress and non-stress conditions divided genotypes into 3 groupes. Results of clustering also identified S-541, Gila, CW-4440 and PI-537598 as 4 superior genotypes and confirmed the results of other methods.

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In order to investigate the effects of moisture stress, nitrogen fertilizer, manure and integrated nitrogen and manure fertilizer on yield, yield components and water use efficiency of SC 704 corn (late maturing, non-prolific and dent). In 2005, a field study was conducted in agricultural experiment station of the college of agriculture, Tarbiat Modares University. The type of design was randomized complete block with factorial arrangement and three replications. For the study, four levels of nitrogen fertilizer (0, 92, 184 and 276 kg N ha-1), integrated fertilizer (46 kg N ha-1 + 2/5 ton ha-1 FYM, 92 kg N ha-1 + 5 ton ha-1 FYM and 138 kg N ha-1 +7/5 ton ha-1 FYM ) and organic Farm Yard Manure (5, 10 and 15 ton ha-1 FYM ) along with three levels of irrigation (optimum irrigation (control), water stress 75% optimum irrigation and water stress 50% optimum irrigation) were used as treatments. The results showed maximum seed yield was produced with 92 kg N ha-1 + 5 ton ha-1 FYM and average of seed yield was 7976 kg ha-1. Maximum corn seed yield resulted when optimum irrigation water was applied and average seed yield was 7041 kg ha-1. When water stress was imposed in 50% and 75% of optimum irrigation, seed yield was decreased by 33 and 12%, respectively. The best seed yield was obtained with interaction of 5 ton ha-1 FYM and optimum irrigation. Also, maximum water use efficiency was obtained in using 50% of optimum irrigation. Maximum water use efficiency was obtained with interaction of 92 kg N ha-1 + 5 ton ha-1 FYM and imposition of water stress in 50% optimum irrigation. Results showed that adequate nitrogen fertilizer slightly increased corn seed yield under stress, and integrated (nitrogen and manure) fertilizer increased corn seed yield under stress. But seed yield greatly increased with optimum irrigation. Integrated fertilizer application increased seed yield even with severe moisture stress. Application of integrated chemical fertilizers and manure produced better seed yield and also decreased the amount of chemical fertilizers and improved soil physical and chemical characteristics.

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A pot experiment was designed to investigate the effects of full, above and below ground interactions of wheat with wild oat on leaf characteristics and root to shoot ratio. This experiment was conducted as a factorial based on randomized complete design with four replications. The treatments included four interference levels (above ground, below ground, above and below ground and check wheat and wild oat) and four wild oat densities (2, 4, 6 and 8 plants/pot).The effects of full and root interference on wheat and wild oat traits was greater than shoot interference. For both species, full and below ground interaction significantly decreased the number of leaves, flag leaf area and chlorophyll content of flag leaf compared to above ground interaction and control. All traits of wild oat were reduced by above ground interaction compared to control. Number of leaves of wheat and wild oat showed greatest susceptibility to interaction treatments. There was no significant different between full and root interference. When wild oat density increased, the number of leaves, flag leaf area and chlorophyll content of flag leaf of wheat decreased. With strongest competition followed by enhanced wild oat density, root to shoot ratio in wheat and wild oat increased, which indicates more susceptibility of shoot than root to interference mean competition. This ratio for wild oat was more than wheat, thus, it is concluded that wild oat has higher rooting ability compared to wheat.

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Soil salinity is an increasing environmental stress on crops in most areas of Iran since farmers use underground saline water for irrigation. In order to investigate the effects of salt stress on germination and seedling growth of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.), an experiment was conducted at two stages (germination; seedling growth), using four levels of NaCl salinity (0, 5, 10, 15 ds/m), and four cultivars of spiny and non-spiny safflower (a landrace from Isfahan; bred cultivars of IL, LRV and PI). The design was factorial and completely randomized based on 3- replicates (CRD). Germination percentage, germination velocity index, root and shoot length, root and shoot dry weight, root to shoot dry weight ratio and salt tolerance index were measured at germination stage. In seedling growth stage, traits such as, stem length, number of leaves, chlorophyll index, root and shoot dry weight, root to shoot dry weight ratio and salt tolerance index were also measured. Results for both growth stages showed that salt stress decreased all the above mentioned traits, significantly, in all cultivars. Salinity × variety interaction at germination stage was also significant, compared to seedling growth stage. Salt tolerance index decreased significantly with increasing salinity at both stages, but differences between cultivars were not significant. Cultivars PI and IL were characterized as the tolerant ones at germination and seedling growth stages, respectively. It could be concluded that safflower cultivars responded differently to salinity in germination phase compared to seedling growth phase, and that safflower suffers more from salinity during germination stage.

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In order to evaluate the interaction effects of nitrogen and organic matter on growth and yield of dryland wheat, an experiment was conducted at the research station of the College of Agriculture, Shiraz University at Bajgah in 2005 and 2006. The experimental design was split plot in which three levels of nitrogen (0, 40, and 80 kg N ha-1) were main factors and additive organic matters including liquorice root residue at 15 and 30 Mg ha-1, municipal waste compost at 10 and 20 Mg ha-1, and wheat residues at 750 and 1500 kg ha-1 (all rates equivalent to 50 and 100%) were sub factors. A check treatment (no additive materials) was also included in the experiment. Results indicated that with increasing nitrogen level from zero to 40 and 40 to 80 kg ha-1, wheat yield increased significantly. Among yield components, number of seeds per spike increased significantly with zero to 40 and 40 to 80 kg nitrogen ha-1, but number of spikes m-2 increased significantly only when nitrogen level was increased from zero to 80 kg ha-1. Compared to check (no additive materials), maximum wheat grain yield (32%) was obtained from 100% compost application. Results of nitrogen and organic matters interaction effects indicated that 100% compost application and increasing nitrogen level from 40 to 80 kg ha-1 had no significant effect on dryland wheat yield. This showed the positive impact of compost application on the reduction of nitrogen fertilizer. Thus, it appears that 50% of the required nitrogen fertilizer could be replaced by compost. Applying organic matter increased soil water in both years, however, among organic matters; compost had a more pronounced effect on increasing soil water.

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To study relationship between grain yield and important agronomic traits of rapeseed in paddy fields as second culture, fourteen varieties of spring rapeseed were grown in a randomized complete block design of experiment with three replications at Rice Research Institute of Iran, Rasht, during 2005-2006. Analysis of variance showed that there were significant differences between varieties for most of traits. Broad sense heritability ranged from 0.29 for pod length to 0.99 for days to maturity. Phenotypic and genotypic coefficients of variation for days to maturity and the number of pods in secondary branches were the lowest and highest, respectively. Moreover, genetic advance with 5% of selection intensity varied from 3.68% (0.25 cm) for pod length in main branch to 31.48% (915.58 Kg.ha-1) for grain yield. Results from genotypic correlation coefficients demonstrated that there were positive significant correlations between grain yield and the number of secondary branches, the number of pod in main and secondary branches, pod length in secondary branches, pod diameter in main and secondary branches, 1000-grain weight and oil percentage, and negative significant correlations between grain yield and days to 90% of flowering and days to maturity. Path analysis on genotypic correlations for grain yield as a dependent variable and the other traits as independent variables showed that the 1000-grain weight and the number of pods in secondary branches had the highest direct effects and days to 90% of flowering had low and negative direct effect on grain yield. Therefore, indirect selection for increasing 1000-grain weight and the number of pods in secondary branches are recommended for improving grain yield in rapeseed as second culture in paddy fields.

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In order to investigate the effect of sugar plant effluent on shoot solute percentage, yield components and grain yield of two wheat cultivars, a two year field experiment was conducted on a farm near Eghlid sugar plant during 2004-2005. Treatments consisted of two wheat cultivars (Alamot and Zarin) and two irrigated treatment: irrigation with effluent and irrigation with spring water (control). The statistical design was a completely randomized factorial with three replications. The results showed that under effluent treatment, nitrogen, phosphorus and calcium percentage increased in shoot, and Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu and B concentration decreased. However, effluent treatment had not any significant effect on K, Mg and S concentration. The results showed that N percentages in Alamot and Zarin cultivar under control treatment were 2.41 and 2.54% and under effluent treatment were 3.28 and 3.41%, respectively. P percentages under control treatment were 0.42 and 0.47% and under effluent treatment were 0.46 and 0.51%, respectively. Ca percentages under control treatment were 0.29 and 0.32% and under effluent treatment were 0.46 and 0.51%, respectively. In both years, the lowest number of tiller, number of spike, number of kernel per spike, thousand kernel weight, grain yield and harvest index were obtained from effluent treatment in the two wheat cultivars whereas this reduction was higher in Alamot than Zarin cultivar. In Alvand and Zarin cultivars, the lowest number of tiller per plant with 2.33 and 2.50, number of spike per plant with 1.83 and 1.92, number of kernel per spike with 31.67 and 32.50, grain yield with 5233 and 5532 kg ha-1 and harvest index with 32.03 and 33.53% and water productivity with 0.72 and 0.75 kg m-3 were respectively obtained from effluent treatment compared to control. Thus, the results showed that using sugar plant effluent could decrease grain wheat quality and wheat grain yield.

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In order to examine the effects of plant density on the morohological traits, yield and essential oil of peppermint, an experiment was conducted in Agricultural College of Tabriz University during 2005 and 2006. The treatments included four plant density levels (8, 12 ,16 , 20 plants.m-2) with three replications. The treatments were based on a split plot design in time and result analysis of compound variance was done during two years. The two years’ results of the compound variance showed that the plant density affected the fresh yield, dry yield, the bush essential oil percentage and the essential oil yield, but it had no effect on the bush height and the leaf’s essential oil percentage. In the second year, the maximum fresh yield, dry yield, bush height, the bush essential oil percentage, and the essential oil yield were obtained. In the second year, the maximum essential oil yield in the density of 20 plant/m2 was 21.15 li.ha-1.

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In order to investigate the limited irrigation impact on physical characteristics of seed in nine sunflower hybrids, three 3-replicate field experiments RCBC were conducted under three irrigation regimes (irrigation after 60, 120 and 180 mm cumulative evaporation from class A evaporation pan, respectively) at the research field of Seed and Plant Improvement Institute in Karaj, Iran. The results showed that the Maximum length, width and seed diameter were obtained from irrigation after 60 mm cumulative evaporation from pan, and irrigations after 120 and 180 mm evaporation caused to decrease the length by 11% and 16%, width by 21% and 26% and seed diameter by 22% and 28%, respectively. Therefore the seed diameter in comparison with width and seed length was most susceptible to limited irrigations levels. The Maximum length was seen in hybrid of A74×R95, and the maximum width and seed diameter were observed in hybrids of Allstar. Also, A74×R95 under irrigations after 60 and 120 mm evaporation and Azargol under irrigation after 180 mm evaporation had the highest seed weight.

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In order to investigate the relationship among seed yield and its components in safflower, path and factor analysis were conducted using the agronomic and morphological traits of 32 genotypes. Genotypes were evaluated on the Research Farm of Isfahan University of Technology, using a randomized complete block design with three replications. The correlation coefficients showed that number of seeds per capitula and number of capitula per plant had the highest positive correlation with both seed yield and seed yield per plant. The results of regression analysis showed that number of capitula per plant explained 43.6%, and along with seeds per capitula and plant height 60% of the phenotypic variations for seed yield. The regression analysis for seed yield per plant also revealed that seeds per capitula, capitula per plant and seed weight in order had more contributions to the variation of seed yield per plant and explained 81.2% of its variation. Path analysis showed that capitula per plant had the most direct positive effect on both seed yield and seed yield per plant; however, this effect was decreased by the indirect and negative effect of seed weight. Results of factor analysis recognized 3 main factors which explained 81.81 % of total variation of the data. These factors were named the seed yield and its components, phenological traits and branching. In general, it can be concluded that seeds per capitula, capitula per plant and seed weight in order contributed more to the seed yield of safflower genotypes. In conclusion, these yield components can be used as selection criteria in breeding programs.

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View 869

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In order to study the effect of various amounts of nitrogen (N) and Iranian natural zeolite on the quantitative and qualitative forage yield of winter canola (Brassica napus L.) in light soil, a field experiment was conducted on research farm of Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, during 2006-2007. Treatments were arranged in the form of RCBD with 3 replications. The experimental treatments were based on factorial various levels of zeolite (0, 3, 6 and 9 t.ha-1) and nitrogen (90, 180 and 270 kg ha-1) in urea form. Seeds of canola (Brassica napus L. cv. Okapi) were sown on October 2, and fresh forage was harvested at the time of silique formation (170 DAP). Results showed that the effect of N and zeolite on forage quantitative attributes including biomass, leaf and stem dry weight and leaf area index were statistically significant. In addition, forage qualitative traits including crude protein percentage and calcium percentage in plant mass were significantly affected by N and zeolite. Increasing application of N fertilizer caused increase in N leaching, and with increasing zeolite application, N leaching reduced. The interaction of two factors for all parameters was not significant. The most increasing effects on forage yield and quality were gained using 270 kg N ha-1 in combination with 9 t. Zeolite ha-1. More detailed studies are strongly recommended to investigate the effects of integrated application of chemical fertilizer and natural zeolite.

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View 1298

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To study the effects of different combinations of auxin (IBA, NAA) and cytokinin (BAP, TDZ) regulators, basal salts (MS, WPM, NN) and gelling agents (Gelrite and Plant Agar) on the growth and development of seedless grape explants (cv. Bidaneh Soltani), a factorial experiment was conducted based on a completely randomized design. The number and length of grown shoots were analyzed as two main characteristics. Growth regulators and salts had significant effects (at %1) on the shoot proliferation. The highest number of shoots was observed on MS salts combined with BAP (2.2 mg/l) and IBA (0.5 mg/l) on the 18th days of culture. Compared to Plant Agar, Gelrite had a better effect on the normal growth of the shoots. Based on the new shoots, combinations of MS salts and hormones may be used for micropropagation of seedless grape cultivars in the in vitro condition.

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View 870

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Control of tree size is one of the main problems for which techniques to reduce vegetative growth and increase fruit quality and yield are important in the orchard management system. With this aim in mind, mature peach trees of the cultivars J. H. Hale and Red Skin grown on peach seedling at the Moghan agro industrial orchard were used. The effect of paclobutrazol soil treatments, (0, 0.5 and 1.5 gr/tree) on experimental trees during the dormant periods in the 1996-97 was evaluated. The experiment was carried out in a split plot on the basis of completely randomized design with six replications. The effect of paclobutrazol on some vegetative growth and relative water content of leaves was studied. Results showed that paclobutrazol significantly reduced vegetative growth in the first year of application; the total dry weight of pruning in treated trees was less than that of controls. The high level of paclobutrazol caused the most growth inhibition. On a commercial scale, paclobutrazol treatment would be able to give substantial benefits to peach growers by saving in pruning costs.

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View 806

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Resveratrol (5, 3, 4 - trihyroxystilbene) is a valuable polyphenolic compound which prevents cancer, heart and vascular diseases in human. In this research, the compound was extracted from leaf and fruit tissues of two Iranian grape cultivars (Rajabie Sefide Shiraz and Keshmeshie Ghermez) using a general extraction method with some modification, and analyzed quantitatively by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Resveratrol content in leaf and fruit of Rajabie Sefide Shiraz cultivar was higher than Keshmeshie Ghermez and its amount in the fruits of both cultivars was observed to be greater than their leaves. The accumulation of Resveratrol at the early stage of fruit growth (4 weeks after full bloom) was higher than the subsequent stages of fruit growth and development (8 weeks after full bloom and ripened fruit) in both cultivars. This compound gradually decreased from the beginning of fruit set to the complete stage of growth and development and reached the lowest level when the fruits were ripe. Leaves and fruits of both cultivars were treated with methyl jasmonate (1 mM), then the rate of resveratrol was measured after treatments. It was observed that the amount of this compound was significantly increased in treated samples when compared with the control; however, the difference diminished later. The fruits of both cultivars responded better to the treatments 4 weeks after full bloom.

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View 971

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Achillea wilhelmsii Koch. is an aromatic plants belonging to Asteraceae family that has relatively wide distribution in different parts of Iran. In this study, we compared essential oil contents and constituents in two wild populations under two different ecological conditions (Fars and Khorasan Provinces, South West and North East of Iran respectively). The blooming herbs were collected and the essential oils of the samples were extracted after drying by “Clevenger apparatus”. Essential oil constituents were determined by GC and GC-MS. Our results showed that “Khorasan” population of Achillea wilhelmsii contains more essential oils than “Fars” population (0.65 and 0.2% v/w respectively). Thirty components of “Khorasan” population that were 96.94% of total components were determined successfully and the main components were camphor (19.06%), cembrene (10%), 1,8-cieole(8.78%), alpha pinene (8.06%) and linalool (7.47%). Thirty-two components (91.98%) of “Fars” wild population were determined and the main components were isopentyl-isovalerate (9.46%), alpha pinene (8.75%), 1, 8-cineole (8.70%), eudesmol (10-epi-gama)(5.56%), spathulenol (4.94%). Cembrene (10%), Germacrene B (5.68 %) and Sabinene (4.34%) were detected in Mashhad population but not in Shiraz population. 10-epi Gamma Eudesmole (5.65%), Benzaldehyde dimethyl acetal (4.47%) and Ionone<E-Beta> (4.29%) were detected in Shiraz population but not in Mashhad population. In conclusion, there are differences between these two populations as far as essential oils content and constituents are concerned.

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View 987

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Seedlessness is the most important characteristic of fruit quality for raisin and table grapes. Grape breeding at University of Tehran, Karaj branch, Iran started in 1999 with crossing some selected seedless and seeded cultivars at the end of evaluation of 90 cultivars in grapevine collection of College of Agriculture in Karaj. Out of 1400 progeny obtained from 26 different crosses, 381 of them which produced fruits were evaluated during growing seasons of 2006 & 2007. Progenies were divided into four groups of completely seedless, semi-seedless, semi-seeded and completely seeded, according to seed trace or seed weight. Results classified progeny to 11% completely seedless, 13.6% semi-seedless, 24% semi seeded and 51.2% completely seeded. Percentages of seedless progeny for four male parents of Askary, Yaghooti, Bidane Sefid and Bidane Ghermez were 15.4%, 10.8%, 9.3% and 10.6%, respectively. Meanwhile, percentages of seedless progeny for female parents of Muscut of Hamburg, Ghezel Uzum, Dizmary, Rajabi Sefied, Ali Baba, Alhaghi Ghermez and Tabariz were 5.4%, 5%, 17.5%, 13.2%, 1.4%, zero and 36%, respectively. Results also showed that among male parents, Yaghooti and Bidane Ghermez cultivars and among female parents, Tabarze cultivar had better backgrounds to transmit stenospermocarpic seedlessness characteristics.

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Leaf chlorosis during both green houses forcing and postharvest has been a long standing problem in Easter liliy. The symptoms typically start in the basal leaves and moves progressively upward and reduce flower quality and economic value of crop. In order to delay leaf chlorosis and increase vase life, an experiment was carried out on Asiatic hybrid Lilium cv Canova to study different treatments of benzyladenine (BA) and silver thiosulphate (STS) on pre and postharvest attributs, respectively. The results showed that preharvest application of BA effect the chlorophyll content of leaves significantly, but its effect on stem and pedicle length and harvest time were not significant. Treatment of 0.44 mM BA on increased chlorophyll content greater than another treatment. In postharvest study, factors of 0.44 mM BA on chlorophyl1 content of leaves and leaf longevity, treatment of 0.88 mM BA+ 0.6 mM STS on vase life, total soluble solids and uptake solution had most effect. The results showed that application of STS and BA can be used to prolong vase life, delay leaf senescence and enhance postharvest quality of lilium cut flowers during their transport market.

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Because of many small florets and protandry, cross pollination in onion which is a biennial plant, by using polycross method for breeding is suitable and easy. To produce polycross seed, bulbs of 9 self onion genotypes were planted in the shape of equilibrium lattice design for 9 treatments with 10 replications on May 2002. To study some agronomical characteristicss, the polycross seeds produced from free pollination and original self-fed seeds (totally 18 genotypes) were planted in plots as a randomized block design with four replications. Samples were taken from each plot and different characteristics were measured. Results showed that polycross generally increased plant fresh and dry weight, plant height, percentage of off type bulbs and yield, with no effect on bulbing ratio and time to ripening. Although polycross increased most agronomical characteristics and yield in Kashan, Azarshahr and Kazeroon genotypes, in some genotypes little increase or even negative effects resulted due to interaction between genotype and polycross. With more assessment of polycross genotypes, good characteristics will be fixed and seeds with higher qualities will be produced.

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View 985

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Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) is a clonally propagated major fruit crop. In grapevine, identification of genotypes with amplographical features is often based on mature plant characteristics that may be affected by environmental conditions. This approach lacks objectivity and reliability. Recently, molecular markers have proved to be supplementary techniques to analyze genetic diversity and examine genetic relationships existing between cultivars in a range of horticultural crops. In this study, twenty genotypes from grapevine (V.vinifera species) grown in Isfahan province were characterized by RAPD technique to understand the extent of diversity and relatedness. Fifty random primers were used for the RAPD study. Of those, twenty four informative primers which generated reproducible polymorphic bands were used for grouping the genotypes. PCR products of the genotypes’genome revealed a total of 315 bands, out of which 282 were found to be polymorphic. Average number of 13 bands was obtained per primer and the amplification produced ranged in size from 300 bp to 3000 bp. The dendrogram constructed using UPGMA cluster analysis differentiated the genotypes into two major clusters, nineteen in one group and Madar-o-Bache genotype has been placed in a separate one, indicating its high genetic diversity compared to the rest of the genotypes. Intra-clustering within cluster A grouped the genotypes in four sub-clusters as expected from their genetic background. The results of the study revealed that the RAPD technique is a relevant technique to determine genetic diversity, genomic analysis and to examine genetic relationship in grapevines.

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View 1005

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The purpose of this study was to investigate dairy farmers' attitudes regarding the quality of milk and role of training in improving the quality of milk. The study was implemented in two parts. The first part was survey research and 6200 dairy farmers were the target population for this study in Golpayegan Township, Iran. Dairy farmers were selected using stratified randomization sampling method (n= 130). In the second part, 12 dairy farmers were selected. Plate count and lipid percentage of milk in 12 dairy farms were determined in a completely randomized block design with 2 treatments and 3 replications. The results of the study showed positive and statistically significant relationship between independent variables (sex, educational level, membership in dairy unions, knowledge and participation in educational programs) and dependent variable (attitude). Results of analysis of variances showed that plate count and lipid percentage in the two treatments were significantly different.

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Kernel hardness is one of the most important characterizations on end-use quality of bread wheat and also used for their marketing classification. Kernel texture, mainly controlled by one major locus (Ha) located on the short arm of chromosome 5D. Two tightly linked genes as puroindolin a, and b covered by this major locus and designed as Pina and Pinb respectively. When both puroindolines are in their ‘functional’ wild state, grain texture is soft. When either of the puroindoline alleles is absent or alter by mutation, then the result is hard texture. In this study, 61 Iranian commercial cultivars and 92 landraces were investigated for their kernel hardness and puroindoline alleles using SKCS and, PCR and cleaved amplified polymorphic sequences (CAPS) techniques respectively. Specific primers were used to amplify Pina and Pinb. The results indicated that frequency of hard, mixed and soft genotypes were 65.6, 19.6 and 14.8% respectively, in commercial cultivars and 58.7, 13 and 28.3% in landraces varieties. Among hard type of commercial cultivars, 18 and 5, genotypes have identified as Pina-D1b and Pinb-D1b respectively. Kavir was only cultivar with Pinb-D1e allele. Pinb-D1b allele was identified in two hard types of landrace varieties. Surprisingly, Pinb-D1c was not found in any varieties. Influence of the above proindoline alleles on kernel hardness showed that the SKCS hardness index of Pina-D1b was significantly higher than that of Pinb-D1b. Our knowledge about the genetic basis of kernel hardness could provide useful information in breeding programs of bread wheat.

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View 662

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Drought is a major factor limiting growth and development of crops such as mung bean (Vigna radiate (L.) wilczek) in arid and semi-arid regions of the world. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of different timing and severity of drought stress on physiological traits of mung bean and its relation to grain yield. A field experiment was carried out during 2004 growing season at Experimental Farm of Agriculture College, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran. The treatments were laid out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. Plants were exposed to moderate and severe water stresses at either vegetative (VS) or reproductive stages (RS). Physiological traits were measured at the end of vegetative and the middle of pod formation. Generally water stress reduced leaf net photosynthesis rate, stomatal conductance and leaf relative water content at different growth stages. The effects of RS treatments were more severe than that of VS one. Severe VS treatment increased photosynthetic water use efficiency, whereas RS treatments decreased it significantly. However, leaf area index and total dry matter were more responsive in VS compared to RS treatments. VS treatments did not affect harvest index, while RS treatments reduced it significantly. Drought stress also reduced grain yield by 9 and 49 % (relative to control plants) in severe VS and severe RS treatments, respectively. Therefore irrigation is critical during reproductive stage mainly because of the higher demand for photoassimilate. It is concluded that to maximize mung bean grain yield in arid and semi-arid areas, appropriate watering should be practiced across all phenological stages in general, and during reproductive stage in particular.

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In the process of agricultural development, sustainability of pasture utilization to ensure sustained production of meat and dairy products has become increasingly important. This article aims to study factors affecting pasture and meat production imbalances in Fars province. For this purpose, the transcendental production function was used. Data was collected by using two stage cluster random sampling from 71 producers. The results revealed that present method of pasture utilization is not compatible with increasing live animal meat production objective. To optimize pasture utilization, the pasture users should be advised to stop overgrazing. In addition, the results indicated that increasing livestock and pasture mismanagement causes damage to pastures and consequently would decrease meat production in the long-run.

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This study used a Ricardian approach to measure the impact of climate change on Iranian wheat production and analyzed potential impacts of further climate changes. The study utilized time series data for the period 1984-2004 pooled over 17 provinces. Results showed that climate change has significant nonlinear impacts on net revenue per hectare of wheat in Iran. The results also showed that rise in temperature and reduction in rainfall by the year 2100 will cause the reduction in land value by 41%, because of increased greenhouse gas emission.

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Safflower having oil with high unsaturated fatty acids is a very valuable plant. However the sensitivity of safflower to some pests as safflower fly (Acanthiophilus helianthi), particularly in drought stress conditions has limited its production. In order to evaluate the effect of drought stress on population density and damage of important safflower pests, especially safflower fly, an experiment was conducted in the field using 5 irrigation treatments including 50, 70, 90, 110 and 130 mm evaporation from class a pan in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The local safflower variety used in this study was Isfahan land variety, Kooseh. In each irrigation regime, the half of one plot was locally sprayed by Chlorpyrifos in 2ml per liter of water to be compared with non-sprayed part. During 8 weeks of sampling, population of aphids, Uroleucon carthami, leafhopper, Empoasca decipiens and safflower fly, A. helianthi and also percentage of damaged heads by safflower fly were measured. The results showed that in non-sprayed conditions, the highest safflower fly (2.38 flies per net) and aphid population (165.57 aphids per plant) was observed at 130 mm evaporation regime. Drought stress also decreased (30.23%) safflower seed yield. Severe drought stress together with non-spaying may increase safflower pests population particularly safflower fly and reduce seed yield. However low level of drought stress (70 mm evaporation from class a pan) may decrease relative number of insects and save irrigation water. Drought stress also decreases the population of leafhopper. In this study, 70 mm evaporation regime was the optimum irrigation treatment regarding lower aphid and fly damage (15.86% damaged heads in non-sprayed condition) and higher safflower seed yield (1687.5 kg/ha in sprayed condition).

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View 1285

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Rose is one of the most important ornamental shrubs of the world because of its durability, long period of flowering, different cultivars and its beauty. The rose aphid, Macrosiphum rosae is the most important pest of the rose which causes significant economic damage annually. In order to compare four rose cultivars including Black Magic, Caramba, Noa and Good Life, and a wild rose, Nastaran, infested with rose aphid, a split-plot in time experiment was arranged in randomized complete block design layout with three replications, in Isfahan (Iran) from February 2004 to March 2005.The infestation levels of roses with the rose aphid and its seasonal fluctuations were determined by weekly sampling.Analysis of data showed that there are significant differences (P<0.01) between cultivars. Noa (with pink flowers) has too highest infestation of rose aphid (with average 23.12±0.036 aphids) and Caramba (with yellow flowers) has the lowest infestation (with average 6.46±0.036 aphids). The wild rose, Nastarap showed low infestation (with average 8.76±0.036) as well. Different sampling -times also showed significant differences (P<0.01). There was a significant interaction (P<0.01) between cultivars and sampling date, such that reactions of cultivars to aphid (nymphs, adults and total) were not similar in different sampling dates. Seasonal fluctuations of the rose aphid showed two peaks in a year, in May and December. Activity of the rose aphid in spring which coincides with rapid growth and tenderness of rose foliage causes severe fading and inhibiting of floral opening.

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View 966

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Onion thrips (Thrips tabaci Lind.) is one of the important factors which indirectly restrict the proper yield of onion (Allium cepa L.). Therefore, finding tolerant cultivars to onion thrips is important. Because of many small florets, cross pollination in onion which is a biennial plant by using polycross method for breeding is suitable and easy. To produce polycross seed, bulbs of 9 self pollinated onion genotypes were planted in the shape of equilibrium lattice design for 9 treatments in May 2002. To study tolerance to onion thrips and assess other agronomical characteristics, the polycross seeds produced from free pollination and self pollinated plant seeds (totally 18 genotypes) were planted in a randomized block design with four replications. The main plots were sprayed and not sprayed, and sub-plots were onion genotypes. From August to October 2003, samples were taken from each plot bi-weekly, and number of thrips, and percentage of injury on plants were recorded. As a result of this study, Azarshahr self pollinated genotype showed maximum population density of thrips (22.24) and injury, but Ghom and Abarkooh genotypes showed the lowest amount (2.65 and 5.68 respectively) among all genotypes. Among pollycross genotypes, Ghom and Kashan genotypes showed low population densities (4.3 and 4.24 respectively) and injury, but Azarshahr and Tarom showed high population densities (20.66 and 19.84 respectively) and percentage of injury. Generally, polycross reduced population density of thrips and percentage of injury.

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