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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2302

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Introduction: respecting the patients’ rights is physically, mentally, spiritually and socially legitimate and reasonable needs that embodied in medical standards and rules and Treatment team is responsible and obligated to perform and observe it.Method: This study is a descriptive-analytic. Sampling was Census of 300 students from the Clinical students of Jahrom Medical University during the spring of 2013. The data collection was two-part questionnaire with demographic data and 29 questions in the area of patient’s rights. For data analysis used SPSS statistical software version 16 and descriptive statistics (including percent, mean and standard deviation) and analytical testing (including t-tests, ANOVA and Spearman correlation coefficients.Results: In total number of samples (n=300), 195 patients (65%) were female. The mean knowledge score of students was 14.48±3.82. The highest mean score was in the area of informed consent, and lowest, in the sphere of individual freedom. Differences of student scales in terms of gender, academic degree was significant (p value <0.05).Conclusion: The total and difference areas awareness of the clinical students about patient’s rights were at the intermediate level. The knowledge of clinical medical students was higher than other students. Institutionalization of ethics in the students and make them aware of the career is an important part of the universities responsibility.

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View 1460

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Introduction: In recent years usage of qualitative research in medical science is dramatically increased. Although many of this articles included valuable notes, but disorientation to qualitative research imitative rules and concepts due to qualitative article produce become an easy way for resolution of researcher emergency needs. Therefore this Survey was done with the aim of Assessment of trustworthiness of published qualitative articles in Iranian websites.Method: This descriptive research conducted with investigation in Iranian websites Magiran, SID, Iran Medex and Google scholar.Results: The finding show that minimum of article score is 10.76 and the maximum is 17.73 and 59.3 % investigated article scores were under 15. In 60.2% the essential notes for writing a qualitative article were considered completely and in relation to credibility 87.8%, Transferability 56.9%, Dependability 99.2% and Confirmability 17.1% completely was notice.Conclusion: The recent study shows most of the investigation paper have a good condition in credibility and dependability but about items related to confirmability only few percent took the acceptable score.

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View 1003

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Introduction: Religious beliefs prevent the mental and physical illness, In addition reduce complications and physical symptoms of Diseases and reduce the duration of the disease and increase longevity. However, unfortunately, most of the health providers tend to ignore the religious issues in their cares. Given the importance role of religion on the physical, mental, and adherence to treatment in chronic patients, a study was conducted to compare the religious attitude in people with coronary artery disease and healthy patients.Method: In this cross-sectional study with two was conducted by convenience sampling in a 6-month period through patients referred to Dr.Hashmat medical education hospital in Rasht and their family. During this period 320 eligible subjects (160 patients and 160 in the control group) were enrolled. Inclusion criteria for patients were coronary angioplasty results indicated the involvement of coronary artery or had a history of angioplasty or coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Inclusion criteria for the control group were no history of cardiovascular disease. The survey questionnaire consisted of two main parts, including Socio-demographic factors and religious attitudes. Collected data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics (Mann-Whitney U and chi-square test).Results: The mean score was 69.26±9.28 in patients and was 67.34±9.48 in healthy people. The Mann-Whitney test indicated a significant difference between the two groups in terms of general religious attitude (p<0.05). So that the patient group had higher scores of religious attitudes. The results of chi-square tests were significant relationships between age (p<0.0001), sex (p=0.003), marital status (p<0.0001), education level (p<0.0001) and social level (p<0.0001) in two groups.Conclusion: High levels of religious attitudes in patients towards healthy people could indicate the need of man to God in the face of the disease. It seems you can use these points to promote physical and mental health of patients and improve effective adherence of them.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1231

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Introduction: The Patient safety is one of the basic principles of health care And investigation of patient safety culture was done in order to Provide safe conditions for patient care. According to the sensitive body structure of the infants and inability to speak they are highly vulnerable. The purpose of this study was to assess the culture of patient safety in neonatal intensive care units of Tabriz.Method: The study was a cross – sectional and we used standard questionnaire of hospital survey on patient safety culture (HSOPSC). Sampling method was census and from july to august all nurses (n:99) who had been working in neonatal intensive care units of tabriz were selected for this survey. The data was analyzed descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, mean).Results: The overall mean percentage of positive responses to the 12 dimensions of safety culture was 46 percent. The dimension that received the highest score was “expectations and actions of the manager or supervisor on safety promotion” (68.67%) and the dimension with the lowest scores was “A non-punitive response to error” (15.16%).Conclusion: According to the results of this study, various aspects of patient safety culture including: Nonpunitive response to error, Staffing, Hospital management support, Frequency of event reporting, Teamwork across hospital, Feedback & communication about error require immediate attention and action. Since the hospital management support and commitment for patient safety issues have significant rule in creating positive patient safety culture, so management can offer planned strategies for improving patient safety.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1988

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Introduction: The eating disorders are the result of behavioral disorders associated with many complications. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of eating disorder and obesity in female students of Shiraz university.Method: This study was tested in a sample of 302 female student in Shiraz University who were selected by cluster sampling method. To identify individuals with eating disorders, Eating Disorders Diagnosis Scale was used. Background factors such as age and education were also recorded. To define overweight and obesity body mass index were used. Finally SPSS software and descriptive statistics were used for data analysis.Results: In this study, nine tenths percent of the participants were overweight or obese (9.6% overweight and 1.3% obesity) 7.0% Bulimia Nervosa and 3.0% had binge eating disorders. Also several methods were used to assess the validity and reliability of the Eating Disorders Diagnosis Scale.Conclusion: The prevalence obesity and eating disorders in female students are at a significant level, although in contrast to studies in previous years, shows a much reduced. But the impact of these disorders on physical and mental health of adolescents, identifying biological factors, environmental, social and familial role in the creation and development of eating disorders and obesity in this group should be investigated.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2806

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Introduction: The research is a very important part of the nursing professionalization and practice based research is a part of modern nursing. Identifying and eliminating barriers of research is essential to promote research activities of nurses. The study was conducted to assess the barriers of nurses’ participation in clinical research.Method: This cross-sectional study was carried out by members of the Scientific-Research Vice nursing. The questionnaire was developed by the researchers (alpha coefficient of 0.88).of total 4120, 520 nurses, working in hospitals of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences in 1393 were selected by multi-stage random sampling . at the end, 485 questionnaires were returned (93.27%) . the instrument consists of two parts ; first demographic variables and the second 4 point Likert questionnaire, which assess barriers to organizational research, with 20 items, and personal barriers, with 16 items. To assess the relationship between barriers with quantitative demographic variables Pearson, t-test for binary variables and ANOVA for multioption ones was used. Data were analyzed with the software SPSS .18 p (sig) of less than 0.05 was considered significant.Results: The mean score of 6.26 ± 38.46 for organizational barriers was higher than the personal barrier 3.96 ± 25.79. The main barrier were lack of time, unfamiliarity with statistical principles and indifference toward research. The main institutional barriers were inequality in the adoption and implementation of research projects, lack of monitoring system in research and research utilization in the nursing.Conclusion: It is recommended to eliminate barriers of research, authors develop the methodology workshops, english classes, use of library resources, search the Internet and inform priorities for research, annually.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1183

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Introduction: Chronic renal disease is a health problem in today’s world. In the end-stages of renal disease patients depend upon alternative therapies including dialysis for their survival. However, dialysis causes several stressors on physical, mental and social performance of patients. The present study aimed to review and compare the self-concept in Patients undergoing hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis.Method: This was a case-control study including two groups of patients, undergoing hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis who referred to Al-Zahra and Ali Asghar Hospitals, which are affiliated to Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. These groups were compared to the control group. Data were collected through completing the form of demographic characteristics and a questionnaire, written by the researcher, pertaining to the body image which was collected by the samples. The data were analyzed by the Software SPSS version 18.Results: ANOVA (analysis of variance) showed that statistically there was a significant difference between mean score of body-image in the two groups of hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis with the control group; however, Duncan’s post-hoc analysis showed no significant difference between mean score of body image in the two groups of hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis.Conclusion: Patients undergoing dialysis have many psychological disorders and the type of dialysis is not of much importance in this regard; therefore, adequate education and information for clients in order to use appropriate methods of adaptation as well as appropriate social relationship, continuing social and familial support and developing health policies seem necessary in order to prevent mental disorders and providing required services and supports for patients.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1996

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Intriduction: Managers with cognitionandpredicting motivationsandactual needs can respond to satisfy employees’ motivation and needs. This study aimed to comparison of the job motivation of staff worker with Management Emergency Medical Center’s Operational staff, Kerman University of Medical Sciences -2013.Method: This study is adescriptive and analyticalstudy that performed in2013.The sample consisted of all operational and staff personnel of Management Emergency Medical Center’s Kerman University of Medical Sciences that was conducted in 150 and sampling style was by census. The data collection tool was a valid and reliable questionnaire with Cronbach’s alpha coefficient 0.92 that included 31 questiones. Data analyzed by spss19 software and using Anova, t-test, X2, Pearson correlation, Spirman tests.Results: Among staff personnel average of psychological factors were 20.07, Welfare were 16.63, Educational were 25.33, Financial were 6.34 and Administrative factors were 8.16 and among oprational personnels these factors were in order 20.34, 16.55 ,25.33, 6.51 and 8.39. personnels were at avrage level of job motivation. There was no scinificantrelationshipbetween job motivation and demographic characteristics of the operational and staff worker.Conclusion: In the study staff and operational worker shadthe same motivation priorities. It seems that it is better managers to concerne about psychological, educational, and welfare factors in the priorities to provide satisfaction and employee motivation and ultimatelya better the performance.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Memory of children about painful experiences can influence their reactions in the face of such events. In younger children, negative memories, create a negative perception of clinical care. Distraction is a technique of pain management for reducing pain and stress behaviour in children who undergo invasive therapeutic procedures. The purpose of this study was to review distraction methods using virtual reality.Method: The study was done by reviewing published and available internal and external resources between 2000 and 2014, in the databases such as ProQuest, Scopus, PubMed, Elsevier, SID and IranMedex. Among the several articles obtained, 8 review and intervention articles about the effectiveness of virtual reality on pain management in children were revised.Results: Various studies used or emphasized on role of several methods such as hypnosis, distraction, thoughts and ideas guided for pain relief in children. Distraction is the most common method used for painful procedures which lasts a short time. Therefore, distraction using the five senses is one of the interventions reduces not only the pain but also stress of medical procedures. Distraction techniques, such as three-dimensional virtual reality glasses, are as effective as medical procedures or even better.Conclusion: Totally, distraction using virtual reality caused the modification of pain, fear and anxiety in children, so it reduced their resistance to treatment. Therefore, nurses can perform the procedure more easily and quickly.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Service quality gap is the gap between patients’ expectations and perceptions of presented services. The first step in eliminating of this gap in ensuring patient satisfaction is identification of the perceptions and expectations of them from the quality of presented services. Therefore this study is performed by the target of determination of the quality of presented services in out-patient’s clinics of Shiraz training hospitals.Method: This cross-sectional study was conducted in 2014 and statistical population was included the outpatients that referred to the clinics of training hospitals of Shiraz. In this study, 400 outpatients were selected between the referred patients in compliance with the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data collection tools was included demographic and SERVQUAL questionnaires. Data were analyzed at a significant level of less than 0.05 by SPSS software and use of central statistics indices, independent T-test and ANOVA.Results: The results showed that there is a negative gap between all aspects of presented services quality and a significant difference between perceptions and expectations of patients related to the quintuple aspects of service’s quality is achieved. In this study, quality gap in the aspects of empathy, responsiveness, assurance, guarantee and tangibles were calculated-0.98, -0.73, -0.79, -0.73 and -0.58, respectively.Conclusion: Negative gap in the aspects of quality is indicated that the patient’s expectations are more than their perception from existent conditions and there is a distance to achieve the complete satisfaction. Therefore, it can eliminate this distance with correct management, careful planning and appropriate training.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1469

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Introduction: The family is the most important social institution; marital satisfaction play vital role in its persistence. However, various factor impact on the marital satisfaction. The aim of current research is to investigate the relationship between job satisfaction with marital satisfaction and life quality in male doctors and wives in Tehran city.Method: This search is a correlation study. The sample includes 150 general physicians working in Tehran (along with their wives, total samples were 300 persons) that were selected through multistage cluster sampling in 2014. The questionnaire was used for data collection in this study was composed of 4 parts including demographic, Health Status Questionnaire Short Form-36, Enrich Marital Satisfaction and Job Descriptive Index. Data were analyzed using SPSS-18 by Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression.Results: The findings of current research show that there is a significant relationship between job satisfaction and life quality, marital satisfaction and its subscales (p<0.0001). In addition, job satisfaction can predict 9.7% variance of marital satisfaction (p<0.0001) and 5.5% variance of life quality (0.002) in this group.Conclusion: These results emphasized that the component of job satisfaction influence the level of marital satisfaction and life quality. Therefore, therapist (psychologists and counselors) should be considered it in therapeutic intervention of marital dissatisfaction.

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Introduction: Fever incidence is reported 25 to 50 percent. Controlled body temperature reduction is effective in reducing mortality. Lowering the body temperature is not always without risk. Thus, research is necessary for the identification of a safe method.Method: This is a randomized clinical trial with the factorial design. The statistical population includes patients admitted Qazvin university of medical sciences intensive care units. Using the convenient sampling method, 72 samples were selected and randomly divided into four groups: control, cold water sponging, fanning and combination groups. Results of the interventions were recorded on researcher-made checklist. The collected data was analyzed using repeated measures ANOVA along with intergroup factor and Kaplan-Meier survival analysis and interaction was measured using two-way ANOVA. Statistical significance level was considered to be 0.05.Results: After four hours of intervention, the average body temperature in control group was 38.52 ± 0.17 degrees centigrade, in cold sponging was 37.83 ± 0.13, in fanning was 37.50 ± 0.11 and in combination group was 36.82 ± 0.04 (P<0.007). According to the results of twoway ANOVA no significant interaction was observed between cold water sponging and fanning methods (P=0.7).Conclusion: The combined method reduced patients’ body temperature faster with less fluctuation. As a result, the time of reaching the desired temperature using the combined method was more predictable than other methods.

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View 4851

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Introduction: The proportion of older people over the world is increasing. In the past five decades, the number of older people who needs hemodialysis in terms of numbers and per million inhabitants has increased worldwide. More than half of these patients have reported fatigue and lack of energy. The feeling of fatigue has various effects on physical, cognitive and emotional aspects of older people life. This study aimed to investigate factors influencing fatigue in older people with hemodialysis.Method: This cross-sectional study was conducted in 2013 with 450 older people with hemodialysis selected randomly from 10 therapeutic and educational centers in an urban area of Tehran. Data was collected using the Brief Fatigue Inventory Scale.Results: The average of fatigue in all samples was 5.83±2.63 which showed a medium level of fatigue. Fatigue could become more severe with age, so that the highest level of fatigue was in older people with the age 90 and above. Also, women reported significantly more fatigue than men (p<0.5). People with a lower educational level experienced more fatigue. The level of income had significant impact on the level of fatigue so that fatigue was more common in older people with a lower income level (p<0.5).Conclusions: Older people with hemodialysis suffered from high levels of fatigue. In order to improve older people care and promote their quality of life, nurses are required to identify fatigue in older people and help with reducing it.

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